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Heavy Rain: Review

It’s rare that a game totally delivers on its promises. It’s even more rare when a developer manages to live up to the claims they have made.  When Quantic Dream announced their follow up to Indigo Prophecy (aka Fahrenheit), we heard whiled claims of creating new and innovative ways of gaming. That they’d tell a story in a way never before seen in this industry. That they could make you feel, care and hope. That we’d be taken on a journey, as if we were watching a film. Well, after seeing Heavy Rain through to the very end, I can say that without a doubt, they have most certainly succeeded. 

Quantic Dream have genuinely achieved something incredible with Heavy Rain. You may be skeptical. I too was hesitant to trust that it would do everything they boasted.  I too feared it would be, (god-forbid) one long quick time event. But until you have experienced it, there is no real way to express how refreshing and exhilarating it was to play through what is, frankly, a groundbreaking product. 
The first thing you’ll notice is how visually arresting the game is. Heavy rain employs stylistic techniques similar to what you’d expect from a full motion picture. Everything from the hazy background chatter of a busy police station, to the thoroughly impressive lighting effects - highlighted spectacularly as you hesitantly creep through a desolate apartment block, sunlight triumphantly pouring through grimy windows, bouncing off the dust particles floating aimlessly across your path. Of course there’s the rain itself, relentless and foreboding, it sets the tone for the dark, unsettling tale it permeates.