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This week's update/People are thick

Okay, this is the last time I'll talk about it (here). Fortunately for us not that many people here are complete twats (And only two people on the website didn't get the problem and dismissed it entirely). Unfortunately the people who discuss it on, let's say any other damn videogame website, are very stupid. Especially on the website Gamepolitics, where most of the people who comment are idiots, and the type who try to espouse their own opinion despite it being completely irrelevant to the issues at hand. Going back on topic, Shadow Complex, blah blah blah you know the story. Unfortunately even the writers of gaming websites don't know the story at all, even going as far as to suggest that there is a boycott. For the last bloody time there is no boycott, my guess is that it is a misinterpretation by people who were unfamiliar with the story itself. But now it seems to be used by people who want to trivialize the issue, as well as the people suggesting they won't buy the game because it has OSC's name all over it (Not literally). Now people are saying that the boycott didn't go well... WELL YA THINK?! Something that doesn't exist can't do something right because it doesn't exist (In fact that could be the first and last great failure of everything that does not exist), and pushing the lie that there even was a boycott is stopping any discussion from happening. Hell, Chair even decided it appropriate to fuel the fire by stating that they own the universe of Empire, which is about as ambiguous as you can get in terms of business speak.  
All this to say that the people who deny the existence of the problem outright are either complete assholes or complete idiots, and my guess is that they are a large batch of both. 
Also this week, rented Tiger Woods PGA Tour '10, and realized that San Diego was not that windy. Yes I've created my own golfer and made the mistake of playing golf in an area where the winds reach speeds of 40 miles per hour. Safe to say that it did not go very well the first 18 holes... never again. 
And that's all for this weeks update. Nothing special happened, oh and Ted Kennedy died at 77 of Brain Cancer. What a shame.


Thoughts on COD4: Modern Warfare

Now how many years has it been since it came out? A ton, and now that the sequel is coming out, I thought I'd like to share my thoughts on the first game with a few random people who might scroll down far enough to see COD4: Modern Warfare, thinking I'm going to trash the game which will prompt an angry response even though they haven't bothered to read the text below... sorry, I do that. 
Now the first thing I would like to point out is that this game kills controllers, literally, I lost two controllers since the launch of the Xbox 360 and I'm pretty damn sure the loss of control in the controllers was due to COD4. In fact, I'm not the only one. When dealing with COD, the movement is very context sensitive... far too context sensitive. You know, like a full push of the analog stick will make you move, but less force will have you move slower. That would be fine if your character wasn't so damn floaty and slow at the exact same time. It would even be bearable if maybe, just maybe, the sprint wasn't clicking the damn left analog stick, or even maybe context sensitive like regular speed. I'm only talking about movement here. 
Next, please correct the story line, now now don't get me wrong. I love the story, but at the same time it makes war seem romantic. There are more times in the game that the whole thing seems heroic and romantic, than dangerous and depressing. In fact, it is far more romantic than depressing. FIx it. Also, fix the reality of the story line. The first game was reserved for a while, until the end. The simple matter of fact is that it got absurd quick, and something along the lines of a spy story, and with a trailer of the sequel out, it seems as if they continued to go in that direction. For the third game, they should avoid it. 
Finally, and this is the most important, fix the AI. The problem with the AI is simple, they shoot at you, and your teammates seem very incompetent at moving forward without you stepping into the firefight. Just fix it so their is a logical distribution between the enemies firing at you and teammates, and a logical spawn enemy count in each firefight. 
Will I even play COD: Modern Warfare 2? Most likely not, but I would like these things fixed so people can convince me it is different. Which they won't and can't.


This week.5 in politics, we are a doomed species

Nothing happened, well nothing different. I've started to come down with a case of the OUTRAGE and that would explain why I'm a little bit testy. In fact most news outlets became to story revolving around an NBC poll that required people to read the bill to actually answer the survey after telling the surveyor what they thought prior to reading the bill. Support jumped at least 30% and that has come to the conclusion of two things (One of which I know). One being that people are idiots, and two being the American media and how they suck at what they do. 
Second news outlet conclusion is about Reason, the free market/right-wing libertarian website, that is out of their mind. First was their unwavering support of corporate interest despite being "independent" and all that crap, and second being their constant contradictions of common sense when talking about the health reform bill (Like the obvious one that "Government control is socialist", which is pretty obvious why it is killing our common sense. 
So for the last week.5, we've had the American News outlet just imploding, and it is a sight to be seen. For even the "liberal" news stations can't even get their shit together. We live in a depressing age when The Daily Show is better news than any of the major news outlets. Or PBS's 1 hour of news is much better than every news station put together. Or that news outlets have to get their facts from "non-partisan fact checking websites" (I prefer the parmesan over the partisan) instead of... oh I don't know... journalists! 
I might as well admit, I've been lazy this week.5, let's just say I was busy... with certain obligations *coughshadowcomplexcough* and *cough* being a lazy prick... hmm, I didn't cough the second time, how strange. Anywho, blame the let's play's I've watched, and the splitting anger I've got. 
Also, Podcasts. I'm quite happy that has restarted their podcasts. They are quite good, and I can't forget about you Giantbomb, and GameHeroes. Sorry Destructoid, but you've been dropped.


The Shadow Complex question

Ah Christ I feel guilty for buying this game. Unless you haven't been paying any attention to some of the updates of Shadow Complex on Giantbomb, you wouldn't know that Orson Scott Card wrote Empire, the universe this excellent game is set in. Now obviously the big question is how he got his payment. Is he being payed in Royalties? Or was he payed upfront? 
At this point you are wondering what the hell I am blabbering on about, so I'll just point out the problem. 
Orson Scott Card is out of his fucking mind! I mean absolutely nuts, and let's just say his funds are also the funds of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, which obvious go to certain places that in good faith I cannot lend my money to (But I might have anyways because I bought the game). 
Now this isn't exactly a small issue, after attempting to contact multiple sources, I've yet to have any response from anyone. So I get the feeling this is an issue that Chair doesn't want to talk about. 
The question is this. Should I feel slightly guilty for possibly funding some jackoff whom I despise with every fiber of my being? Or even thinking of this as an issue? I should sleep on it. 
Also, this game is very good, if you are not like me and do not think of this as an issue. Well buy the game right away.


God damn seperatists.

All that fucking 1 vs 100 awesomeness and regardless of what I do, I can't do shit. Thanks Quebec, thanks for all your successful attempts to be racist greedy english hating cocks. Allow me to explain. 
You see, whenever there are certain Sweepstakes in North America, you'll read the rules and all that crap. Everytime (And literally, every bloody time), you'll see this phrase "except Quebec". Now what does this mean? I mean Quebec has a certain rule, of taxing (Which is a whole different story) the outside "lotteries" like mad in every direction, and I don't mean small moderate or heavy taxation, I mean the absurd kind. Anyways, on this, there are also language laws which somehow leak into it. It makes no bloody sense. The tax thing doesn't end there, it keeps going on into everything. To be honest, nobody knows where it goes. Nobody in Quebec bloody knows where their tax dollars go, and I have a theory that is perfectly logical. 
It is used in the efforts of protectionism for French Canada, and this is not a joke, I have actual reason to believe that tax dollars (And I won't bother to say "hard earned", because that means nothing) go into making laws that further the attempts to make a "French Canada". I sure as hell know it doesn't go into social security, or healthcare, or especially the fucking roads. But I sure as hell know that it went into the year long effort to change the stop signs to show "Arrête" instead of "stop" (Even though Stop is a fucking french word, what low class shit is *rant goes on*.....). I damn well know it doesn't go into schools, or safety. Everytime there is some sort of bill that protects the idea of "french canada", you bet your god damn ass it will go through in a day. 
The political system in Quebec is a joke, and let me get this clear, the way it works is exactly the same way it works with the 2nd Amendment in certain states of America. Instead of guns, put in language, it is racism at its absolutely thickheadedness. The history of civil acceptance in Quebec for English Canadians might as well be comperable to the 1960's for minorities in America. Literally, there was a revolution going on in Quebec, and people were killed because of language. What the fu *Rant again, believe me, you don't want to see this*. 
One of the most heavily taxed area in the world, and nothing to show for it, nothing. It is absolutely pathetic, and we can't change it. I mean we live in an extremely friendly area of Quebec, very english friendly, racially friendly, and gay friendly as well. But, the second you step out of that zone, it is like you step onto the set of HeeHaw. I just don't get it. If you wonder why some Americans use Canada as an example for crappy healthcare, don't buy into that horseshit, because Quebec lowers the standards, Quebec screws over the country on a daily basis, and I've finally.... finally after all this time I've come to the conclusion. 
Fuck Quebec.


The reason free market is only free when restricted.

Okay, I don't mean totalitarian restriction, don't be silly that has nothing to with actual intelligent restrictions to stop people from being divs. To understand why certain regulations are important we must know people, and we do know this: 

  • People are stupid, and essentially lemmings. I don't know about you, but I killed off all but one lemming so I can at least say that one lemming is not a complete lemming but in reality that lemming is me. People will attempt to follow the next person because they are... well people.
  • People are greedy and evil. Yes that's right, the odds are that the people up top above you are evil and greedy and will look for every opportunity to stick a shiv in your kidney if it had a million dollars in it. Would you trust them to hold your money? Well stupid people would and do. Just look at the bank situation, do you trust those bastards? Even less.
  • Combine the two above.
In case this simple demonstration doesn't prove why regulations are paramount, you might need to take a look at Blackwater's history. Money=Kills, and I don't know about you, but without regulations, every business would operate like that and they have (Take look at Health Insurance companies). People go on about freedom, but giving the freedom to trust your live on these pricks would be like saying "That person had the freedom to fall down that elevator shaft, why should I help them". People talk about economic freedoms, but that essentially means "I don't want any responsibility to do anything". I'm done with the quotes. 
Now what am I going on about here? Simple, free market is not about helping people and it never was or will. For a simple reason, it's about the money Lebowski, back in the day Fire Departments were part of the private sector and people needed insurance to do get the fire dealt with in case the need arose. What does this mean? Well fire spread, and suburbs were devastated when some twat didn't have the money to spend on fire insurance (What a prick. /sarcasm). Certain things are not meant for the free market, healthcare is one thing. Some things are meant for free market, but cannot be trusted because it can be devastated if too much trust was placed in it, that's why there are regulations.

Okay, things are getting crazy here (Healthcare Reform p2)

I ain't leaving again, considering how much shiat happened in exactly one week, I need to catch everything that happens. What a great time too, because a ton of shit is going on in the span of a few days. Story one, guy brings gun to Obama rally. Story two, liberals viscously attacked a black conservative only they didn't. Story three, political haikus, and why they matter. This is Snipzor reminding you to exercise your buttocks to avoid absorbing right-wing townhall butthurt while reading. 
Let us first mention this guy, who brought a gun at an Obama townhall meeting, is a right-wing libertarian who supports Ron Paul. Score: 3 points for me, none for Paul. Here is the link to a Hardball video interviewing the guy. I noted certain things as well, one being that he is an idiot, two being that he does an insane amount of coke. I can tell these sorts of things. I don't think that this Paultard right-wing libertarian got the problem with what he did, at all actually. Which probably explains why he made false claims of socialism (Kinda like Burt or Suicrat), showing he had no bloody clue what he talks about. But rather he spews Ron Paul talking points. I ask you a simple question, do you actually believe this guy when he says he doesn't support the republican party? This guy is a total fark independent*. I swear people are stupid. 
Second story is the tragic story of an unfortunate black conservative who was viciously beat by these evil socialist libruls. He was denouncing the healthcare plan, and in the end, he was beat down to a wheelchair and sedation by evil fascist liberals... only that's not what happened. Granted, there was a scuffle, but I don't actually think the story he gave was the right one. Or I should say his lawyer, he was sedated the next day, so obviously could not speak. In reality, he might have been at most punched, but most definitely pushed down (Or fell when running into one of the union members). This was obviously a hate crime, right? Well the guy who might at run into him was black, and a member of the SCIU. What does that have to do with anything? Well the SCIU is a conservative union, formed by a conservative for conservatives. Anyways, was he hurt? Probably not, in fact, I'll bet that he was fine. Here's the video to prove it, and the "vicious beating" occurred at the 5 minute mark. 
Well what do you think, was he hurt? Ehh... no, he was fine. Next day, he's in a wheelchair, and wants to sue the guy that pushed him. If he was sedated though, how would he know who did it? Or rather who beat him to a pulp, sorry, I keep losing track of sarcastic language. This whole thing stinks, naturally the right-wing bloggers and news organizations jump to it in a matter of seconds, almost as long as the scuffle. Annoying blinking thing "How the world works" bitches about it without seeing the video, except he did. Drudge spoke of it like crazy, and every pundit is using it as an example of the left's horrible vicious hate towards blacks and conservatives. This could have been a simple overblown situation, that's how people tell me it works. But no, it was overblown to be political. Anyways, grand irony of this whole story will be revealed. The man who fell, was protesting healthcare reform, and doesn't have any health insurance. It isn't a choice to every right-wing libertarian who responds to me, don't pull that argument out of your ass. I love this story, it is so bad. 
 Final story; 
Glenn Beck cries loudly 
Is the worst actor ever 
Aspires many 
Yes there is yet another situation in which Glenn Beck cries on air. This time invoking two things. Godwin's law, and his cerebral palsy stricken child. Talking about eugenics and whatnot, comparing Obama to the Nazis. Only he wasn't, he said so himself right after he did it and before. Ah yes, the right-right-wing is losing their mind in America as we speak and the definition of conservative is changing to liberal, to avoid looking fringe of course.
This has been the three notable stories for all to read about, and this has been Snipzor reminding you all that volume is not a substitute for intelligence but rather the indication that there is none. Goodnight.


Oh christ... (This week in politics)

Holy crap, what the hell is going on here? I leave the political scene for one week, only one week, and guess what happens. 

  • The whole of Real America* complains at townhall meetings all at the exact same time as if it wasn't preplanned to only affect townhall meetings hosted by democrats, and complaining to the volume that would be familiar to those who had ever gone to a metal show (Real Metal*) where nobody can hear each other at all. Shockingly, these were preplanned by none other than groups that just so happen to be a part of the healthcare industry, forming fake outrage the way only a multimillion corporation knows. By paying lobbyists and Fox News to spew bullshit about the healthcare bill. Funny enough, the people they got to complain were so stupid, they would shout things like "NO GOVERNMENT RUN HEALTHCARE" even though: a) That isn't what's being proposed. b) They have medicare, which is obviously government run and controlled. Yes, the only thing that this has achieved is removal of credibility of the right-wing in America as well as the obvious which is no actual debate on healthcare where some republicans would have liked to have actual discussions on the matter but can't because some dick out of state is shouting with the rest of his buddies for no god damn good reason.
  • Blackwater (Renamed to Xe, which is the dumbest name of all time) founder Eric Prince is being investigated for murder or fellow employees who attempted to testify against him, and was found to be a crazed right-wing evangelical who thinks of himself and organization to be like the Templar Knights. Naturally the evidence against him is so damn powerful, he's screwed. What a shock that the founded of the largest merc group in the world is a nutcase, I mean what are the odds of that happening?
  • Bill Clinton goes to North Korea and picks up two asian chicks, I don't quite know the details, but I do know it is something to that effect (/sarcasm). Naturally members of Fox News have a problem with diplomacy, and that douchebag John the Walrus Bolton has a huge problem with that. In an interview on CNN, Hillary Clinton bursts into laughter by the mentioning of his name, we both share a common belief.
  • Birthers try to pass off a fake Kenyan Birth Certificate as real, unknowing that it was submitted by a troll. More on the birthers, crazy head birther Orly Taitz (That is her real name, have a field day with it) goes on MSNBC only to be called out for the dumb racist she is (Supposedly refused to take the offered car because the driver had a muslim sounding name). Plus Lou "Blame the Mexicans" Dobbs believes that Obama is a citizen, but still wants to see his birth certificate (Doesn't know the internet exists, or even the telephone).
  • And finally 11 days ago, Glenn Beck went on record to state that he doesn't think Obama is a racist, he just thinks he has a deep seeded issue with white people (Of course). Three advertisers pull out, which reminds me of the next story.
  • Sarah Palin doesn't want to stand in front of Obama's "Death Panel" (Trademarked) because of some misguided reason, and she doesn't want to hand over Trig to Obama so he would kill the baby. *Warning, very bad joke coming up* I wouldn't worry about that Sarah, Obama understands that the brains of the family must stay with the family *Booooo*.
That's all for this week in politics, this has been Snipzor, until then (You know the rest).

1 vs 100 is awesome

I never played much trivia in my life, ever. I'll tell you why, it is because my knowledge in general knowledge in non-existent. But damn I've been having the grandest of time with it, really I've never had so much fun at pointless question answering. 
The only problem I have with it is the "In The News" segment, which I have just played. The news they get isn't exactly what I would call "news". It is more appropriate to be called the "It's not news it's CNN". The questions were more of the gossip variety, with a couple of actual news based questions. I swear, if I get one more damn gossip bullshit question, I won't bother going back. For the simple reason that gossip isn't news and I don't know shit about gossip. Luckily the last question was based on politics, which I got right (As I got every other politically based question). If there is just a politics based segment, I'll be there every week, and tell me if there is one. 
If anyone wishes to join me in basic trivia, contact me, I've gotten so lonely. THERE'S NOTHING LEFT IN MY LIFE... 
Signing off folks. Until next time, 'till next time.


Moral Orel final season summary (Episode 1; Numb)

I love Moral Orel, it is without a doubt the greatest program ever made, and this is not hyperbole. It manages to be a great dark comedy, as well as deliver great metaphorical look at torn families. This first episode in the last season (Third season) took place from the perspective of the mother (Bloberta Puppington) shortly after Orel and Clay left for a hunting trip (Which ended in disaster, Orel was shot in the leg and Clay became the hated figure of the show). Bloberta tries to find some sexual satisfaction with a power drill (No joke) but finds out that she feels nothing.  

"Well you liked me... once. What happened?" 
In her attempts to feel loved, she calls her Catholic counterpart to get her son back after switching the two in an earlier season. Unfortunately, both sons join Bloberta's family and the hope turns up empty. She is reminded of the gay school gym teacher (Danielle Stopframe) who had sex with her as a means of getting closer to Clay Puppington, unfortunately Bloberta was impregnated by Dan which leads to the birth of the hyperactive child named Shapey (Great names). She also attempts to sleep with the priest of the town, but that fails as he suffers from erective disfunction, the kind that makes him go by simple description (See show for more details). 
As a last resort, she goes back to the hardware store to buy a jackhammer, I'm sure you can understand why. That leads to her getting a prescription of high powered pain pills from the local doctor who becomes infatuated by her scars. This leads to Bloberta finding love through her pain, stopping her from committing self-mutilation and finding sexual gratification through the doctor's image. Unfortunately Quentin (The doctor) rejects her love, and kicks her out... right after we hear the news of Clay getting drunk and shooting Orel in the leg. 
"Oh, he doesnt change Orel, thats just his true nature coming out" 
The episode ends in a first person perspective of Clay in his study with a glass of alcohol and a hankerchief maked Q.E.P.M.D (Quentin's), as he walks to his room. Being interrupted by the image of two children (Block/Shapey) playing with dangerous materals (None of those children being his), and a conversation between Orel and Bloberta. Orel asks his mom why she married Clay, and her response is simply "Why not?". She walks out, falls to the ground and cries. Only to see her husband watching in a stoic gaze as his family slips away from him or as he slips away from them. All this while the song "No Children" plays.  
This short summary will cover 5 out of the 12 episodes in the season (Numb, Help, Passing, Sacrifice, Honor), each being the most important of the show. If it doesn't convince you to buy the three seasons, I don't know what will. I strongly suggest each one of you to watch this brilliant show. Until next time folks, until next time.