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When Should A Game Be Described as Unplayable?

I came across a weird thought while listening to GB's end of year discussions. If you listened to most every comment regarding the subject from Brad you would think that Fallout 4, Witcher 3, Just Cause 3, etc. are literally "unplayable" on Xbone and PS4. I can understand an opinion that those versions aren't as good as their PC counterpart, because they aren't (and really, no matter what, they never should be better on consoles), but calling them unplayable is either becoming hyperbolic (and not factual) or its a lie from anger because of frustration (assumption on my part because I can't think of any other reason).

I've played/owned all of these on consoles (PS4) and I can tell you that they are not unplayable. Do they load quickly? No. Are they as good looking? No, but in Fallout 4's case I don't think it looks especially great on PC either. Brad even tried, unsuccessfully, to claim that Witcher 3 didn't look very good on consoles.

I've put about 50-60+ hours into FO4 on PS4 and about 30-40 hours into Witcher 3...both are great no matter where you play them. The only time I had performance issues on W3 was in part of the swamp, so at best I had an hour of performance issues total (not even close, but rounded up). With FO4 I never had any performance issues outside the myriad of bugs (which are system agnostic largely) and long load times. Just Cause 3 really only suffers from long load times, which does suck but calling it unplayable is a bit much.

I think the thing that bothered me so much was that Brad’s comment weren’t hyperbolic jest but that he actually believes that. I’m totally fine with PC elitism…I’ve been there myself. The PC has, and always will, offer more than consoles can…but that’s beside the point.

My issue is when someone makes an objective comment like that, but it also makes me wonder…when does a game become unplayable? I would think we could all agree that games like the recent Afro Samurai are unplayable or even things like Arkham Knight (for some people) were literally unplayable. Having a few dips in framerate here or there or longer load times doesn’t make something “unplayable” does it? Considering the console versions of these games always vastly outsell the PC versions I would say the public, and gamers (players, reviewers) at large do not think so.