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#1  Edited By Akyho

@SeriouslyNow said:

RAM. All of those devices lack RAM, including the XBOX 360. They will need to a lot in the way of optimisation to Minecraft to allow for larger, more capable map sizes.

Ram in Minecraft Dictates rate of loading chunks. People are playing Minecraft with 256 ram at the minimum. To go beyond 500 you need to change values of the files of minecraft so it will use a gig or two spare ram. The difference is slightly better. So I know the ram isnt not the main problem. Part of the problem however not the main.

@AlianthaBerries said:

You should post in your native language and then English underneath, I would be interested in seeing that!

I am dyslexic. Thank you for you understanding my ongoing battle with basic literacy. I don't mind that I can spend 4 years in college and fail, since I cant write an essay for shit! Despite tutoring an entire class on the subjects, with them saying "I couldn't have made any sense of that class if it wasn't for you. Thanks for helping me pass." Only to have my paper come to me and it says "failed" . So out of a class of 30 of which I tutored 25 and only two people failed. Me and one ditzy Mcblonde bitch who didn't care about the course at all.

That every assignment was a 15 hour struggle before being told to redo the paper . OVER AND OVER AND OVER! When the whole process should have been done in 6.

So thank you for pointing out my problems and that my life is fucked since to get a good job I need a better level literacy than I do have thanks to my Dyslexia.

I had not noticed until now. Ill fix it thank you Mr Asshat. There is a boy in a wheel chair. Go help him with your helpful comments, He will be able to walk if you just piss him off enough to strangle you.

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#2  Edited By Akyho

Welcome to the wonderful world of Bad movies from Anime Tv shows. Let us start the list.

Martian successors Nadesico, The prince of darkness!

Neon Genisis Evangelion : End of Evangelion!

Cowboy Bebop: Stairway to Heaven!

The three Tenchi Muyo MOVIES!

The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzimya!

THE 17! Dragon ball/z Movies! Not one is realy at all good.

The list goes on! It isnt a case of the films are bad.......its just they dont fit well in line with the Tv series you spent 13 episodes 26 episodes 52 to even 300 episodes watching.

Americans are known for not going far enough to use the Movie format for such things. While the Japanese goes too far from the source. Changing the tone completely from the series.

I enjoyed and like all these movies and loved the Gundam 00 movie....combine then with the series you know and love...they lose big time and start feeling like an old best friendfrom when you were 5 to 10 and 10 years later you meet up and try to be friends but too much has changed and you just dont get along anymore.

Its uncomfortable.

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#3  Edited By Akyho

I bought Minecraft for me and my dad on the xbox. Over the last year my dad and me have shared the same Minecraft account since we only have one pc. My had dad is often playing it on the pc. So he was realy excited to get it for the xbox so he at minimum didnt have to wait to get on the pc. Now you can sit back and relax and mine. Bonus is I can play with him.

However just as the Bombcast start talking about minecraft and how Jeff hut the edge of the world then my dad came in and said "The only your world. I have hut the edge of the world." This instantly annoyed me. I know they are going to update it from the current 1.6.6 beta build of pc and improve.

However I cant find any info on if the size of the world will become like the pc. A number of people ask this and the main reply is. "You think it will be like pc? Your insane!" Maby that is true and there is a limit to the xbox for a seemingly simple game.

This revelation has me and my dad very very disappointing on the Xbox version, I dont think we are going to play and view this as a waste of money.My dad even talked about "I am going to delete my minecraft on pc. Since Ill just playing this version from now on. as long as they update."

However I am scared at the prospect's ahead. Look at the well toted Xperia play an alpha build of creative mode and has not improved. The Ipad version was released and was the same build. I dont hear that they have improved. Yet they charge money for it.

Does anyone have any nugget of "Sourced" info. I would only take a link that just someone saying stuff at me.

It feels pointless to play this version.


Coming to the realization with the biggest argument that makes sense is. Multiplayer, the main big sell of the xbox version. Try and run an infinite map with 4 to 8 people at all 4 corners at the one only means more and more ram.

Ugh which means its freaking horrible prospect that this is severely not the version I want and i am greatly greatly greatly sickened by the fact I bought two copies. I also have to burden my fathers disappointment in it. since he is actually a bigger minecraft player than me.

I fell horrible enough folks no need to keep guilting me by basically calling me stupid with comments such as "Its xbox what did you expect?!" I know, I just hoped, I could change it. nope I am stupid so don't remind me. If anything this is to warn other people now.

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#4  Edited By Akyho

And thus the war for North Korea has begun!

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#5  Edited By Akyho

@whyareyoucrouchingspock said:

@Akyho said:

Yeah i got this game. Same complaints. However it seems the guy that made it is an asshole. He has ripped of game devs, Ripped off artists and stole from other games. I dont mean ideas I mean the textures from the game! Natural selection 2 has been listed. Kickstarter he had used for a scam.

So i feel bad for owning it despite it not working. Ill dig around and link some of the above statements for evidence sakes.

Got any links on the kickstarter thing? Sounds interesing

Yeah here is some links. One has a huge list of accusations and some evidence. He pretty much tried to kill his Devs teams before firing them, then did not pay them a penny. Shocking behavior.

Here is an artists testimony.

Here is his websites....he is 23 and sounds like his ego is too big.

A thread with some extra info,

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#6  Edited By Akyho

Yeah i got this game. Same complaints. However it seems the guy that made it is an asshole. He has ripped of game devs, Ripped off artists and stole from other games. I dont mean ideas I mean the textures from the game! Natural selection 2 has been listed. Kickstarter he had used for a scam.

So i feel bad for owning it despite it not working. Ill dig around and link some of the above statements for evidence sakes.

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#7  Edited By Akyho

@Video_Game_King said:

Anybody else feel bad for Brad?

Yeah that was realy shitty. You could see Brad trying to act normal when "Brad sucks at trials" name came up. Fucking horrible.

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#8  Edited By Akyho

I did it at the start when it was funny. However it got out of hand. Same people spamming over and over and over and over. Then it was funny a little with the silver accounts such as "IloveuPatrick". It was funny some game invites for like yaris and such. However.....Xbox live party invites? with same people spamming over and over and over and over and over.

Yeah it was dumb and not even duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuumb duuuuuuuuuuuumb.

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#9  Edited By Akyho

I found two batteries on the shelf near the front of the store. Also, I chose Doug as he seemed hindsight....SHE IT A TOTAL IDIOT! I have no regrets on letting her die. However I have regrets over my indecision over who to save at Hershel farm.........

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#10  Edited By Akyho

Found this good video as a base on what the hell is happening in EVE.