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Day 18 Of Oblivion 12/4/10

 After I woke up I spoke to Faelin’s wealthy girlfriend Atraena about him. She reluctantly told me that he was a skooma addict. She had no idea what to do about him and was afraid he was going to end up dead. She at least knows what to fear… Anyway, she told me that he spent his day enjoying skooma in Lorkmir’s house, as it was abandoned. He was usually gone from 11 in the morning to about 5 in the afternoon. I was lucky enough that I was able to get to Lorkmir’s house before Faelin was there. My bonus, which I had failed to mention in my last journal entry, was to kill Faelin in a private location to make it look like a common murder. This was because Adamus Phillida was hot on the trail of any member of the Dark Brotherhood in the Imperial City. Because Lorkmir’s house was abandoned, this would be the perfect place to free Faelin and Atraena of their burdens.

I waited until the afternoon for him to enter the house. Like any addict, he was pacing around the house, itching and scratching. He was jumpy, so it was difficult killing him stealthily. I quickly did my job in the name of Sithis and headed back to Cheydinhal. It was unfortunately too late to finish my next contract, so I figured I would spend another night with my family. 


Day 17 Of Oblivion 12/3/10

 I woke up this morning and headed to the Chapel Undercroft to “resurrect” Francois. I sneaked down to his body (which was yet to be placed into his sarcophagus) and used the antidote that would “revive” him. He instantly “woke up” and told me something I did not want to hear. He said that his ancestors resided in the Undercroft and that they would find his “resurrection” a desecration. Oh also, the Undercroft is cursed. They rose as zambies, but being an adept at sneaking, it was easy enough to get past them. I took Francois to the Gray Mare and here he thanked me and bade me farewell.

I took me a while to get back to Cheydinhal, but when I did I was promoted. Not only did Vicente promote me and give me my bonus, he asked me if I would accept his “Dark Gift”. I said no. I do not want to be a hunter of the night ever. Well, at least right now…

He also told me that I would now report to Ocheeva for all of my contracts. I asked her what my next contract would be. My next contract was to find and kill a High-Elf named Faelian. He was in the Imperial City, but I had no other leads. I headed back down to the Imperial City to start my investigation. The first place I went to was the Tiber Septim Hotel, not for my investigation, but because I was going to stay the night here. It just so happened that Faelin stays here with his girlfriend. It was late and I figured I would ask her tomorrow. 


Day 16 Of Oblivion 12/2/10

 My contract was to help fake the death of Francois Motierre who lived in Chorrol. I had journeyed here last night and woke up to go finish my contract. Francois had got into trouble with some shady-underground types and had forgot to pay his debts. They were sending an enforcer to take him out, and naturally, he didn’t want to die. So he hired the Dark Brotherhood to help fake his death. I was given a special blade that would make it look like he was dead and told to go as soon as possible. I went to visit him and talk about his plan. He told me that the enforcer would be coming soon and that I would need to wait in the shadows for my cue to “strike”.

The enforcer soon came and demanded money, I jumped out and “stabbed” Francois and he quickly fell to the ground. The enforcer was, as you would expect, angry and attempted to kill me. I ran out of the town and made my escape. I would need to wait a day for Francois’ body to placed in the crypt so that I could help him successfully fake his death. I figured I could finish off some old tasks around Chorrol while I was there, so I asked around about Weatherleah. I was directed to Sabine Laul and she gave me the directions.

I headed straight there and found that it was infested with Ogres. Guilbert had thought that they would’ve cleared out by now but he was wrong. I reported back to him and he asked me to clear the place out. I was confident in my abilities and headed right back. I easily cleared out all of the ogres and escorted the Jemane brothers back to their former home. They gave a bit of gold and I headed back to Chorrol to bide my time until I could complete the contract. 


Day 15 Of Oblivion

 My next contract was one that I had been waiting for ever since I escaped prison oh-so-long ago. I was to infiltrate the Imperial City through the same way I escaped, and kill the man who I was verbally insulted by before. I thought that I had become a zombie in only two days of being in the Dark Brotherhood, but I finally felt emotion once more. The same path that I took to escape had now been infested with Imperial Guards as well, who were searching for evidence of The Emperor’s death. My bonus was to infiltrate and kill my target (who’s name I learned was Valen Dreth) without killing any of the guards. 

I headed right back to the grate that led my back to my escape route and took a trip down memory-lane. The exact route I took was blocked, so I to take a bit of a detour. Fortunately, the detour was short enough and I ended up right back to where the Sewers ended and the secret escape route began. This is where I encountered the Imperial Guards. I watched their patterns and made my move. I took advantage of their patrol routes and made my way to my cell. The stuff I have learned in only 15 days of being here in Cyrodiil…

Across from me was Valen, talking to a guard. He was doing what he does best, taunting. The guard soon became fed up and left, leaving me my pretty little time to kill the first man I have hated in a long time. I aimed my bow, pulled back, and saw his body drop into the darkness. I then retreated back through the way I came and went back to Cheydinhal.

Vicente then gave me a new contract, which I will talk about more tomorrow. After he gave me my contract I headed to Chorrol, where the contract was to take place. Once I got there, it was late and I slept at the Oak & Crosier. 


Day 14 Of Oblivion 11/30/10

After I woke up I spoke to Vicente about my next contract. I was asked to kill a Wood Elf named Baenlin who lived in Bruma. I would receive a bonus if I was able to kill him, but make it look like an accident. Variety is the spice of life, so I decided to complete the bonus. He told me that he sits in his favorite chair from around 8 PM to around 11 PM right below his mounted head of a minotaur. I left Cheydinhal and headed straight for Bruma.

I got there early, however, but I was focused on completing the contract. I simply waited at Olav's Tap and Tack and observed from the corner whilst sipping my wine. When it was half past 7, I headed into Baenlin's house through his basement. I sneaked up above to where the fastenings were. I loosed them and heard a crash. The next thing I saw was his manservant over his lifeless body, sobbing. I was able to sneak past due to all of the commotion and made my way back to The Sanctuary. Vicente congratulated me for completing the contract while also fulfilling the bonus. My bonus was a dagger named Sufferthorn. It would be my new blade in the dark. I fell asleep soon after. 

I though about what I did today a lot. I didn't even want to do something productive while I was waiting. My life is now devoted to the Night Mother. And I would have it no other way. 


Day 13 Of Oblivion

 My dream came true. I was visited by a voice in the ether, telling me,” Accept my offer my son.” When I woke up a man dressed in a dark robe came to me. I single tear came fell down my cheek. He told me that he was a Speaker for the Dark Brotherhood, and I followed in silence. I was speechless. He told me that Sithis had been waiting for this day since the day I was born from the Night Mother’s Womb. He asked me to kill a man named Rufio to ensure my entrance into the Dark Brotherhood. Rufio spent his days sleeping at the Inn Of Ill Omen. The man who visited me was Lucien Lachance. My savior. He gave me a “virgin blade” and bade me farewell. 

I wasted no time and went directly there. I asked the innkeeper where I could find him. Rufio was apparently spending his days sleeping in the basement. I sneaked down there and found him sleeping on his old bed. I held the virgin blade above his heart and some other-worldly force thrust downwards for me. The next moment he was dead. Lucien said that he would visit me after I slept once again, so I rented a bed from the innkeeper and rested for an hour. Lucien came right away and welcomed me to “The Family”. I have never felt better. He told me to go to the abandoned house near the eastern wall of Cheydinhal. He told me that I would come across a The Black Door and I would be asked a question. The answer to the question was, “Sanguine, my brother.” I did as I was told and left immediately. 

I paid no attention to my surroundings and headed straight for the Door. The question was asked and I entered into my new home. I was greeted by Ocheeva, and she welcomed me by giving me my new armor, as dark as the void. She directed me to Vicente Valtieri as he would give me my “contracts”. I was warmly welcomed by all, except a little kitten who just happened to have some great trinkets. I headed to Vicente and he gave me my first contract. I was to kill the captain of the Marie Elena, a ship docked in the Imperial City. I had walked past the ship plenty of times so I knew how to tackle this challenge.

I got to the Imperial City late at night and smuggled my way on board through one of the crates they were loading. When I was on board I killed two of the pirates talking on the lower decks and then sneaked my way up to the Captain’s Quarters. He was eating dinner in his luxurious quarters when he was rudely interrupted my an arrow to the face. I looted his body and his cabin when I heard a knock on the door. I froze. Two of the pirates were coming into check on him. I looked around frantically for a way out when I saw the balcony that led outside. I ran outside and into Lake Rumare. I then traveled back to the Sanctuary and told Vicente of my success. He congratulated me with a ring called the Black Band and I went to sleep. My first rest back in the cold embrace of the Night Mother.


Day 12 Of Oblivion 11/28/10

 Is it wrong to murder someone? The better question is, is it wrong to murder someone and like it? In case you have the intelligence of a toddler you probably figured out that I murdered someone today. It felt… good. When I saw his body go down into the grass I knew that I was meant to do this. I mean, I’ve killed people before, bandits and in the Arena, but never in cold blood. When I first saw him, I knew that I had to kill him. It was like some dark voice told me that I needed to end his life, so I did as it told. I felt a rush of endorphins, but not from the adrenaline of doing something wrong, but like, well I can’t explain it. Something just clicked inside of me, I really don’t know why.

I wonder what that man was like. I don’t know his name, all I know was that he was a hunter. I was out hunting in the same area and that was when I saw him. He was alone and so was I. He had just shot a deer and that was when I felt the need, nay the hunger to kill him. What of his family? Who was he going to feed with that venison? It doesn’t matter anymore, I killed him. I have power over him. To end a life so quickly without anyone knowing about it gave me this feeling, this overwhelming feeling of belonging. Like I belong in the dark, in the shadows where the monsters and beasts hide. Also, after I killed the man, I felt as though someone was watching and taking note of my kill. I wanted to tell everyone what I had done, but after the feeling that I had afterwards, I had no need to.

The rest of the day was pretty forgetful. I tried to follow Thoronir around some more to see what he had going on, but to no avail. As I was in the Imperial City at the time, I headed over to The Merchant’s Inn to take my first rest as a murderer. 


Day 11 Of Oblivion 11/27/10

 After I woke up I headed straight for Bravil to talk to S’Krivva. I was promoted in the guild, gained a good bit of gold, and got a new task. Apparently, Lex has once again taken over the Waterfront District according to his vendetta against the Gray Fox. She then told me that Methredel was coordinating the response to this and directed me to her.

When I got to the Imperial City I asked a beggar for her location. She was hiding with a friend in the Talos Plaza District so I headed there. Methredel told me that the plan was to have five different thieves steal five high-value items around the Imperial City. My job was to steal Hromir’s Icestaff from the Arcane University. As I said in my journal before, the Mages really need to step up their security. I walked in there, cast a spell of invisibility, walked right into the Archmage’s Private quarters and made away with the staff. I also placed a note written by the Gray Fox in his nightstand. That’s the stuff.

I took it back to Methredel to ask her what her next plan of action was to be. She told me that I needed to then spy on Lex to listen into any conversations that he might have. Soon after I got into position, a Dremora delivered a note to Lex and told him to leave. Those Mages know how to get things doneand look good while doing it. He then ordered his men out of the Waterfront. I was then instructed to return the staff, but not to the Arcane University as security was real tight there now. Instead, I was to return it to Ontus Vanin, a researcher for the University, by placing it in his chest. I did as ordered and headed back to S’Krivva.

She gave me my next task, which I will detail on next entry. After she relayed to me the task I fenced my goods and rented a bed at the inn. 


Day 10 Of Oblivion 11/26/10

 I woke up earlier than usual to see if I could get a head start on the investigation. The first thing I did was bribe the jailor to get talking to him. Apparently the Count and Countess are bigots and hate Argonians. So I headed down to talk to him when he told me that he stole the ring from Ahdarji and then attempted to ransom it back to the Countess when he learned that it was hers. She was clever though, and tricked him. She ended up with the ring and him in jail. I gave him a lockpick for telling me all of this and then headed straight for a beggar.

The beggars told me that I should talk to the Countess’ Handmaiden, Hlidara Mothril about the ring. I found her and through some clever talking (MONEY!) she told me the Countess’ schedule and what she does with the ring. The ring was on her hand on all times of the day except for when she goes to bed. She also told me about the secret torture chamber… Gross.

I wouldn’t be able to steal it now, however, as it was still noon. I needed some productive way to pass the time. So I spoke to the Count if he needed anything done. I figured that it might be a good idea to get on the Count’s good side before I steal his wife’s precious ring. He asked me to find out why the Orc Mazoga was wandering the halls and what she wanted. I headed over to the Orc and asked her what her deal was. First off, she told me to address her asSir Mazoga. The fetcher. So I asked Sir Mazoga what she wanted. She told me that she needed to talk to Weebam-Na, who is a local hunter. I talked to him and told him to go speak to Mazoga. 

After Mazoga was done talking to him, she demanded that I take her to Fisherman’s Rock. She also told me that there would be no “head-bashing” until after she was done talking to Mogens Wind-Shifter. I said yes, only to make the whiny bitch shut up. I took her there and she spoke to Mogens about some “Ra’vindra’s” death and how she had come to kill him. It broke out into a fight and I was forced to get involved. We killed all of them and she told me how Ra’vindra tried to tell the guards how Mogens’ gang raided a caravan, and how Mogens killed her afterwards. Since then she had sworn a Knight’s Oath to get revenge. 

I headed back to the Count and he offered to make me and Mazoga Knight-Errands if we would complete another task. Before that, however, I needed to steal the ring. I went through the basement and found a secret passageway to the torture chamber. The stench was horrendous, worse than anything I had ever smelt before. There were chunks of flesh all over and blood wherever my eyes turned. Hot tongs laid on a table, ready to be used and chains were as cold as ever. I exited as soon as I could into the Private Chambers.

I made my way past the guard and into the bedroom. I picked the lock on the Countess’ jewelry box and made off with the ring. I exited the same way I came and spent the night at the Three Sister’s Inn. I would give the ring back to Ahdarji in the morning. 


Day 9 Of Oblivion 11/25/10

 I woke up in my bare-bones house early as I wanted to make it to Bravil to talk to my new Doyen, S’Krivva. I first, however, headed over to Itius and asked him what was going to happen. He told me that he was going to do his best to get him arrested, so with that I left for Bravil. 

When I got there I went straight to S’Krivva and she gave me my next assignment. She told me about a ring that had been stolen from a widow who was a former Guild Member by a freelance thief. I’m glad that I joined the Guild I guess….

The name of the widow is Ahdarji and I when I reached Leyawiin I went straight to the nearest beggar. He told me where Ahdarji frequented, particularly the Three Sister’s Inn, and I headed there to find her. She told me that a filthy-Argonian named Amusei had stolen her ring. Knowing that Amusei was involved in all of this only made me more invested. 

I also asked a beggar about Amusei and his whereabouts. He was caught and was thrown into the castle dungeons. Not to be hasty, however, I first headed to the fence Dar Jee to sell some of my hot property. After this I decided that I would investigate Amusei tomorrow and rented a bed in the piss-poor Five Claws Lodge.