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#1  Edited By Spoonman671

I know I felt totally violated by the patriot act.  Worried about it every single day.

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#2  Edited By Spoonman671
@DG991 said:
" @AltonBrown: To the console tards. I own all systems and anyone who says that the PC version of this game wasn't the best rode the small bus to video game school.  "
Hey guys, remember when Giant Bomb was a safe haven from this kind of juvenile petulance?  When did people like this start being tolerated here?
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#3  Edited By Spoonman671
@No0b0rAmA said:
" @Spoonman671 said:
" @No0b0rAmA said:
" @drag said:
" @No0b0rAmA: So ... custom classes? Problem solved? Everyone's happy and crying and holding each other, dancing in the street?  "
But you would need perks to go along with it. And no fucking way will DICE have perks in that game. "
Also, it should have blue tiger camouflage weapon skins, and killstreaks.  These games absolutely NEED killstreaks!   (please note sarcasm) "
Would you buy this game with weapon camouflage and kill streaks? "
No, it would also have to have jetpacks and invisible snipers, or NO SALE!

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#4  Edited By Spoonman671
@No0b0rAmA said:
" @drag said:
" @No0b0rAmA: So ... custom classes? Problem solved? Everyone's happy and crying and holding each other, dancing in the street?  "
But you would need perks to go along with it. And no fucking way will DICE have perks in that game. "
Also, it should have blue tiger camouflage weapon skins, and killstreaks.  These games absolutely NEED killstreaks!
(please note sarcasm)
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#5  Edited By Spoonman671

I'm starting to hope that this really is beta code (for those unaware, the game went gold a couple weeks ago) and not representative of the final product.  The game is fun, but I have a lot of connectivity issues, and there's a little bit of bugginess to the UI.  Maybe they just opened up the closed beta to everyone?  Still, I like shooting guys in the face, and reviving yourself as a medic and stabbing the guy that just killed you never gets old.
@teh_pwnzorer said:

" @JudgeDread said:

Impressions: This is same as the other Killzone games. A mediocre FPS that gets way way overrated buy PS3 fanboys who have no experience from  other FPS than other (Sony) Console shooters.

I will continue to play BF BC2. 

It's alright.  The details and animations look great.  The only problem is mouse and keyboard support.  I gave FPS on consoles a chance in '09: using dual sticks for FPSs still feels nuts.  It makes as much sense as WASD for racing games. "
I'm lucky enough to be able to switch between the two control methods without any issues, and I have to say that I think you should give it another shot.  It's nice to be able to sample and enjoy a broad range of FPS regardless of platform.
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#6  Edited By Spoonman671
@Ahmad_Metallic said:
" @Otogi said:

 have you played Battlefield 2 for 3-5 years ? then be quite 
i dont make fun of a console player when they bitch about a new Final Fantasy not having whatever the fuck it should have, because ive never played FF and dunno whether their demands are legit or not 
and if you HAVE played Battlefield 2 for years, and have run with alot of people on the battlefield and saw just how dynamic and mindblowing the teamwork can get when you have 7 different kits with 1 significant feature to each one, and you dont see a problem with four kits in such a huge game, may god have mercy on your soul. 

    Good to see the fan base is civil, welcoming and open minded. "
im not gonna allow anyone to call me a mindless PC fanboy slash BF2 fanboy who will 'rage' over 'anything' that isnt the same as BF2 in BF3, which is what he said im not some brainless PC stereotype, so he had it coming. "
Being a condescending little fuck--yeah, totally defying stereotypes about PC gamers.  And you're totally not raging over this little number right now either.

Yeah, dude, I've played Battlefield 2, and I know that most of the options provided by the seven class system can pretty easily be rolled into a four class system that includes an extensive list of unlockables and options.  If you want to play a special forces class, then you'll be able to select the assault class and spec it to match those parameters.  The class can still have the same deficiencies/strengths that the classic special forces class had, but there really isn't any need to provide it its own special designation within the broader class system.  Fans of BF2 and other BF games will do this on their own, they don't need the game to do it for them.
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#7  Edited By Spoonman671

If you're targeting specific limbs, then stop.  Center mass all the time.  This will usually get rid of all the limbs.
Think of the force gun's projectile as a ring that expands and weakens as it travels.  You want to time your shots so that the necromorph is far enough away so that the ring will hit all limbs, but close enough so that it does a good amount of damage.  If they're too close then you'll usually just amputate their legs and blow them back, in which case you should either run up and stomp/shoot them, or hit them with the secondary fire.

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#8  Edited By Spoonman671

People are going to bitch about anything that makes this game different than Battlefield 2.

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#9  Edited By Spoonman671

I keep it at zero.  It's made much easier by disabling PMs for whenever somebody replies to or quotes one of my posts.

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