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I should probably watch that Takeover main event...

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They wouldn't judge an early access game if it was bad so surely the reverse it also true.

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After 83 hours and 8 years of waiting I've finally finished Persona 5. I'll probably write a proper review a little later but he are my unorganised thoughts.

Main Plot:

Honestly thought the story was extremely well done until the end of the game where it does the typical Persona thing of saving the world from a higher power. Certain parts of the story kept me on the edge of my seat to see what happened next. While I didn't know the details about the Igor's betrayal before release I knew that something was up with him. What definitely shocked me was Akechi's betrayal and SHOOTING THE PROTAGONIST RIGHT IN THE HEAD AND KILLING HIM. Fuck when I saw that I honestly thought I got the bad ending especially when they played the cutscene of the Phantom Thieves living out their normal lives with the news of the protagonist's "suicide" spreading. But that little smirk of Ryuji right at the end got me good. What a great moment. If there is one thing about the narrative I was disappointed by was the lack of any memorable "real life" social events. In Persona 4 the camping trip, school trip, school festival, concert, ski trip and beach were all funny, enjoyable and super memorable. In Persona 5 theses are few and far between. This school festival was more of an excuse to get the main plot to progress, the beach trip was the same as Persona 3 and Persona 4 and the trip to Hawaii felt completely wasted.


I must have fucked up somewhere because I had only maxed 4 non-compulsory social links (Futaba, Mishima, Twins and Hifumi) so when the ending was playing and only Hifumi and Mishima were cheering me on I felt kind of sad. I had found all of them and got them pretty high up but just ran out of time I guess. My favourite were definitely Futaba. She's just the right blend of endearing and quirky that I could enjoy without being overbearing. There wasn't any character I didn't like but I felt like Haru and Yusuke were underdeveloped. Especially Haru who I felt like was just there.

Combat and Gameplay:

In terms of gameplay mechanics Persona 5 might be a contender best video game sequel ever. They literally fixed everything I felt was wrong about Persona 4. The over reliance of the main character has been completely fixed with the Baton pass system. In Persona 4 if the main character ran out of SP you were basically finished for the day even if the rest of the party was fine but by being able to pass your extra turn to a teammate lessens the load of SP usage to others allowing to get the most out of your day. Teammates being able to gain XP while not in the party makes sure that all characters are used and not forgotten. At the end of Persona 4 Kanji was a good 25-30 levels below everyone else since I never used him. Completely fixed in Persona 5. Switching out team members while in dungeons and in battle is fantastic for getting rid of characters with low SP or weaknesses. Seeing which confidants are available and whether they would increase a rank on the map is a god send. Fusion has been improved and expanded to an almost disgusting degree. Selectable skill inheritance, itemizing Personas, converting Personas to XP are all fantastic additions. Dungeons are actually fun to do and not a complete slog. All main dungeons being hand crafted with unique mechanics made me wanted to finish them instead of dreading it. Persona 5 has improved it's gameplay in every way with no sacrifices at all. I can't even give you another example of that.

Graphics and Music:

Maaaaaaaan this game looks and sounds fucking awesome. It's so bright and colourful while still feeling like a real world place with it's details like the train signs being accurate or how the coffee shop feels lived in an real. All of the Personas look so fantastic that I can see why it took years to make this game. The music is fucking killer. All those jazz-fused ambient songs at night and the battle and boss music is some of my absolutely favourites in the series which is saying a lot. I do wish they swapped out more songs instead of using variations of Beneath the Mask everytime but I still love this game's sound.

So yeah, Persona 5 is a really good fucking game. No shock there. I will be completely shocked if something comes up this year that's better.

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Would not be surprised if Atlus reused the Persona/demon assets from Persona 5 into another game.

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#6  Edited By willin

Game of the Year 2016

1. Overwatch
As of this writing I currently have 1279 hours on playtime in Team Fortress 2. It was a game I loved so much that I help run a server, created a community around that server and made some unforgettable friends and memories. Unfortunately TF2 started to fade. People were getting tired of 24 hour 2-Fort and the heavy amount of scrap metal, tickets and other junk shoved into the game. My friends and I wanted to the recapture those moments again with a new game but we just couldn't find anything even close to that. Then came Overwatch. I am almost certain 10 years from now I'll still be playing Overwatch. It has the best elements of MOBAs with interesting abilities and character strategies where you don't just stick with one character. It has multiplayer maps so good and well designed I would almost call them perfect. A microtransaction system that is extremely fair. I could gush on forever about how just amazing Overwatch but instead all I can do is give it a personal recommendation from me and my personal Game of the Year.
2. World of Warcraft: Legion
Two years ago I placed World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor as my personal Game of the Year for 2014. That came out in mid November and by the time Game of the Year came around it had only been out for about a month still somewhat fresh. Two months later I dropped it due to lack of interesting content since the only part of Warlords that was good was the leveling progression which was all I had played till that point. World of Warcraft: Legion has been out twice as long and I'm still enjoying the hell out of it. A leveling progression that allows you to tackle the content when you what however you want, class specific artifacts that give every character their own personal story and dungeons and raids so good I've gotten back into hardcore raiding for the first time since Burning Crusade. Legion is on par with the very peak of World of Warcraft and well worth my subscription.
3. Hitman
There is a perfection description for Hitman and it's 'stupid fun'. It's just stupidly fun. It improves on every concept that the previous games tried and failed on whether it's the insanely large and detailed levels with near infinite replay value, the variety of weapons from giant axes to exploding golf balls and the deadpan tone of the game's humor via the great writing and voice acting of numerous NPCs. I just love this game with all my murderous heart.
4. Forza Horizon 3
This was my first pure driving game I've played probably since Project Gotham Racing 3 nearly 10 years ago and boy have I missed out. Forza Horizon 3 was an interesting game for me because not only does it take place in my home country but it takes place literally outside my house on the Gold Coast. The car handling is absolutely excellent, the environments are varied and all fun to drive though and the online interaction makes sure you've always got something to do. I mean, whatever other game allows you to drive a Hatsune Miku car though an Australian desert?
5. The Witness
I have a very love/hate relationship with The Witness. When you're literally stuck in an area you cannot get out of unless you solve this seemingly impossible puzzle you want to break the TV screen but when the solution you've been looking for finally hit you it makes you want to cry. The best puzzle game since the original Portal it's a game you'll be digging though for hours trying to wrap your brain around both the puzzle and the world itself.
6. Inside
Inside was one of those rare games where I played entirely though from start to finish in one night and had to sit down and think about it well after it was completed. It surprises you at every possible turn adding new mechanics at just the right time, it gives you the tiniest hint of story for those who go looking and it has the visuals of a melancholic adventure despite the graphic often disturbing violence. I would recommend this to almost anyone.
7. Dark Souls III
The swan song of probably the most influential game franchise of the last 5 years, Dark Souls 3 brought the best aspects of every game FromSoftware has released since Demon's Souls. Frighteningly memorable bosses, well designed areas that are worth exploring and a perfection on what already is the best third person melee combat today, it gives me confidence that whatever is next for Miyazaki it will be great.
8. Tom Clancy's The Division
There been something missing with today current generation of open world games. Everyone is focusing on scale rather than density. You can have the biggest game world but if it's just a forest with a few trees I'll completely lose interest. The Division is the closest I've seen a AAA developer come to density over scale. You're not exploring a gigantic city but half of one New York borough. It feels lived in and real. This open world also hosts a wonderful mix of MMORPG progression and smooth third person shooter combat. It may have it's flaws but the bright parts outshines the dullness.
9. Persona 5
Now I know what you're thinking "Persona 5 isn't out until April! Why is it on a 2016 Game of the Year list?' That's because I imported the Japanese version. Now Persona 5's inclusion on this list is solely based on the first major dungeon of the game which clocking in at about 15 hours is still a full game's worth of playtime. Even without including story and characters I can tell you purely from a gameplay perspective this is the best playing RPG I have ever played. If Atlus can play their cards right with the localisation then I can assure you Persona 5 will make it on my 2017 Game of the Year list... just a lot higher.
10. Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE
I'm so glad this game came out in the west. A completely original concept for a JRPG adding idol culture, music and showmanship to the already tried and tested mechanics of a Shin Megami Tensei game. This freshly optimistic game from Atlus could have been a much better game with a few tweaks to the characters, difficult curb and addition of English voice acting but even with those flaws it's still makes Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE an enjoyable game.
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I live in Australia which means due to poor interenet I'm unlikely to be streaming 1080p video quality on the best of days.

That means the only way I'll be able to experience 4K content is physical media.

Making the PS4 Pro completely obsolete for 4K content.

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#9  Edited By willin

That happened right?

The red shirt kid's entire goal and the reason he broke into a laboratory and nearly died a dozen times was to be absorbed into a giant ball of human flesh and limbs and escape to the outside world.

Can someone please explain what the fuck happened at the end of this insane game?

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Good fucking luck with those 1 long dungeon episodes.