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I went to see Jem and the Holograms with my brother and my friend. My brother is SUPER into Jem and he managed to reel me into it, and I had shown my friend a few choice episodes over serval months. It was a mediocre adaptation and that was fine, we were expecting way worse so it ended up not being as catastrophically bad as people acted. If a 24 year old man and two 22 year old women liked it, teenage girls probably thought it was fine too.

So not only did we throw small fits over things like Rio joking about Starlight Mansion catching on fire and Jerrica's dead dad never seeming to remember Kimber or think she's all that special, but the post credits sequence was the best thing I've ever seen with my eyeballs.

Spoiler blocked because if you really genuinely like Jem and the Holograms, I don't care what you heard. You owe it to yourself to see this teen girl movie unspoiled to have the same experience I did.

I predicted it as a joke beforehand since we were pretty disappointed the Misfits wouldn't be in the movie, and basically said, "It'll totally end with a slow zoom on Pizzazz going, 'We're the Misfits. Our songs are better. We are the Misfits. The Misfits. And we're gonna get her." We tried so hard to be polite during the movie because on the way in we saw that there was at least one mother with a daughter there and we didn't want to ruin the movie for them, but we fucking lost it when Erica rolls into the awful back alley to confront a big group of fabulous homeless teenage girls.

We thought Jetta was Pizzazz until we heard her name, and then within seconds my friend and I were screaming, "Is that Kesha? Is that Kesha??" and she says "Our songs are better. We're gonna get her." and all three of us were sitting on the floor crying from laughing so hard. It was honestly one of the best movie experiences I've ever had.

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#2  Edited By vocalcannibal

Halloween is what you make it! All of my local friends are illustrators so they're at a comic festival I have no business being at, so I did a little improvising instead of wallowing in my room.

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I dressed as Jessica from Until Dawn and walked around Philly getting all the free/discounted stuff I could and now I'm going to feast for $8. Happy Halloween to me.

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A charismatic blonde lesbian. I refuse to let the pre-determined story beats keep me from gaying it up everywhere.

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The real question is 'Moving walkways: Stand or Walk?' because I have never experienced so much mundane joy as I have walking my ass across those things. It makes me feel super cool and smooth until I forget the end is coming up and the momentum makes me stumble upon stepping on normal, boring, un-moving ground.

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Chopsticks, and me and my friends actively shame anyone at the table that doesn't use them too because we're awful to each other.

Besides, getting really adept at using chopsticks has made me feel pretty cool. There's something powerful about being at a hot pot place and picking up about 6 pieces of meat at once so no one else at the table can have them.

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That part of the nightmare where you walk through all the things Chloe and Max go through was so heavy handed about the possibility of a romance between them that I'm shocked people (not you guys, on other parts of the internet) are still like, "Yes they kissed goodbye. Like total gal pals! This was incredibly platonic!!!"

While I get that it's a matter of choice to have Max develop feelings for Warren or Chloe (or neither or them), that was a reeeeeaaaaally nice, heartstring-tugging lesbian romance from the way I personally saw it unfold. B) Very nice to see that kind of representation, especially since Max could easily be pegged as bi or pan. Love playing as a girl, double love playing as a girl that can kiss girls and/or boys.

I could write so much more about this episode, but this was just something I felt pretty strongly about in particular!

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Yay, Life is Strange! I really hope you guys transition it into a full GBE playdate game.

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Putting in a Life is Strange and Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines vote! (Make Alex play the haunted house section.)

As for David Cage cage, I think Indigo Prophecy is the way to go if one of you hasn't played it. Nearly everyone knows what's up with Heavy Rain and Beyond.

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Last week I had a killer grilled cheese (or melt if you're picky about terminology) with cheddar, thin apple slices, fig spread, and caramelized onion. It was so good I've been thinking about it non-stop since then.

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@humanity said:
@vocalcannibal said:

If it's not too late, I'd like to undermine Dan's 301 by making my prediction 302.

Put me down.. for 303

As long as Dan loses, everyone else wins.