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How Making a Video Game About Your Life Can Get You Fired

Designer David Gallant knew creating a game about his experience working at call centers might cost him his job, and then it actually happened.

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“This game is a work of fiction. It is inspired by real events. Similarities to real and actual events are intentional.”

When Canadian game designer David Gallant created the purposely mundane I Get This Call Every Day, based on his employment experience at various call centers, he knew it could get him into trouble. But it’s easy to think in hypotheticals. On Tuesday, however, the worst case scenario actually happened.

I Get This Call Every Day was originally conceived during a mini-Ludum Dare game jam from last September with the theme “Not Game.”

Gallant's job at the Canada Revenue Agency was not the first time he'd worked in a call center.
Gallant's job at the Canada Revenue Agency was not the first time he'd worked in a call center.

“That’s where I kind of got the idea of a call center simulation where there’s no good outcomes,” he told me on Wednesday. “There’s no real way to win the game.”

Development continued for several weeks after the jam, and it was finally published on his personal website on December 21. Gallant followed the popular pay-what-you-want model with a minimum of $2. On launch day, Kotaku ran a story on it, which drove a little bit of attention his way, but nothing notable in terms of sales. Gallant was just happy to have someone pay attention to his game.

The game itself falls into a similar category as Cart Life. I Get This Call Every Day has less to do with fun and more to do with imparting empathy through interactivity. Games are in a unique position to convey an activity, even one as dull as talking to taxpayers on the phone. I Get This Call Every Day has players sitting at a desk, waiting for a green button to flash, and choosing how to respond. Both characters are voiced by Gallant, and the whole experience--interface, visuals, art--is humorously crude.

It’s also, ironically, very easy to get fired yourself in I Get This Call Every Day.

Gallant published the game on Desura and Indievania, and made a move for approval on Steam's Greenlight service. It hasn’t gone well, with users responding negatively to the MS Paintish aesthetic.

“Things were, for the past week, really quiet,” he said.

Then, a reporter for the Toronto Star contacted Gallant. The Toronto Star is a big, notable newspaper in Canada, so if the Toronto Star comes a-knockin’, you answer. The reporter wanted to discuss I Get This Call Every Day, and revealed a key bit of information about Gallant’s life: the reporter knew he worked at Canada Revenue Agency.

I contacted the reporter in question, Valerie Hauch, to learn more about how she found out about the game, but Hauch did not return my request for comment, as of this writing.

His co-workers were aware of his hobby, and he regularly passed out business cards to promote the part-time business. Either nobody went to the website prominently featuring I Get This Call Every Day, or nobody cared. He didn’t actively discuss and showcase I Get This Call Every Day, though, knowing it might solicit unwanted attention.

“I got the idea that my fellow coworkers really wouldn’t be the audience for this game because it is an experience that they already have to deal with,” he said.

Nonetheless, Gallant’s not-quite-secret secret was about to become very, very public.

“To this point, I had never disclosed who I worked for deliberately,” he said. “The game doesn’t mention what employer it is.”

Gallant was told this detail would be included in the reporter’s piece, which appeared in a story on Tuesday titled “Tax department employee creates online game to vent his frustration with taxpayers.” Furthermore, the reporter contacted the government to get an official response.

“I knew that was always a possibility,” said Gallant. “This game could, in a way, be linked back to my employer, it could be something they take offense to, and I always knew there was a risk that I could lose my job because of that.”

He knew the risk, and the reporter was just doing their job. Pretty quickly, the situation snowballed. Gallant was unable to disclose the exact nature of what happened on Tuesday. Take a guess. He could only confirm he no longer had a job, and it’s pretty clear the reason Gallant is no longer taking phone calls is due to the game he made.

“The Minister considers this type of conduct offensive and completely unacceptable,” said National Revenue Minister Gail Shea in a statement to the Toronto Star. “The Minister has asked the Commissioner (of Revenue, Andrew Treusch) to investigate and take any and all necessary corrective action. The Minister has asked the CRA to investigate urgently to ensure no confidential taxpayer information was compromised.”

It’s not difficult to suspect how a story like this might end.

The story that ended up running in the Toronto Star about I Get This Call Every Day.
The story that ended up running in the Toronto Star about I Get This Call Every Day.

Gallant attracted a bit of attention from the story itself, but when it became clear an investigation would happen, he received a flurry of questions about his employment status on Twitter. He was, at least, able to disclose that he was no longer employed at the Canada Revenue Agency.

“Anyone hiring?” he wrote.

Since then, there’s been an unbelievable outpouring of support from the community.

LD'er @davidsgallant made a game about his job, got covered by Canada's largest(?) paper, and lost it. Help a bro out:

— Mr The Mike Kasprzak (@mikekasprzak) January 30, 2013

Buying this game right now - the developer, @davidsgallant , was fired for making it. Be kind and share this link.

— Alan Williamson (@AGBear) January 29, 2013

Yesterday @davidsgallant got fired for a game he made. I thought it was a fabulous example of games as art:…

— Daniel Kaszor (@dkaszor) January 30, 2013

“Oh, my god,” he said. “I don’t think I have a word for the emotional experience that this has all been. It was pretty tense yesterday [Tuesday], and then just coming home to the explosion of support--all the media coverage. And it’s still ongoing. I really thought by now it would have died down, but it’s still going!”

Besides media coverage, he's received support from Double Fine’s Chris Remo, Vlambeer’s Rami Ismail, Molleindustria’s Paolo Pedercini, and others. These are developers he admires, and they’re talking about his game.

“Both the local Toronto community and the online community has stepped up to this plate that I didn’t even know existed,” he said. “The amount of home runs being hit right now are...I can’t fathom it. I really wish I could say more. I’m just speechless.”

The outpouring of support has also translated into money for Gallant. His numbers don’t update in real-time, so it’s unclear how much he’ll actually make from all of the attention, but it’s enough to give him some breathing room over the next few months. He’s still looking for a job, though.

Dys4ia is an interactive reflection of Anthropy's experience with gender identity disorder.
Dys4ia is an interactive reflection of Anthropy's experience with gender identity disorder.

For the time being, Gallant and his wife are trying to take it day-by-day. They've taken to watching Star Trek episodes as a distraction, while watching email notifications about new sales come in, $2 at a time. He’d love to transition over to full-time game development, but eventually attention towards I Get This Call Every Day will dry up, and there’s not enough to gamble on just yet.

The enormously positive reaction he’s received has reinforced his desire to work on video games that do more to encompass the human experience. He pointed to Minority Media’s Papo & Yo and Anna Anthropy’s Dys4ia as formative moments for him, both as a player and developer.

“I had a friend who went through a gender change and, at the time, I didn’t really know how to deal with it,” he said. “Playing Dys4ia years after that happened really made me realize what I’d been missing in that whole experience,what she must have been going through that I really didn’t consider at the time. I think it’s really important that games are doing that,” he said. “I don’t think every game has to, but it’s something that deserves exploring, that I really want to see more developers explore.”

Patrick Klepek on Google+


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Edited By Deusoma
@Luck702 said:

As I can see it, this is all the loud mouth reporter's fault for disclosing his job in the god damn title.

Basically this. Now I feel kinda bad; I never actually played this, so when I heard he'd been fired, I assumed it was because he put his real name and the company he worked for in the actual game itself, so I've been going around thinking that he had it coming. I didn't realize it was one more example of a Typical Media Asshole screwing the poor dude over.
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Edited By Zeeco

Dig deeper into Canada.

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Edited By Humanity

@Hailinel: He doesn't have to identify it, everything points to the fact that it's about his job and his employer. It's a mute point since the reporter ran the story and identified who he worked for and now that it was out there in the public it was an embarrassment so obviously they were going to take steps to make sure other people know not to act likewise. I mean thats how the adult world works pretty much.

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Edited By BisonHero

@eccentrix said:

Do they really think any confidential taxpayer information was compromised? That's silly.

Meh, it's the obvious public statement to make, because then taxpayers go "Yeah, fire the guy!" If she instead said "The Minister has asked the CRA to investigate urgently to ensure that he didn't reveal the work practices that FUCKING EVERYBODY EVER already knows call centers engage in", people probably would've been less sympathetic to the CRA. Sad but true.

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Edited By TyCobb

Sweet, you did write an article. This makes me proud to be a supporter of the site. Especially since it seems like you were already in the middle of writing it before I asked.

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Edited By jasondesante

the game wasnt that fun, maybe they fired him because it said more about his opinion of his job than offer gameplay or a way for the player to discover something on their own. What do I know though.

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Edited By HellknightLeon

Do you think the man has a legal case against the newspaper? I know it depends on what he told them and all that jazz but I know a few cases of a newspapers getting sued for this very thing. It did after all ruin his job and slander his name and without cause.(It seems)

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Edited By MattyFTM  Moderator

Maybe I'm underestimating the number of votes it takes to get a game greenlit on Steam, but how crazy would it be if the publicity from this lead to the game getting on Steam? His sales would skyrocket again, and he'd probably be able to pursue a full-time career in indie game development.

Of course, that's probably really wishful thinking, but wouldn't it be great?

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Edited By CrystaljDesign

"The Minister has asked the CRA to investigate urgently to ensure no confidential taxpayer information was compromised."

So...he couldn't just play the game himself to find out? :-)

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Edited By ali_d

I worked at a call centre for 3 months and it was the worst experience I've had at a job. I wouldn't have minded going back to my shelf stacker job after that.

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Edited By Bunny_Fire

well that is bad luck. But ultimately it is his own fault there is no one else to blame. Though i do hope it works out for him in the end.

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Edited By Hailinel

@Hailinel: He doesn't have to identify it, everything points to the fact that it's about his job and his employer. It's a mute point since the reporter ran the story and identified who he worked for and now that it was out there in the public it was an embarrassment so obviously they were going to take steps to make sure other people know not to act likewise. I mean thats how the adult world works pretty much.

The article states that he wasn't ignorant of the risks. Of course he knows how the adult world works.
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Edited By Heimdal
@Triumvir Agreed. It's a wicked strong reaction. They say they'll nvestigate no taxpayer information was compromised, but last time I looked, the government was the one losing private information.
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Edited By MildMolasses

@BisonHero: I goofed up. I was thinking Toronto Sun, which makes me all the more glad I didn't give my opinion on the paper, because I would have looked crazy

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Edited By GuardianKnux

I cannot play this game because I was a telemarketer for a long time too. Or no, I'm sorry, I was a "sales agent." I guess I technically got fired, but actually I just took 3 weeks off with my vacation time and then just never came back. It was very satisfying.

I feel for you though.

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Edited By grimmspectre18

@YukoAsho: Not as a whole. The only people who could be offended are angry out of guilt because they see themselves in the shitty caller role.

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Edited By tragicallyept

If anything, this is good publicity for the game and bad publicity for the CRA.

It is a shame this had to happen in such a public forum, but it's likely for the better.

Good luck David!

P.S. Patrick, digging the new 2013 feature-centric Scoops. It's all rounding out the site really well. Keep 'em coming!

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Edited By ArtisanBreads

God that title of the article they ran on him in the paper sure sucks. I know an editor probably wrote it and therefore it's aimed at getting attention, and thus the person who wrote the story didn't write it, but that is just a shitty spin to put on it.

Including "taxpayers" in there, so shitty, considering the game doesn't say you are working a at a tax center.

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Edited By kosayn

I did directory assistance for a little over a year, and whatever your persona is - smart aleck, polite, tough, cool, whatever - interacting with the lowest common denominator of society will wear anyone down. Quitting, getting fired, or getting promoted to management are the only good endings to that situation. It's kind of amazing that call centers can get employees, with so many better options out there.

As far as him getting fired, the law really doesn't come into it. That is the world we live in - unless you're really, really funny when you do it, you can bet that criticizing your employment situation in a venue where more than 100 people will hear about it is a fast track to getting fired. Hiring and firing is 90% of the actual important stuff an employer does, and they get very few decisions as easy to make as 'this person publically criticises the company.' Normally it's much more esoteric bullshit about productivity and social hierarchy.

And yes, the reporter should have known that as well, but either they didn't know or didn't care.

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When you are hired by a company you are expected to act and perform in a professional manner.

You are representing that company when you make comments like these or actually make a flash movie about how terrible it is to work there.

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Edited By granderojo

I've always had nothing about respect for our northern neighbors. I can't respect this.

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Edited By Phoenix87

If you work at a call center, then you have already lost. Getting fired is the best thing that could have happened.

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Edited By Jayzilla

Title of the this article should have been, "Toronto Reporter Actively Looks for way to Get Game Maker Fired."

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Edited By PulledaBrad

Tax center huh? Try taking on 911 calls for 8 years. Or as I like to call it, the Ultimate Customer Service. Sorry to hear about the lost job,man. Hope things work out for the best. Also, is anyone else thinking of the Ministry of Magic now?

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@PulledaBrad: Oh man, 911 is way more intense than anything I've ever experienced. I can't imagine the things you must have had to deal with.

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Edited By coakroach

That's a shame, but not at all surprising

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Edited By MildMolasses

@thabigred said:

I've always had nothing about respect for our northern neighbors. I can't respect this.

Except for the part where he is an employee of the federal government and he's bitching about his decent paying, tax-funded job with great benefits which involves interacting with tax-payers concerning taxation. He was "club-fed" employee. It takes remarkable skill to get fired from government agencies. Maybe if his frustrations could take a more artful turn into metaphor and allegory he wouldn't lose his job, but they didn't.

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Edited By AssInAss

"Similarities to real and actual events are intentional"

"We need your net income within 2 dollars"

Play this game, it's hilarious and disturbingly accurate about the call center experience on both ends. It's pretty hard NOT to get fired, which is oddly prophetic to what happened to the developer. Getting to the advanced security questions is not as easy as you think!

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Edited By koolaid

Now I can feel like a hipster because I read his GB blog posts BEFORE the media explosion. Awesome!

Another example of how reporters are the scum of the earth. At least he's been getting a lot of attention because of the firing. I hope he lands on his feet and gets to start making games full-time soon.

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Edited By Levio

@PulledaBrad said:

Tax center huh? Try taking on 911 calls for 8 years. Or as I like to call it, the Ultimate Customer Service. Sorry to hear about the lost job,man. Hope things work out for the best. Also, is anyone else thinking of the Ministry of Magic now?

If you've got any interesting experiences to share, feel free to post them on the forums.

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Edited By Laiv162560asse

My perspective is that I learnt about this game a while ago, but decided not to play it because I rejected what I understood to be the central premise of the game. The idea that you cannot 'win' against the customer is a bit of a cynical, self-serving myth which I don't like to see propagated. In the end it tends to validate shitty customer service because, after all, nothing you do will ever satisfy those knuckle-dragging ordinary joes anyway, right?

I don't doubt you can wring some amusing, insightful material out of such a scenario if you write it from a detached standpoint. However if you're writing it from a semi-autobiographical angle and that's still the message you come out with, chances are you're just jaded with your job and you should probably seek other employment. I don't blame the Canadian civil service for the choice they've made - at the same time I'm confident Mr. Gallant will land on his feet due to the publicity this has generated.

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Edited By Error1355

I work for a call center for an ISP. I provide helpdesk support for internet and phone.

The job sucks ass. I am very interested in playing this game. I'll be paying over the $2 min for this game. <_<

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Edited By Hailinel
@Laivasse You've obviously never worked in a call center and don't know what you're talking about.
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Edited By FancySoapsMan

@Humanity said:

While it sucks that he lost his job and everything, but what did people expect would happen? Everyone is outraged and I don't know about Canada, but in the US if you badmouth your job in a public manner you are at a pretty high risk of losing that job. Especially big government jobs where the HR department doesn't mess around.


I don't see why the employer is the bad guy here. Of course they're going to fire someone who goes around in public talking about how much he hates the job.

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Edited By BD_Mr_Bubbles

@Deusoma said:

@Luck702 said:

As I can see it, this is all the loud mouth reporter's fault for disclosing his job in the god damn title.

Basically this. Now I feel kinda bad; I never actually played this, so when I heard he'd been fired, I assumed it was because he put his real name and the company he worked for in the actual game itself, so I've been going around thinking that he had it coming. I didn't realize it was one more example of a Typical Media Asshole screwing the poor dude over.
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Edited By Laiv162560asse
@Hailinel said:
@Laivasse You've obviously never worked in a call center and don't know what you're talking about.
I worked for a while as a project manager, where my main responsibility was to be phone-answering-guy for various customers who were wondering why they had paid hundreds of thousands for a service which wasn't working/hadn't been delivered. You're obviously just seeking to dismiss anyone you disagree with and don't know what you're talking about.
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Edited By Nmckee503

@videogamesarenotart said:

When you are hired by a company you are expected to act and perform in a professional manner.

You are representing that company when you make comments like these or actually make a flash movie about how terrible it is to work there.

I get what you're saying, but he didn't make a game about how shitty working at the CRA is, he made a game about how shitty it is to work at a call centre. He never mentioned the company within the game from what I understand, and never mentioned that he worked at the CRA.

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Edited By jtrink

Freedom of speech. Fuck that company!

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Edited By lazyturtle

@zeekthegeek said:

This government continues to be the worst in our history.

May I direct your attention southward for a few moments. DON'T EVEN THINK about going after our longstanding championship.

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Edited By Murdoc_

@lazyturtle: Keyword was "our". Canada is going through some bad times right now .

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Edited By satansmagichat

You know Patrick, I like your stories, this one included, but I can't help feel confused.

With the title, "How Making a Video Game About Your Life Can Get You Fired", I expect it to be a story an underdog fighting the man, but I don't really see that here. After all, he had the kind of job where releasing peoples' personal and private information is a serious infringement. I'm sure he changed the names and everything, but I'm sure he expected to get fired, so I don't see that as being the crux of the story.

In fact, most of the story deals with how much exposure this has gotten Gallant. So shouldn't the title be something like, "Public Outpour of Attention Phenomenal for Terminated Call Center Employee"? It's a great story, hopefully seeing this guy's career shift into something more creative. But to be honest (and I hope I'm not sounding too much like a dick), the story came out a little muddled in the end.

Anyway, keep up the great work!

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Edited By Humanity

@Hailinel: He doesn't have to identify it, everything points to the fact that it's about his job and his employer. It's a mute point since the reporter ran the story and identified who he worked for and now that it was out there in the public it was an embarrassment so obviously they were going to take steps to make sure other people know not to act likewise. I mean thats how the adult world works pretty much.

The article states that he wasn't ignorant of the risks. Of course he knows how the adult world works.
Yes, so this shouldn't be a shock to him or anyone else is all I'm saying.
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Edited By Tireyo

So the world continues to stay screwed up. =-/

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Edited By BisonHero

@MildMolasses said:

@BisonHero: I goofed up. I was thinking Toronto Sun, which makes me all the more glad I didn't give my opinion on the paper, because I would have looked crazy

Ah, fair enough. Your original post makes way more sense now.

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Edited By TheHumanDove

@Murdoc_ said:

@lazyturtle: Keyword was "our". Canada is going through some bad times right now .

Except you're wrong.

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Edited By clumsyninja1

Call center jobs are terrible!

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Edited By lazyturtle

@Murdoc_: Yea, I read that. I was pointing out that it could be FAR worse.

Terrible government...we're #1 and don't you forget it. USA! USA!

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Edited By cornbredx

That sucks to hear he got fired. 
I have kind of been unintentionally following this game just because it keeps popping up on the few video game sites I peruse and he touched a niche it seems. 
I never expected the job I have (well, similar, I work in internet tech support) to be so interesting to other people and never considered something like this would get so much attention over a period of time. 
I don't know who's to blame in all this. I don't know David personally, he seems like a nice enough normal guy from the blogs he wrote before and when he released the game (on this site). I don't see how him making a game about how it's frustrating working in a call center makes him unprofessional. I didn't get the impression he mentioned who he worked for or where he worked. This seems like someone saw their name in the paper for a not positive reason and just fired him without actually seeing what all this was about. 
Hard to say. Could also be the reporters fault. Who writes an article about someone and doesn't think first about how it will affect that person? I mean, ya, the reporters doing their job but did the reporter have an agenda? Was the reporter trying to use David to make comments about the government? Or just take a look at the inherent problems with working in a call center that don't get addressed (ya the job is easy in practice, but working with a customer, having the customer understand you, follow directions, and not assume you're "being mean" when you're only trying to help is very hard.)?
Or is it David's fault? He must have known talking to press about your job directly or even indirectly is always against any places policies. In my job they make it very clear if you ever talk about the company in a bad way or in a way that can hurt the company or its affiliates you will be fired. Its very clear about that. But again, did he go into this interview with the intention of speaking bad about the place he worked? Or was it because he just wanted the publicity for his game (which doesn't have to do with the employer but more so with the type of customers you have to deal with and some people's inability to actually interact positively with other people when you are not face to face). 
I'm not going to blame anybody. I feel this is all a problem with call centers in general. We get treated like dirt and we have to deal with it. We get talked to like we're garbage, shit on, have to put up with racist comments, screaming, and other nonsense and at least where I work we can't do anything about it. We have to take it. We aren't even allowed to hang up. 
I don't blame customers for the difficulty of my job, I like my job as well as hate certain aspects of it, and I understand not everyone understands things that I do and that's why I am there. It's our job to help and everyone I know that works in this kind of job at least initially understands that and is attracted to that aspect. Much like torture, though, everyone that does the job eventually breaks.  
Wow this is long for comment. Those who actually read this are champs.