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#1  Edited By TrafalgarLaw

@falconer said:

@trafalgarlaw said:

Look, I used to defend microtransactions if it was just a means to get stuff faster. It's not anymore, they now impact game design by letting non-payers have much and much slower access to stuff. I really hope I'm wrong but I can see in two-three years every game having microtransaction, at least for Microsoft & Sony 1st party devs. I will shun those games that make me grind for items/unlocks and hold a $5 loot pack in front of my face.

Grinding in Forza is nothing new, and the in game economy as far as credits go isn't completely ass backwards like the car tokens are. Please know what you're talking about before bitching about, and not just for the sake of bitching about it.

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Can you spot the differences?

On the upper end, our goal is to make the truly elite cars feel really exclusive. As a result, the top-end cars in Forza Motorsport 5 will cost significantly more in tokens than they would if you earned them with in-game credits. In the past, expensive cars could be purchased with very few tokens (not in proportion with the amount of effort required to earn the cars through racing), thus allowing players willing to spend tokens to jump straight into the most exclusive cars in the game. Now, we’ve made token prices equal to in-game credit prices. For those who want to spend some extra real money and get those exclusive cars, they’ll have that option, but they will no longer devalue the hard work of those who earned the cars through racing and building up in-game credits. Either way, expensive cars will have real rarity.

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How much per token again? How many credits do you get after one race?
Turn 10

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You *could* make a trip to germany and get one in a store, I heard they're all just sitting on shelves right now.

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That sucks duder, they're refurbishing already? Maybe it's a get the Wii U.

Good luck getting a working One.

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@trafalgarlaw said:

@falconer said:

@trafalgarlaw said:

If you bought Forza 5, you're part of the problem. These money-hungry devs should learn on-disc content (for a $60 premium I might add) comes first, DLC/microtransactions later. This is just adding insult to injury.

If this is all you have to say, you're adding nothing of value to the discussion.

I called them out with Forza Horizon, which was an experiment on how far they could go with microtransaction and I got comments like yours. Nowadays, if almost no one would buy/spend on microtransactions...devs aren't going to come out and say "Ok, we understand...microtransactions were wrong." They'll just keep it in anyway, there is no upkeep on it. The only way you'll get a message through is by not buying it or buying it used.

They are obviously working if every fucking game today has them in one form or another. Maybe, just maybe, some people actually don't mind paying $2.99 for a gun skin in Call of Duty....but then again they are probably wrong. I mean, how dare they decide what to do with their own money?

Of course some devs will push it too far and it will blow up in their face (see Forza 5) and they'll be forced to do something about it. But to just sit there and call people "part of the problem" expecting games to never have microtransactions anymore is delusional. It is what it is and the numbers are against you.

Look, I used to defend microtransactions if it was just a means to get stuff faster. It's not anymore, they now impact game design by letting non-payers have much and much slower access to stuff. I really hope I'm wrong but I can see in two-three years every game having microtransaction, at least for Microsoft & Sony 1st party devs. I will shun those games that make me grind for items/unlocks and hold a $5 loot pack in front of my face.

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#5  Edited By TrafalgarLaw

@extomar said:

I am not sure I'd say it is "money-hungry devs that are the issue" but this stuff is in all of the "first party release" games which indicates it is "edict from above".

Microsoft pays their paychecks, right? Also the bonusses from garnering big amounts of sales i.e. profits on DLC/microtransactions, no? It's not like Microsoft is a slave driver and Turn-10 has no say or profit in it at all.

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#6  Edited By TrafalgarLaw

@falconer said:

@trafalgarlaw said:

If you bought Forza 5, you're part of the problem. These money-hungry devs should learn on-disc content (for a $60 premium I might add) comes first, DLC/microtransactions later. This is just adding insult to injury.

If this is all you have to say, you're adding nothing of value to the discussion.

I called them out with Forza Horizon, which was an experiment on how far they could go with microtransaction and I got comments like yours. Nowadays, if almost no one would buy/spend on microtransactions...devs aren't going to come out and say "Ok, we understand...microtransactions were wrong." They'll just keep it in anyway, there is no upkeep on it. The only way you'll get a message through is by not buying it or buying it used.

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#7  Edited By TrafalgarLaw

If you bought Forza 5, you're part of the problem. These money-hungry devs should learn on-disc content (for a $60 premium I might add) comes first, DLC/microtransactions later. This is just adding insult to injury.

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#9  Edited By TrafalgarLaw

Ubisoft Buys Trials HD Developer Announces Rally Racer MotoHeroz for WiiWare

A Woman Who Pours Tea Using Her Feet, a Skateboarding Goat, and 300,000 Pieces of Art – They Draw, He Colors

'LEGO Breaking Bad' Is Good So Far.

The Xbox One? Punch It.

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If you really wants to get together with your family (and family-in-law), it could also be done outside of thanksgiving. Maybe not as easy but still possible. The thing you're getting angry about is just consumerism in general and poor(?) family values, but people still have the right to exert both. Not spending time with family on thanksgiving doesn't automatically make you an asshole and you shouldn't judge those that move up thanksgiving plans for Black Friday.