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Quick Look: FIFA Soccer 13 (Wii U)

We head back to the pitch to see if touch screen controls will helps us better understand soccerball.

Sit back and enjoy as the Giant Bomb team takes an unedited look at the latest video games.

Dec. 1 2012

Cast: Jeff, Vinny

Posted by: Vinny

In This Episode:

FIFA Soccer 13


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Edited By Bourbon_Warrior

@OleMarthin said:

i would love to see them giving the sports games a real shot and trying to understand and play them for real. i know fifa is a super popular game. sold like 10 million + last year. not my kind of game, as i don't like to play sports game.

Yeah wouldn't take much, Jeff seemed to get it towards the end, he had like 20 shots on target during the game, but a much better game on the real consoles. Would be cool to see them go co-op against the computer before they play each other, because thats where fifa shines for me is when playing pro clubs or co-op with a friend.

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Edited By lun49gameon

@altairre: actually, its the Wii version of fifa 13 that looks exactly the same as fifa 12. Exactly the same menus and other things, like loading screens.

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Edited By OleMarthin

@DjCmeP: yeah, your probably right, i know i don't. but i still think it would be nice to have and would probably be helpful to someone.

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Edited By Canteu

@Superkenon: Well you missed my point. I used that as an example as it is a clear Plural Noun due to it ending in S. Arsenal does not end in S yet is still a plural noun as it referring to a group of people, thus the rule remains the same, regardless.

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Edited By LuceOmbra

How many of you people are ACTUALLY British, and not just Americans who desperately WISH they were? Anglophiles.....weird people.

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Edited By delta_ass

Arsenal have the ball is for jerks.

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Edited By Laiv162560asse

At least Jeff realises that 'Arsenal play Liverpool' is British English, working as intended. Many Americans I encounter don't even realise that much, and assume that their stupid, made-up 'rule' is the way English is supposed to work in all parts of the world.

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Edited By DougQuaid

Could someone post the timestamp when Jeff says British English is stupid and all Brits are dumb fucks?

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Edited By prestonhedges

Man, that's a lot of balls.

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Edited By mabans

I love Messi in mid-pulga move..

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Edited By Jazz_Lafayette

@mekon said:

So which sounds right?

They has the ball - Arsenal has the ball

They have the ball - Arsenal have the ball (also consider inclusion of fans and management team)

Sorry but I vote for the second, although a team is singular (in itself but plural in meaning).

Alternatively, because Arsenal is an independent, corporate entity:

"It has the ball."


"It have the ball."

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Edited By delta_ass

So do you Brits say "Arsenal kicks ass!" or "Arsenal kick ass!"

Actually, that probably should've been arse instead of ass.

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Edited By Mumrik

It's really rough to see people who dislike sports, and dislike the idea of sports simulation Quick Look a sports simulation.

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Edited By bushpusherr

GB Varsity Club is right up there with GB Flight Club in my book.

I would honestly love to see them do a scrub league for a sports game. I'm going to bet they are all as terrible as Jeff and Vinny, and it would be awesome to see how tense it got when they had something riding on it.

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Edited By EerieTraveler

Firstly, why is it that some people view the term "Soccer" as an insult to the game itself and everyone who enjoys it? Secondly, don't take Jeff's two comments about British English to mean he is hostile toward it. The "get it right" comment was clearly sarcasm and the "...most aggravating thing [to him] about British English..." comment wasn't him flat out calling it wrong but noting that it sounds odd to him. Lastly, dialects! Something can be different without being wrong.

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Here we go again with Jeff and his anglophobia. I don't understand why he even does these football QLs, since it seems to pain him so much to even acknowledge that this sport even exists, and he always gets all ratty about everything to do with it.

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Edited By Laiv162560asse

@bushpusherr said:

GB Varsity Club is right up there with GB Flight Club in my book.

I would honestly love to see them do a scrub league for a sports game. I'm going to bet they are all as terrible as Jeff and Vinny, and it would be awesome to see how tense it got when they had something riding on it.

Agreed, there are no other videos which get me consistently to laugh out loud as much as those two particular breeds. Even when It feels shortlived, performed under duress and with a nonsensical control scheme as it was today, I still belly laughed some (see, Americans, I'm a Brit using some of your colloquial grammar - let's all be friends).

If there was, say, an office 8-player FIFA tourney as Premium content I would find it tough not to subscribe once more. It would have to be 100% match length, however. Make 'em sweat.

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Edited By Superkenon

@Canteu: But to those on the other side of the world, groups and businesses are referred to as singular entities by default, unless stated specifically otherwise. This is more about the way Americans think about the concept of organizations than anything else. So, really, our grammar is actually the same on this point -- it's what we consider plural in the first place that's not!

I just see it as a fun cultural difference. One can act all high-and-mighty about their perception being the superior one if they please to, but in the meanwhile I'll just choose to delight in our respective quirks instead. Nothing wrong with a good ribbing now and again though, eh?

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Edited By Philedius

I'm always so psyched when I see there's a new Jeff and Vinny football quick look.

And by the way, the term "soccer" originates from England. It's a slang abbreviation of "association football".

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I loooooove them balls

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Edited By ThePickle

@DexterKid said:

Here we go again with Jeff and his anglophobia. I don't understand why he even does these football QLs, since it seems to pain him so much to even acknowledge that this sport even exists, and he always gets all ratty about everything to do with it.

Have you seen the other sports quick looks? He's just as dismissive during the Madden QL's. Jeff doesn't hate soccer. He just doesn't know anything about it. He makes silly jokes like "I know a lot about football but not a lot about soccer" and talks about British-English because he can't comment on the game itself. Jeff does the same thing during the Madden QL's and everyone is saying how funny they are, and yet when it comes to your favorite sport all of a sudden Jeff's an anglophobe. I love the NFL but I can also laugh at that QL, even when Jeff is completely off-base (the thing the QB's were doing with their hands is the signal to huddle for example).

You guys seriously need to relax.

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Edited By kilroyandy

When will football just end???

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Edited By pr1mus

It's with comments like these that i'm glad to be French-Canadian with a terrible french despite being a native speaker and a solid grasp of this weird mix of Canadian/American/British English and all sorts of terrible accents thrown in for good measure.

People need to chill and remember what site they're on.

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Edited By Quantris

I wonder if Jeff has to look at a ball while kicking it in real life?

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Edited By cookiemonster

@Flacracker said:

@Sooty said:

@BigDaddy81 said:

Your well come Englanders.

Can't tell if trolling or actually that stupid.

I can't tell if you are trolling or if you are actually that stupid.

Anyways, it's funny to see the Euros get outraged over a few jokes.

I ca't tell if you are trolling or you are actually that stupid.

Anyway, it's funny how to see the Dollars make the common mistake of misspelling "anyway".

Ahhh, it's like an endless quote tree of people being dicks over nothing.

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@ThePickle said:

@DexterKid said:

Here we go again with Jeff and his anglophobia. I don't understand why he even does these football QLs, since it seems to pain him so much to even acknowledge that this sport even exists, and he always gets all ratty about everything to do with it.

Have you seen the other sports quick looks? He's just as dismissive during the Madden QL's. Jeff doesn't hate soccer. He just doesn't know anything about it. He makes silly jokes like "I know a lot about football but not a lot about soccer" and talks about British-English because he can't comment on the game itself. Jeff does the same thing during the Madden QL's and everyone is saying how funny they are, and yet when it comes to your favorite sport all of a sudden Jeff's an anglophobe. I love the NFL but I can also laugh at that QL, even when Jeff is completely off-base (the thing the QB's were doing with their hands is the signal to huddle for example).

You guys seriously need to relax.

Except it's not at all the same thing. Jeff becomes really awkward and bitchy during these football QLs, as oppose to when they play the American sports ones where he is just having a laugh and making jokes, as they do in plenty of QLs. And the anglophobe thing is not at all just because of this video, in all the years I've followed content on this site Jeff has constantly made a point to mock anything that is remotely ''British-y'' to him. Ryan does this too. It's got to a point that whenever there is a British accent or cultural thing in a game they are playing, I'm just wondering how many minutes it will be before they make some stupid predictable joke or mocking accent. It was fine the first few times, but after several years you can imagine it gets a bit grating.

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Edited By hussatron

The Giant Bomb Advanced Sporting League will play any sport game with a dismissive and clueless attitude. Why is it that soccer game quick looks seem to generate the most derisive comments?

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Edited By Relshak

@hussatron: Because of nationalist elitist assholes who give their country a bad name.

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Edited By scottygrayskull

Where on screen can you select to take a dive and act like a pansy to try to draw a penalty?

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Edited By Laiv162560asse

@DexterKid said:

Except it's not at all the same thing. Jeff becomes really awkward and bitchy during these football QLs, as oppose to when they play the American sports ones where he is just having a laugh and making jokes, as they do in plenty of QLs. And the anglophobe thing is not at all just because of this video, in all the years I've followed content on this site Jeff has constantly made a point to mock anything that is remotely ''British-y'' to him. Ryan does this too. It's got to a point that whenever there is a British accent or cultural thing in a game they are playing, I'm just wondering how many minutes it will be before they make some stupid predictable joke or mocking accent. It was fine the first few times, but after several years you can imagine it gets a bit grating.

As an English person who also thinks Jeff and some of the rest of the crew are going a little bit too far out of their way to troll the community sometimes, I still think you might need to relax a bit. The Anglo-American divide is an easy source of humour, sometimes one of the only sources of humour when you're QuickLooking a port for a console you're none too enthusiastic about. Jeff is just being deliberately obtuse to be funny. The fake accents are just dumb, and therefore funny. Many of the things about the way Jeff approaches these games is a dumb kind of funny, including the way he is baffled by facts of football which even my mother could grasp.

At least there is no factually incorrect info about the game, nor prejudices masquerading as facts. I watched this QL with one eye on the comments, so I was expecting a car crash of America-brand grammar misinformation combined with rampant Anglophobia, but I didn't get any of that.

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Edited By Nayson

@Delta_Ass: Given how Arsenal have been playing this season, we dont tend to say either.

British English does refer to a team as a plural though because, you know, there are 11 players in the team. Jeff might find that offensive, but it's our language and we will do as we damn well please with it!

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Edited By Insectecutor

@LuceOmbra said:

How many of you people are ACTUALLY British, and not just Americans who desperately WISH they were? Anglophiles.....weird people.

I'm British and I found Jeff's anger at the way we use the English language offensive. I find these differences interesting and cool, it's great how flexible our language is and how it's used differently around the world, I have no problem with Americans leaving out Us everywhere or putting Zs instead of S (I actually think they're right to do so in many cases), for example. People who pointlessly spew hatred about this sort of thing come across as intolerant assholes. I mean is it really doing you any fucking harm or are you just out to insult another culture?

And why would Americans wish they were British?

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Edited By Quantris

@scottygrayskull: all the buttons do that automatically

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Edited By Captain_Insano

@scottygrayskull said:

Where on screen can you select to take a dive and act like a pansy to try to draw a penalty?

Probably in the same place as Madden where all the players wear massive pads because they are giant pussies.

Check out Rugby League before accusing sports of being pansies.

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Edited By scottygrayskull


And... where in that did I mention US football? Or Rugby? Or any other sport for that matter?

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Edited By ThePickle

@DexterKid said:

@ThePickle said:

Have you seen the other sports quick looks? He's just as dismissive during the Madden QL's. Jeff doesn't hate soccer. He just doesn't know anything about it. He makes silly jokes like "I know a lot about football but not a lot about soccer" and talks about British-English because he can't comment on the game itself. Jeff does the same thing during the Madden QL's and everyone is saying how funny they are, and yet when it comes to your favorite sport all of a sudden Jeff's an anglophobe. I love the NFL but I can also laugh at that QL, even when Jeff is completely off-base (the thing the QB's were doing with their hands is the signal to huddle for example).

You guys seriously need to relax.

Except it's not at all the same thing. Jeff becomes really awkward and bitchy during these football QLs, as oppose to when they play the American sports ones where he is just having a laugh and making jokes, as they do in plenty of QLs. And the anglophobe thing is not at all just because of this video, in all the years I've followed content on this site Jeff has constantly made a point to mock anything that is remotely ''British-y'' to him. Ryan does this too. It's got to a point that whenever there is a British accent or cultural thing in a game they are playing, I'm just wondering how many minutes it will be before they make some stupid predictable joke or mocking accent. It was fine the first few times, but after several years you can imagine it gets a bit grating.

You're looking far too much into dumb jokes. When they do accents, they're just being silly.

Jeff was just the slightest bit of knowledge about football because it's so ingrained in American culture, and his time with NFl Blitz. So he knows the teams and the most basic rules. That's it. He doesn't know the different types of defenses, doesn't know the different types of penalties, doesn't even know who won the Super Bowl last year. This stuff likely doesn't stick out to you because you're in the same boat he is. So you sit back and have some laughs.

The same thing goes for soccer. But, you're not in the same boat so you think he hates the sport.

Jeff has never been one to mince words. Don't view his lack of knowledge as hate. Just sit back and enjoy the QL, or simply don't watch it.

"I have no idea what's going on and there are literally a million other games I'd rather be playing"

-Jeff during the Madden 13 QL.

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Edited By Patman99

@Captain_Insano said:

@scottygrayskull said:

Where on screen can you select to take a dive and act like a pansy to try to draw a penalty?

Probably in the same place as Madden where all the players wear massive pads because they are giant pussies.

Check out Rugby League before accusing sports of being pansies.

How about contact football and rugby are equally as aggressive. Contact football players wear pads because of the nature of the hitting. Pound for pound, there is more contact in football than rugby but that does not make rugby a worse sport. They are both fun to watch and play.

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Edited By ThePickle

@Captain_Insano said:

@scottygrayskull said:

Where on screen can you select to take a dive and act like a pansy to try to draw a penalty?

Probably in the same place as Madden where all the players wear massive pads because they are giant pussies.

Check out Rugby League before accusing sports of being pansies.

Yeah, just like all those pussies who wear seatbelts when they drive and helmets when they drive motorcycles! Because it's not like the pads have been added over the years of play in order to save lives and prevent severe brain damage! It's because they're all massive pussies.

Hey dude, the nail salon is that way!
Hey dude, the nail salon is that way!
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@ThePickle said:

@DexterKid said:

@ThePickle said:

Have you seen the other sports quick looks? He's just as dismissive during the Madden QL's. Jeff doesn't hate soccer. He just doesn't know anything about it. He makes silly jokes like "I know a lot about football but not a lot about soccer" and talks about British-English because he can't comment on the game itself. Jeff does the same thing during the Madden QL's and everyone is saying how funny they are, and yet when it comes to your favorite sport all of a sudden Jeff's an anglophobe. I love the NFL but I can also laugh at that QL, even when Jeff is completely off-base (the thing the QB's were doing with their hands is the signal to huddle for example).

You guys seriously need to relax.

Except it's not at all the same thing. Jeff becomes really awkward and bitchy during these football QLs, as oppose to when they play the American sports ones where he is just having a laugh and making jokes, as they do in plenty of QLs. And the anglophobe thing is not at all just because of this video, in all the years I've followed content on this site Jeff has constantly made a point to mock anything that is remotely ''British-y'' to him. Ryan does this too. It's got to a point that whenever there is a British accent or cultural thing in a game they are playing, I'm just wondering how many minutes it will be before they make some stupid predictable joke or mocking accent. It was fine the first few times, but after several years you can imagine it gets a bit grating.

You're looking far too much into dumb jokes. When they do accents, they're just being silly.

Jeff was just the slightest bit of knowledge about football because it's so ingrained in American culture, and his time with NFl Blitz. So he knows the teams and the most basic rules. That's it. He doesn't know the different types of defenses, doesn't know the different types of penalties, doesn't even know who won the Super Bowl last year. This stuff likely doesn't stick out to you because you're in the same boat he is. So you sit back and have some laughs.

The same thing goes for soccer. But, you're not in the same boat so you think he hates the sport.

Jeff has never been one to mince words. Don't view his lack of knowledge as hate. Just sit back and enjoy the QL, or simply don't watch it.

"I have no idea what's going on and there are literally a million other games I'd rather be playing"

-Jeff during the Madden 13 QL.

Nope, I disagree completely. I already said how I feel about it and I don't want to repeat myself, so let's just leave it.

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Edited By clumsyninja1

Soccer is alright, I'll stick with Women Soccer though...

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Edited By yakov456

How did a quick look turn into this?

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Edited By SpartyOn

@Captain_Insano said:

@scottygrayskull said:

Where on screen can you select to take a dive and act like a pansy to try to draw a penalty?

Probably in the same place as Madden where all the players wear massive pads because they are giant pussies.

Check out Rugby League before accusing sports of being pansies.

I agree the Rugby League has some violent and physical play, but I'm afraid I can't let you insult American football in order to get back at someone else for ripping on a sport you aren't a hypocrite. The average Ruby League player weighed in at around 160 lbs. in 2009 whereas NFL players are, on average, over 6 feet tall and weigh 248 lbs....(the offensive tackle position has an average weight of OVER 318 lbs). Not only are NFL players monsters, they can run about as fast as any Rugby or Soccer player if their position demands it. The difference is that Rugby and Soccer players must run constantly so they cannot play effectively at similar weights to NFL players. I don't think you can call a man a "giant pussy" because he needs pads in order to absorb a tackle from a 250 pound man running 19 miles per hour. I don't think a sport needs to be more violent than another in order to be a "better sport" so don't let ignorance, like that in the original post, get to you.

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Edited By jamesisaacs

Just wait until the new Lara Croft: Tomb Raider Quick Look!

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Edited By benderunit22

Maybe it's just because even as a European, I don't care much about football, but I'm having a great time watching Jeff and Vinny do these QLs. Just don't take it seriously, you should know you're not gonna get any real information on the game when you go into these.

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Edited By jamesisaacs

@SpartyOn said:

@Captain_Insano said:

@scottygrayskull said:

Where on screen can you select to take a dive and act like a pansy to try to draw a penalty?

Probably in the same place as Madden where all the players wear massive pads because they are giant pussies.

Check out Rugby League before accusing sports of being pansies.

I agree the Rugby League has some violent and physical play, but I'm afraid I can't let you insult American football in order to get back at someone else for ripping on a sport you aren't a hypocrite. The average Ruby League player weighed in at around 160 lbs. in 2009 whereas NFL players are, on average, over 6 feet tall and weigh 248 lbs....(the offensive tackle position has an average weight of OVER 318 lbs). Not only are NFL players monsters, they can run about as fast as any Rugby or Soccer player if their position demands it. The difference is that Rugby and Soccer players must run constantly so they cannot play effectively at similar weights to NFL players. I don't think you can call a man a "giant pussy" because he needs pads in order to absorb a tackle from a 250 pound man running 19 miles per hour. I don't think a sport needs to be more violent than another in order to be a "better sport" so don't let ignorance, like that in the original post, get to you.

Doesn't matter about the average weight of whatever, Rugby players would wreck American Footballers. Shit New Zealand Kiwis alone would wreck a whole nation but i digress and agree that the violence level is not an indicator of how awesome a sport is.

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Edited By Captain_Insano

To be fair I do think American Footballers are tough as nails as well, though I wish that they would play both offense and defense like every other sport in the world (soccer, rugby league, basketball etc). I find the two separate teams somewhat ludicrous.

Essentially I was:

a) Irritated that people call out soccer (though a large number of soccer players do dive) without really knowing much about it


b) trying to create another argument to move this thread on from the stupid fucking 'British English' argument that is going on. I speak British English (in Aus) rather than American, but people have leapt on two throwaway comments from Jeff like he's the epitome of the Mayan apocalypse.

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Edited By ThePickle

@Captain_Insano said:

To be fair I do think American Footballers are tough as nails as well, though I wish that they would play both offense and defense like every other sport in the world (soccer, rugby league, basketball etc). I find the two separate teams somewhat ludicrous.

Essentially I was:

a) Irritated that people call out soccer (though a large number of soccer players do dive) without really knowing much about it


b) trying to create another argument to move this thread on from the stupid fucking 'British English' argument that is going on. I speak British English (in Aus) rather than American, but people have leapt on two throwaway comments from Jeff like he's the epitome of the Mayan apocalypse.

I can appreciate the intent of part b, but is starting another stupid argument the best way of going about it? How about we steer the conversion to the game itself.

So guys, FIFA on the WiiU. Let's talk about it.

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Edited By Maz12004
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Edited By BoOzak

@Insectecutor said:

@LuceOmbra said:

How many of you people are ACTUALLY British, and not just Americans who desperately WISH they were? Anglophiles.....weird people.

I'm British and I found Jeff's anger at the way we use the English language offensive. I find these differences interesting and cool, it's great how flexible our language is and how it's used differently around the world, I have no problem with Americans leaving out Us everywhere or putting Zs instead of S (I actually think they're right to do so in many cases), for example. People who pointlessly spew hatred about this sort of thing come across as intolerant assholes. I mean is it really doing you any fucking harm or are you just out to insult another culture?

And why would Americans wish they were British?

The sooner people accept the English language is fucked the better, i'm not saying people should make words up or start abbreviating everything. But getting upset and angry because somebody pronounces something differently than you do is stupid. I know people who get annoyed at others for using the american pronounciations for certain words when they themselves do it without even realising it. Just let it go you elitist speech nazi's.

EDIT: Also the soundtrack to this game sucks horribly, and soccer is still boring as hell to watch. Just thought i'd add something relevant to the QL.