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They're never gonna make new versions of games I like, are they?

Its so damn depressing. I guess I probably wont ever see a new Tokyo Xtreme Racer game. Every E3 and TGS I hope and pray for an announcement, but it never comes.

I wish they would at least put out TXR3 as a PS2 Classic or something on PSN.

I mean there was TXR-X on 360 which was short but great. And there was Wangan Midnight on PS3 which was visually amazing but difficult because its all in japanese.

I feel like it isn't a stretch for them to put out another TXR game. But it has been 5 years since Wangan Midnight hit PS3. Yet it feels all but completely hopeless. All Genki make these days are educational DS games... I hope they make racing games again someday.


I'm a wuss when it comes to horror games...

I have been afraid of horror games for as long as I can remember. Yet for some reason I usually cite Resident Evil and Silent Hill as two of my favorite game franchises. I have never beaten any of those games. I have only watched other people play them. When I was a kid I would watch my dad pay the old RE and SH games on PS1 and it was so awesome. But I could never bring myself to play them. Also FYI I am 23 now.

I have had the idea to record myself playing scary games for a while but never had the courage to do it. I want do start some kind of video series of this sort.

I'm thinking of starting with minecraft... Because playing that game on any difficulty beyond peaceful freaks me the fuck out. I also just got Amnesia in the latest humble indie bundle, I also have penumbra from an older bundle.

I want to experience these games first hand for once! I beg you all to be my wingmen on this journey.

What games should I play? (I can only capture PC games) Or rather what game do you all want to see me play?

This is me playing minecraft on easy for (basically) the first time:

I feel stupid for freaking out like i did... I actually had to quit at the end of the video. Also I was speaking softly because it is like 3AM. So the more excitable I am the quieter my voice is.

The video is taking awhile to upload. Its at 10% right now... But aparently, "My Account is now enabled for uploads longer than 15 minuets." so thats cool I guess. This one is only like 2:30 though.


Job search blog. Dark month, new optimism.

So after a bunch of seriously disappointing interviews. I started applying for jobs in the only field that I have any working experience in, which saddens me but also the thought of actually having a job is exciting. Since I quit my last job I have been searching for jobs that are nothing like that one. That one being Baking. I have almost no interest in baking. But while applying to many different places this week it seems like the only people who are remotely interested in me are Bakeries.

Like I walked in to safeway and started talking to the people working in the bakery, I told them that I was a baker and asked if they had any positions. Within 5 minutes I was in a back room speaking with the manager of the bakery.

I also went to a locally owned cupcake shop and the manager there seemed pretty excited to tell the owner about me.(granted that manager is also a friend of my mothers.)

Those are currently my most interesting prospects. As much as I hate the idea of being a baker again.


I need a job...

Hello fellow giantbomb duders. I need a job. I've been looking for one for over 6 months now and have found nothing. I have tried everything, Walk ins, online apps, craigslist, cold calling people, work source, everything. I'm out of ideas. Its like the only way you can get a job is if you know someone. Maybe you guys can help me? Any of you duders in a position to give me a job in western washington? I live in Olympia.

I'm just so frustrated at this point and I don't know what else to try. I know this is a long shot.

At least I'm not asking for relationship advise...

EDIT: Man, I just want to eat something that I didn't get from the dollar store.


What do you do when you are out of options in life?

I have been looking for a job for a long time. Nothing has come up, I've applied everywhere in town and even jobs in other cities nearby. So I have come up with a new plan. I don't know if it will work hell even if it does work I don't know if I will make any money. Heres the rundown:

I want to design videogames for a living. I tried going to college, waste of my time. So I am just GONNA DO IT. I cant design a videogame because I don't have access to the ressources or have the skills I would need to do it on my own. So I am not going to design a videogame, I'm gonna design a board game.

I have been designing like crazy. I have a bunch of ideas and I am just going over them in more and more detail until I decide if the idea is actually any good or not. I soon plan to build a prototype and will begin play testing it with my friends. After I do a bunch of play testing I will figure out a prototype/beta version that can be printed out on paper and taped together so that anyone can play test it too. Then at some point kickstarter or something will happen I guess.

I see other people doing this same stuff every day on the internet so why cant I do it too?

EDIT: I'm not ready to reveal any details on the game its self or how it plays/mechanics it has.


I feel like blogging today. (PC Repair, GT5, TDU2, Mild Loss)

Where to start... So, I overheard my dad talking to his girlfriend on the phone. I heard something about a computer not turning on. So I say its probably the PSU. I have them bring the computer to my place and I test it out. Sure enough its the PSU, so I pop a new one in and it works like new. Easiest $50 I ever made. Also on a side note I really liked the inside of that Dell. Real easy to work on. Ok on to GT5. They finally put out Seasonal Events 7, I really like the way things are going it to me really seems like PD are doing their best to do right by the fans. Too bad you wouldn't know it by going onto the GTP forums cause there all anyone seems to do is bitch. I bought TDU2 on tuesday, and mother fuck that game is broken. The online is totally trashed, Hoping it all gets sorted out soon. That game is pretty boring with out the multiplayer. Shit I was hoping I would have more to say about the first three topics. Ok well my best friend of the last 10+ years has gone to basic training for the US Military. I drove him to the airport on wednesday at 4am. Its not like I am sad or depressed or anything, I'm just bored, He was kind of my only friend. He will be back in 9 months(ish) so its not that bad. 
Ok fifth topic!  
I fell in love the other day, too bad shes not human, she's a car. I want to buy it but i would have to get a loan for about 12 grand. Doubt I would even qualify. Literally the most beautiful car I have ever seen. Guess what it is. 


Games to play while waiting for GT5.

I just ordered WRC 2010 from ebay since It probably wont come out in the US. The demo is pretty awesome it totally has the Colin McRae feel that the Dirt games completely miss the mark on.  
Probably going to get SBK X if it actually exists tomorrow, got delayed by a week at the last second. It looks pretty good. 
And that Superstars V8 Racing comes out on PSN tomorrow, looks pretty shitty but I will buy it anyway.  
Anyone else in the same boat?


So I got my local mail in ballot today.

Not really sure what to do with it. I barely follow national politics let alone local stuff. The only thing I know about Obama is that he is black apparently, though I have never seen so for myself so who knows... Could be bush with shoe polish on his face. Anyway, I know nothing about the people on this ballot, but according to the one of them the other is totally evil. Who to believe?


Former Videogame Packrat, Now selling off collection.

I have been collecting games since I was a kid. Most of my worldly possessions are videogames or videogame hardware. Recently I have begun selling a few things to get extra cash.  
its so damn hard though! Every time I post something to amazon I feel bad about it.  
Anyone else ever gone through this? Or do you have no issue with selling off games? Or do you still have a giant collection of games?


Gaming Fatigue. No Desire to Game.

I have been unable to enjoy a game properly for the last few months. Ever since I got an S rank in Forza 3 it has felt like gaming is a chore. I cant seem to play any game for more than a level or so without getting bored and annoyed. I guess I need to just take a break for a while and hope that the glory that is Gran Turismo 5 will come to my rescue in early November. Maybe Starcraft 2 will be fun.
Anyone else ever feel like this?

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