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    Dante's Inferno

    Game » consists of 13 releases. Released Feb 09, 2010

    Traverse the nine circles of hell in Visceral's action game named after the first cycle of Dante Alighieri's epic poem The Divine Comedy.

    bloodeffect's Dante's Inferno (Xbox 360) review

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    Dante's Inferno Video Review

    A much bigger shadow looms over what could have been a great game if it wasn’t for some frustrating moments and an anticlimactic ending. It is hard to take Dante's Inferno as a new IP as right from the beginning Visceral Games have spoken about the inspiration that they took from the God of War series, and man does it show. The main protagonist, Dante, has the same red that when he swings his Scythe blend into his figure making him look like another Greek god that has red paint on his body. However, judging Dante's Inferno on its own merits it has it highs and low but doesn't quite pull off something which its bigger brother does.

    If you do not know the entire game was based on a poem that was written in the 13th Century, which follows a poet called Dante, however for the game he is a Crusader, so immediately it is quite obvious the developers have made a conscious choice to make the story more action orientated. The story is told through a series of flashbacks that show Dante losing his beloved wife Beatrice to Lucifer. Dante soon finds himself battling through the nine circles of hell to reach his wife and as I haven’t read the poem I can't judge how close it keeps to the source material but my main problem with the story was that it was not only predictable but the final battle of the game really didn't feel climatic. The comic book style that the flashbacks are presented in are striking and I actually found it to be much more interesting than the CGI or in game cutscenes as it reminded me of Infamous approach to telling the story through a series of comic book flashes, which I personally enjoyed.

     Aren't you a big boy hmmm.
     Aren't you a big boy hmmm.
    As you fight through the nine levels of hell you will be proceeding through what should be very distinct environments, as you will be facing the deadly sins such as Lust, Gluttony, Greed etc. However, I found the first half of the game had a much more varied look than the latter portion. The levels started to blend together and I didn't really feel as I was diving further into hell. You will encounter multiple boss battles along the way that each looked the part and sport their own unique hellish features. For instance a huge woman who spawns babies from her nipples or a huge monster with bouncing boobs. There is no doubt that the designers thought long and hard about each detail but it is ashamed this didn't come across in the environments.

    The levels are littered with collectibles to be found which include ancient artifacts, silver coins and also lost souls that have been condemned in hell. This is where Dante's Inferno brings its take on moral choices to the table. You have to decide on whether to punish or absolve the person’s soul by reading their confession. If you choose to punish then you just kill them on the spot. However, absolving a soul will bring up a mini game of Guitar Hero holy style -- this is where you must press the face buttons that correspond with the symbols on screen -- except without any music.

    All of these decisions build up your Holy or Unholy meter and this in turn will determine which skills you can purchase from the games upgrade system. You then can purchase new attack combinations and abilities with souls which you have collected. All of this will be very familiar if you have played any God of War game in the past but the main problem is that the combat is not as fluid or fun as God of War. Your primary weapon is the Grim Reapers Scythe but you also wield a holy cross which you can use to shoot out 'holy energy' to smite your foes. I found that this cross was the most over powered first weapon I had ever received in any game as you could stand far away from a battle and spam the attack until all the enemies had a blast of energy.

     The power of Christ compels you!
     The power of Christ compels you!
    Quick time events are also present and again like the God of War games will see your character ripping men in two or slicing their faces in two, but Dante's Inferno just doesn't produce the same 'wow factor' that another game has. Combat isn’t the only side to the game as you will be swinging between ropes, climbing walls and figuring out some easy and also frustrating puzzles. This is where the game fluctuates in difficulty as the combat side was easy compared to jumping from rope to rope, or figuring out that a box can be placed behind a lever. The game takes a turn for the worse with these slower parts and it left me more frustrated than anything else as it was more trial and error which isn’t the best way to approach level designs.

    Dante's Inferno could have grown into what God of War is today but it is just too late. There aren’t any technical faults with the game and it sounds great with all the burning souls in hell -- okay I may have wanted less mention of Beatrice -- but it just doesn't feel quite right. Visceral Games where close to making a God of War clone for the Xbox 360 but it just doesn't fill its shoes. The story is a bit here, there and everywhere and the combat is a little on the weak side but if you enjoy a gore fest, or just taking a trip to hell then this will serve you well.


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    Edited By BusterBrownstar

    This is the first OTT Gamer video review I've seen, and I will look out for more.  Well edited.

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    Edited By tmthomsen

    Very nice video review!
    Have to be honest, I did not read the review and do not intend to, but the video review is worth the recommend alone. Well done.

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    Edited By CaptainScarLeg

    Wow, I must say I'm extremely impressed, I doubt I could do a video review that good. Well done sir, you've certainly earned a recommendation from me.

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    Edited By BloodEffect

     Thanks for all the comments guys, I really appreciate the feedback and am glad you enjoy it.  

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    Edited By Afroman269

    BEATRICE!!!!!! lol nice Beatrice montage. I think I'll rent this game.

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    Edited By DocHaus

    Bit much on the "BEEAAAATRICE!" near the end, almost reached G4 levels of annoyance, but other than that you got the point across pretty well in the review.

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    Edited By amir90

     That was actually quite good video review.
    How did you capture the vids on console?
    Been looking for a way to do that.

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    Edited By Aetos

    Good video review dude. Keep up the great work.

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    Edited By cornbredx

    I like your review. I read it, i havent watched the video yet. I comepletely agree with all your points about the game. 
    Realistically Dante's inferno is my first guilty pleasure of this year as I enjoy the game, but I totally see so many flaws with it that dont make it highly recommendable. 
    Good review, you seemed to hit all the important notes from what I saw while playing as well.
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    Edited By mrcellophane

    Nice review. I'll probably wait for a price drop, though. Am saving up for GoWIII

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    Edited By mrhankey

    I like the video review, but I wish you had mentioned in the video that the poem is used as Context and the game hardly follows, nor does it give a respectable omage to the poem itself.

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    Edited By Nettacki
    @amir90 said:
    "  That was actually quite good video review.  How did you capture the vids on console?  Been looking for a way to do that. "
    It usually involves some kind of capture card, either built-in to the PC (ex: ATI TV Wonder cards) or as an external device (ex: Pinnacle Dazzle, Adaptec Gamebridge, Hauppauge HD1212, etc.)
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    Edited By amir90
    @Nettacki said:
    " @amir90 said:
    "  That was actually quite good video review.  How did you capture the vids on console?  Been looking for a way to do that. "
    It usually involves some kind of capture card, either built-in to the PC (ex: ATI TV Wonder cards) or as an external device (ex: Pinnacle Dazzle, Adaptec Gamebridge, Hauppauge HD1212, etc.) "
    thanks m8, I found one in a store, but a bit too expensive for me atm.
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    Edited By cyrax

    Nice work! It was informative and well made.

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    Edited By Dereklstinson

    I liked all the nudy shots.  Cheers.
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    Edited By LackingSaint


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    Edited By Hellmouth

    Looks like this is a game I'll rent when I am reunited with my 360

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    Edited By RagingLion

    Definitely coming from someone who's been heavily influenced by the video editing school of Vinny Caravella.

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    Edited By Lind_L_Taylor

    Great review. Not sure why Ryan chose to shit all over this game.  I only have an Xbox so hellooo God of War substitute! :-)

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    Edited By K1LLERD1ABLO
    @Lind_L_Taylor said:
    " Great review. Not sure why Ryan chose to shit all over this game.  I only have an Xbox so hellooo God of War substitute! :-) "
    Exactly. I am a HUGE fan of the God of War series and i never played none. I love the hack and slash type of games, but since i dont own a PS3 and not gonna buy one just for GOW and Uncharted2, ill have to settle for Dantes Inferno and Darksiders (Bayonetta looks pretty good too but not rly my style).
    I just wish there were more God of War type of games on the xbox360, i mean there is a huge market for it i think. 
    I really hope Dantes Inferno 2 (if there is one, im praying) comes out better than this one, but hey for a 1st game its not THAT bad.
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    Edited By Lind_L_Taylor
    @K1LLERD1ABLO said:
    " @Lind_L_Taylor said:
    " Great review. Not sure why Ryan chose to shit all over this game.  I only have an Xbox so hellooo God of War substitute! :-) "
    Exactly. I am a HUGE fan of the God of War series and i never played none. I love the hack and slash type of games, but since i dont own a PS3 and not gonna buy one just for GOW and Uncharted2, ill have to settle for Dantes Inferno and Darksiders (Bayonetta looks pretty good too but not rly my style).  I just wish there were more God of War type of games on the xbox360, i mean there is a huge market for it i think.  I really hope Dantes Inferno 2 (if there is one, im praying) comes out better than this one, but hey for a 1st game its not THAT bad. "
    Agreed. I haven't yet picked it up but plan on doing it soon.  I just got Resident 
    Evil 5 however & need to spend some time going through that.

    Other reviews for Dante's Inferno (Xbox 360)

      Trapped in purgatory 0

       First and foremost, if you are an avid fan of The Divine Comedy, you are going to hate what EA has done to their Dante’s Inferno game. It is as blistered and altered and transformed from the original poem as you feared. I’ve joked before about video gamizing in the past, but Dante’s Inferno really raises the bar to downright sacrilegious levels. But if you avoid taking personal offense to how Dante’s Inferno butchers the legendary work that is The Divine Comedy (and for that matter, the legenda...

      35 out of 35 found this review helpful.

      Dante's Inferno Review 0

      There's no shortage of hack 'n' slash games that have already appeared on the market this year but none have been quite as shocking as Dante's Inferno, both in build up and in content. It's not the biblical haven and hell that sets this game apart, instead it's a fifty foot naked Cleopatra with mouths for nipples that spurt demonic unbaptised babies and an achievement for killing said babies. To give a little context; Dante's Inferno is an adaptation Dante Alighieri's poem "Divine Comedy", in wh...

      7 out of 7 found this review helpful.

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