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The Guns of Navarro: Great Expectations

Sony's PlayStation 4 unveiling has come and gone, leaving Alex to ponder the presentation itself, and the divergent reactions of its aftermath. Plus, Alex says goodbye to some old friends.

Regardless of whatever reservations I may have had a couple of weeks ago, I am forced to admit that I was impressed with this past Wednesday's unveiling of the PlayStation 4. Or, to be more accurate, the unveiling of the ideas behind the PlayStation 4. Sony's initial announcement event wasn't so much a full on blitz of information on its new console, but a primer on where Sony's head is at with this thing. We now know what its horsepower will be, what the controller and its related gimmicks will look like, what Sony's been thinking about in terms of how to improve the user experience, and we heard from a number of developers about how they intend to use Sony's new gaming platform. As an initial introduction to a new piece of technology, it was about as informative as one might hope for.

Sony's PlayStation 4 reveal offered more ideas and games than perhaps were expected, but for some, that apparently wasn't quite enough.
Sony's PlayStation 4 reveal offered more ideas and games than perhaps were expected, but for some, that apparently wasn't quite enough.

No, we obviously didn't learn the price of the device, its release date beyond a somewhat nebulous holiday 2013 designation, and the box itself was absent. On that last point, I don't really understand the concern there. I've seen the box's absence pointed out as a particular folly in multiple write-ups of the event, including this piece on Wired from Stu Horvath, a writer I typically agree with. While I'm partial to attractively designed electronic boxes, it's not really the main selling point to me. So to call Sony out as some have for not showing the box strikes me as petty and maybe just a little bit beside the point. After all, aren't we really there for the games and the technology driving them? The box, according to Sony, isn't totally finalized, but the specs and user interface are at least somewhere close to it. Also, as twitter user CorySchmitz put it:

People complaining that they didn’t show the PS4 hardware: it will probably be a black rectangle.

— Cory Schmitz (@CorySchmitz) February 21, 2013

So Sony showed what it knew it could, and held back what wasn't ready for prime time. Especially when one considers that they'll have at least one more major go at this in the US at this year's E3, the fact that Sony showed as much as it did was frankly surprising to me.

Not to others, it seems. I'll hardly call the reaction to Sony's event universally negative; heck, I'm not sure it was even 50% negative. But there have been quite a few vocal voices decrying the event as sub-par or outright tragic. Since the event, the press and consumers alike have spent many a word breaking down, examining, and criticizing every minute detail of the announcement, as is custom. Every game, every technology concept, every microscopic digital car seat fiber has been examined in excruciating detail, and the opinions remain divergent and scattered. Given all this opposing feedback, what consensus conclusion should we, the gaming public, draw from all this analysis?

How about that Sony has made a new video game console, which is more powerful and feature-rich than its predecessor?

Okay, so that's hardly a thrilling revelation, but really, what else were we expecting? Sony's PlayStation 4 is and was always intended to be a video game console, with all the trappings, trimmings, and ubiquitous buzzwords one should expect from such a device. It is a more socially active console, in that it is very concerned with you being able to put any stupid thing you feel like on the Internet with only the press of a button. It has the now requisite motion controls, HD camera technology, and other various controller gadgetry one would expect a new console-maker to dream up. It has big games from big franchises that you are already intimately familiar with. It also will have smaller, less familiar games, but other than Mark Cerny's Knack, and Jonathan Blow's The Witness, we didn't see any of those. That's not surprising, considering this was a first impression event, and when you're making a first impression in the video game industry, it's a lot easier to rely on familiar franchise shorthand than brand new IPs. More specifically, it's a lot easier to point to something people know and say, "Hey, remember how this used to look?"

Considering many of us doubted as to whether Sony would have more than one or two games to show at all, I feel like maybe we're being a little unfair if we're judging Sony harshly for its showing. Am I, a consumer, terribly thrilled at the prospect of a new Killzone game? Or a PS4 port of Diablo III? Or an as-yet-unnamed Final Fantasy sequel eventually probably hopefully appearing on the system? Not really. But honestly, I wasn't necessarily that thrilled the last time new console makers first unveiled games, either. Remember when Sony used Killzone 2 as a tentpole when announcing the PS3? We were all ecstatic because the demo looked amazing technologically--not necessarily because it was a Killzone game. Of course, that demo didn't turn out to be terribly close to the final product, and other impressive looking demos shown that day, like This Is Vegas, never materialized at all.

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So perhaps I am slightly confused when I see people complaining that Sony's PlayStation 4 demos didn't look more outlandishly impressive, more technologically exciting, more otherworldly compared to what the PlayStation 3 currently offers. With the exception of Capcom's Deep Down demo, which was clearly a tech demo--albeit certainly an impressive looking one--with a HUD overlaid upon it, everything in Sony's opening roster looked basically believable. That Killzone game looked like a game that could exist as a launch title on a next-gen system. So did Knack, inFamous: Second Son, DriveClub and pretty much everything else shown during the event. Basically, Sony eschewed incredulity in favor of realistic promises.

For some, maybe that's not enough. After all, it's been seven years since Sony last asked us to upgrade our PlayStation systems, and while the PS3 has its share of legacy problems and limitations, it's still a highly functional console replete with myriad media options. To inspire people to buy a new, presumably expensive media box, companies are expected to over promise the world with spurious sounding claims of technological superiority. Comparatively, Sony's PlayStation 4 announcement was peculiarly direct and maybe even a bit sobering.

Now, if you want to criticize some of the presentation choices at the event, I'm right there with you. The choice of games Sony lined up for the event definitely had a hard time meshing with the messages of change that Sony's representatives put forth while speaking on stage. That cognitive dissonance was a big part of this thoughtful takedown of the event by The Gameological Society's John Teti. In his view, Sony's words didn't jive with the sameness of the games we were being shown, that the solutions Sony offered were to invented problems, and that eviscerating older technology as the hindrance to true emotional storytelling, as Quantic Dream's David Cage did, was more than a bit ludicrous. On this last point, I agree entirely. Cage's presentation specifically called out technology limitations as a barrier to emotional connection in storytelling, while simultaneously using the classic silent film The Great Train Robbery as an example of why movies weren't interesting until the technology radically improved. It's a lame argument, one that presumes that the quality of artistic expression and the rate of technological advancement are inextricably linked. Considering we've seen no small share of terrible storytelling in the last few decades, regardless of how technology has improved, I don't think this point holds water.

I was fine with David Cage's desire to use technology to aid character expression, but did he really have to drag a classic silent film through the mud just to make his point?
I was fine with David Cage's desire to use technology to aid character expression, but did he really have to drag a classic silent film through the mud just to make his point?

But I also don't think Sony did anything particularly egregious in showing the games it did, and allowing the names it did to appear on stage. Well, with the exception of Square Enix, who clearly had no reason being out there. But beyond that, the games Sony put on stage felt like the kinds of games a company about to trumpet a new console typically does. I understand that it's been several years since we've really gone through this kind of thing on an industry-wide scale, but outside of a few awkward presentations--creepy inFamous guy, I'm looking at you--nothing stood out to me at Sony's event as particularly off or displeasing.

This, I suppose, makes me an optimist compared with some, who have called the event a mistake, or flop, or whatever else. I guess I just don't know what those who had any strong negative feelings about Sony's first showing were honestly expecting. Maybe because it's been so long since we've really been to this rodeo, not having our minds blown by what was on display was simply unacceptable. If that's the mentality you're going to take, you're likely to be very disappointed with how this industry, and frankly all iterative technology industries progress from here, because revolutions are far less common than updates. Or, as Ian Bogost put it in his write-up of the PlayStation 4 event in the Atlantic:

"We mistakenly believe that the label "next generation" implies newness and innovation, a promise of the technological utopia we've been dreaming of. But if you pause to reflect on the matter, you'll quickly realize that all those earlier generations were once next generations themselves, for some previously current generation. Innovation is like a Chinese finger trap: the more you tug deliberately at progress, the less progress you make, because the deepest, most profund novelty is the kind that blinds us to novelty. Every "next" thing shouldn't have to be a revolution. It can just be what comes next."

I don't know about the rest of you, but what's coming next sounds just fine to me. At least, so far.


As a complete and utter aside to any of this Sony nonsense, I felt I'd be remiss if I didn't spend at least a little time lamenting another piece of news from the past week.

We've all undoubtedly heard by now that IGN, now owned by Ziff Davis, plans to shutter several of its banner properties, including 1UP, UGO, and Gamespy. Some of the staff of those sites sound like they'll be folded back into the larger IGN whole, and if we're being completely honest, many of the writers who helped establish those brands and make them the powerhouses they were have moved on over the years. But that doesn't mean that they weren't still quality sites, and that they didn't have a place in this industry going forward.

Ziff, apparently, disagreed. Considering the company's bottom line, which appears to be to promote IGN and Ask Men at all costs, while shedding anything that isn't those two key things, I guess there never really was much hope there. Ziff didn't necessarily want 1UP, UGO, or Gamespy, but they came as part of the deal. Speaking from experience, it never bodes well when your site is thrown in as part of a package sale, versus being the target of the sale at the outset. Those sites rarely survive in a recognizable fashion, if at all.

When I began my tenure at GameSpot back in 2003, Gamespy was still a strong, independent brand that had yet to fold into the larger IGN conglomerate, UGO was still basically IGN's less video game-focused rival for the attention of young, Internet savvy males, and 1UP hadn't even launched yet, though it would soon after my arrival. People seem particularly pained by the loss of 1UP, and I don't blame them. Back in the early days, they were viewed by many I worked with as competition to be shunned, as was generally our custom. But when you met the people who worked at 1UP, and read, listened to, and watched the content they produced, you got the impression that that mentality couldn't have been further from theirs. You always got the impression that those folks cared as much about what the rest of us were doing as what they were doing, that they were paying attention, and had an active interest in what they were doing beyond the mere scope of just winning some futile traffic war.

Maybe that was true of some editors more than others, but generally, 1UP was a site I had a great deal of affection and respect for. Even as it went through transition after transition, people held that site close to their heart, because of the sense of community, the uniqueness of the content for its time, and the personalities that kept the place running.

Most importantly, places like 1UP, Gamespy and UGO were breeding grounds for great writing talent that has continued to flourish in recent years. I won't even try to name off the many, many writers and personalities I've met who either got their start, or had some of their best career years at those sites, because I know I'd forget a few, and I'd feel bad about that. Suffice it to say, they were numerous, and their contributions to our silly little line of work deserve all the warm feelings and sad lamentations that have come as a result of this news.

When bad things went down at GameSpot with Jeff, it was the 1UP team that came out to make a show of public support for the remaining GS staff. That meant a whole lot to many of us.
When bad things went down at GameSpot with Jeff, it was the 1UP team that came out to make a show of public support for the remaining GS staff. That meant a whole lot to many of us.

It's a strange thing to see these sites, once so intractably embedded in my field of vision on a day-to-day basis, go out this way. Especially when you consider that the consoles and platforms these sites covered for so many years are about to go away as well, giving way to a new generation of hardware. Does this mean we're giving way to a new generation of sites? A new generation of video games coverage the likes of which we scarcely know or understand? Hell, I don't know. I suspect not, but that's only because I feel like these changes have been coming for a while. Many of the sites that existed on the periphery at the outset of this past generation have skyrocketed in recent years. Blogs, mainstream media corporations, online video channels, it's all kind of blended together into this strange, unrecognizable beast, at least insofar as it compares to the industry I entered into ten years ago.

That's not necessarily a bad thing. While I share this writer's pessimism in terms of the profitability of our profession at large, I do feel that in the last few years, the content, both in volume and quality, has improved exponentially. Say what you want about the blogification of media, but I've read more interesting thoughts about video games in the last couple of years than I probably did in the previous ten. And I think we owe more than a little bit of that to sites like 1UP and Gamespy, who helped inspire many of these new writers and their perspectives we've now come to enjoy.

To those impacted by the layoffs at these sites, know that your work over the years has been appreciated by myself and countless others, and that we're all looking forward to seeing what's next for you.


Alex Navarro on Google+


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Edited By MemphisSlim

@oldirtybearon said:

@memphisslim said:

Alex expressed his particular view fine, but others with their "I'm a REAL gamer, so I LOVED every bit of it and the rest of you are jaded dorks" can go shove off.

FFS, only a troll could rage at the hardware itself--it's impressive, to be sure. But almost nothing--save the confusing Media Molecule project and Watch Dogs--looked like it was taking advantage of being "next-gen". It's not about graphics, god damn it, it's the concepts and framework of the games (which are hopefully new IPs). All this whining companies did about being held back creatively by the long gen, and THIS is what they offered. FOH.

I'd like to refer to you the part of this article that talked about the Chinese Finger Trap. Specifically the bit about how trying to push and nudge toward progress winds up stifling it.

Those games will come. Nobody ever dreamed something like Assassin's Creed or Dead Rising could happen on any console from any previous generation. It's just something nobody thought could be done. When those games did happen, though, it was a revelation and opened up many doors to many different possible games. Point is, those "new" games are coming, but we don't know about them yet because we're nine months away from the launch of this console. The console we didn't "know" existed until last week.

TL;DR quit whining because the next gen hasn't even started yet.

I grew up on SNES/Genesis--->PS2 and skipped this gen, just using the 360 with friends. I'm a PC gamer--my renaissance has already been here in a big way.

The only reason I remotely cared about the so-called next-gen (no such thing on the PC) is so devs could stop using tech and long-cycle excuses for lack of innovation in big-budget multi-platform games. I had ZERO expectations going in, so I'm actually pleasantly surprised by the console itself.

Nice try, though.

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I was a loyal 1UP reader back in the day but when they shut everything down a few years back I gradually lost interest in the site since all of the personalities left over time. Same thing happened with GameSpot. It is very sad to see so many people losing their jobs.

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@jz said:

This should be a weekly video not article.

Reading is fundamental.

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"So to call Sony out as some have for not showing the box strikes me as petty and maybe just a little bit beside the point."

Not really. I'm a little surprised that so many are covering Sony's ass on this one, when they should be asking the obvious question--why? Sure, they might still be designing it. But it might also be a sign of some other issue. That so many game journalists aren't interested in digging deeper into the box's absence doesn't surprise me, but it does disappoint.

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Someone once told me that it seems smarter to disagree with something than agree to it.

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Once again a great post!

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@haggis: Many of us did ask about it. I asked Yoshida about it, and he said "the box isn't finalized." If you honestly think any journalist is going to get Sony to admit to some larger issue (assuming there even is one), I don't think you really understand how this business works.

I'm not covering Sony's ass. I just don't think seeing a box at the very first event matters all that much. Now, if come E3, they still don't have anything to show from the final box, then that's potentially a bigger problem. But this early? It's not really a thing.

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Edited By retrovirus

@mrfluke said:

the original 1up team was great, never forget

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That first video is beautiful for having the smiling Jeff Green in the top left.

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Edited By cthomer5000

@Alex Another great piece. This is becoming a staple of my Sunday. Keep it up!

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Great read as usual Alex. It dawned on me recently that one of the first websites I ever visited was Gamespy, brought back some nice memories.

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The Guns of Navarro articles are absolutely bar-none the best written content on the site. Alex has matured over the past few years and he is putting out the best work of his life. In the past, he had a somewhat abrasive quality to his podcast work and writing which put me off, but as of late my opinion of him has undertaken a complete 180. I am always so excited to see what he brings to the table and he just seems to get better and better.

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I was disappointed because Steve Jobs taught me that presentations should be mind blowing.

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Edited By mellotronrules

That cognitive dissonance was a big part of this thoughtful takedown of the event by The Gameological Society's John Teti. In his view, Sony's words didn't jive with the sameness of the games we were being shown, that the solutions Sony offered were to invented problems, and that eviscerating older technology as the hindrance to true emotional storytelling, as Quantic Dream's David Cage did, was more than a bit ludicrous.

i read that piece- and while i'd certainly agree that there's an inherent disconnect between sony's 'walking the walk and talking the talk,' the article was absolutely saturated with cynicism. and don't get me wrong- i'm more than happy to discuss and emphasize the absurdity of the industry- but with the way the chap was writing, it sounded like it was his very first rodeo (or as the case might be, technology press conference). there's plenty of self-aggrandizing and flowery nonsense to go around at tech events- it helps to take everything with a metric ton of salt. i shudder to think of his analysis of something like CES or E3.

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Edited By alex

@mellotronrules: I'd agree. I think Teti's piece, as a whole, was the most aggressively negative I'd read. I agreed with certain points of his, which are the ones I highlighted, and I think his criticisms came from a thoughtful place. But I also would consider that one of the pieces that inspired this piece, in terms of me not really understanding the overwhelming negativity from some.

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"It will probably be a black rectangle"

The rectangle and cube get too much love, no one ever considers the poor rhombus. Or a hexagon. Or dodecahedron, the lumbering dinosaur of platonic solids. There are more than 4 points in the universe, console designers. But fuck spheres, who needs em.

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Another fantastic article, Alex proves that he is the best writer on GB without a doubt with every single one of these. I can't wait for the PS4 after watching the conference.

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Edited By MemphisSlim

@alex: Eh...critical, yes, but it didn't feel aggressive to me--no more than Dan Hsu or Sessler's thoughts on it. *Aggressive* was Eurogamer's podcast overview of the conference.

I don't think the press or the consumers are obligated to fawn over every new detail. Not that it's your perspective, but that's a large part of the discourse I'm seeing.

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Cage's presentation specifically called out technology limitations as a barrier to emotional connection in storytelling, while simultaneously using the classic silent film The Great Train Robbery as an example of why movies weren't interesting until the technology radically improved. It's a lame argument, one that presumes that the quality of artistic expression and the rate of technological advancement are inextricably linked. Considering we've seen no small share of terrible storytelling in the last few decades, regardless of how technology has improved, I don't think this point holds water.

I have disagree here.

Yes, we have had great story telling over the last few decades. But Cage didn't claim that there has been no story telling at all, nor did he claim that that the quality of artistic expression and the rate of technological advancement are inextricably linked.

He just said there's a link. Not an inextricable one.

Specifically he talked about large game-changing moments in movies, like the introduction of sound. Ok, pretty large and obvious. But then he showed the unprecedented detail and expression achievable with next-gen tech. Subconsciously this is massive, but inherently subtle.

And it's that subconscious-level difference where the progress will be made this generation. It's the little things, those minute differences that so many cynics write off as 'incremental graphical upgrade'. In this domain, it's hard to put into words. It's a feeling, a vibe. Something you know is true, but you can't place why.

Today, game reviewers never venture further than criticism of a characters voice actor. In the future, it'll be their overall performance. They'll be full blown actors. Mannerisms. Idiosyncrasies. Right up in their highly rendered face. And man, it's going to be fucking glorious.

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Edited By saddlebrown

@alex: Yeah, that was the impression I was getting from all the interviews asking that same question. They didn't show off for the practical reason of, "Yo, it ain't ready yet," and from the philosophical positioning of, "The box doesn't matter. It is just a box. We are all about services and games now," which is a huge divergence from the PS3, where they held it up over their heads and arrogantly decried "five hundred and ninety-nine US dollars" as though a high price is a selling point.

It feels like they learned a lot. This was a confident showing, but it was definitely not arrogant.

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Edited By Fawkes

"I was fine with David Cage's desire to use technology to aid character expression, but did he really have to drag a classic silent film through the mud just to make his point?"

I really didn't get that from his presentation at all. I thought his point was simply just like how actors used to have to exaggerate emotion when cameras weren't as good, animators have been exaggerating everything because subtle expression can't be conveyed by cartoons. That's like the first thing they teach in computer animation 101. In no way did it seem like he pulled down his pants and took a big shit on a film canister containing The Great Train Robbery. He was simply pointing out obvious facts about the limitations on conveying emotion in a subtle way and making an analogy.

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@alex said:

@mellotronrules: I'd agree. I think Teti's piece, as a whole, was the most aggressively negative I'd read. I agreed with certain points of his, which are the ones I highlighted, and I think his criticisms came from a thoughtful place. But I also would consider that one of the pieces that inspired this piece, in terms of me not really understanding the overwhelming negativity from some.

oh for sure- i'm glad you addressed it. a perspective like teti's, albeit somewhat monotone, is important if only to better understand why it is one enjoys the things one does. and it's always useful to have a reality-check. but i also think it's telling that teti describes blow's presentation as the "high point" of the event. and personally, i'd agree with him on that point- but it isn't because blow "really gets it, man." for me it's more about sony's tacit support for indie development. and that's an encouraging sign of the times, if anything is.

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Edited By Aaron_G

Terrific article, Alex!

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The guns of Navarro are shooting strong today. Great article, and I even share your opinions this time, Alex. =)

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The uproar over the lack of the box just shows what the market expects in the unveiling of a piece of consumer electronics, and how there is so much market confusion about this industry anymore, and the reaction to the Sony event brought it to the forefront.

Apple, Samsung and the other major consumer electronics companies put on these flashy shows where the big showing off of their new piece of aluminum and plastic encased electronics has become the most important part of the show. We see pages upon pages of text written on how the damn things look because aesthetics is such a big buzz word nowadays. Another example of this is just how much of a hard on the tech sites get when Apple and Samsung keep taken each other to court over design patents.

It is these same tech journos that cried out last week. If they do not see that tangible box, they automatically scream out how inferior it is. Microsoft can march out a machine that will be less powerful than the PS4, but if they show off the actual system then the tech writers will say that Microsoft's event will be the bigger success.

This whole "all in one" concept of today's game console has also confused the hell out of people. When a slate of new games are shown off, people complain about the lack of features of a system. When a laundry list of new features are shown, people ask where the hell the games are. The profitability of making a game console a person's one stop destination for all their entertainment needs is massive, but I do not think that any of the console manufactures have found that perfect medium that can please anyone. All I know is that Sony presented itself in a manner that shows they are the antithesis of Microsoft, that they care more about the games on their console than how many services they can pack under the hood.

I was impressed with Sony's show. I went in expecting nothing, and was shown a more powerful console that will have a pretty impressive slate of software in the beginning.

Sony has a lot of work to do. Their software brands have fallen hard over the last seven years, to the point where they no longer have that Halo or Mario level brand name that people think of when you think of the Playstation platform. I do not think inFamous or Killzone will ever be that big, but at least they are trying.

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@fawkes said:

"I was fine with David Cage's desire to use technology to aid character expression, but did he really have to drag a classic silent film through the mud just to make his point?"

I really didn't get that from his presentation at all. I thought his point was simply just like how actors used to have to exaggerate emotion when cameras weren't as good, animators have been exaggerating everything because subtle expression can't be conveyed by cartoons. That's like the first thing they teach in computer animation 101. In no way did it seem like he pulled down his pants and took a big shit on a film canister containing The Great Train Robbery. He was simply pointing out obvious facts about the limitations on conveying emotion in a subtle way and making an analogy.

I agree 100%. Sometimes I think people have this secret agenda against the man because he is vocal about his opinions on the industry and games.

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@fawkes: That is perhaps fair. I read into his presentation (and I watched it a few times) that Cage sees old technology as a limitation, and by proxy, using The Great Train Robbery as the example he did meant that he was showing how old technology had limited creative expression. Perhaps I read too much into that, though I still think Cage often has a hard time explaining his visions without blaming previous expressive problems on the technology he had to work with. As if to say, the only way to truly convey emotion is with technology that will support it.

Again, maybe I'm reading too much into that, though I feel like I've heard him say these sorts of things before. And considering plenty of games have offered me plenty of emotional experiences using hardware far more ancient than the PS3, it's not an argument I see a lot of value in.

I've no doubt that he'll find plenty of interesting ways to use the PS4 tech to create realistic, believable expressions of emotion. I just don't think technology should be used as an excuse for why those connections didn't exist previously.

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Edited By lego_my_eggo

The only reason i can see people having higher expectations for the Sony meeting is because the jump from last gen to this one was fairly big with entirely new ideas we have never seen, and this jump is just a evolution of those ideas. There was no online infrastructure to download anything, no way to update your console for new features, no gamertags, no apps, no friends list, no way to communicate with your friends outside of the games you played with them, no hard drive to store massive amounts of data and the graphical jump was much bigger from the last generation. The PS4 is just taking all the features we have now and turning them up to 11, which is about what i expected, but other people may have thought we where going to have another big jump like the last time.

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Best articles on giant bomb dot com

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I think a lot people had already made their minds that PS4 sucked before the meeting. I think Sony did a job presenting the PS4. They didn't make me fee like a doofus by having an "celebrity of the month" shove fake enthusiasm down my throat.

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Very nice article. I also didn't quite get the negative reaction coming from a lot people. I thought the whole thing was great, and they showed a lot more than they had to, especially this early. They'll have another hour and a half to two hours at E3, so no worries there.

As for the second part of the article, it seems to me like the last year has been plagued with the word "layoffs", which couldn't be more unfortunate.

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There are just some people who can't be pleased, that's the general feeling I got from some of the negative criticisms towards the meeting. Everytime I look at God of War 3 it stuns me it's running on, what, 7 year old hardware? Just apply that same logic to the next Playstation and I'm sure you catch my drift. It's all good, folks!

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Edited By Mezmero

Whoa watch where you point those guns Alex. You could hurt somebody.

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Edited By LegalBagel

@alex said:

@mellotronrules: I'd agree. I think Teti's piece, as a whole, was the most aggressively negative I'd read. I agreed with certain points of his, which are the ones I highlighted, and I think his criticisms came from a thoughtful place. But I also would consider that one of the pieces that inspired this piece, in terms of me not really understanding the overwhelming negativity from some.

The cynicism made it far less thoughtful than it could have been. The caveats and criticism were warranted. After that event we could use a dose of realism, historical perspective, and an acknowledgement that more technology does not necessarily mean better stories and that promise needs follow-through. But those points were lost given the overall tone, hyperbole, and strawman argument treatment to fit into an overall critique of game development.

Impressively, he exaggerated what Sony was promising - you can often come out of console announcements with the designer promising the world, but this was fairly grounded and humble in comparison - and underrated the potential of what Sony actually presented, since new technology does open up new avenues in storytelling and design, and a console designed better for social interaction and more open for developers is important.

But great article overall Alex. The reaction from many outside the gaming press seemed strange, though I attribute that more from a lack of perspective in console roll-outs, and it coming from people who normally cover the latest iPhone revision conferences and coming in with those expectations (including the infamous "WHERE'S THE BOX!" arguments). Your PS4 isn't going to be a status piece in your pocket, guys, it's going to gather dust in an electronics cabinet.

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Edited By HaltIamReptar

Man Alex. You're my fave. But you missed the point of Cage's speech entirely.

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Emotional storytelling is fine and dandy but how much more does technology have to evolve before David Cage can create worthwhile gameplay?

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Edited By TestamentUK

I feel like the majority (/all?) of the really negative reaction came from the tech press. Specifically, people who wouldn't buy a game-focussed console anyway, or at least wouldn't make much use of one (along with the majority of their audience).

They cover consumer electronics. They see the announcement and think of a number of previous consumer electronics announcements they believe to be much better. Based on this viewpoint, they declare the announcement to be a failure. When it's finally released and doesn't sell as many units as the latest iPhone or Galaxy phone they pat themselves on the back on their great insight.

Meanwhile, as a console gamer I couldn't care less, I'm excited. If it doesn't sell as much at release as the latest smart phone then fine - I already have one of those for completely different purposes.

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I'm not sure that the majority of people who actually watched the event would have felt underwhelmed by it, but in general the coverage is just typical of what the internet does in these situations - emphasise the negative in order to attract attention to itself. Remember that we live in a world that demands over the top marketing and feeds off of overzealous promises (something the likes of Apple have excelled at), even though we all know in are heart of hearts that these statements barely ever pay off. In that regard I thing Sony hit a nice balance where the people who really do care (developers and the platforms core fans) will likely have come away with the reassurance that they weren't just going to repeat the mistakes of the past. As someone who last owned a Sony console in the PS1 days I can say that I was highly impressed with what I saw and came away much more positive about the Playstation's future than I had expected I would.

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Edited By Missacre

That's exactly why I'm sticking to PC for yet another generation.

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Edited By bledsoe9mm

a lack of impressive graphisc can be blamed on this generations of consoles success . the near collapse of pc gaming before steam , pc's still being relegated to 7 year old console ports has stagnated graphic advancement . this is the generation we will pay for it , or maybe it doesn't matter that much

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Very interesting, well-written and straight to the point. I agree about the PS4 presentation. I seem to remember far too many corporate unveilings and events that were really unbearable to watch from the perspective of a humble gamer that just wants to get a sense of what's coming next without preposterous amounts of motivational PR talk. In that sense Sony did very decently in my opinion. How the system turns out in the real world still remains to be seen of course.

The 1UP closure is the sad end for what I saw coming for a good long while. Many of their most excellent personalities had been long gone and the few brave people remaining (Jeremy Parish in particular) just couldn't produce nearly enough content to keep me coming back consistently with the lack of support they had to work with. I basically slowly started abandoning the site after the end of GWJ Radio. Some good fucking memories though. Hopefully many of them manage to work on new projects.

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I thought we were going to see this kind of stuff at E3. So I was more than happy with the meeting.

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Thank you for the article!

A note not really related to the content of the article: I don't know if it's just me, the browser I'm using, or something else weird, but the font you guys use for the quoted section is REALLY hard to read on the black color scheme of the site. Looks great on the white version, but totally sloppy on the dark one.

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Great write up as always, watching those oscars tonight Alex?

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Another great read, thanks Alex.

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Dan Stapleton, Mike Sharkey and Matthew Rorie as the PC team for Giant Bomb. No, I know it wont happen. GB survives by keeping the head down, I know.

Helluva nice sunday read, Alex

(David Cage sounds like a prick. If you can't do emotion with silent movies, then what the hell is The Kid? Also, games are way past silent movies).

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Edited By TheRedDeath

I think people's reaction to the PS4 conference comes with their expectations. If you expected nothing more than a 30 minute conference of "Hey, we're making this thing!", like I did, than it's E3-quese size and content was a delight. But if you wanted EVERYTHING, like those last 3 pieces that Alex pointed out, price, date, box, well I guess you're disappointed. As Patrick pointed out Sony does have to hold some if it's cards to it's chest because it's playing this game with Microsoft and it's now there move, so holding back the price and date makes sense to me. Like I said though, it comes down to expectations, and for me, I was impressed.

As for the layoffs, well, my gaming press ecosystem doesn't really go beyond the walls of Giant Bomb these days, so I don't know a thing about these other websites and what they did, but good luck to them none the less.

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Alex expressed his particular view fine, but others with their "I'm a REAL gamer, so I LOVED every bit of it and the rest of you are jaded dorks" can go shove off.

FFS, only a troll could rage at the hardware itself--it's impressive, to be sure. But almost nothing--save the confusing Media Molecule project and Watch Dogs--looked like it was taking advantage of being "next-gen". It's not about graphics, god damn it, it's the concepts and framework of the games (which are hopefully new IPs). All this whining companies did about being held back creatively by the long gen, and THIS is what they offered. FOH.

Sony has to sell their console with some familiar titles to a large demographic, so is it really that big of a surprise that they had Killzone, Infamous, and Generic Racing Game? Shooter, open world, and driving game. Aside from RPGs, I think they have the basics covered as far as launch titles go. These games aren't indicative of every single game that's going to be made over the next 6 or 7 years, but are rather games to ease people into the new console by giving them something familiar. You'll get your Walking Dead and Journey-like experiences along with your shooters and racers.

There's still E3 for developers to show off their stuff and I'd bet they'd be much more free to talk about new IPs and game concepts when Microsoft announces their new console. So let's not declare the next console generation as creatively bankrupt just yet.

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The only reason i can see people having higher expectations for the Sony meeting is because the jump from last gen to this one was fairly big with entirely new ideas we have never seen, and this jump is just a evolution of those ideas. There was no online infrastructure to download anything, no way to update your console for new features, no gamertags, no apps, no friends list, no way to communicate with your friends outside of the games you played with them, no hard drive to store massive amounts of data and the graphical jump was much bigger from the last generation. The PS4 is just taking all the features we have now and turning them up to 11, which is about what i expected, but other people may have thought we where going to have another big jump like the last time.

And what exactly is that leap? What are people expecting a leapto? It makes no sense. Most people I saw hating on the conference don't even think we need video game boxes under the TV anymore. Their opinions should be disregarded.

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@minipato said:

@memphisslim said:

Alex expressed his particular view fine, but others with their "I'm a REAL gamer, so I LOVED every bit of it and the rest of you are jaded dorks" can go shove off.

FFS, only a troll could rage at the hardware itself--it's impressive, to be sure. But almost nothing--save the confusing Media Molecule project and Watch Dogs--looked like it was taking advantage of being "next-gen". It's not about graphics, god damn it, it's the concepts and framework of the games (which are hopefully new IPs). All this whining companies did about being held back creatively by the long gen, and THIS is what they offered. FOH.

Sony has to sell their console with some familiar titles to a large demographic, so is it really that big of a surprise that they had Killzone, Infamous, and Generic Racing Game? Shooter, open world, and driving game. Aside from RPGs, I think they have the basics covered as far as launch titles go. These games aren't indicative of every single game that's going to be made over the next 6 or 7 years, but are rather games to ease people into the new console by giving them something familiar. You'll get your Walking Dead and Journey-like experiences along with your shooters and racers.

There's still E3 for developers to show off their stuff and I'd bet they'd be much more free to talk about new IPs and game concepts when Microsoft announces their new console. So let's not declare the next console generation as creatively bankrupt just yet.

That's fair, man. *thumbs up*