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Anti-dickwolves protesters threaten family of Penny Arcade writer

This was supposed to be a blog but I posted it in the forums by accident. Here is the actual blog:

Previous Threads.  

The Offending Strip: 


The second strip in response to the initial controversy: 


The Blog where Mike (Gabe) removes the dickwolves shirts from the Penny Arcade store: 


 "   It’s true that we have decided to remove the Dickwolves shirt from the store. Some people are happy about this but a lot more of you are upset. You think we’ve caved into to pressure from a vocal minority and you’re not entirely wrong. let me at least break down why we did it though.

First of all I would never remove the strip or even apologize for the joke. It’s funny and the fact that some people don’t get it, or are offended by it doesn’t change that. People complained about the strip and that’s fine with me, my response as always is “if you don’t like it don’t read it.” It is very easy not to log on to Penny Arcade and read our bullshit. We’ve always made offensive comics and that’s not going to change anytime soon. If jokes about violence,rape,aids,pedophilia,bestiality,drugs,cancer,homosexuality, and religion bother you then I recommend reading a different webcomic.

PAX is a different matter though. We want PAX to be a place were everyone feels welcome and we’ve worked really hard to make that happen. From not allowing booth babes to making sure we have panels that represent all our attendees. When I heard from a few people that the shirt would make them uncomfortable at PAX, that gave me pause. Now whether I think that’s a fair or warranted reaction doesn’t really matter. These were not rants on blogs but personal mails to me from people being very reasonable. It’s how they feel and according to them at least, removing the shirt would make them feel better about attending the show. For me that’s an easy fix to the problem. I really don’t want to have this fight and if not having it is as simple as not selling a shirt then I’ll do it. Contrary to what they might think I’m not a complete asshole.

Now for some people removing the shirt isn’t enough. They don’t want to come to PAX or support PA because of the strip or because they think Tycho and I are perpetuating some kind of rape culture and that’s a different matter. First off it assumes a lot about us that simply isn’t true but more importantly it’s not something I can fix. I’ve gotten a couple messages from people saying they are “conflicted” about coming to PAX. My response to them is: don’t come. Just don’t do it. In fact give me your name and I’ll refund your money if you already bought a ticket. I’ll even put you on a list so that if, in a moment of weakness you try to by a ticket we can cancel the order.

So there you go. It’s not a simple decision. No matter what we do we’ll have people mad at us. If you want to talk more about it we can chat at PAX."


The blog from yesterday about how someone threatened to kill Mike's family: 

" I think this has really gone too far. We have people on both sides of this ridiculous argument making death threats and worse. Kara was certainly upset to see someone mention on Twitter last night that it would be funny to come to my house and murder my wife and children. I know there are people who see themselves as being on our side that have made equally disgusting comments in the other direction. I want to make it very clear that I do not approve of this kind of bullshit.

I am certainly guilty of being snarky, sarcastic and rude. I apologize if that gave anyone the impression that I would ever condone this sort of behavior. If you are out there making these sorts of threats thinking that you are somehow doing our good work, please stop. I never should have engaged them at all much less the way I did. Obviously Courtney Stanton has been very vocal about her dislike of us and our behavior. But she is not censoring us, she has not stripped away our freedom of speech. She didn’t even have anything to do with our decision to remove the shirt. I’m sure she is just as upset with the threats being made by people who consider themselves her supporters. So I’m asking you to please leave her alone.

Personally I’m done with this argument and I’m asking you all to be done with it as well. Don’t go read the blogs, don’t respond to the Tweets, just let it go. Thank You. "

 Jerry (Tycho) reiterates in his slightly longer more convoluted blog from yesterday: 


"The other reason I didn’t speak about it is because I didn’t want to draw unwanted attention to the sources of complaint. Apparently, there are people who imagine they’re doing us some kind of a favor being jackasses and saying terrible things to critics of the site. Well, I’m a big boy, and I can handle my own shit. If you’re a reader, and not somebody just out for a scrap, if you love me at all you’ll put an end to that kind of bullshit. When someone believes something about you that isn’t true, the optimal strategy isn’t to prove to them time and time again that they were actually right all along - that you may be dismissed out of hand, that you have no merit. I assume that’s the opposite of what you want.

Can we all agree that threatening to kill someone’s wife and children, as happened yesterday, has no place in any fucking society? This is why I had to say something: because people who imagine themselves to be “agents” of each side have now graduated to threats of actual, physical violence."


Now we get to the actual blog part.

 What the fuck, internet. I can understand a base level of intolerance for slightly edgy humour - for every victimising joke there is a victim, sure. That's the whole point. I don't understand how someone can be so overwhelmingly confused by the difference between ironic parody and malicious intent. There is a difference between making a joke about rape and actually wanting someone to be raped. I don't see how people can get so caught up about the content of a comic strip, something which is conceptually fucking obnoxious - let alone in the context of videogames. I don't understand why people feel the need to pounce on an issue which I thought was socially redundant by now. If you are personally offended by what you see in the world around you, tough shit. 


A couple of people have got in touch with me since I posted this blog on the subject. I guess the reason that I feel the way that I do is because I can't relate to someone who is being fucked up by this issue. I can't relate to a rape victim who is suffering from repeat trauma, depression, panic attacks - I don't have the mental capacity to do so - but I can appreciate how horrifying it is and that's not something I would wish on anyone, ever. So whilst my opinion remains the same, I do appreciate that humour like this does contain the capacity to really fuck someone up. As a friend of mine just wrote to me on steam - both sides in this entire argument have been completely insensitive to the intentions of their dissenters.  


I urge all the people who are saying "It's just a fucking comic strip, people are too easily offended" I urge you to go read this article over on IGN which made me rethink my entire position on the subject. Cheers to Gaff for the link.

But that's not the point of this blog.

 The point of this blog was to address just how far some people are prepared to take this shit, and despite the fact that I can't relate to the sentiments of the people opposed to this, I can't see any way of justifying a threat on the oppositions family. Despite Tycho asking for this nonsense to end I think it's important to address what is obviously fucking bananas - I would hate to think that people think this is acceptable behaviour, online or otherwise.     
You just have to learn to deal with it just like everybody else - and as Jerry wrote in his blog: 

 "  people deal with horror of this kind in different ways, and one of them is with humor."


Seriously, internet. 

is why we can't have nice things. 

Thanks For Reading 
Love Sweep    


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Edited By Ghostiet

Oh God, people are STILL at it?

It really shows how fucked up this world gets when you can't use the word "rape" without someone getting all "political correctness" on your head. I imagine that can make things in court very troubling. Since, you know, an attorney defending someone accused of rape can be accused of propagating it.

The PA guys didn't handle this crap the best way they could - that second strip wasn't really necessary -  but there is something fundamentally wrong with us if the dickwolves offended someone.

How I hate the world.

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Edited By Enigma777
@ryanwho said:

" @Enigma777 said:

" @Sweep said:

If you are personally offended by what you see in the world around you, tough shit. "

This needs to be quoted more. "
So we can find out who's cripplingly antisocial? "
I fail to see the correlation.
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I wonder if that B^U guy ever got death threats for his miscarriage cartoon.  I hear the death threat is often harder on the writer then the receiver. 

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Edited By FirstBossCutman

What's sad is that everyone is going to forget about all the good that Penny Arcade has done and just focus on a stupid throwaway comic about Dickwolves.

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Edited By Funzzo

I still dont get this whole thing. I have seen alot worse on the net. WTF!?!?!?!  I thought the strip was funny but how do people get mad about a dickwolf. ITS NOT FUKKING REAL.  So many fucking stupid ass people out there. Did anyone threaten the south park people when they said AIDS was now funny in an episode. OR is this all some huge publicity stunt to promote PA. Anyway On the rain slick precipice ep 1 and 2 are great. # 3 anytime soon? 
Also who the fuck gets mad about a rape joke then says their gunna kill someone wife and kids!?!?! thats beyond fucked up. Fucking HYPOCRITE piece of shit.
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Edited By McGhee

There is nothing wrong with this cartoon. It does not condone rape or make light of it. It's not even the point of the joke. The reason rape is used in the joke is because we all KNOW IT IS A BAD THING. 
Murder, death, and all other kinds of pain are major parts of humor. We laugh at the pain in others as a way to deal with the realities of our own pain. 
My father unexpectedly died of a heart attack at the age of 50. When I hear someone joke, "It was so scary I almost had a heart attack!" I don't freak out and start yelling about how "You don't know what a heart attack is!" or "Have YOU ever lost someone from a heart attack?" 
Because that would be an over-sensitive, douche-bag thing to do.

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Edited By bybeach
The trouble with jewed, or gay, or actually rape I guess, though I am still thinking this particular case is very weak, is that they still really have their earlier connotations. I won't use the word gay as it is now used, I know better. same with 'jewed'..  
I don't see that comic strip as provocative really, just don't. Nor do I like the use of rape culture to mean anything other than what happened during the Serbian was, some conflicts in Africa, or what I hear complained about in some deprived areas of the US. Rape is real, not some control freaks holy grail for an issue. But I do respect your experience, and interesting what you say about working at a gaming center. I really don't online game, and I buy the at amazon kind of isolated in a few ways. so maybe I am lacking in some knowledge of how ppl. are behaving. 
I'm also going to read that article at IGN.
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Edited By FunExplosions
@Sweep: Pretty funny. I heard a little about this, and just naturally assumed it was the guys at Law and Order getting mad at a Dick Wolf reference. I never could have forced myself to believe on my own terms that the internet could be buzzing with fervor over as little a thing as a dick joke. I hope they all wake up with dicks in their asses.
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Edited By Daveyo520

Even if you were raped, these kind of jokes about rape shouldn't make you all crazy and want to kill Gabe's wife or piss all over everyone. It is just a joke.

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Edited By vitor
@Sweep: Hadn't read the IGN article before this - it really did lead me to rethink my position on the issue as well. A lot of what Mike did post comic strip (whether it be the twitter message or the dickwolves panel) seemed unnecessary and super passive aggressive, in a way that I found really disappointing.  Still, considering the sensitivity of the issue, I don't think it's easy for those guys to come particularly well regardless of what they were to do. 
Still, the response to this from both sides has been completely overblown and, once death threats come into the equation, then this sh*t just needs to stop right now. 
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Edited By birchman

I am a breeder of dickwolves, and I am very offended that they would picture them as rapists. FOR SHAME!

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Edited By RsistncE

The vast majority of people are idiots /thread

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Edited By ryanwho
@Tennmuerti said:
" Internet drama. Because dome dude mantioned dicks and rape in his comic. This is fascinating.  Be right back ... fapping to my cartoon rape collection from hundreds of internet porn sites. "
Not sure what telling the world you're a lonely single pervert proves but okay killer.
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Edited By rollingzeppelin


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Edited By Tennmuerti

Internet drama.
Because dome dude mantioned dicks and rape in his comic.
This is fascinating.

Be right back ... fapping to my cartoon rape collection from hundreds of internet porn sites.

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@FourWude said:
" I don't understand what a Dickwolf is. Is it a wolf full of dicks, or a penis with a wolf-like tendency? "
A wolf with dicks instead of limbs.
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Edited By FourWude

I don't understand what a Dickwolf is. Is it a wolf full of dicks, or a penis with a wolf-like tendency?

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Edited By ryanwho
@Milkman said:
" I really feel like this is a new low for the internet. Never before have I seen so many people so angry about such a fucking stupid issue. Does that fact they used "rape" really send these people into this sort of uproar? Have these people lived such a sheltered life that those four letters could really make them go this insane? Whatever, that doesn't even matter. Because if you're going to be offended by this, fine. It's your right to be offended. But at the very least, just shut the fuck up about it already. How long is this bullshit going to go on for? "
I believe a lot of them lived a life that involved being victim of a rape, you fucking imbecile.
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Edited By Darksnughero

Oh you guys....  If you talk to that thing, lurking in the dark.  Don't be surprised when it bears teeth. 
The ide, that we the interwebs, as one.  Can evolve from timid tween minded fools to curious delinquents. Roaming the streets to satisfy our techno desires.  Is so overwhelming, and tingly.  I can barley sit still.
If places like /b/ and OT are generalized as one, than we all are just young developing serial killers.  Dancing around the tubes, underneath the dim aura of the Macdonald triad.  Waiting to graduate and take shock videos to the next level.
Flaying cats online is just the mini boss, in our little decrepit manajatwa of mental jacking off.  You nah sayers, who take this thing to heart will be the Christians to the lions.  You have to take it as it is, or you'll get lost inside the rapids.
One thing is for certain.  Publicity is great for profit.  ; )
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Edited By Gaff
@Sweep said:
" @Fallen189 said:

" Yeah, I'm sure the guy who said he would murder 3 people was being totally srs. "

As serious as the dickwolves, or more serious? Because the dickwolves... man. They are wolves that actually rape people. When it comes to that sort of thing you don't fuck about.
@XII_Sniper: I said it made me rethink my position, not change it. I still think this entire argument is pretty stupid, and that pedanticism can tear apart almost any humour in the world - and to over-react so extravagantly is just absurd. "
Aah okay I misread then. Yeah a summation of my opinion on this is that both sides have a point, but the argument is kinda futile. No one's pro rape, or pro rape culture, just for or against joking about it. 
Chiming in as I was the one who threw that blog post in here:
While I don't necessarily agree with Gies' conclusion of not going to PAX, stepping back from the heat of the action, taking a deep breath and actually thinking about it is probably something we should do more often.

And of course, people will take any chance to hate or defend something dear / repugnant to them.

Another thing for me to mull over is to what extent people confuse Gabe / Tycho with Jerry / Mike. Placing a creation over the creator? Now that's a first...
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Edited By Snweater
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Edited By jakob187

While being someone who is fat,  I can say that I don't get offended when people make fat jokes. 
While being someone who is permanently scarred by a car accident, I can say that I don't get offended when people make jokes about it. 
While being someone who is permanently missing his front tooth, I can say that I don't get offended when people make jokes about it. 
Why?  That's me personally.  Can any of that be compared to rape?  No.  I can't compare a single thing that people have thrown at me to someone who has been raped then hears a joke and/or metaphor about rape.  However, in the last six years, I cannot even count how many times the term "that team just got raped" or "I just raped that dood" has been uttered within the confines of my workplace.  For those unaware, I work at a gaming center.  People ranging from the ages of 12 to 50, male AND female, say this on a regular daily basis.  In six years, there has not been one single complaint about it.  Not a SINGLE complaint.  I'm not saying that makes it less offensive, but I'm saying that there have been people around that I personally KNOW have been raped...and THEY say it. 
Rape as an action and an idea is not something to take lightly.  We understand that.  If you don't understand that, go ahead and turn yourself in right now.  Just let them slap the cuffs on and walk out.  If you are a sensible person, you'll know that a just a word.  Anyone who honestly takes offense, rape victims included, to someone saying that they just "raped" someone on Call of Duty or League of Legends also needs as much of a reality check. 
That IGN article had one thing right:  this world is ever-changing, and that means terminology is ever-changing.  The word "gay" used to be happy before it was ever attached to homosexuals.  Nowadays, it is typically used to mean "that shit was cheap as hell" or "that's stupid" or "that's dumb".  Does that mean that we are saying gay people are cheap as hell, stupid, and dumb?  No.  It means we have evolved the purpose of the word beyond some derogatory term.  The same goes for "jewed", another word that has some form of derogatory meaning...from the second World War.  Nowadays, it's just another stupid term we've used in the same way as "rape".  Hell, even "faggot" has a different meaning to it now!  Do all those words retain their original meaning as well?  Yes, if the person uttering it means it in that context. 
Personally, I'm someone who has always believed that the power of words is only as strong as: 

  • The agreement people have with the person speaking them
  • How much people allow them to irritate them
If you were to take all negative meaning away from all negative words, then the words would not be nearly as powerful in a hateful fashion.  Unfortunately, we continue to allow negative connotation in words because we continue to hate. 
I don't think the Penny Arcade crew has acted well during this whole debacle, but there's at least one thing we can thank them for:  their stupid comic strip has probably gotten more people talking about rape in a serious manner than anything other than the Millennium trilogy in the last ten years easily.
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Edited By Binman88

I'm disappointed in Mike and Jerry. As smart as I think those two guys are, they should have known better than to ever utter a single word in response to those idiots. Responding to the concerns of those considering attending PAX is fine, but they should never have responded to the crazies that have gone to great lengths to make a nuisance of themselves. You can never win an argument with an attention-seeking crazy person. Never. 

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Edited By Milkman

I really feel like this is a new low for the internet. Never before have I seen so many people so angry about such a fucking stupid issue. Does that fact they used "rape" really send these people into this sort of uproar? Have these people lived such a sheltered life that those four letters could really make them go this insane? Whatever, that doesn't even matter. Because if you're going to be offended by this, fine. It's your right to be offended. But at the very least, just shut the fuck up about it already. How long is this bullshit going to go on for?

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Edited By ryanwho

Technically this is date rape not forcible rape, and if republicans get their way it won't even be covered for abortions. These raped dudes would have to pay out of pocket to kill that baby. Sleeprape don't count. If only these offended people who've been victims of rape or friends to rape victims could calm down like the lonely internet toughguys say.

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Edited By FreakAche

This is so ridiculous, considering the joke was pretty much typical fare for Penny Arcade. Why it's taken this long for crazy people to get up in arms about one of their strips is beyond me.

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 It's just a fucking comic strip, people are too easily offended.....
no seriously this shit needs to stop....Its a fucking joke

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Edited By PeasantAbuse

I thought it was funny.  Also, fuck everybody.

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Edited By ryanwho
@Enigma777 said:
" @Sweep said:

If you are personally offended by what you see in the world around you, tough shit. "

This needs to be quoted more. "
So we can find out who's cripplingly antisocial?
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Edited By MikkaQ
@Sweep said:
" @Fallen189 said:

" Yeah, I'm sure the guy who said he would murder 3 people was being totally srs. "

As serious as the dickwolves, or more serious? Because the dickwolves... man. They are wolves that actually rape people. When it comes to that sort of thing you don't fuck about.
@XII_Sniper: I said it made me rethink my position, not change it. I still think this entire argument is pretty stupid, and that pedanticism can tear apart almost any humour in the world - and to over-react so extravagantly is just absurd. "
Aah okay I misread then. Yeah a summation of my opinion on this is that both sides have a point, but the argument is kinda futile. No one's pro rape, or pro rape culture, just for or against joking about it. 
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Edited By GunslingerPanda

Ugh, this is still going on? 

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Edited By Afroman269
@CornBREDX: Ahh some great classic Carlin. Also why must people continue to make threads about this whole insignificant incident? Less attention we give to this shit, the better.
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Edited By monetarydread
As someone who was raped when he was seven years old I have to throw in my two cents. Rape in the real world is a horrible experience, yet I can appreciate a joke about rape. Why? Because it is just a joke. People need to realize that bad shit happens in life, and censoring people by limiting what you can and can't say, does more harm than anything. Someone earlier mentioned that making jokes about the matter marginalizes the victim, well that is bullshit. This might sound harsh, yet it was the back handed comments from my peers growing up that allowed me to deal with the situation instead of just avoiding the issue.
If I am going to complain about anything when it comes down to jokes about rape, it is all the overly sensitive pussies trying to protect people like me that are the problem. To modify a saying from Joe Rogan, "Rape is like Mushrooms or fatherhood. If you haven't experienced it first hand, don't bother talking about it because you don't know."
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Edited By Mooqi

So I played some LoL today and this guy was raging at me hardcore, saying: "Dude, in real life I rape kids like you."
The combination of "kid" as an insult and "rape" as a description of superior skill sounds funny, if not offensive, to anyone not familiar to the whole gamer sub-language. Nevertheless "rape" is a common term in many online communities that I know (WoW, SC2 and LoL from my experience). That is why I cannot understand at all why people are being so upset about the whole PAX thing. It seems hypocritical on many levels.

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Edited By perilator666

Nothing should be safe from ridicule... NOTHING! Not rape, not the holocaust, not religion... death by od, murder... i can keep going.

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Edited By ArbitraryWater

This issue has become so stupid in so many ways.

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Edited By dungbootle

It's all really silly.

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Edited By MudMan

Regarding the OP's edits and his link about triggers and how joking affects victims. 
It's all true. 
I don't care. 
We can't shy away of every traumatic memory anybody has, ever. We can't avoid humour in all areas of life that hurt somebody, somewhere. Our discourse must be allowed to raise beyond the level of, say, the Care Bears. 
It's true that it's hard to argue with a victim. Or, more often, a victim's family, that at times overprotects and overreacts. And I agree with the PA guys' first reaction: not talk about it. It's not a conversation that can be acknowledged. It's best for everybody if it's not. 
But if one *was* to acknowledge it, this is what one might say: 
That we all have suffered, will suffer or may suffer emotional trauma. That the world does not stop for us when we do. That learning to move on and deal with the unavoidable, stubborn decision of the world to continue to exist despite our own misfortune is learning how to overcome the trauma. 
Cancer hits every family at some point. I bet we've all seen it. That cancer joke. Accidentally using "tumor" here and there. Somebody plays that one Nirvana song. And there's a pause.  
And then it happens again, and again, and there's cancer in that House episode we're all watching and some standup who thinks he's edgy does a whole routine and the pause gets smaller and the grieving doesn't peak as much and eventually you overcome. Or you don't, but if you don't, you still don't get to kick and scream and tell them all to shut up. Harsh as it is to hear, the worst, most deranged, unimaginable catastrophes that befall us all are just background noise for everybody else.  
Now, a lesser speaker, I suspect, would end that paragraph with "deal with it" and move on. I won't. You are not mandated to deal with it. I certainly have not dealt with it many times in the past. We are all entitled to not dealing with it for as long as we want. When not dealing with it involves telling everybody else to stop doing what they're doing to help you deal, though, well that would be pretty great if we could do it for everyone, but we can't. So we don't. 
A tsunami killed hundreds of thousands, an earthquake devastated an entire country, illness kills every day. Murder happens, breaking families, and we joke about it. Worse, we watch CSI and Law and Order and Bones, which are, let's face it, more insensitive than Dickwolves by way of stupidity and lack of creativity. I can't even begin to comprehend how the mother of a murder victim reacts to a rotten corpse sliced open casually while two handsome actors flirt on top of it while spouting platitudes about justice and following their gut, but I imagine this happens routinely. Some deal, some don't, but nobody puts their jobs, their creativity or their lives on hold for it, cruel as it may be. 
And that's what I think about it.

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Edited By Crocio

This is an old troll-bait; no?

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Edited By Shadow

This is completely stupid.  How could anyone possibly be offended by that?

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Edited By cornbredx

Want to know what I think about it? 
Do not click play if you don't think Rape is funny.

   I am willing to bet someone who doesn't think rape is funny is still going to be offended by me posting that (whether they say so or not).
People look for reasons to be offended. If they went to PA and expected there to be boundaries then I don't know what the fuck they were thinking. On top of that, to get so up in arms about it they start resorting to death threats. What? What the fuck is wrong with people? It's a fucking joke! Don't read it if you don't find it funny. Don't listen, don't look. Blind yourself to the world. 
I have friends that were raped and murdered- I still think rape can be funny and I didn't see anything wrong with the way it was handled on PA.
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Edited By Enigma777
@Sweep said:

If you are personally offended by what you see in the world around you, tough shit. "

This needs to be quoted more.
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Edited By Afroman269

another reason to hate the internet. people are such bitches.

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Edited By apathylad

This whole thing went too far over something so small. It's not even about the comic anymore, it's about how people were expecting a mature discussion about rape culture from Penny Arcade. I wonder if the South Park guys ever had to go through this. This portion of the IGN @Sweep: linked annoys me: 

I’m not taking moral high ground here. I’ve made jokes involving rape, or used rape as a metaphor. I don’t think I’ve specifically designated the act of rape as a punchline, but that doesn’t excuse my actions.    

NEITHER DID PENNY ARCADE! The offending comic wasn't about rape, or women, but it somehow escalated into a discussion about both? C'mon!
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Edited By Fallen189
@Sweep said:
" @Fallen189 said:

" Yeah, I'm sure the guy who said he would murder 3 people was being totally srs. "

As serious as the dickwolves, or more serious? Because the dickwolves... man. They are wolves that actually rape people. When it comes to that sort of thing you don't fuck about.
@XII_Sniper: I said it made me rethink my position, not change it. I still think this entire argument is pretty stupid, and that pedanticism can tear apart almost any humour in the world - and to over-react so extravagantly is just absurd. "
I just don't personally see the real point in sensationalizing things like this. It's just absurd. I'm naturally not attacking you personally, you're an alright guy. I just think the idea that "Crazed anonymous person on the internet perpetuates stereotype" is something that we see every day. I think it's got so much "press" because Jerry and Mike have done so much for us as a "Culture" (for want of a less crass analogy). Not that I wish for anything less than great things for them, they're top guys, I just think it's another case of "Internet is crazy".
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Edited By sweep  Moderator
@Fallen189 said:

" Yeah, I'm sure the guy who said he would murder 3 people was being totally srs. "

As serious as the dickwolves, or more serious? Because the dickwolves... man. They are wolves that actually rape people. When it comes to that sort of thing you don't fuck about.
@XII_Sniper: I said it made me rethink my position, not change it. I still think this entire argument is pretty stupid, and that pedanticism can tear apart almost any humour in the world - and to over-react so extravagantly is just absurd.
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Edited By MikkaQ

After reading that article that changed your perspective, Sweep, I still find myself disagreeing. The crux of his argument seemed to be that the times have changed and we can't make the same jokes that we used to. I think that's a bit of a naive viewpoint, like if we stop mentioning rape it'll suddenly disappear. No! It's there, and it's a problem. But at the same time, look at the comic, look at the shirt, it's all just a simple one-off dumb joke. One of millions of jokes that'll be told this year, and it most certainly won't be the worst, or most offensive. There's just too many other controversies and issues around the world to devote any time to trashing a sub-culture webcomic within a sub-culture for their tastelessness. I mean honestly, how many people actually come to them and their comics for life lessons? No one. And I understand it's not about condoning or not condoning rape, it's about not condoning a rape culture. But that once again, goes back to sticking your head in the sand. Ignoring the issue doesn't solve the goddamn problem. 

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Edited By bravetoaster
@CL60 said:
" I fail to see how a fake creature raping somebody is offensive. "