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The Community Spotlight - 08/15/2014

Special Thanks to @humanity for this Work of Art!
Special Thanks to @humanity for this Work of Art!

Hello and welcome to the latest edition of the Giant Bomb Community Spotlight! The end of Summer draws neigh with many of you already starting school, or better yet simply continuing the drudgery of work. Well don't fear as PAX Prime is right around the corner! For those you wondering the Giant Bomb panel is Saturday, August 30th, at 8:00 pm. Alex will also be a panelist on the 404ing It Panel on Sunday, August 31st, at 7:30 pm. Vinny is still narrating promos for the TV Guide Network and this week members discovered his promo for "Dating Naked." Yup. ScaryMask on Tumblr is the person behind the Drobot Callin' Animated Bombcast video and he's taking suggestions for a new Animated Bombcast on Tumblr. With that let's get on with the latest edition of the Giant Bomb Community Spotlight!

Clip of the Week

Should Brad Shoemaker have doubted the authenticity of the screams for the P.T. trailer during Gamescom? Fantana doesn't think so:

Community Activities

  • MASSIVE CHALICE: Ryan Davis Tribute Bloodline! Provide Input for Double Fine to Create an In-Game Tribute to Ryan Over Here!
  • Extra Life 2014 Giant Bomb Team - Play Games, Heal Kids - Join the Effort to Raise Money for Kid By Heading Over Here!

Wonderful Wikis

Give a round of applause to @bobafettjm for doing some great work on the Pac-Man Dash! page, and Degeki Bunko page has had some great work done on it. Speaking of the wiki Jeff would like to remind all wiki editors that parodies and unlicensed appearances do NOT count as a character appearance on our database.

Best of Blogs

The top blog this week comes from LtSquigs who theorizes on the types and classifications of modern and old Roguelikes. Marino has a new PAX Guide, and KoolAid defends the concept of "Free to Play" games from the perspective of an iOS/mobile game developer. lou_chou defends Silent Hills' use of Jump Scare Moments, and the concept in general; whereas dusker extrapolates on why Silent Hills does not look like the Silent Hill game he wants on a modern system. Mento continues his retrospective of the previous generation of console games with a new Comic Commish, on the flip-side IcyEyes announces some big artistic changes coming to Giant Bomb Jammers on his latest Dev Log. GunstarRed "honored" Osamu Tezuka by playing a questionable Astro Boy game while also extolled the virtues of Blood Will Tell. Sackmanjones shares the "dark side" of Dota, including the negative impact the game has had on his personal life. AlisterCat returns to his retrospective of the Ace Attorney franchise with a detailed look at the wacky legal system in the game, and similarly cottoneUD continues his Let's Play of Persona 4 Golden with a new batch of pictures. Speaking of picture blog Let's Plays smcn has a new edition of his 999 blog series. Tarfuin played and completed Batman: Arkham Origins and he shares his thoughts on the game, whereas noahtheboa999 talks about his foray into World of Warcraft inspired by Dan. thapinguino keeps up his track record of providing dual blogs with one Baby Deep look on the "Protect Girls" ability in FF9 as well as a traditional Deep Look on Legend of Legaia. MisterBananaFoam returns to his blog series re-examining the first Jak and Daxter game. Finally bobafettjm has another update on his awesome work on the Giant Bomb wiki, and bonbolapti shares his failed attempts at beating Titan in FFXIV Online.

Fantastic Forums

Special thanks go to citizenarcane for creating a website that chronicles every single ridiculous thing that has exited Dan's mouth, and he's taking suggestions on the thread linked below. Fobwashed has created a "Waiting Room" for impending live streams and anything that appears on the "Coming Up on Giant Bomb" tab. Hailinel wants you to join him in discussing the prospect of a female Link, as well as the event schedule for PAX Prime 2014. Speaking of Link do have you ever wondered why Link usually starts out sleeping during the introductions of a lot of Legend of Zelda games? Well join the speculation and theory thread about that exact topic! Wrestling stuff is on the site and I have no idea what it's about...something about trading cards. Finally have you ever formed long term friendships thanks to online gaming? Share you stories on the thread.

Lovable Lists

TechnoSyndrome (formerly known as taku128) shares his "pile of shame" with a list featuring the greatest games he has never played. Finally look at this nerd "MB," and all of the old D&D games he likes.

Useful User Reviews