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The best thing I've seen on Giant Bomb thus far...

Pong...check out the Pong page.
Nothing special yet, eh?
Go to the bottom, check locations.
Someone seems to have absolute knowledge that Pong is set on Earth. I mean, really, come on, how can you know that?
Space Invaders, sure. You got a backstory and everything but Pong? Really?
Naaah. I think that's hilarious ^_^


Dark Knight, New Laptop, BRAD COMMENT?!
What the hell just happened to me.
In 24 hours I bought a new laptop (yays!), saw the Dark Knight (yays!), bought a ticket to see it again tomorrow (uber-geek yays!) and realised I got a comment from Brad.
I mean, I knew that the Bombstaff would be taking an active part in the community but a comment? A blog comment from Brad? As in he actually read my blog, and commented on it?
That's like...far out.
I suppose it's my own fault for getting kinda freak-out-ish about it. I know that the guys who run this site are just regular dudes. But stil, I seem to have a habit of raising people I respect up on a pedestal and admiring them the same way I admire celebrities. I mean, celebrities are people too right? They all have to shower, eat, drink, go to the toilet and all that, right? Right...?

Meh, to hell with it, I'll big these guys up as celebrities my entire life, anyway.
I'd much rather read about how these guys are doing than hear about Britney's latest 'crazy antics'...


(the human showed me kindness!)


Progress, thou art a devilish fiend.

I think I get why people sleep now. I'm absolutely shattered. And I'm only on 41 points ;_;
I'm betting people beat me to every submission I've made as well, so I won't be getting anymore.
That said, pictures are all accepted or denied (yays!) and the smallest of my text entries is sorted. Now to wait and see what they think for the long ones, and boy...are they long.

Peace out, homies.


(I feel like a chimp in a cage...)


Who would have thought...

Who would have thought that the best transition in songs right now would be from Balls to the Wall by Accept, to Ocean Rain by Echo and the Bunnymen. Seriously, Accept just released all my anger at the world and Echo just enhances my mellow feeling.
I didn't even know I had this song on my iPod...
Maybe I won't storm up a riot. I might just have a polite gentlemanly discussion about how I want my money.
Or I'll blackmail them. But civily.
More money for games =D


(like a docile chimp rocking to sleep, I ponder...)


Oh god, I'm gonna go apeshit tomorrow...

So after a long hard shift at work (...I hate McDonalds...) I finished at 12, pedded home and checked my bank balance online.
...They forgot...
They forgot.
They. Forgot.
I gave them 2 and a half weeks notice instead of 4 days notice for when to put my holiday pay in and they FORGOT. Dammit!
I was so looking forwards to buying a new laptop for video editing and Giant Bomb. But no. THEY! FORGOT!
That's final, I am going down there and I am rioting up a freakin' storm in about 4 hours. No 3 hours. No, 2 hours and 45 minutes. No, I was closer before, 3 hours and 45 minutes. But still. Gaaaaargh! Either they forgot to pay me properly, or suddenly the UK Government taxes 17 year olds 60% of their wages. And that can't be right.Can it...? o_O;


("you cut out his brain, you bloody baboon!")


This blog is about to crumble...

I say this as an estimation based on past experiences. Blogs usually last as long as I have days off work and today I'm back to work.Of course, I'm here now, but that's just because the dudes in the kitchen are tiling and making one hell of a racket at the same time. I wanted to carry on sleeping ;_;
Though in all fairness I have tomorrow off work. And I'm picking up a new laptop then too, so chaa, shizz should be perfect conditions to update this blog! Go me. But then I'll spend all evening amping myself up for Dark Knight, probably playing Rock Band to release all my energy.
How good is that game? It's insane. I love that game with an absolute passion. I mean, I was gonna pick it up anyway (despite the price difference literally being twice of that in America, once you've taken deflation or inflation or whatever it's called into account) but the NIN (Nine Inch Nails) track pack just sold it for me.
There's something about the harsh, raw, intensity of Reznors drumming, vocals and guitar riffing that I couldn't pass up. Dude knows how to constuct a song.
Plus, when you take into account DLC for The Hives, Weezer and Garbage, as a rock enthusiast and a gamer, it'd be blasphemy not to pick it up (despite the price difference literally being twice of that in America, once you've taken deflation or inflation or whatever it's called into account...seriously, that game was fucking expensive.)
I might pick up Battlefield. That is if I have any money after I've bought a laptop, a new mic for my camera and paid my rent. But then I've heard Battlefield is just like the shizzle, so I might skip out on the mic for a few weeks. We'll have to see how it all rolls around.
I'll update with a development on the subject in a bit.


(Get your stinking paws off of me, you damn dirty ape!)


Low and behold, the beast doth live unto its second day!

Day 2. Things are looking...fresh. Well. That's a lie, things are looking mostly the same except for that the forums have expanded at a rate faster than the universe itself expands. But that was to be expected. I anticipate the reason that we've not seen a massive amount of change is that the Bombstaff have been working their tits off trying to keep up with the amount of submissions we post. Good work, guys, keep it up. This was exactly the idea. The more (logical) content you submit, the happier we'll all be. Until Ryan gets no sleep for 10 days and goes bonkers anyway. That'll be kinda sad...
On the upside, 19 points, man! Whoop! A whole 19 points, and that's just from slamming pictures on the Metal Gear Solid page. I keep up like this I'll have my full thousand in...50 days...>_<;
And if any of you upperclass bitches comes bragging to me about "Oooh, i've got my full thousand!" then I swear to god, I will spam the hell out of your profile!
Just kidding. I wouldn't do that. I have a life.
...of sitting here at my computer feeling sorry for myself...
Damn, full circle.
You guys suck.
Go die.
In Prince of Persia style so you think you're safe and Nope, you've slipped again.


(are the monkeys still watching?)


Blog 1.5.: Extended retard edition.

Okay, so I forgot to mention something in my last blog (a whole 20 seconds ago =/) and decided that this point was warranted an expansion/sequel of the past one.
How freaking cool is the fanboy system? Seriously. It's like I get to pledge my allegiance to my preferred company (or PC...)
In particular, I'm loving that I got given Solid...sorry, Old Snake as my icon. That's just the shizzle, and I don't think I'll be altering that anytime soon.
But yeah, that's all I had to say.
You may now return to your actively scheduled lives.



I must not reference expected explosions in this blog.

And Giant Bomb is a go!
Sheesh. Good work on that guys, Just feels like yesterday I was scouting around to see what Jeff was up to and found The Giant Bomb Blog. Come to think of it, that must have been about 4 months ago now. Once again: Sheesh.
This is exciting. For far too many reasons than I can be bothered to go into. But it's nice when every now and then, you get excited about being a part of a community, and I feel most gaming sites have been letting us down recently in that aspect. And the rise of corporate E3 didn't help either. So it's nice that Jeff, Ryan and the whole crew gave us something that we can call our own (whilst paying appropriate levels of respect to the Gods that they are)
So yeah. Here we are, along for the ride.
I hope to have much fun here, and I hope everyone else does too.
Let's kick this thing off with a bang!
Damn, so close ;_;
