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The Community Spotlight - 10/18/2013

Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Number One in the Hood G!
Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Number One in the Hood G!

Hello and welcome to the latest edition of the Giant Bomb Community Spotlight! First off wish @patrickklepek the best of luck on his Tedx lecture this weekend. If you are going to be in or around Dearbourne, Michigan this Saturday go ahead and join Patrick for a dinner and drink at Howell's Bar on 10pm. Patrick will try to have a link to the stream this morning so keep an eye on his Twitter account. Art master @aurahack has created an awesome banner for the iRacing Race Night crew.

Clip(s) of the Week

  • Video making machine @turboman still is crazy for Patrick and has compiled a best of video of Spookin' with scoops a la his latest edition of his Best of Giant Bomb Quick Look video series. Also cloud rap producer Friendzone has created a song in tribute to Ryan Davis.

Community Activities

  • Giant Bomb Community Pokémon X/Y Tournament - Get the Details on When You Can Sign Up Here!
  • Pokémon X/Y Friends Code Trading thread - Hook Up with Other Giant Bomb Pokémon Masters Here!

Wonderful Wikis

The industry is a buzz about the Stanley Parable, but let me take the time to explain the differences between the two pages. One is for the original source mod, which the staff deemed to be significant enough to warrant having a wiki page. The second is what formerly had been known as the "HD Remix," but as it is now being sold as simply "The Stanley Parable," the title has been changed. The demo version of The Stanley Parable, while significant in its own right, does not warrant its own wiki page. With that aside we also have a fantastic wiki page detailing what is new in the director's cut version of Deus Ex: Human Revolution, and also a detailed list of the villains and heroes in LEGO Marvel Super Heroes. Finally your oddball wiki concept page of the week is "Fictional Real Holidays."

Best of Blog

FluxWavez shares his thought process when deciding on a main when playing fighting games. GunstarRed mounts a slight defense for Sonic Lost World, while admitting to many of the games' faults. MMMman has taken up the mantel of compiling the most important video game news of the week and adding his thoughts on them. Mento is still playing TurboGrafx-16, and this week he keeps with the Halloween theme with a picture Let's Play of Ghost Manor. Video_Game_King wasn't exactly a fan of Halo or Tomb Raider, but that didn't stop him from playing Halo 4 and Tomb Raider III. buckybit decided to check out most of the games that the Giant Bomb Flight Club has played, but in 3D! ArbitraryWater completed Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, but as a fan of the franchise explains why he feels iffy about the game. Wrighteous85 tell you about his ghost problem, even though it disappoints The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe. MajorMitch tries to figure out why video game backlog form in the first place for him. Marokai explains exactly why you should avoid Dewy's Adventure, and also why he rage quit on the last boss in the game. The_Nubster finally got around to playing Minerva's Den for Bioshock 2, whereas Nekusakuraba finally played through The Witcher.

Fantastic Forums

As seen from the banner the smash hit of the week is Giant Bomb being referenced in Aqua Teen Hunger Force. As Jeff explains, ATHF was a major inspiration for Time Trotters. How good of a father is bobface? He posted a video of his 16 month year old dancing to the Bombcast theme! we have discussion threads for The Stanley Parable, the first episode of The Wolf Among Us, and the new Dota patch. Also share you stance on Steam Early Access, and games that scared you when you were a child.

Lovable Lists

Remember when Nintendo of America replaced alcohol references with milk? Well Mento has a list of all the examples of that white washing and other attempts to censor alcohol use in Western releases. Pepsiman has a list of games that have not and very likely will not be released in the West that he would love to translate himself. Jacksukeru has his favorite Pokemon now that a new Pokemon game has come out. Finally ArbitraryWater decided to bang on a keyboard like a toddler.

Useful User Reviews

Potent Podcasts

Try not to Transform into Llamas This Week, Okay?
Try not to Transform into Llamas This Week, Okay?