Yo Gamestop Haters...

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#51  Edited By Tireyo

No Gamestop where I'm at.  There is a game store here that does pretty much the same thing as a Gamestop does. The difference is that they sell comics, buy old games as well (Like NES, Genesis), and they are a much smaller business. They do pretty good with what they do. They are just understocked at times. So no hate to them.
No hate to Gamestop though either. Just a business trying to make a profit, even if they are overpriced at times. Don't like the store? Go somewhere else!!

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#52  Edited By Claude
@Tireyo643 said:
" No Gamestop where I'm at.  There is a game store here that does pretty much the same thing as a Gamestop does. The difference is that they sell comics, buy old games as well (Like NES, Genesis), and they are a much smaller business. They do pretty good with what they do. They are just understocked at times. So no hate to them. No hate to Gamestop though either. Just a business trying to make a profit, even if they are overpriced at times. Don't like the store? Go somewhere else!! "
You're lucky. All those shops went out of business in my city. I remember the good old days in the 90's when mom and pop video stores rented and sold video games. You could actually barter when buying their old used games.
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#53  Edited By gamefreak9

I don't really know why theres so much hate, when i shopped there, which is like 8 years ago, it was fine :P. But if service has fallen, i would not know about it.

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#54  Edited By bravetoaster

I'm sure not all the employees are scumbags, but (from my experience) quite a few are. A lot of the employees should hone their people skills. 

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#55  Edited By ninjakiller

Q fucking Q  
I don't personally hate the workers/managers @ Gamestop, but as a whole the organization's business practices are evil.  I'll be dancing in the streets when Gamestop finally goes bankrupt under the weight of Steam, Amazon, PSN/Live/Nintendo marketplace.  I order almost exclusively from Amazon with Prime, and when I did buy a game from a brick and mortar it was from Best Buy.  

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#56  Edited By Enigma777

Nah, GS still sucks. I'm a happy customer of Amazon and Best Buy and I don't see that changing anytime soon.

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#57  Edited By mrfizzy

i can only talk from an Australian perspective but iv never had a problem with EBgames' staff. They've always seemed nice etc. The issue i do have is how arrogant the store is with its pricing. They'll charge $120 for a major title on the day its released when JB Hifi (which can literally be next door) will be charging $70-80. It seems to me that they rely on people buying games there coz they simply assume that they will have the lowest prices.  

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#58  Edited By Vinchenzo

I worked at GameStop for 2 years. They give part-time employees shit hours, shit pay, and run the company like shit. That manager can go fuck himself for making that list. I skimmed through the section about gutted games, but did he mention that we employees get to borrow them for a handful of days and play them? The new game you guys bought could have been played by us numerous times. I hope everybody here is aware of that. I was one of the employees that never cared much for pressing pre-orders or subscriptions. If people want to buy that crap then they can do it themselves. Did anybody else notice that this was written in 2007?
P.S. Amazon has much better deals for their games, and they're sealed.

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#59  Edited By EpicSteve

I used to be an Assistant Manager. I was still aware that the company was completely fucked in its practices and most employees don't know what they're talking about.

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#60  Edited By daitheflu

They really pressure you with sales and extra purchases which is why people hate them.  No one gets pestered and berated for not buying another pair of jeans at the Gap so why should we put up with that crap at GS?  That and the prices for used games are atrocious ($54.99 isn't a savings compared to the internet and it's deal power).

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#61  Edited By Tireyo
@Claude said:
" @Tireyo643 said:
" No Gamestop where I'm at.  There is a game store here that does pretty much the same thing as a Gamestop does. The difference is that they sell comics, buy old games as well (Like NES, Genesis), and they are a much smaller business. They do pretty good with what they do. They are just understocked at times. So no hate to them. No hate to Gamestop though either. Just a business trying to make a profit, even if they are overpriced at times. Don't like the store? Go somewhere else!! "
You're lucky. All those shops went out of business in my city. I remember the good old days in the 90's when mom and pop video stores rented and sold video games. You could actually barter when buying their old used games. "
There is a lot of comparison shopping going on when shopping for used games. I do go to a Gamestop when I go to my grandad's house, which is 1 hour and 30 minutes away. Usually I can do better locally, but not all the time. The store I'm talking about doesn't barter, they just do store credit.
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#62  Edited By JDoobs

I have to say, after reading the posts from everyone it seems like the general consensus is that the hate seems to be directed at the corporate policies. This is a relief, most of my fellow co-workers hate everything the corporate model stands for. Personally, I applied and was hired to work there before I was aware of all the less than savory things the company does. I chose to work there because I love video games and it sounded like an incredible job to discuss and sell games to people who share my passion. This is why it's some what upsetting to hear people hating their experience at the store. If I could, I'd have all of you come to my store. We are nothing like what some of you have described. 
The funny part is, I'm conflicted, even working there now. I have a hard time deciding whether or not I'll shop there after I've quit and moved on. That should tell me something right there.

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#63  Edited By MikkaQ

I prefer buying from the rental store, the prices aren't any different (though much cheaper for used games), and I know and banter with the employees there. 

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#64  Edited By Noodles
@SpikeSpiegel said:
" He told me to vote with my patronage, therefore, I will not shop there at all. "
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#65  Edited By Jayross

"19) Don't be afraid to sell things on your own! The going resell rates for any current games or accessories online is usually close to what we resell for. If its a much newer title and you don't mind listing and shipping it, you could make a small handful more selling it online yourself. Ebay and Amazon.com are obvious choices, but you may find other outlets that work for you."

That was the only thing that made sense out of what I read.

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#66  Edited By Liono88


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#67  Edited By Vinchenzo

Thinking about this topic further, I'm at least relieved the employees at GameStop aren't as bad as the employees at Hot Topic. Dear lord...

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#68  Edited By impalerXZ

Gamestop/Eb games is fucking garbage, anyway you put it.
Advice for any bomber that lives in the Edmonton Alberta area. Go to PlayNtrade or Nexwave and save yourself some money.

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#69  Edited By l4wd0g

I don't shop at GameStop because of the used game sales. I always buy new (to support the developer). Amazon is just so much cheaper...

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#70  Edited By AgentofChaos

Dude, there is too much hate for people who stand-up for Gamestop. I understand if you hate the corporation and their policies but don't hate the employees. It's really not their fault, Gamestop treats them pretty badly sometimes.

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#71  Edited By FesteringNeon

I have nothing against the company, as they are a business and need to keep operating. However, in my area most of the employees are tools, not really up-to-date on the products and services they offer, or are unwilling to look into the matter.. it's always an "I think" which is usually wrong. The manager seems to know what's going on.. but honestly, If i gave that answer at work to someone, i'd get another asshole torn. If you don't know.. find me an answer. It really isn't that tough. Again, that's just in my area.. and I know every job has that same situation in some form and fashion.. It just gets frustrating when they work for an entertainment outlet, specializing in one thing.. and they don't care enough to know themselves. : /

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#72  Edited By Portis

I don't have a huge problem with Gamestop, but I do generally avoid the store if I can. I just find it tough to have a 'get my shit and leave quickly' experience most of the time: 

  • For the most part, the Gamestop stores here are small and cramped, which can be extremely off-putting -- especially when the store is busy (which they are often.)
  • The pre-order pushing, and the Gamestop rewards program pushing. Asking me if there is anything I want to pre-order is fine, but please -- once I've said no don't continue to try and goad me into it. I've already said no.
Those are my main two problems. However, I do find the employees generally pretty helpful (calling around to other Gamestops, seeing if they have a game that the one particular store you're at doesn't.) 
Also I have a question; does getting pre-orders help specific employees? Is there some sort of tally kept on the pre-orders they get on a weekly/monthly basis or what have you? I ask because there was a guy at a local Gamestop who even though I didn't come in very often always remembered me and was just a nice guy in general. Whenever I needed to pre-order games I would do so from him specifically, because I have always been under the impression that it'd help him out in some way (I never made it clear I was doing that on purpose, just in my mind I thought I was doing something nice for someone.)
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#73  Edited By FCKSNAP
@l4wd0g said:
" I don't shop at GameStop because of the used game sales. I always buy new (to support the developer). Amazon is just so much cheaper... "  
Once you go Prime, there's no time  
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#74  Edited By wefwefasdf
@Vinchenzo said:
" Thinking about this topic further, I'm at least relieved the employees at GameStop aren't as bad as the employees at Hot Topic. Dear lord... "
Bahaha I know what you're talking about. They are absolutely nuts. 
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#75  Edited By subject2change

My displease is only directed towards employees whom don't understand you are not interested in the guide, card or other stuff when you are up to pay. I want to get my game and go home. This however only really happens when I go to the store in Midtown Manhattan but I haven't purchased a game there in a long time. It was for a while a weekly occurrence...I buy most games online now or various GameStop's in Queens.

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@Undeadpool said:
" Most people don't hate the employees, they hate the corporate level decisions. Or maybe that's just me cause I've worked enough retail to be able to separate the two. "
This too. Unfortunately, there's no way to avoid customer anger as a Gamestop employee. The reality is that there's no way for CEO's and customers to communicate directly; since the people working at Gamestop are the middle men, you guys are caught in the crossfire. Sorry, man.
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#77  Edited By demontium

An article doesn't help what I actually experience.

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#78  Edited By TomA

I haven't bought something at an EB in years. And I have not been in one for over a year.

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#79  Edited By Undeadpool
@WindFall259 said:
" @Undeadpool said:
" Most people don't hate the employees, they hate the corporate level decisions. Or maybe that's just me cause I've worked enough retail to be able to separate the two. "
This too. Unfortunately, there's no way to avoid customer anger as a Gamestop employee. The reality is that there's no way for CEO's and customers to communicate directly; since the people working at Gamestop are the middle men, you guys are caught in the crossfire. Sorry, man. "
Trust me, I feel your pain, I worked at Borders for a year. During that year they implemented some of the MOST idiotic, unintuitive plans I've ever experienced in my five years in retail.
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#80  Edited By Karl_Boss

Don;t care about the people I just don't like Gamestop in general

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#81  Edited By NTM

Gamestop? Hm, weird. I've always liked Gamestop employees. I mean, it's never been Gamestop, ever! But it was Gamecrazy that had pricks. I really mean it. They've never personally been mean to me, but to everyone I've ever been with they've been mean to, and I have a problem with that. Luckily, around here, those don't exist anymore. The only thing I don't always like is when they have to do their job by coming over and asking "Hey, can I help you find anything?", or what have you. It happens everywhere, but I don't usually like it because if I need help, I'll ask.
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#82  Edited By fjordson

GameStop sold me an opened copy of Farcry 2 as "new" a few years ago and ever since then I haven't shopped there.
It's not about the "hate" or employees. It's just that the experience at other retailers is literally better. Better prices, better quality assurance, better service, etc. Amazon blows GameStop out of the water in just about every way. Even with big name games day one or midnight releases, I can walk into Best Buy without a pre-order and pick it up sans the long lines at GameStop.
As far as the actual employees, I'm sure they're fine. My younger cousin works at a GameStop and he's a cool dude.

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#83  Edited By Crixaliz
@crusader8463 said:
" I hate EB Games because their Canadian site sucks donkey balls because:
  1. They never have anything but the newest stuff in stock. Anything more then a few months old is hit or miss.
  2. Their selection of PC games specifically is atrocious.
  3. They have horrible deals while the yankee one gets awesome stuff all the time.
  4. The site is always showing broken or wrong content
As for the stores themselves, well the one I used to go to was fine. Other then a few   unnecessarily  long lines and them always stealing my pre-order codes/gifts I have never had a problem. Not counting how they overcharge on pre owned stuff.
How bad is the (Canadian) online store in-terms of 'gutted' games and pre-order codes?
I pre-ordered Dead Space 2 and they never sent me the pre-order code and haven't replied to my email asking where the code is.  I'm thinking of canceling my order now.
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#84  Edited By crusader8463
@Crixaliz: Not sure as I have never bought anything that had one online. The actual stores though would always steal mine. They would get just enough to fill out the pre orders at every store, but all the employees would always take one for themselves and all their friends. So those of us who actually bought the games would never get them. They would always say they never got the shipment and that there was nothing they could do about it. 
I may be wrong, but I have heard people saying they don't email you the code until the game comes out, or maybe even a week later. 
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#86  Edited By toowalrus

Nah, fuck them. I know so much more about games than the employees at my local gamestop it's frightening. The other day, when I asked for DJ hero 1 for 360, she tried to sell me just a disc for $45, then when I asked her to go get a turntable, she went and got me a PS2 turntable to go with the 360 disc. Then she spent 5 minutes trying to convince me to get a power up card, so I could shop there more.

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#87  Edited By CastroCasper

I think that it is just by the time they get done squeezing through people and looking at unorganized copies of used games that came out the same month, with only a 5 dollar discount, they are on edge to anyone.

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There are a couple of problems I have with gamestop that can be fixed in a couple of ways. 

  1. Change your return policy so that the policy of 7 day, for-any-reason return extends to opened products. Otherwise, the consumer is given no other option than to exchange the product for an exact copy.
  2. Add trade-ins to numbers, although this might promote infighting between employees it's honestly the only way I can think of to stop the incessant "Do you want to pre-order X game? It'll only cost you $5!" spiel. Also, stop profiling based on what I'm trading in. No I don't want to pre-order Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II, why do you think I'm selling its prequel?
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#89  Edited By Deeveeus
@JDoobs: Our problem is with their business plan...they take a new game, they MAY give you 25-30 bucks for...and thats if thet fuckers like a week old, and sell it for 4 dollars less than the new copy, it takes money directly from the industry and puts it in a "garage sale" companies pocket. I also hate the trade in rules. 
Example, after Christmas, they had a deal for Hot Pursuit, trade in a game, get it for 29.99. What they didn't tell you was that the game had to be a min 8 dollars, which I tried to trade in and it was 7.50...so no deal, "but sir you can just get the value against...to which I told him to stuff it...I went to Futureshop and got the same game for 39.99...so same price, minus the 8 dollar trade in...for a game they sell for for 30$. I know it doesn't make them any worse than say Wal Mart...but fuck them both dammit! 
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#90  Edited By wolf_blitzer85
@OneManX said:

" I'm shocked that people are shocked that retail stores do fucked up things. I've worked at Best Buy and at a Wal-Mart, they are no different from what gamestop tries to do. imagine the way GS tries to hustle you into reserving a bunch of games, imagine buying a TV and having to try to get someone to buy an insurance policy for the TV, HDMI cables that are horribly overpriced. it's all about incentive and quotas in retail. "

Best Buy offered us a "money saving" deal when we got our new tv last week. Geek Squad would calibrate the tv's video settings (You know like the menu settings) for a paltry 180 dollars while telling us we will get unmatched quality with this 80 dollar monster hdmi cable for my 360. Thankfully I'm not dumb when it comes to that, so instead of freaking out and getting all pissy, I just smiled and said no thank you. It's amazing how much better retailers act towards you when you don't act like some entitled douchebag.
It's retail. Any retail store kind of works in the same way, just gotta make those sales and bring in money even if it is simply preying on the stupid. Hell the uneducated make the best kind of customers. In the end working retail is a pretty soul sucking job, and anyone who does it, I feel for you, because I'm in the same boat.
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#92  Edited By atombrain

The reason why i hate gamestop is because I'm a pc gamer and we are limited to just a single shelf. I remember the days when we would get a least a whole wall of games. Now I feel like I have to meet with some shady guy in the alley wearing a trenchcoat asking me if I want some hit pc titles just to get a retail copy. Thank god for steam and other online retailers.

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#93  Edited By Pinworm45

"hey guys, don't be annoyed that people push preorders on you and literally useless disk warranties, because that's their job! so that makes it not obnoxious!" 
yeah I don't think so. 
Truthfully though I don't have a problem with either of the two EBGames I've been to, the people there are nice and fine (except one chick who's always a bitch on the phone, but I've never seen her in person), and although their trade in system is a rip off, i simply don't use it. 
But that line of logic, and many others this guy uses, are retarded.

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#94  Edited By buft

"As shameful as it may sound, regular customers that preorder often earn employee gratitude quickly. We can't help but appreciate them! Customers that order and pick up titles regularly are very likely to get extra help or attention from employees and managers when they have a problem or need help finding difficult items."

 Although my experience is with a UK Gamestop, I really neer found this too be true, as someone who preorders and purchases day 1 around 1-2 games a month and purchases a game every week, i can honestly say the employees in the store couldnt care less if i ever had a problem, most of the time its small stuff like missing preorder bonus but occasionally big stuff like Bad company 2 being charged at £45 for my preorder and non preorder people payed £40, this is after the developer promised the free extras with preorders. 

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My only beef with Gamestop is that the CEO of Gamestop is the Antichrist.  Other then that it is great place to impulse buy games if you don't freak out about being asked to preorder shit.

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#96  Edited By Supermarius
@Marcsman said:
" The douchebag who sold me Demon"s Soul. Last copy was the only reason I got it. Last purchase there for life.Fuck em they lost a good customer for life. Face facts the assholes at the store took it home and played it then sold it to me as brand new. Last laugh is on them I only prepurchased it for $30. The thieving d-bag said the balance was clear. I hightailed it out of the store pronto. Which is not me at all. But if you are gonna rip me off. I will gladly return the favor. "
how did they rip you off? Did the game play? Yes. I wish all these people who bitch over a few cosmetic scratches on the bottom of a game disc would fucking grow a pair. Why are you even looking at the bottom, just put it in your system and play it.
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#97  Edited By danimal_furry

I don't hate Game Stop. They are are always friendlier and more knowledgable than anywhere else. They sometimes try to push stuff, but it's not offensive. They are just trying to sell because they are retail. I think a lot of haters just want to hate. They can stick to Best Buy, or whatever other store is going to rip them off in a similar fasion. It seems a lot of the GS complaints come from people who like to find a general business and nitpick, whether their own favorite business alternative is guilty of the same practices. But, it is a consumer's choice, which is the glory of living in a free America (or whatever country) with a free market. (Note: Canada doesn't count, because they are not a truly free market society.)

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#98  Edited By wrighteous86

Explaining why a  company does shitty things that annoy me and piss me off doesn't mean I'll suddenly become okay with them doing annoying and shitty things that piss me off.
I've always understood why they did the things they did, but there are other stores I can go to that won't do them, for whatever reason, so I'll take my patronage there and not deal with the hassle, e.g.  in a business sense, the shit Activision does makes a lot of sense.  However, I still fucking hate Activision's corporate policy, and most (if not all) of their games.

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#99  Edited By blackbird415
Its not the gamestop employees ive had a problem with. Generally theyre pretty awesome people. I only have problems with some of the business tactics. I miss babbages alot
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#100  Edited By BabyChooChoo

I don't hate the people who work at GameStop. In fact, my old roommate worked there and he was the coolest dude in the world. I just hate certain aspects of the way GameStop handles their business
...except for when they have those B2G1F deals. Then I could care less what they do and how they do it.
That said, they REALLY need to work on their over the phone/website/store synergy. I can't tell you how many times I checked online to see if they had a copy of the game, called to confirm, then went there hours later for someone just to say "Oh we'll sometimes the system doesn't update properly" or any of that bullshit.