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    Game » consists of 10 releases. Released Oct 27, 2009

    Torchlight is a Diablo-style action RPG from Runic Games. The game features three classes, randomly generated dungeons, and lots and lots of loot.

    bureksasutlijom's Torchlight - Digital Release (PC) review

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    This Tourch Needs More Oil

    For years have the horde of fans of the  hack-and-slash genre begged, and demanded a sequel to Diablo 2.While the sequel is in the works, you might want to check out this homage to the popular series.


    Tourchlight focuses heavily on the gameplay, and that shows in the waterwash storyline.This makes the experience only dependable of your hunger for killing of endless hordes  of enemies.That doesn't  kill the enjoyment, but a some sort of main quest, besides the straight-forward one already would be nice.


     It's a "lootfest" trough and trough.If  you've played World of Warcraft or Diablo, you will be right at home.The good thing is that for a dungeon crawler, it does provide varaity of both enemies and background.From crypts to mines to underground castles, a lot can be found under the town of Tourchlight.Sadly,that isn't the case with the combat.It can be repetetive, most notably when you play as the warrior.Besides him, there two other classes to choose form.The mage, depends highly on mana, while the ranger is best equipped with a ranged weapon,such as a bow or a gun.One thing that makes Tourchlight diffrent from other  games of the genre is the usage of your pet.Your pet, a dog or a  cat,  has a inventory of his own, as well as sockets for items and spells.He can also go to town to sell the items he  has in his inventory.This eliminates the tedious process of going back to town to sell items, so you can have free space for the large amounts of loot.


    Runic Games have really worked hard to make a game that looks a lot like WoW.The cartoony look not only compliments the apsurd setting and miniscule storyline, but also helps older PC to run the game at a smooth pace.The only drawback is that the game can be sometimes too dark, and you can't see some parts of the game.Is it done to give the game a certain atomsphere, or just to cover up some grapical issue, we may never know.


    If you like Diablo, you will love Tourchlight.If not, you may still want to try this dungeon crawler.Sadly, the game does feel like a gum.It starts great, but only a gum fanatic will chew trough the whole game.


    Other reviews for Torchlight - Digital Release (PC)

      Torchlight Review 0

      Torchlight is a hack and slash RPG from Runic Games for the PC. You will get to choose one of three different character types and then explore the town of Torchlight, and the very, very deep dungeon that sits beneath the quiet town. You will take on quests, have a trusty pet to travel with, slay enemies of all shapes and sizes, collect armor and weapons to use on your character, and of course customize your characters skills and stats.Graphically this game looks great. Sure the character models ...

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      Torchlight (aka Better Than Diablo) 0

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