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Behave Badly in Prison...They Feed You Meatloaf!

So in yet another addition of news of the weird the Contra Costa Times just wrote an article about how various prisons are using meatloaf, titled "the loaf" as punishment for inmates that are behaving poorly. Yes that's right meatloaf is being used as punishment in various state correctional facilities and now has taken residence in Santa Cruz County. So here's a picture of said loaf:

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So what's in the punishment loaf? A lot of vegetables if you were wondering. In fact "the loaf" is extremely nutritious:


21/2 oz. nonfat dry milk
41/2 oz. raw grated potato
41/2 oz. raw carrots, chopped or grated fine
11/2 oz. tomato juice or puree
41/2 oz. raw cabbage, chopped fine
7 oz. lean ground beef, turkey or rehydrated, canned or frozen Textured Vegetable Protein (TVP)
21/2 fl. oz. oil
11/2 oz. whole wheat flour
1/4 tsp. salt
4 tsp. raw onion, chopped
1 egg
6 oz. dry red beans, precooked before baking (or 16 oz. canned or cooked red kidney beans) 4 tsp. chili powder
Shape into a loaf and bake at 350-375 degrees for 50-70 minutes.

So does it work? 

"Usually, they only last a couple days on the loaf before they agree to comply with directions and are given normal meals again," said Tim Sanford, the jail's food service manager for 15 years.

Now not everyone is welcoming the new type of punishment. As to be expected there are numerous accusations that "the loaf" is cruel and unusual punishment. However as the prison points out "[t]he Eighth Amendment requires only that prisoners receive food that is adequate to maintain health; it need not be tasty or aesthetically appealing." So it looks like "the loaf" is here to stay for Santa Cruz County.
P.S. Giant Bomb does not have a wiki page for meatloaf...Please tell me that someone can think of a game that had meatloaf in it.