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    Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode I

    Game » consists of 8 releases. Released Oct 07, 2010

    A Sonic Team and Dimps co-production, Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode I is the first part of the next numeric chapter (though really the twenty-sixth entry) in the adventures of Sega's longtime mascot.

    dieselv2's Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 (PlayStation Network (PS3)) review

    Avatar image for dieselv2

    Sonic 4 Worth Buying!

    Sonic 4 Artwork
    Sonic 4 Artwork

    If you say to someone have you ever played original Sonic the Hedgehog games, 90% of people are most likely to say they have.   If you tell people that the next Sonic the Hedgehog game is out, Sonic the Hedge 4, Episode 1, then not as many people will have played that.   Sonic 4 which I’m shortening it to for this review has recently been released and the downloads were coming quick and fast.   People shelled out about a tenner for the latest game in the sonic franchise.   If you haven't bought it yet, I'm going to tell you a little bit of information to try and get you playing and joining in with the rest of the Giant Bomb members.

     Sonic 2 gave us a new feature which allowed Sonic to do a spin dash which allowed you to move quicker across the level giving you loads of momentum.   The next addition to Sonic's arsenal came in Sonic 4 with a homing attack.   When you are in the air you will notice a red circle around things which you can home in on.   By pressing X button again to jump Sonic will perform the homing attack on the select item, whether it is a power up, spring or creature.   It was a great addition but if you hit the X button one second to late it won’t home in and you'll lose your rings if u hit a creature dead on.   This manoeuvre requires accuracy.


     One of Available Zones
     One of Available Zones

     With this being episode 1, there are 4 zones available plus the special stages.   The zones are remixes of the original levels.   The first level is a remix of Emerald Hill zone.   The levels seem a bit longer than their predecessors.   One of the best levels is Act 2 on Casino zone.   The level is full of playing cards which you turn to unlock prizes.   You can maximize your lives on this level and is perfect level to help get the 99 lives achievement.

     This game has thrown away the 3D sonic version that we have come to dislike and has gone back to the good old 2D platform.   They have tried to make the game feel like it ran straight after Sonic 3.   The graphics are obviously better than that of Sega Genesis/Megadrive but that 2D feel throws you back into your youth.   I’m guessing most of the people who purchased Sonic 4 are over 20.

     We have yet to know how many episodes there will be, but the game is sure to be huge.   It fails to remain whether knuckles or tails will make an appearance or if we’ll see new characters such as those on Sonic X TV show.   But if you have yet to buy, I suggest you do as you will be thrilled with your purchase!   It’ll keep you entertainment for hours!

    No Caption Provided


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      Sonic's deforestation project 0

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      ...But damn it if they didn't try. 0

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