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My Top Ten Games of 2015

2015 was a year in which I had burnout with video games. I still loved them, but I just didn't have it in me to play them in the same frequency or passion that I usually had. This was nothing really to do with the quality of games, but more with my own life. I just could not bring myself to play games for hours at a time. I had a lot of other things going on in my life and I just found games to be one of the opportunity costs in distributing my leisure time among activities and obligations.

Having said that, I have been working on 2015 games in the months and year since, and this list will develop as I play the games of 2015 that caught my eye. My platforms of choice were the PS4 and the PC, although the Xbox One had a few reasons to be turned on and the Wii U was unfortunately languishing in the corner gathering dust.

List items

  • While not quite the masterpiece that I felt the 2011 Mortal Kombat was, Mortal Kombat X is an incredibly fun and brutal fighting game with a fantastic story mode (probably the 2nd best ever in the genre) and satisfying responsive fights. The multiplayer is more stable than last time and while the roster is unfortunately reduced it remains concentrated and unique. I love Mortal Kombat and this is a damn fine Mortal Kombat game.

  • A horror experience focused on a group of teenagers being stalked by nefarious entities on a cold dark mountain, this is a game capturing the essence of all the 90's horror films with a similar setting. Plays like Heavy Rain or the Telltale games, but stands out with its gorgeous visuals, surprising story turns and sense of authenticity and dedication to what it is trying to accomplish. Helps that I played it over Halloween weekend. An excellent experience.

  • Its football with cars, not much more to say about it. Ok, it also happens to be elegant in design, easy to play but hard to master cliche is suitable for its mechanics. The online is a pleasure to play, especially with friends, and it is surprisingly satisfying to score in an online match against human opponents. I also got it as part of PSN Gold Membership, so I can't argue with that.