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Games with the BEST Shotguns!

What does a good shotgun need?
1. Power; if it doesn't kill almost everything in a single shot at point blank its not good enough.
2. Sound; the world needs to come to an end every time I fire the thing. My eardrums need to burst and my neighbors need to complain.
3. Fast reload that can be interrupted at any time with another shot.   Their is an art form to shot gun reloading.   If not an fps simple make firing rapidly as easy and regular as possible.
9 times out of 10 I will dislike a shooter because either the shotgun sucks or their isn't one.  A shooter without a good shotgun is like a fighting game without an iconic universal character.  So here are some games that have amazing shotguns.

List items

  • Regular shot blows guys in half, charge shot turns them in to FLAMING SKELETONS. Also 4 barrels.

  • Head grab go bye bye.

  • FUCKING BLAM, one of the loudest shotguns ever.

  • BOOM gibs fly everywhere at point blank.

  • OMG Blitz Cannon. Lightning and explosions in your face!

  • The shotgun could take out ANY enemy with ease using a positively absurd blast radius to compensate for lack of precision.

  • Two barrels, nuff said. I look forward to the spiritual successor of the iconic weapon in Rage.

  • I had trouble deciding which resident evil had the best shotgun, I recall both 2's and 3s being good and 5 essentially had the exact same ones as 4. So what the heck, the series always has amazing shotty's. ZOMBEE BRAINS EVERYWHERE

  • Eh not a huge difference between l4d and l4d2' shotguns as far as I can tell so the most recent one is the best I guess.

  • The two barreled shotgun returned and my god was it sweet, shame the D3 games don't hold up so well now and the regular shotgun was total balls.

  • All the weapons were freaking sweet in FM3 but the shotguns when leveled up high, holy god they would blow the arms clean off a mech, eject the pilot AND destroy the mech in the process.