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    Gun Control

    Concept »

    The legal restriction of how guns may be interacted with by civilians.

    Short summary describing this concept.

    Gun Control last edited by fezz on 07/25/21 07:10PM View full history


    Real Life

    Gun control refers to the various laws on guns concerning their sale, purchase, use, possession, manufacturing, presence, and storage in relation to civilians.

    Laws on guns can range from how old you need to be to purchase a gun to whether or not you can own a gun at all.

    There are various reasons for gun control which include:

    • Safety against criminals with guns.
    • Safety for civilians with guns.
    • How much power should be allocated to civilians on what they can do with weapons in relation to the power of the government.

    There are various reasons against gun control which include:

    • Right of people to keep and bear arms for any peaceful or justified purpose.
    • Protection against criminals especially those who are similarly armed.
    • Protection against an unjust government.

    Since there is inherent disagreement among people of every group involved with guns how strict or relaxed gun control is will vary between regions.

    In Video Games

    Similar to real life games may have their own forms of gun control whether in the lore or outright mentioned and detailed via in-game dialogue. In relation to that how the player acquires guns will be affected.

    The most common way the player will be affected is to get illegal guns or even guns at all they will/must be able to go to a black market of some sort to buy them. Said black market can be a shady locations or a secret meeting spot.

    For example in Grand Theft Auto in the 4th game guns are virtually banned in Liberty City but Niko can either by them from secretive buildings or order them from the trunk of a car from his contact, Little Jacob. Similar protagonists in the expansions for said game have their black market counterparts.


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