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League of Legends update + more preorder "luck"

So I'm STILL playing loads and loads of League of Legends.  
After abandoning my level 23 USA account (with 100+ Hours on it) I'm now closing in on the level cap on my EU account. I just hit level 28 and and I've logged over 200 hours on this account now. There are not many games throughout history that has gotten this kind of playtime from me and even fewer of them has been non-MMO's.   
For anyone wondering I didn't realize there was an EU version of the game at first so I downloaded the US client for free and played with 170-180 in ping for a long time. Then I decided to try out the EU version and actually bought it from Steam. After that there was no turning back. the ping difference leveled me up alot and my current record is something like 37 hero kills in one game.
I consider myself pretty skilled at this game at this point. I've learned alot of the classes and I play them better than most people I meet online. And in 2 levels I have reached the cap with close to 300 games played. I could never have anticipated LoL doing this to me but it's become my mainstay through all other games for months and months on end now. If anyone is playing I am "Jimbo N" on both the EU and the US servers but I doubt I'll ever go back to the pingtimes of the US one. 
RIOT keeps updating the game with new champions and balance fixes like crazy and I'm really impressed with the support from them so far. 
The only bad thing that will probably never let go are all the kids that think they are the best players ever and feel they need to teel everone that and all of the people that can't play the game for shit and blames it on the team during the game. 
The whining in LoL is pretty bad at times. With people wishing cancer upon each others mothers in all seriousness. I usually completely ignore these people (and my ignorelist is getting preeeetty long now).  Why can't people just have fun in an online competative game? Who do they feel the need to throw blame around and point out how everyone else suck? Now there are some players that really should play some more tutorial games before jumping online but there are loads of level 10 players telling level 30 players how they should be playing and they are so busy doing so that they do nothing but feed the enemy all game long. 
But I guess going into a discussion on how online communities needs to mature is something that will lead nowhere in the end. 
Outside of LoL my preorder luck continues. I have yet to recieve my copy of Yakuza 3 and instead of recieving my copy of God of War 3 today my order was put on hold in that store aswell. How do I suddenly manage to preorder games from stores that dosen't recieve a big enough shipment? Ugh. So I've decided to cancel that one and go pick up the game "manually" today instead. My cold is back with a vengence tho so actually driving to the store is kinda icky but I guess I need some soda and beers anyways I guess since I'm all out at home. I think today will also be Pizza day for me. So I guess going to buy God of War 3, drinks and a Pizza dosen't sound all bad even if my nose runs like a flushing toilet. I guess going back to my graveyard shifts at work while still being kinda sick was a bad idea.

<3 Hackers! Finally got my account back.

I should start this off by saying that I never ever ever ever share account information with anyone else.

So a couple of weeks ago I noticed something strange on my Giant Bomb profile. World of Warcraft achievements! Having your WoW account tied to your profile is a really good way to see if someone else is playing on your account. I was earning achievements in the game even tho I haven't played it in probably close to a year now. Hours later I get an e-mail saying my password has been changed and just like that I could no longer log in to my WoW Account management. Someone had hacked my WoW account even tho I would never in my wildest dreams share my info with anyone.
This was only the beginning of a series of events concerning my whole overall account. 
Alright. So I filled in some forms on the Blizzard support site and took a picture of my drivers license and sent in to prove that I was the right person for that perticular CD-Key.  
After a while they got back to me and allowed me to reset my WoW Account password. Great! 
I thought I was in the clear. But a day or so later I get an e-mail saying something about changing my contact information and options on my overall account. I try to log into it and I literally slam my fist into the desk when I see something like "please enter the authenticator code from the authenticator connected to this account".  
The thing is, I do not own an authenticator. Great, just great. So it starts again. I fill in some more forms on the support site and wait for a response, all the while knowing that someone else can do whatever they want with all of my Blizzard game licenses. 
After a day or so I get a mail back allowing me to change my account password. I change it but the problem remains. There's still an authenticator connected to the account that some dickish kid connected to it.  
This time I decide to just write an e-mail to the support without going through these tedious forms. Turns out that was a bad idea. after probably 5 days or so I get an e-mail back saying I have to e-mail the EU support since I live in EU and that they cannot help me.... siigh. I guess that was amistake on my part. 
After this I came down with a really bad cold and I couldn't for the life of me bring myself to care about this whole situation for a while. In the middle of this cold I get an e-mail saying that my frikkin Warhammer Online account options has been changed. Seriously?! Whoever decided to invade my PC decided to move on to the next MMO I have installed. 
I got even sicker and couldn't do anything about the situation. Today I finally felt like doing something about this again. But just like that I can now log into my and Warhammer Online account again. Did the hacker decide to move on? I was all prepared to start going through webforms again but it seems the authenticator has been removed and that my WAR account is intact and unplayed. 
Seeing as I never ever share accounts or account information I have cleansed my PC as much as I can with Anti spyware/malware programs and I can only hope that I've removed whoever was invading my privacy. 
This all started just a day or so after I merged my account with my WoW account, decided to put in all of my older blizzard game CD-Keys into my Bnet acc and signed up for the Beta program. But I really have no idea what was causing all this. I can only hope that it won't happen again-

Final Fantsty XIII might finally be opening up + Yakuza 3 ?

Alright. I've been seeeriously slacking with my blog for a while now so I felt I needed to just write what's on my mind and try to get the writing flow going again. 
So I think I'm finally getting somewhere in FF13. I've been pretty cold on the game so far and the feeling of "pushing up on the stick, mash A and watch a cutscene with horribly stereotypical characters" is finally letting go of me a bit. I am a huge western RPG fan and coming pretty fresh off  Mass Effect 2 it's very hard to go back these types of characters that Japenese developers decide to hold on to. These archetypes that feel so flat and that always have to make their emotions so incredibly obvious. 
Closing in on the 15 hour mark I think I'm finally starting to see depth in the characters (yes, even Snow). I think they're finally starting to show some sides of themselves that proves a depth I feared was nowhere to be found in this game. 
The combat system is also starting to open up alot wich makes the narrow corridor running between combat feel more forgivable. I find myself reeaaally starting to use paradigm shifts in combat alot more to survive battles and it's starting to get suprisingly addictive and rewarding to go from tanking and buffing up to dealing some burst damage to dealing damage while healing to buffing up some more again. Changing tactics on the fly in combat like this is making more and more sense the longer I play. I also know I'm approaching the chapter where I finally get to roam around a bit.  
It's still very easy for my brain to fall into grindmode and get bored but I think I'm warming up to the game a bit and I know a FF game is something you have to put serious time into so that's what I decided to do. 
Its very easy to write this game off at the point where you feel you could have completed a whole other game in the same time. But realizing that is not fair way to think is pretty key for enjoyment here. So I'll continue to grind through this for some more hours and I'm hoping character portraits aswell as gameplay will continue to dive deeper. 
Also, I haven't checked but is that Claudia Black doing the voice of Fang? I get a pretty distinct Chloe Frazer vibe from her. 
In other news I was pretty upset the other day when I realized that the store I preordered Yakuza 3 from had run out of copies so I missed out on my day 1 disc of the game. Getting out of bed today and checking my e-mail finally revealed the mail I've been waiting for. They finally sent me my electronical bill for the game wich should mean I should have a copy of Yakuza 3 arriving in the mail at least before the week is over. I was really bummed out by the news that the hostess bar is removed tho.  
Removing really japanese quiz stuff kinda makes sense but come on Sega, removing the Hostess bar because the west would'nt understand it? ugh... I'd say its a pretty key part for the underground Tokyo Yakuza feeling the game is going for here. 
Anyways, stoked that there's finally an update on my Yakuza 3 situation. Of course, realizing I won't be done with FF13 for a WHILE and that God of War 3 is just around the corner makes me realize that I am in no real hurry to get my hands on Yakuza. But I still am! Want to play naow!

12 minutes with the master of gamedesign.

It's been way too long since I saw a meaty interview with Peter Molyneux. Today I spotted this one via Lionheads twitter (@LionheadStudios). 12 minutes from GameJam in Copenhagen by Game Reactor. Super excited to see what Natal, Milo and Fable 3 will bring.  
Couldn't find the code to get the video direcly to this post so I'll guess this link will have to do.   


Mass Effect 2 first thoughts.

Some quick notes after my first 4h 30min night with the game. 
- Amazing facial animations. Eyes in particular. When they nail the face and the eyes just perfecly in some scenes its almost scary. The eyes tells a story of its own in this game. 
- Totally regretting creating a custom face once again. This part havent been improved since the first one. The custom faces always end up looking wierd in some way and overall it looks way more "plastic" than the standard shepard. 
- Best Sci-Fi nightclub ever in a videogame early on in the game. Man the atmosphere in that place is THICK! 
- Better subtle body movements of the bodies of the people talking. You´ll se people using their hands more or changing poses during conversation wich is something BioWare games really need. 
- Movement still have that wierd momentum shift from the first one that I didnt really like. Movement isnt snappy enough and it feels like the animation of the running is prioritized a bit much. If you´re making it more like a fast paced 3rd person shooter you gotta can the tank movement. 
- <3 the Captains Office. That place is sweet. Your private terminal, a music clock, small trinkets and fun stuff, a wardrobe 
- Man the atmosphere in the game overall is so dense. Its really not just the nightclub. So much attention to a really awesome Sci-Fi atmosphere that I can´t remember seeing outside of old movies before. 
- The Asari are still the best looking alien race from a technical and artistical standpoint. 
- There´s some REAL moral weight to conversations and choices. I ended the first game as full renegade but now I just can´t get myself to choose the renegade option all of the time. I did a few times and ended up thinking about it in bed afterwards. 
- Already feeling the more serious and darker tone of the game and the universe. And its really mindblowing at times. 
- Cannot wait to meet more of the party members. They seem to be the best set of characters yet in a BioWare game.


Someone read my mind and put it into words.

When I finished Uncharted 2 I wrote a blog post about it saying what I thought about it. I made some points about how the core gameplay of Uncharted is still kind of rough around the edges. While randomly browsing the forums tonight I came across this topic and after reading it I realize that this guy put my thoughts into words even better than I did myself. 
I agree fully with every point this guy makes and I recommend everyone to go check out this thread for some very good opinions on a very good but not perfect game! 

Concept art from Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
Concept art from Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

Fi(r)st game of 2010

League of Legends. I always write down the first game of the year, 2010 starts out with League of Legends. 1 hour past the new year (GMt +1), Absolutey fantastic game that will stick with me through 2010. Im gonna quote Command & Conquer: "The future is now" (someone tell me if that was Tiberian Sun or Red Alert 2..)