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    Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

    Game » consists of 3 releases. Released Aug 23, 2016

    Following up two years after Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Mankind Divided sees Adam Jensen working to thwart a terrorist organization bent on promoting human augmentation. It serves as a prequel to Deus Ex, the first entry in the series.

    Mankind Divided PC performance is really bad

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    #151  Edited By VooDooPC

    I've played about three hours so far. I am playing with everything maxed out (no MSAA) on a GTX 1080 and haven't had any issues. The benchmark seems to be much harsher than any actual game play I have come across. I'm in the first area and there's no large open areas even in the largest of areas my FPS doesn't drop below the 50s, compared to the benchmark where my max FPS was around 50. I think the people saying it runs bad with their Titan Xs are kind of full of shit.

    @adequatelyprepared said:

    I just want them to fix the 'Hold t to Unmark All' prompt sticking on the screen. It's interfering with my screenshots, and I really don't want to dump Praxis points into the tracking augment to make it go away.

    I had the tutorial prompt for disabling augments to stop overheating stuck on my screen for about 30 minutes last night. Was horrible. I couldn't make it go away because I had no praxis kits and nothing was overheating, so I couldn't even do what the prompt said if I wanted to. Luckily it went away when I talked to someone.

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    Using a GTX 970 and an i7-3770. I just used the optimal settings as recommended by the Geforce Experience and the game is running perfectly.

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    Got a 970 and an i5. Runs like shit. Looks ugly as fuvk. Hopefully it gets better with patches but by the time it happens I'll have finished the game as I'm really liking it so far.

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    Hard contact shadows seem to be a big frame rate killer, and msaa of course. With shadows set to on instead of ultra and just taa I'm getting 60-90 fps everywhere. GTX1070, 4790K, 16GB ram, ssd. All other settings maxed at 1080p.

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    @mike: 980 SLI here. Had to disable my second card, set everything to Medium or lower at 1080p instead of my 1440p native. Port is really bad right now. I'm officially putting it on hold until more patches/work-arounds come to light. Thank god F1 2016 is decent this year.

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    #156  Edited By Quicklyer

    Sounds like the highest end users are getting the worst of it, which sucks because you guys certainly paid/put the effort in. Hopefully they'll address that.

    It is running decently enough for me on a mid-range PC (i5/gtx760). GeForce Experience settings (combo of medium/high) + a few important-to-me settings cranked way up. I'm getting a 35-40 fps consistently. Pretty close to the FPS I got with Witcher 3 on Ultra with comparable IQ.

    Though my expectations might have been dampened since I played Human Revolution on this same PC and got a really really really inconsistent 60fps, where games like Dishonored (released over 1 year later) gave a fluid and stunning 60fps.

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    #157  Edited By Humanity

    Runs fine for me with everything on high apart from the key offenders turned off and shadows bumped down because who cares about soft shadows.

    I was expecting better performance especially since the game looks nice but nothing amazing. Guess Doom sorta spoiled me. Maybe when that DX12 support comes it'll squeeze in a few more frames.

    So far the worst part is this weird hitching every once in a while.

    PC games huh?

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    #158  Edited By mike
    @raindog505 said:

    @mike: 980 SLI here. Had to disable my second card, set everything to Medium or lower at 1080p instead of my 1440p native. Port is really bad right now. I'm officially putting it on hold until more patches/work-arounds come to light. Thank god F1 2016 is decent this year.

    Not sure what's going on with your system, but one of my PCs has a 4690k and SLI 980s and I'm getting a near constant 60 FPS on High at 1080p, with only Contact Shadows set to Off. I'm even running Nvidia AA through the control panel. SLI is working perfectly now, but in order to get it working I had to clean out all my old Nvidia drivers and reinstall them.

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    #159  Edited By BeachThunder

    PSA: Don't even bother with Contact Hardening Shadows. Apparently, this is 'realistic' lighting:

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    @beachthunder: Is that what it does? Looks like something with shadow draw distance, reminds me of fallout 4.

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    I have an i5 4690k and a 970 and I get 58-60 in most mission areas and about 50-57 in the larger hub areas of the city. Most of my settings are high with all the options on and very high DoF. MSAA off Temporal on. 1080p

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    @mike: I might try a fresh driver install. All my other games (Rise of the Tomb Raider, F1 2016, and older titles like CS GO) are running fine with proper SLI utilization.

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    @beachthunder: Is that what it does? Looks like something with shadow draw distance, reminds me of fallout 4.

    AMD CHS and Nvidia PCSS are methods of calculating the level of shadow opacity and dithering based on the shadow casting distance from an object that occludes a light source. The larger the distance from the point of occlusion the less defined a shadow will be (just like real life). It's an extremely computationally expensive thing to render in real time which is why the performance cost is so high.

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    Contact Hardening Shadows and Very High AO are bugged right now. Combined, they actively make the game look and run worse, by about 10-15 fps. They should have just used HBAO+.

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    Speaking of bugs and weird stuff happening...has anyone noticed that running up or down stairs is actually slower than walking?

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    Aside from the fact that the mouse feels weird as hell with its slower vertical movement, it's running fantastically on my 3570k / 970 at 1080. Mostly High settings, a couple Very High, no Ultra.

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    I'm now getting a fantastic save bug where I have to delete multiple old ones in order to save even once, and overwriting the save doesn't work. In fact, the game acts like it's saving fine (little icon in the corner, etc), but it won't, as I found out when attempting to load the last X hours of progress.

    Guess I'm going to put this on the back burner until they get that sorted.

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    #168  Edited By OurSin_360

    The terrible transition from hd gameplay to like 480p cutscenes is way to jarring and immersion breaking. Even the first game didn't do this(or did it?), i also feel like the game is resetting my FOV randomly and/or squishing the UI. Instead of getting into the story, i start googling how to fix this stuff lol.

    I"m thinking all this is either to do with FOV or res higher than 1080p? anybody else getting black bars on the side during cutscenes?

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    #169  Edited By ArbitraryWater

    I'm getting a consistent 30-35 FPS on my laptop with a 970m (which is apparently slightly less powerful than the desktop 970) on mostly high settings with a couple of things turned down, like cloth physics. I dunno if that qualifies as "bad performance" or not, but this is the first modern game I've tried to run on the thing.

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    #170  Edited By Trilogy

    The terrible transition from hd gameplay to like 480p cutscenes is way to jarring and immersion breaking. Even the first game didn't do this(or did it?), i also feel like the game is resetting my FOV randomly and/or squishing the UI. Instead of getting into the story, i start googling how to fix this stuff lol.

    I"m thinking all this is either to do with FOV or res higher than 1080p? anybody else getting black bars on the side during cutscenes?

    Human Revolution did the same thing. I remember how jarring it was.

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    @arbitrarywater: The 970m is significantly less powerful than the desktop 970, they are really comparable in name only. For some games the mobile version shows half the performance of the desktop version.

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    @mike said:

    Speaking of bugs and weird stuff happening...has anyone noticed that running up or down stairs is actually slower than walking?

    I thought that would be solved with a new augmentation or something, since that started happening after Jensen's augmentations got Metroid Prime'd right after the tutorial mission. That would be a pretty stupid augmentation, but it would be better than having to go through the whole game without being able to run downstairs properly. In any case, it's awkward.

    Also, the game has a prompt towards the bottom right of the screen that says "hold t to unmark" or something and it won't go away. It's small, in a corner, and easily forgettable so it isn't a problem, but it's just stuck there. Weird.

    Aside from the fact that the mouse feels weird as hell with its slower vertical movement, it's running fantastically on my 3570k / 970 at 1080. Mostly High settings, a couple Very High, no Ultra.

    I haven't noticed this but I'm about to jump back into the game again, I'll see if I notice it. I've also played a decent portion of this game with a controller, so maybe that's why I haven't picked up on it.

    Anyway, I'm still playing the game with pretty much the same settings I posted two pages ago, except I turned shadow quality down one notch and turned Vsync on. I don't experience many framerate drops, although parts of Prague still cause it to drop some. Usually seems like places where it's justified, though, like a wide-open plaza with lots of NPC's and detail everywhere, certainly nothing game-ruining.

    I did have the game crash once. Got on a train, the game started loading, and when I got off the train, the screen was black and wouldn't do anything. I alt-tabbed, closed the game, started it up, got back on the train, and haven't had any issues since.

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    @trilogy: yeah i remebered as i typed that and thought back on it. Its just really hard to forgive in 2016, i mean at least render in 1080p at 16x9. Its easier to forgive a 2012 pc port of a 720p console game, but even consoles should be running at 1080 or upscaled from 900p on 2016? Honestly i may have played human revolution in 720p back then lol.

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    #174  Edited By bybeach

    I got through the train scene without incident. He did seem to ride the train for a while, but they changed angle-shots and Jensen seemed to be slowly moving, so it seemed natural just the same. Everything afterwards went fine. Well, for me.

    EDIT- A few hours in, the FPS feels smooth (took fraps off) and graphically it can be purty. Saved just now by a view of a large expanse of water washing up against an urban abutment. Reminded me a little of New York.

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    I wonder if it's one specific option that's causing low FPS. I'm getting a solid 60 with pretty much everything on high except shadows and I disabled all the bloom / motion blur crap. Running with a 960 but the rest of my rig is pretty good.

    As an aside the max FOV is waaaay to small for me.

    This has nothing to do with Mankind Divided, but I just had to comment on one thing. Good lord, I hate motion blur so much. You and I are a dying breed. It seems like everyone likes that crap. People go out of their way to find monitors with higher refresh rates and super low response times to get rid of motion blur from the hardware, but the game itself creating it when it wouldn't otherwise be there is ok? *smh* I know it's not exactly the same thing, but every game I've ever seen with motion blur turned on has looked, well, blurry, as opposed to nice and crisp and sharp.

    I just thought of turning motion blur on with a 4k monitor. I have to admit that I find the notion pretty funny. "I've got all these pixels making my picture all crisp and shiny and sharp, but let's turn on this setting that artificially imposes blur on the screen for...cinematic effect...I guess." XD

    I know I ranted a bit, but it's always good to see a like minded person who hates this bullshit.

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    I turned MSAA off and have it running on Very High at 1080p. I'm getting 45-60 fps with an average of 51 on my R9390x. Which is still insane, but I'm just happy I can actually play the game. Crazy times with this and No Man's Sky happening so close together. Hate that bad PC ports are still a thing.

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    I have two computers, my i5-4690' gtx 980, 16gb of ddr3, Samsung EVO 950 runs it at 1440p, no aa, with everything on Ultra with 45+fps min, 60 avg; MSAA tanks performance though.

    Weirdly though, my i5-2500k, 8gb ddr3, gtx 680, on a WD black runs the game on high, fxaa, at 1680x1050 and it almost never dips below 60fps. This makes me wonder if here is an issue with this engine and the graphics pipeline on newer NVidia cards. If I remember correctly the last DEus Ex was designed exclusively for ATI cards to the point where ATI actually paid Enix to not allow Nvidia early access to the game for the sake of building drivers (the same thin happened with the original Tomb Raider reboot).

    What does bother me is the mouse bullshit. It feels like the game was designed for a controller and the mouse implementation is trying to emulate analogue stick style looking instead of proper mouse look.

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    What does bother me is the mouse bullshit. It feels like the game was designed for a controller and the mouse implementation is trying to emulate analogue stick style looking instead of proper mouse look.

    It has the same map thing as Darksiders 2 (i.e. there's a reticule on the map and you drag the location you want towards that reticule)

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    @mike said:

    Speaking of bugs and weird stuff happening...has anyone noticed that running up or down stairs is actually slower than walking?

    Yes it's pretty bizarre.

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    I fixed my weird save bug; for some reason, this game has MASSIVE save files (10MB+), so if you accrue a bunch of those (say close to 100) like I tend to do, it'll fill up the Steam Cloud allocation and break everything. Hell, it may even do it if you explicitly tell it not to save your games! So, here's the solution for now:

    1. Turn off Steam Cloud.
    2. Find your old saves (wherever your steam folder is located/userdata/337000/roaming, I think)
    3. Delete a bunch of old saves.
    4. Boot up Deus Ex, load in, save (assuming you deleted your earliest saves, it'll label the new one as 01), and then exit both Deus Ex and Steam.
    5. Delete the remotecache.vdf file in that /337000/ folder
    6. Open up Steam, turn on Cloud Sync, and when you boot Deus Ex back up it should yell at you about a conflict. Choose to upload your files.
    7. In theory, you should have a large amount of space to work with again. I deleted around 50 saves and wound up freeing 600MBs of space.

    It's a bandaid fix until they either figure out a way to make the save file sizes reasonable or properly handle the error in a way that lets you know you can't save, and I assume it'll still be a problem after I fill that space back up again. Even shutting off Steam Cloud in general doesn't seem to work; it just checks if your total would be too much to upload, even if it's off, and then the game just silently fails to save from then on out.

    Otherwise I'm having a blast, so yayyyy.

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    #181  Edited By OurSin_360

    @tyrrael: It depends on what fps you get and monitor refresh rate, if i can't get steady 60fps good motion blur helps hide frame drops and smooths out frames at 30fps. Motion blur is not needed for fps 60 and above, but I never notice the sharpness during movement anyway so i just keep it on usually.

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    The first game on the PC is easily one of the 10 best games I ever played.

    This news is a damn shame.

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    #183  Edited By BeachThunder

    @howardian: I legitimately have no idea which game people are referring to when they say 'the first game'...

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    #184  Edited By ivdamke

    Seems like this game has a case of The Witcher 2 Ubersampling. Features that are added but don't really improve the visuals enough to justify performance loss. People then turn those features on and wonder why its running like butt. Difference with this game is it seems to be the upper tier of a bunch of settings that does it. Anything above "High" for most settings will provide minute visual differences but reduce framerate a fair amount. Though some people seem to be getting shitty performance regardless which is a shame.

    Like most people with my specs in this thread [Base Clocks, 4690K, 16GB RAM and a 970] I get a steady 60 for the most part with these settings.

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    The Benchmark option seems to be (unlike most games) more performance intensive than a lot of the actual game. So jump in before worrying too much about trying to squeeze out frames in the benchmark.

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    #185  Edited By extintor

    @ivdamke: I have near identical specs to you and my game looks and plays wonderfully on high (60fps also)

    I've checked comparisons to very high/ultra vs high on the web and I really don't feel as if I'm missing out by not having that final 5% improvement in visuals that these settings bring.

    Its not the kind of difference that... makes a difference.

    Resolution however... that's probably where the difference would lie... but then I don't have the monitor to support higher than 1920 x 1080 yet.

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    #186  Edited By alistercat

    @beachthunder said:

    PSA: Don't even bother with Contact Hardening Shadows. Apparently, this is 'realistic' lighting:

    That's just really bad view distance variable that doesn't account for situations like that. You can see it drawing in as you move. It is not intentional, just an oversight/shortcoming.

    Oh, and Deus Ex is a franchise but "the first game" in this case would usually mean Human Revolution because this is a different series, but part of a franchise. We don't have good terminology to distinguish these things that are in common usage.

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    #187  Edited By Crommi

    @alistercat said:
    @beachthunder said:

    PSA: Don't even bother with Contact Hardening Shadows. Apparently, this is 'realistic' lighting:

    That's just really bad view distance variable that doesn't account for situations like that. You can see it drawing in as you move. It is not intentional, just an oversight/shortcoming.

    Oh, and Deus Ex is a franchise but "the first game" in this case would usually mean Human Revolution because this is a different series, but part of a franchise. We don't have good terminology to distinguish these things that are in common usage.

    Looked at it in-game and it seems the draw distance for Contact Harderning Shadows is much shorter than for regular soft-shadows and I have to assume this is for performance reasons. CHS looks nice but the low draw distance ruins it outdoors, which is unfortunate because that's where it's at it's best because the softening amount depends on distance between the shadow and object casting it. Outside of the draw distance, buildings and such look like they've been bleached. So for now, I would recommend turning CHS off and using that extra performance for some other settings, such as maxing out Ambient Occlusion because there is noticeable difference when bumping it up to Very High.

    For me, the performance has been pretty good. Running on i5 3570K and R9 290, here's a framerate graph of me walking from Jensen's apartment to metro station plaza, past Time Machine and to permit dealer where I turned 180 and walked the same route back to Jensen's apartment. Biggest dip happened on the way back when I briefly looked at the metro station (lots of geometry with fences and people). Frametime was pretty consistent, there were couple spikes but did not notice stuttering in-game. For testing, I disabled v-sync but on games like this the small lag doesn't matter and I like the smoothness.

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    Here's the settings, I don't really like the sharpening because it's way too strong, but without it and because of TAA, the game looks like Jensen is permanently drunk. If you have high-end GPU, try running game at higher resolution by enabling DSR/VSR in drivers and setting the in-game resolution above your monitor resolution. I tried 1440p and it looked really nice but my card is way too old to handle it. Setting texture quality to Ultra is pointless on 1080p because it's really hard to notice any difference, especially after TAA and Sharpening filters.

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    Edit: Giantbomb has the most confusing forum software

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    I am playing with a 980ti and it was running fine. I turned off the FPS counter off a while ago as I was becoming obsessed with it.

    So, the game was running great. Until I got to the train station. Then my PC blew up and I got covered in spiders. Suffice to say, I hope the patch they got out yesterday works.


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    @wellmax81: Patch was for gamebreaking bugs, I don't think we'll see many performance improvements until DX12 patch that comes out on 5th.

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    #190  Edited By OurSin_360

    @ivdamke: i dont think its that, i just think they dont show to well at 1080p, i see a sharp difference between ultra and high at 1440p and at 4k its night and day. But my gtx 1080 cant even run it maxed at 1440p so i guess its all for the sli and new titan folks? Or maybe it will finally be the game to properly utilize dx12

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    Another AMD game running poorly? Shocker!

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    So between following this thread and Joker's benchmarks, I'm gathering that this game is just more demanding than expected.

    Cool beans. I won't have the time to play much of anything until winter break anyway and I'm due for a GPU upgrade as well.

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    #193  Edited By deepcovergecko

    @facelessvixen said:

    So between following this thread and Joker's benchmarks, I'm gathering that this game is just more demanding than expected.

    Cool beans. I won't have the time to play much of anything until winter break anyway and I'm due for a GPU upgrade as well.

    It uses a modified version of the Hitman engine, both are AMD games and both run worse than they should given their graphical prowess.

    A lot of people (people who bought AMD) complain about Nvidia optimised games but when you are designing a game maybe it's a good idea to not cater to the GPU manufacturer with a tiny marketshare.

    Thankfully I have a 1080 that can cut through bad optimisation due to the sheer power but for those with weaker GPUs this is just shitty.

    Maybe if AMD didn't have so many optimisation problems and could release a card that rivals Nvidia's high end stuff they'd actually be worth labeling your game as an AMD one.

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    @crommi said:

    @wellmax81: Patch was for gamebreaking bugs, I don't think we'll see many performance improvements until DX12 patch that comes out on 5th.

    None of the previous DX12 patches has come with improved performance. Maybe on edge cases when you have an AMD card coupled with an really poor CPU you get a slight improvement.

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    @rethla said:
    @crommi said:

    @wellmax81: Patch was for gamebreaking bugs, I don't think we'll see many performance improvements until DX12 patch that comes out on 5th.

    None of the previous DX12 patches has come with improved performance. Maybe on edge cases when you have an AMD card coupled with an really poor CPU you get a slight improvement.

    Hitman in DX12 gave me about 20% FPS-boost compared to DX11. Forza Motorsport 6 Apex also runs really well in DX12 but cannot make comparison because that's the only API it supports, but I was also getting similar 20% improvement in Doom with Vulkan, so I'm pretty much sold on having anything but DX11. I am using AMD card with 4,6Ghz quad-core.

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    #196  Edited By Tyrrael

    @tyrrael: It depends on what fps you get and monitor refresh rate, if i can't get steady 60fps good motion blur helps hide frame drops and smooths out frames at 30fps. Motion blur is not needed for fps 60 and above, but I never notice the sharpness during movement anyway so i just keep it on usually.

    This is something that may help some people, but as far as I know, it isn't the intended purpose. It's only made things look worse when I used it, and it's never done anything to hide frame drops or make 30fps look smoother.

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    @tyrrael: from my understanding motion blur is originally intended for tvs with 60hz refresh rate to display film and video recorded at 24 and 30fps. Those new tvs with 120hz and high "motion rate" that doubles each frame are used to get rid of the motion blur to make lower fps films look like 60fps without motion blur. So i believe thats the intent of motion blur for games as well (unless its just for a cool effect maybe in a racing game or something). So i dont think its usefull past 60fps, but like i said i dont really notice it when its done well.

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    @tyrrael: Amen to that. Adds nothing for me.

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    @tyrrael: from my understanding motion blur is originally intended for tvs with 60hz refresh rate to display film and video recorded at 24 and 30fps. Those new tvs with 120hz and high "motion rate" that doubles each frame are used to get rid of the motion blur to make lower fps films look like 60fps without motion blur. So i believe thats the intent of motion blur for games as well (unless its just for a cool effect maybe in a racing game or something). So i dont think its usefull past 60fps, but like i said i dont really notice it when its done well.

    I think you're confusing a few things here and using the term "motion blur" far more loosely than what my initial comment was referring to.

    The first sentence of your comment is referring to something called 3:2 pulldown and has nothing to do with "motion blur" in the way I was referencing it.

    The second part of your comment refers to something called motion interpolation, and it is indeed used to smooth out motion and reduce blurring. However, this also produces the "soap opera effect" that most people don't like, since it removes the natural background blur that would be there during standard viewing. This "blur" that is referred to in this case is not the same as when you turn on the motion blur setting in a game.

    Things are going to look blurry sometimes. Even in real life, you can move your hand in front of your face, and it isn't going to look perfectly clear. This is NOT what I'm talking about. I'm talking about a game intentionally making things blurry, or blurrier, than they otherwise would be if the setting was turned off. It's never added anything for me, and has only been a drawback any time I've ever seen it used. Final Fantasy Type-0 is a good example of motion blur getting way out of control. This is an extreme case, but it's still pertinent to my point.

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    @howardian: I legitimately have no idea which game people are referring to when they say 'the first game'...

    Haha, obviously I'm considering the "reboot" series as a series of its own. I'm saying Human Revolution was perfect for me on PC and easily one of the best 10 games I ever played.

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