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#1  Edited By Tyrrael

@lego_my_eggo: I mainly use it to keep track of downloads too, but to make it less organized just seems like an odd choice. There's literally no benefit at all to changing it the way they did. I can usually find something to like, but after messing around with it for a while, there just doesn't seem to be any beneficial reason for the change. Also, when something new would pop up, it would put it in that most recent notification list. It was the very first choice in the notifications menu. I loved that. That way I could go in there to see everything new, and after I was done, just hit options and click mark all as read. It was super clean and made sure I didn't miss anything. Something popped up after the update, and I still can't figure out what it was. I'm guessing it wasn't anything too important but still. Anyway, maybe there's a benefit I don't see. Is there anything different that you would consider better than how it was before?

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#2  Edited By Tyrrael

This is the primary reason that I don't watch tv shows on tv anymore. There were certain shows that I would watch every week, but now, I just wait for it to come out on DVD so that I can rent it, or I'll wait for it to come out on Netflix, Amazon Prime, or Hulu. If it isn't available on any of these, then I just don't watch it. Although, it is unusual for none of these services to get a particular show, especially if it's rather new.

Also, the amount of time for every 30 minutes that is actual show is about 22 minutes. So, every hour that means that you're getting 44 minutes of show and 16 minutes of commercials. When you're watching a show without commercials, you'd be surprised just how many more episodes you can watch in less time. If you have an hour long show that's 22 episodes (about the average from what I've seen) with commercials, it would take 22 hours to watch (obviously). If you have the same show without commercials, it comes to only a little more than 16 hours. That's six full hours of commercials, i.e. wasted time, you're cutting out.

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They screwed up the notifications menu so badly. I loved how it was before. There were all the different choices on the left, and as you highlighted them, the corresponding items from that category would appear in the list. Now it's just this mishmash of random crap that you can only separate by downloads and uploads. Something that's different doesn't always mean worse, and if it was just a learning curve thing, it would be fine, but this is objectively worse and makes it less organized. FFS, sony, really?

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Justice League Dark: 5/10 The animation was good, though the designs of some characters weren't my favorite. Unfortunately, this was not that great compared to the other recent movies. It took forever to actually go anywhere. I don't need a ton of action to be engaged, but the pacing was ridiculously off-putting. There were also a ton of instances where the characters would just stand completely static for several seconds and awkwardly stare silently into space, which I'm guessing was to pad out the length of the movie. They could have easily made this 30 minutes if they picked up the pace and didn't waste so much time. Also, I consider a 5/10 to be mediocre/average, so it wasn't outright terrible, but it definitely wasn't anywhere near my favorites in the DC originals lineup.

Jack Reacher Never Go Back: 6/10 A very by the numbers conspiracy style thriller. The acting was good, and there was actually some character development, particularly from Reacher. It's a movie that was slightly above average. I didn't feel like it wasted my time, but I probably won't ever watch it again either.

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An opinion can be flawed. If i never press the sprint button and then call the game bad for being so slow, my opinion is flawed. The experience you had might be shitty and that's what your opinion reflects, but with a bit more investigation you would have found the sprint button.

Something else to consider is that, when the premises of the opinion are based on facts, or even implied facts, and the facts are wrong, then the opinion can also be flawed, or wrong, however you want to put it. This actually happens quite a bit. You could say some like, "Kim Jong Un is a great guy, because he never threatens other countries." You can think Kim Jong Un is a great guy all you want, and we can debate that, but you absolutely CANNOT think he is a great guy because he never threatens other countries, because he DOES threaten other countries. The premise of the opinion are flawed here, which makes the opinion flawed.

I could go on and on about this. Another example is linearity vs open world. Someone could say, "[Insert game here] is a bad game, because it's linear." This implies that it's an objective fact that linearity is bad, which immediately makes the opinion flawed. You could say, "I don't like the game, because I don't like linear games." That's perfectly fine, but saying it the other way would be like saying that you think Doom is a bad game because it's a shooter.

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@mems1224 said:

@pompouspizza: right there with you brother. I loved the first Devil May Cry game but for some reason I never even bothered to play the others. I loved the hell out of DMC though. I liked that game's style

Yeah, it's a shame the Ninja Theory DmC game was dismissed by so many people just because of the redesign of the main character. If they had played maybe 10 minutes of the game, it was obvious he wasn't the "emo" Dante everybody was afraid of. In fact, this game has some of the best character development I've ever seen. Dante is like a whole new person by the end, his personality and outlook being shaped as the game progresses by everything going on around him, as well as from other characters. Also, the combat system was phenomenal. I don't think I've ever had as much fun with a combat system from beginning the end like in this game. It was just so smooth.

It's a damn shame this game will almost definitely never get anything that even resembles a sequel.

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The last Nintendo console I bought was the Wii, but that was 9 years after launch in 2015. Even then, it was primarily to play a handful of old gamecube games that I got an urge to play after all these years (Luigi's Mansion, Super Mario Sunshine, Super Smash Bros. Melee to name a few). I'll admit that I did't watch the conference, but that in and of itself should tell you that I'm just not that interested in Nintendo anymore. This could be different. However, I'll just have to wait and see what games there are going to be before I jump on or off the hype train, because while Nintendo finally got some good third party support on the Wii U, it still took them way too long. I still have absolutely no interest in buying a Wii U, and until I see some promising games outside of the usual first party titles, I don't see myself buying a Switch either.

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@spaceinsomniac: First, it's not that I don't like the game. I've logged more time in multiplayer in this game than every other game than I've ever played in my entire life combined. Granted, I don't play MP that much at all, but I've played over 200 games of TF2 so I don't hate it and I'm not bad at it.

That having been said, I'm not talking about sliding and jumping like that. Either to get more distance when running and jumping or to gain momentum when wall running. I know that and do that, well, whenever it works properly. It still sometimes bounces me straight off a wall or sometimes cancels my momentum entirely even when on perfectly flat ground with no visible obstructions. I'm not talking about this though. I'm talking about primarily things like the bunny hop trick that gives you endless momentum throughout the map. It doesn't seem likely that they were expecting people to just try spamming jump and crouch to get endless momentum. And again, I may have seen it once in my entire time playing the game. It's not that stuff like that is used against me. I'm not saying that. I'm saying that the movement system doesn't work all the time, and when someone says I need to use tricks like that for it to be better, I just can't help but get aggravated when it's apparent that nobody does it aside from a small group.

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@spaceinsomniac: I could go on and on about why I disagree, so I'll just touch on a couple topics. The game needs a better double jump. As much emphasis as the game puts on movement, it's ridiculous just how much height it doesn't get you. The height should be nearly double what it is. This would make vertical movement far better, considering the wall run (supposedly) takes care of lateral movement. Sometimes I just want to go straight up a few extra feet, but it's just out of reach. It's stupid to be hamstrung like this.

Also, I've seen that video before, and Gamesager is good. However, he is also an outlier. The vast majority of people are never going to practice enough to be that good. Also, I shouldn't have to use stupid tricks that are clearly not by design in order to move faster or simply do things like jump off a wall and get back on it. Stuff like that shouldn't take hundreds or potentially even thousands of hours of practice. I don't have a problem with practicing to get better but that amount of time may as well be a career. Seriously how many people do you see doing this? (not specifically this, just wallrunning this much) Not many. In fact, I hardly ever see people wall running except for, you guessed it, to get to a higher location. On the other hand, I constantly see people getting stuck on shit, having to climb up on things they shouldn't have to, running on a wall and jumping to another just to bounce off and fall all the way to the ground, and the list goes on. Just because some people have found exploits doesn't mean that the movement doesn't have problems, SEVERE problems, that I see every time I play.

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The one major problem is just how broken the movement sometimes feels. The animations that the game forces you to go through when climbing up a ledge takes way too long, and the only reason they exist in the first place is because this game has one of the most anemic double jumps I've ever seen. There are so many ledges that are just out of reach it's ridiculous. So many times I just want to go up a few more feet to get to another area, but I have to screw around trying to wall run, which doesn't work half the time, and then I end up getting stuck on something jutting out form the wall or getting to a wall you just can't run on. There are some maps (Crash Site iirc) that has little things all over the place, like rocks and bumps and pieces of broken titans, that hinder your movement. Sometimes I'll get stuck on something that looks like it is literally 5 inches off the ground. Other times, I don't get stuck but instead I go through the animation of climbing onto something. This doesn't take that long since it is like getting on a low ledge, but it screws up your aim terribly, sometimes causing your gun to jump around, and sometimes causing it to go off screen completely. I've lost so many one on one encounters because of this.

The worst part is that it seems to happen at random. Sometimes my character just won't stick to a wall and wall run. The next time, on the same wall, it's like there's no problem. Sometimes I'll just be running through an area with no issues, and sometimes I'll get stuck on something that seems meaningless that I never would have noticed it had I not gotten stuck on it.

This is where the game falters for me the most. When I reach that zen moment and I'm zipping around the map getting kills, it is wonderfully satisfying, but being hindered by random movement issues that crop up at the worst possible times has killed many a play session. The shooting is great, and while there are some weapons and kits and boosts that are definitely better than others, there's still enough of a variety where people can choose different loadouts and still have fun.