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@nutter: I'm with you. Came in a TKK, so didn't experience vanilla Destiny, but I'm holding off on Destiny 2 until the TKK equivalent DLC comes out for that.

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  1. Destiny: The Taken King
  2. Inside
  3. Wolfenstein II
  4. Doom
  5. Ori and the Blind Forest
  6. PUBG
  7. Halo 5
  8. The Witness
  9. Fallout 4
  10. Hitman
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Skate 4 or a HD version of any of Skate 1 - 3.

Definitely this, and a new Halo announcement I guess.

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Jeff, Ryan, Dan, Brad on camera.

Drew, Vinny in the control room.

(of course, all on camera as often as possible)

Alex, Danny, Abby and Rorie are great too, but the above is the Dream Team. There has been no GB member I didn't like.

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From this list I've already tried: Venison, Rabbit, Duck, Turkey, Ostrich, Pheasant, and Wild Boar.

I voted for alligator. I love snakes, so they're out. In fact, they're the only animal I can think of that I wouldn't eat. (Including humans! :p). Joking aside, I probably wouldn't eat any ape/monkey (I know they're not the same) either.

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#6  Edited By TopCat88

When the stream is done solo, the game being played is the definining factor as to whether I watch it.

When it's a group show, I'll at least start watching it, regardless of what's being played. UPF is too long for me to watch it all every week.

In this case, I have no interest in MH:W so I have no interest in this stream. That's not a slight on Jason, whom I like a lot. To be honest, my interest in Monster Hunter is so low, I doubt I'll watch even the QL. It's likely I'm the one missing out, certainly not Jason, nor other shows the site puts out.

I would never want anyone to stop doing any stream they want to do. I'm sure it found an audience.

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I was a University in 2008 (2nd year of 3). GTA 4 was the first and only game I went to a midnight launch to buy.

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#9  Edited By TopCat88

I was in Tokyo and Osaka last year, and I went to Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, and Fukuoka in 2009.

JR pass or night busses are the way to go if you want to see more than one city. Night busses are cheaper than the bullet train (Shinkansen) and are pretty comfortable for a nights sleep if you can deal with the occasionally slightly bumpy road/traffic noise. However, these issues are mild in Japan compared to Vietnam/Laos where I've also used night busses. Also, using a night bus saves you a night in a hotel if $$$s are an issue. However, consider taking a bullet train at least once too, because they're cool. (Don't be late) - That goes for all public transport.

Try a capsule hotel at least once. They're a thing, and they're cool if you're not claustraphobic or a very large person.

Tokyo is great; it takes 10 days minimum to see ALL of it properly, but you don't need to go that far. 3-4 nights will be sufficient. Plan and look up what you want to do because that city has IT ALL and if you plan to just wander around and see what you find, (you'll find a lot of great stuff!), you might miss out on something you'll regret not seeing/doing.

Kyoto is a 100% must see! It's pretty much central, it's beautiful, it's friendly and it's unforgettable. It's a reasonably small place (3 days-ish), but you may want to stay longer just to soak it in.

April is prime Cherry Blossom season, so you'll see some of that I'm sure. I was in Osaka in March and we found 1 tree that had already bloomed. That was special in it's own way, but when they're all out it must be a wonderful sight. Tokyo tree's tend to bloom first if I remember right (this may be artifically encouraged but I don't know).

Osaka is a cool town, but not essential I guess. That's not to say don't go. Decide for yourself.

GO to Nagasaki or Hiroshima if you have any interest at all in the history. It's not nice, it's heartbreaking, but you'll remember it and more importantly get a totally different perspective on the horrors of it. You can't understand it fully until you see the museums. I only went to Nagasaki, but I'll never forget what I saw. They're done very well.

Mt Fuji: Definitely get a look at it, and if you have any hiking experience, climb it. I did and WOW! It's not too tough, but you need to be prepared. I won't go into details here, but if you want some advice, I did a whole heap of research on it I can share with you. Just ask.Edit: My gf just reminded me that it's only open in the summer! Whoops!

Tokyo->Kyoto should be done back to back in my opinion. The contrast between the two is what helps to make Kyoto so memorable.

I'm certainly not the biggest expert on Japan, but if you want any extra questions answered, I'll do my best. Enjoy it!

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#10  Edited By TopCat88

If either is removed from the entire world (i.e nobody can have the one I choose to give up), I'd give up alcohol. It wouldn't be my choice, but better for the world.

I know this isn't the question, so...

If it's just from my life, I choose to lose video games. Movies and music are more important to me and I gotta have my drinks. I watch more GB than I play games anyway. This was my poll choice.