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The War Z Pulled from Steam Amid Torrent of Complaints by Players

Steam issues a statement calling the game's release "a mistake."

I haven't really paid The War Z much consideration over the course of this year. It always looked to me like a crass capitalization of the success of the DayZ mod for ArmA II--which itself is getting its own full-fledged game release sometime in the future--and not much else. So perhaps this lack of initial interest is why I'm so taken aback at the crazy amount of backlash the game has received since its release earlier this week.

This is what The War Z is supposed to be. Apparently, it isn't that.
This is what The War Z is supposed to be. Apparently, it isn't that.

Much of that backlash seems to stem from either obfuscations of the truth, or outright lies tied to the zombie apocalypse survival game's initial product description on Steam. Developer Hammerpoint Interactive cites, among other things, up to 100 players supported per server, access to private servers, learnable character skills, and multiple maps spanning anywhere from 100 to 400 square kilometers. None of these things turned out to be true. In reality, servers were capped at 50 players, there was only one (considerably smaller than advertised) map in the game, and no skill trees whatsoever.

As of last night, Hammerpoint had altered the product's description to reflect something closer to reality, but amid an apparent onslaught of complaints from players who purchased the $15 game from Steam, Valve has pulled the game altogether, issuing a statement to Kotaku that referred to the game's release as "premature" and "a mistake."

From time to time a mistake can be made and one was made by prematurely issuing a copy of War Z for sale via Steam. We apologize for this and have temporary removed the sale offering of the title until we have time to work with the developer and have confidence in a new build. Those who purchase the game and wish to continue playing it via Steam may do so. Those who purchased the title via Steam and are unhappy with what they received may seek a refund by creating a ticket at our support site here.

Hammerpoint boss Sergey Titov has been defending his game in a variety of interviews, including a particularly stand-offish conversation with GameSpy's Dan Stapleton, telling him that only a small percentage of players were complaining about the game's quality, while defending the original product descriptions. In a thread on The War Z's forums, Titov essentially chalked up the response to Day Z fanboys (his words, not mine) bitter about The War Z's existence.

Titov has since responded to Valve's statement on the matter, telling Kotaku, "We're making sure that our Store page is 100% correct this is why. Bottom line – our end goal is to have satisfied and not angry customers, so this is more important for us than everything else."

Titov, it's worth noting, has something of a checkered history in the game industry. He's credited on a number of different games, including the original Gears of War and League of Legends, but he's also purportedly the brain behind Stellar Stone, the sort-of-developer of Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing, otherwise known as the worst goddamn game ever made.

I don't know if Titov is a snake oil salesman or just supremely misguided in his understanding of how game development ought to work--I have a guess, but probably oughtn't share it here--but whatever the case, the damage seems to be done. Whether or not The War Z ever lives up to its original promises is largely irrelevant, and if the game ever does come back to Steam, it's hard to imagine players flocking to a game that's received such a critical drubbing both in the press and by its own players.

For what it's worth, if The War Z does end up back on Steam, I'll definitely check it out and report back on just what the hell is going on with this thing.

Alex Navarro on Google+


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Edited By Vuud

Enough with the zombies. Holy shit zombies is now World War II.

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Edited By Zatoichi_Sanjuro

They also just lost their name trademark to Paramount Pictures 'World War Z'.

Never saw that coming. -_-

Crytek should stop by and kick them in the balls for directly lifting the weapon attachment menu. Merry Christmas!

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Edited By Sunjammer

There is no defending a broken and incomplete game with microtransactions this aggressive. If it was properly F2P, perhaps, but the initial cost plus the absolutely ludicrous game economy all but ensures this game will be thrown to the wolves. It simply has no reason to survive.

I reckon anyone who thought The War Z wasn't a cash in on Day Z, or think TWZ measures up in any way to the buggy mad thing that is Day Z, are out of their little minds. Is Day Z broken? Yes. But it's still a generous, intense, vivid game that all but embodies emergent gameplay, while TWZ is simply the opposite of those things.

4 hour respawns or you pay. Fuck you, developer. Fuuuck you.

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Edited By Maurdakar

@DougQuaid: Free? Ya sure...

But no one gives 2 shits about ARMA.

How many people actually owned ARMA2 and then got into DayZ compared to how many people purchased ARMA2:CO JUST to play DayZ?

ARMA2 isn't sitting in a top sellers list on STEAM because people find it entertaining, it's because they want to play the delicious excellence that is DayZ. I don't buy the idea that it's a free mod, when you have to pay for the base game, and that goes doubly in this case since no one cares for the base game and are all picking it up to play DayZ. Hopefully DayZ will increase peoples notice of ARMA as a franchise. Isn't the standalone DayZ gonna cost $$$ as well?

WarZ is buggy and glitchy but while playing it I was comparing it to DayZ, which is also buggy and glitchy and re-uses many assets from the base game.

People acknowledging it with this hate? The game just isn't worth it. A passing glance and to be forgotten is what this C+ game amounts too.

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Edited By Oginam

@ShiftyMagician said:

@Hailinel said:

@MikeGosot said:

@Viking_Funeral said:

@MikeGosot said:

Ouch. I thought they wouldn't do that because they would lose money. Also, a bunch of one-word comments? Seriously guys?

You're... not familiar with the quest system here?

I am, that's why i asked "Seriously?". It's the short version of "I can't believe there are people who still care for that quest, i mean, holy shit."

Not to mention that the quest system will be deactivated in the site redesign. There's no point.

Serious? Thank god then. You bear me great news this day friend!

It'll still happen though, except there will be literally no point.

Should lock people out from commenting on an article for 5 minutes after its posted just to fuck with people...I mean, make sure they read the article...

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Edited By CaptRocketblaze

@m2cks: What if they went the extra step by misspelling it as "YOUR WINNER" & gave you a bloody filter over the screen, which was only supposed to display when you lost? That's the kind of game you make you sucker your friends into buying just to make fun of it.

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Edited By anonymus

Yeah and Obama gonna give me free phone.

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Edited By petitfool

@CaptRocketblaze said:

Change it to "Ghost Rigs" & it's accurate.

If there was a mod that changed the zombies into killer trucks and popped up the YOU'RE WINNER screen when you died, then (and only then) would I consider buying it.

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Edited By DougQuaid

@The_Laughing_Man said:

Game spy did a review. Half a star and one of the pros is that there is a refund option.

Seems pretty spot on.

@Maurdakar said:

Meh it's just okay, when compared to DayZ.

Why wasn't everyone up in arms about DayZ reusing ARMA assets or being complete ass.

Currently, Day Z is just a free mod for ARMA2.

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Edited By Maurdakar

Meh it's just okay, when compared to DayZ.

Why wasn't everyone up in arms about DayZ reusing ARMA assets or being complete ass.

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Edited By IcyEyes


People should always be careful, but if you bought this based completely on the false information in it's page description then I think you have a right to be enraged (at Valve). A scam is a scam no matter the price. It also has micro transactions by the way.

The Bore Z

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Edited By indieslaw

A friend bought this game and it came with additional keys, so I grabbed one. I played it, withholding judgment because I figured it was just an early/alpha release, in the vein of Minecraft. But since there's no such thing as a beta (according to the Gamespy IM interview), I guess I can judge this as a fully complete initial product. And as such, here's a review:


One star. Don't buy this game. It looks, feels, and plays like an alpha release. No benefit of the doubt should be given in anticipation of future content.

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Edited By The_Laughing_Man

Game spy did a review. Half a star and one of the pros is that there is a refund option.

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Edited By fisk0  Moderator

@Reasonableman said:

I am completely tired of hearing about this already. The game isn't great, but it isn't outright terrible either. It's a pretty shameless ripoff of Day Z, but that's not inherently evil. Just kinda scummy, like most of the game's practices. Not worth making such a huge stink over. Perhaps I'd feel differently if I had spent any money on it.

The quality of the game isn't the issue, it's the false advertising. Claiming the game supports "up to 100 players per server", when the actual limit is 50, claiming there are several areas, all between 100 and 400 square kilometers in size, when there is in actuality only one area, which is at most 70 square kilometers (one site calculated it was only about 20-30 square kilometers of that which was actually accessible to the player). Claiming there is not and never will be any hidden charges, and then add microtransactions in a launch day patch. The game could very well be great when taken for what it is (what I've seen of it looked like it wasn't. Not terrible, but at best pretty mediocre), but it most certainly does not have the features they advertised on the Steam store page, and in most countries that is very much illegal. Can't say if it is in the US or Ukraine (where it was developed), but it is in the EU, where it was available for sale.

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Edited By AndrewB

@Cyrix said:

i find this whole situation kinda funny, i mean i feel bad for anyone that got screwed on this game but man the fallout has been entertaining.

Also, I kind of want the game now. I know... that would make me a part of the problem.

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Edited By Cyrix

i find this whole situation kinda funny, i mean i feel bad for anyone that got screwed on this game but man the fallout has been entertaining.

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Edited By Kazona

There is no way anyone can make me believe that they were unaware that the description of their game did not match the actual product.

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Edited By wubwoo

Giant scam

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Edited By CaptRocketblaze

Change it to "Ghost Rigs" & it's accurate.

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Edited By shiftymagician

@Hailinel said:

@MikeGosot said:

@Viking_Funeral said:

@MikeGosot said:

Ouch. I thought they wouldn't do that because they would lose money. Also, a bunch of one-word comments? Seriously guys?

You're... not familiar with the quest system here?

I am, that's why i asked "Seriously?". It's the short version of "I can't believe there are people who still care for that quest, i mean, holy shit."

Not to mention that the quest system will be deactivated in the site redesign. There's no point.

Serious? Thank god then. You bear me great news this day friend!

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Edited By MikeGosot
@Hailinel said:

@MikeGosot said:

@Viking_Funeral said:

@MikeGosot said:

Ouch. I thought they wouldn't do that because they would lose money. Also, a bunch of one-word comments? Seriously guys?

You're... not familiar with the quest system here?

I am, that's why i asked "Seriously?". It's the short version of "I can't believe there are people who still care for that quest, i mean, holy shit."

Not to mention that the quest system will be deactivated in the site redesign. There's no point.

I wonder if this means more people will say "First!"
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Edited By Hailinel

@MikeGosot said:

@Viking_Funeral said:

@MikeGosot said:

Ouch. I thought they wouldn't do that because they would lose money. Also, a bunch of one-word comments? Seriously guys?

You're... not familiar with the quest system here?

I am, that's why i asked "Seriously?". It's the short version of "I can't believe there are people who still care for that quest, i mean, holy shit."

Not to mention that the quest system will be deactivated in the site redesign. There's no point.

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Edited By MikeGosot
@Viking_Funeral said:

@MikeGosot said:

Ouch. I thought they wouldn't do that because they would lose money. Also, a bunch of one-word comments? Seriously guys?

You're... not familiar with the quest system here?

I am, that's why i asked "Seriously?". It's the short version of "I can't believe there are people who still care for that quest, i mean, holy shit."
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Edited By reasonablesteve

I am completely tired of hearing about this already. The game isn't great, but it isn't outright terrible either. It's a pretty shameless ripoff of Day Z, but that's not inherently evil. Just kinda scummy, like most of the game's practices. Not worth making such a huge stink over. Perhaps I'd feel differently if I had spent any money on it.

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Edited By The_Laughing_Man

@ Buckaroosamurai 
Just sent me a PM about the art copying. He for some reason does not udnerstand that taking images that are not yours and using them for your benefit is illegal. Can someone explain to him please. 

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Edited By Crysack

@The_Laughing_Man said:

My brain wont process that first wont.

Hahaha, that was my reaction too. It looks like they just haven't bothered to mirror the world and have instead just flipped the FoV. Corner-cutting at its finest.

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Edited By The_Laughing_Man
@Crysack said:

@Buckaroosamurai said:

Hey @Alex ,

So far this is some of the better reporting I've seen on this incident. I have a feeling that WarZ woes is a two way street. There has been what appear to be a lot of dodgy dealings by this developer when it comes to saying whats in the game, however there has been a lot of slanderous outright lies spread about this game. Specifically an instance where a forum mod (who was eventually dismissed from that position) claimed to know the inner workings of what was going on, and how it was all a giant scam. It turned out he was a disgruntled mod who had no knowledge of anything other than what goes on in forums and actually playing the game and was essentially committing slander. He retracted all his statements as I am guessing he was facing legal action.

The reddit community at r/games however ate it up with almost no fact-checking or questioning, and those that did were in an extreme minority. Lots of vitriol even before the game was released to 'steam' that basically boiled down to people not liking the F2P model and complaining about stuff not being in the game when it was in beta. Also complaining about charging for a game in beta, which was funny considering there are tons of games doing this right now, Don't Starve for instance which is a great game but still being worked on. It also appears that a lot of DayZ fans have either been spreading outright lies or at least are the ones with the most vitriol about the game. I've seen legitimate commentors that get ranted on and slammed just because they don't see what all the fuss is about and actually enjoy the game. It really seems like a vocal minority/and some bad decisions by the developer are tainting this game more than anything else.

On a side note just because he made one of the worst games ever really says nothing about him as a developer. Look at Howard Scott Mcgrew who was one of the godfathers of gaming creating Yar's Revenge, he also created E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial probably and most famously the worst game ever made.

Would really like to see some real hard info on what is going on with this game. Would like to see someone with hopefully no knowledge of any of this stuff play the game and see if they like it. So far people's perception of the game seem so tainted by preconceived notions or biases that the game isn't really being evaluated fairly. Yeah those features weren't there, but how much does it matter, and it was dodgy to sell the game on those merits, but is the game fun with what it is or at least do people seem to be enjoying themselves.

Another example of bad behavior on the gamers end is that some of the people who do not like or really hate the game have decided to hack it and do their best to make other player's experiences bad. This is a bad sign on the developer side that their game is so easily hacked, but it is a stark example of the immaturity and pettiness of some gamers. If you don't like a game fine, if you feel like you got ripped off try and get a refund, but don't try and actively make other gamers experience miserable because you are. Oh wait I'm talking about the gaming community where griefing is a thing.

The reality is that no one knows the truth about the 'disgruntled mod' situation so I'll leave it there. As for the game itself, having tried it out at a friend's place, I can tell you that it certainly smells like an enormous scam. Everything about the game is just lazy, from the God-awful textures, to the terrible animations to the fall damage incurred when walking down hills (you can quite literally kill yourself from walking down a shallow incline) to the fact that you can't even swim despite the existence of large bodies of water to the fact that, for whatever reason, new characters spawn on top of each other. Add on to this the cash shop where you can not only buy items that are lost upon death but you can also buy a respawn for your character so you don't have to wait 4 hours for your character to respawn - and believe me, you will die quickly, and generally not even to zombies, and the game and the dev team behind it seem pretty damn scummy. If you want a general indication of the cash-grab nature of the War Z and the amount of corner-cutting the devs have done when (let's be honest) they just added a bunch of zombie assets to WarInc, just have a look at this picture - notice anything strange? (apologies if someone has already posted this)

I also think this is pretty funny:

No Caption Provided
My brain wont process that first wont. 
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Edited By Crysack

@Buckaroosamurai said:

Hey ,

So far this is some of the better reporting I've seen on this incident. I have a feeling that WarZ woes is a two way street. There has been what appear to be a lot of dodgy dealings by this developer when it comes to saying whats in the game, however there has been a lot of slanderous outright lies spread about this game. Specifically an instance where a forum mod (who was eventually dismissed from that position) claimed to know the inner workings of what was going on, and how it was all a giant scam. It turned out he was a disgruntled mod who had no knowledge of anything other than what goes on in forums and actually playing the game and was essentially committing slander. He retracted all his statements as I am guessing he was facing legal action.

The reddit community at r/games however ate it up with almost no fact-checking or questioning, and those that did were in an extreme minority. Lots of vitriol even before the game was released to 'steam' that basically boiled down to people not liking the F2P model and complaining about stuff not being in the game when it was in beta. Also complaining about charging for a game in beta, which was funny considering there are tons of games doing this right now, Don't Starve for instance which is a great game but still being worked on. It also appears that a lot of DayZ fans have either been spreading outright lies or at least are the ones with the most vitriol about the game. I've seen legitimate commentors that get ranted on and slammed just because they don't see what all the fuss is about and actually enjoy the game. It really seems like a vocal minority/and some bad decisions by the developer are tainting this game more than anything else.

On a side note just because he made one of the worst games ever really says nothing about him as a developer. Look at Howard Scott Mcgrew who was one of the godfathers of gaming creating Yar's Revenge, he also created E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial probably and most famously the worst game ever made.

Would really like to see some real hard info on what is going on with this game. Would like to see someone with hopefully no knowledge of any of this stuff play the game and see if they like it. So far people's perception of the game seem so tainted by preconceived notions or biases that the game isn't really being evaluated fairly. Yeah those features weren't there, but how much does it matter, and it was dodgy to sell the game on those merits, but is the game fun with what it is or at least do people seem to be enjoying themselves.

Another example of bad behavior on the gamers end is that some of the people who do not like or really hate the game have decided to hack it and do their best to make other player's experiences bad. This is a bad sign on the developer side that their game is so easily hacked, but it is a stark example of the immaturity and pettiness of some gamers. If you don't like a game fine, if you feel like you got ripped off try and get a refund, but don't try and actively make other gamers experience miserable because you are. Oh wait I'm talking about the gaming community where griefing is a thing.

The reality is that no one knows the truth about the 'disgruntled mod' situation so I'll leave it there. As for the game itself, having tried it out at a friend's place, I can tell you that it certainly smells like an enormous scam. Everything about the game is just lazy, from the God-awful textures, to the terrible animations to the fall damage incurred when walking down hills (you can quite literally kill yourself from walking down a shallow incline) to the fact that you can't even swim despite the existence of large bodies of water to the fact that, for whatever reason, new characters spawn on top of each other. Add on to this the cash shop where you can not only buy items that are lost upon death but you can also buy a respawn for your character so you don't have to wait 4 hours for your character to respawn - and believe me, you will die quickly, and generally not even to zombies, and the game and the dev team behind it seem pretty damn scummy. If you want a general indication of the cash-grab nature of the War Z and the amount of corner-cutting the devs have done when (let's be honest) they just added a bunch of zombie assets to WarInc, just have a look at this picture - notice anything strange? (apologies if someone has already posted this)

I also think this is pretty funny:

No Caption Provided
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Edited By DassoBrother

Beyond the blatant lies listed on the Steam Store Page I don't think there was anything inherently wrong with the game. Not any worse than your typical monetized gameplay model similar to something implemented by Zynga. If you're drawing comparisons to Zynga though maybe something is terribly, terribly wrong.

I retract my previous statements.

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Edited By DeathTrap

@Neonie said:

You could say this one was, DEAD on arrival.


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Edited By Neonie

You could say this one was, DEAD on arrival.

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Edited By The_Laughing_Man
@VibratingDonkey said:

Bears mention that Hammerpoint is still selling the game on the official site. Not sure what's up with the deceit to honesty ratio there.

@TooWalrus said:

What is the name "The War Z" even supposed to mean, other than being shockingly close to "World War Z?" This game seems like it's in the same category as Transmorphers or Rock Revolution, and other shit products designed to confuse idiots and grandparents.

They do have some degree of proper justification for it since their previous game was called WarInc. The "The" is flummoxing though. I can only assume it's a superstretchy way of also creating a link to The Walking Dead. Or it's just Sergey Titov being derpy with his English as usual. He's winner.

Ya. They have just removed the ability to BUY the game on steam. You can still buy it. But from what I heard there are some lawsuits lined up for fraud for Hammerpoint 
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Edited By BestUsernameEver

@BisonHero said:


@PosableActionFigure said:

@Djnuttty said:


Cray Z

Cray cray


Zay Zay

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Edited By vibratingdonkey

Bears mention that Hammerpoint is still selling the game on the official site. Not sure what's up with the deceit to honesty ratio there.

@TooWalrus said:

What is the name "The War Z" even supposed to mean, other than being shockingly close to "World War Z?" This game seems like it's in the same category as Transmorphers or Rock Revolution, and other shit products designed to confuse idiots and grandparents.

They do have some degree of proper justification for it since their previous game was called WarInc. The "The" is flummoxing though. I can only assume it's a superstretchy way of also creating a link to The Walking Dead. Or it's just Sergey Titov being derpy with his English as usual. He's winner.

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Edited By edmundus

@MjHealy said:


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Edited By Undeadpool

@Video_Game_King: Haw! Fair dues, hence my initial reply, I love that episode.

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Edited By Video_Game_King


Well, I was already aware of Alex's review. I just posted my video because I've used another one far too many times.

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Edited By Homelessbird

@Buckaroosamurai said:

Hey ,

So far this is some of the better reporting I've seen on this incident. I have a feeling that WarZ woes is a two way street. There has been what appear to be a lot of dodgy dealings by this developer when it comes to saying whats in the game, however there has been a lot of slanderous outright lies spread about this game. Specifically an instance where a forum mod (who was eventually dismissed from that position) claimed to know the inner workings of what was going on, and how it was all a giant scam. It turned out he was a disgruntled mod who had no knowledge of anything other than what goes on in forums and actually playing the game and was essentially committing slander. He retracted all his statements as I am guessing he was facing legal action.

The reddit community at r/games however ate it up with almost no fact-checking or questioning, and those that did were in an extreme minority. Lots of vitriol even before the game was released to 'steam' that basically boiled down to people not liking the F2P model and complaining about stuff not being in the game when it was in beta. Also complaining about charging for a game in beta, which was funny considering there are tons of games doing this right now, Don't Starve for instance which is a great game but still being worked on. It also appears that a lot of DayZ fans have either been spreading outright lies or at least are the ones with the most vitriol about the game. I've seen legitimate commentors that get ranted on and slammed just because they don't see what all the fuss is about and actually enjoy the game. It really seems like a vocal minority/and some bad decisions by the developer are tainting this game more than anything else.

On a side note just because he made one of the worst games ever really says nothing about him as a developer. Look at Howard Scott Mcgrew who was one of the godfathers of gaming creating Yar's Revenge, he also created E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial probably and most famously the worst game ever made.

Would really like to see some real hard info on what is going on with this game. Would like to see someone with hopefully no knowledge of any of this stuff play the game and see if they like it. So far people's perception of the game seem so tainted by preconceived notions or biases that the game isn't really being evaluated fairly. Yeah those features weren't there, but how much does it matter, and it was dodgy to sell the game on those merits, but is the game fun with what it is or at least do people seem to be enjoying themselves.

Another example of bad behavior on the gamers end is that some of the people who do not like or really hate the game have decided to hack it and do their best to make other player's experiences bad. This is a bad sign on the developer side that their game is so easily hacked, but it is a stark example of the immaturity and pettiness of some gamers. If you don't like a game fine, if you feel like you got ripped off try and get a refund, but don't try and actively make other gamers experience miserable because you are. Oh wait I'm talking about the gaming community where griefing is a thing.

I think it's pretty far-fetched to assume that a large part of the response to War Z comes from either Day Z "fanboys," some forum post that was shared on /r/ gaming, or anything of that sort. The fact that they had a product description up that didn't represent the game at all is a much more likely culprit (and has been most of what I have seen being complained about). Occam's Razor, bro. And if people having unreasonable expectations because of that product description didn't like the game, well, you can hardly blame them - that's the fault of the misleading description, and therefore, the developers.

I'm all for a fair, evenhanded look at the game when it actually "comes out," whenever that may be. It might be good. But at the moment, literally all the evidence points to this developer being a shady gent who was attempting to sell a hack job through (what he thought was) clever promotion.

Your readiness to ignore the available evidence and to exchange it with suppositions about the motivations of those complaining makes me question your motives.

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@Video_Game_King: The video I linked to.

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@MikeGosot said:

Ouch. I thought they wouldn't do that because they would lose money. Also, a bunch of one-word comments? Seriously guys?

You're... not familiar with the quest system here?

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@Undeadpool said:

And It's only about 2-3 minutes.

The video, Big Rigs, or War Z?

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No you're not!

And It's only about 2-3 minutes.

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@fargofallout said:

I'd like to point out that the video review of Big Rigs done by is still up at GameSpot - he seems incredibly thrilled to be playing it.

This is why I smiled when was an Alex newsstory, and not a Patrick one.

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@Alex said:

For what it's worth, if The War Z does end up back on Steam, I'll definitely check it out and report back on just what the hell is going on with this thing.

And thus the old adage is proved, "There is no such thing as bad publicity." Now when the game relaunches a bevy of people will buy it who never would have otherwise just to see how bad it really is.

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@Undeadpool said:

@Video_Game_King said:

@Alex said:

Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing, otherwise known as the worst goddamn game ever made.

I think this is what you're referring to.

Trust me, he's not.

(Because I've posted that other Simpsons clip far too many times.)

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Edited By The_Laughing_Man

The official forums for the game are just sad. It really is.

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Alex Navarro -> Quick Look -> WarZ

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Well, many people bought Arma II just to play DayZ. I guess they thought their product was comparable.

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