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On The Brink Of Something Great

 New gameplay footage of Brink, shows of some objectives, class selection and gunplay. 

There are moments when frankly this looks incredible. Graphically the game feels reminiscent of Killzone 2 (with a little TF2 mixed in), and as a result is just as visually arresting. The detail in the environments is instantly noticeable and small things like motion blur and excellent particle effects create a look that appears visceral and engrossing.

However, there is just something that bugs me about the movement. It feels a little off, it's not quite right and it shows. I get the impression that the game controls in a similar stilted and delayed fashion, to that of Killzone 2, and for me that could be a deal breaker. Killzone 2 looked and sounded amazing, but the faux weight they attached to the movement and aiming ended up feeling sluggish and obtuse. It certainly didn't convey the realism of being a physical body and occupying a virtual space, which is hopefully what they were going for when they instead ruined the feel of their game.

It's still early daze yet so lets not jump to any conclusions. So far Brink looks very very promising, with an interesting approach to multiplayer and class/objective selection, this is definitely one to keep an eye on.