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The big stupid list of random Tactics/Strategy games I'd like to play someday, eventually, probably. Just you wait.

In the spirit of that RPG list I made at the end of last year, here is another angle to my depressing backlog and the things I would like to get to because I bought them "on sale" back when I was an idiot who bought a bunch of games on sale without playing them.

It's fair to say that I'm just as much of a fan of tactics and strategy stuff as I am of RPGs, with a similar list of games I've yelled about on the internet for years (See: Heroes of Might and Magic, Fire Emblem, Age of Wonders III, Eador: Genesis, X-COM: UFO Defense, etc.) and a similarly intimidating list of titles that I'd love to get around to one of these days, if not for the demanding time commitment a lot of them ask for.

Criteria is as follows:

  • I own all of these games, usually on GOG or Steam though maybe a handful on consoles as well.
  • These are all games I have an interest in playing. This discounts the number of random tactical and strategy games in my libraries that I know I have no honest intent to play. Sorry King Arthur: The Role-Playing Wargame, I don't really know what I was thinking when I picked you up.
  • Because a lot of strategic stuff is aimed around replayable matches rather than a single end-point, this also includes games that I have sunk some time into but have a vague inclination to sink more time into.
  • Some of these games could probably be put on my RPG list as well.
  • To be perfectly frank: some of these choices are pretty tentative/vague and reflect more of a curiosity than a genuine desire. Unlike my RPG list, which is filled with games I'd like to see to some sort of grand conclusion, this list has a few games that I want to understand more than anything else.
  • Most of these games are pretty old, by simple value of the fact that there are a lot of weird, obscure, and potentially Russian strategy games hanging around GOG and Steam that I've picked up over the years. Also, there isn't exactly a ton of modern strategy/tactics stuff that I want to play, y'know? Well, I'll pick up Might and Magic: Heroes VII one of these days out of morbid curiosity, but that doesn't mean I want to actually play it.

List items

  • "Vaguely Modern and/or Relevant"

    So I actually played more than a dozen hours of this game, mostly over Christmas break. I enjoyed what I played and would like to play more, maybe finish that Dwarven campaign I had going. I'll be the first to admit I'm not great at Total War, but man is it cool.

  • Disgaea 5 was the first game in that series I made any sort of headway with. Maybe I should actually get around to playing more of it one of these days.

  • I really liked the original campaign for Dawn of War II, so at some point I'd like to play the expansion, right?

  • I played a few hours of this and was vaguely impressed by its weird tactical combat and resource management.

  • Like a lot of modern strategy games, I bought Legends of Eisenwald because it looked vaguely like Heroes of Might and Magic and that was enough but of course I haven't touched it at all.

  • "Obligatory Paradox Grand Strategy Section"

    Of the two big Paradox Grand Strategy games I own, Europa Universalis is the one I think I grasped a little more.

  • But of course, Crusader Kings is the one I hear people raving about more oft than not.

  • "Old and Venerable"

    It's like X-COM but in World War 2 and with insane destructible environment tech. Also it's made by Russians and there are mechs at some point. Will use mods.

  • Also made by Nival Interactive. It's basically like Heroes of Might and Magic if you had to play Magic the Gathering every time you engaged in combat. I dunno, that sounds okay, if fraught with the usual jank and peril games from Russia endure.

  • Jagged Alliance 2 is honestly on the same level as something like Arcanum in terms of how long it's been a backlog white whale. It's been just long enough that I think I'll give it another try one of these days to see if I can overcome its daunting learning curve.

  • Played a decent amount of it like two years ago, thought it was a pretty neat, minimalist strategy thing with a distinct soundtrack.

  • This is a stand-in for all of the Heroes Chronicles campaigns, which are basically stand-alone campaigns for Heroes of Might and Magic III which follow a single story through-line. I dunno whose bright idea it was to sell campaigns for a game whose best aspects always came through individual scenarios, but hey, I figure it wouldn't be a bad place to go if I wanted to play more Heroes III.

  • "Old and Questionable"

    I dunno, it's like a mediocre X-COM clone with Spayce Muhreens or something?

  • I know Apocalypse is "The bad X-COM" but also I'd still like to see if I could get anywhere reasonable with it.

  • I honestly have little idea what the hell this is, other than vaguely being some sort of Russian RPG/Strategy hybrid thing. So basically like half this list.

  • See above, but this game is called "Rage of Mages" and I find that hilarious.

  • "Japan also makes tactics games"

    It's Fire Emblem in all but name from the guy who created Fire Emblem. You already know why this is on this list, especially now that it has a half-decent fan translation.

  • My problem with Final Fantasy Tactics has a lot to do with how damn slow everything is, combined with the part where there isn't a truly definitive version. The PSP version has additional features but horrific slowdown, while the PS1 original has a janky script.

    It's still on this list though.


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Mento  Moderator

If Square Enix ever stops kicking their best studios to the curb long enough to put Final Fantasy Tactics out on Steam, you and ZombiePie should figure out how to do competing playthrough blogs on it. I'd be curious to see if you give up on the same fight.

(And I realize I'm one to talk after Jagged Alliance 2. The final straw was losing all my progress in one fell swoop because I had the temerity to rest when the game told me to.)

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@mento said:

If Square Enix ever stops kicking their best studios to the curb long enough to put Final Fantasy Tactics out on Steam, you and ZombiePie should figure out how to do competing playthrough blogs on it. I'd be curious to see if you give up on the same fight.

(And I realize I'm one to talk after Jagged Alliance 2. The final straw was losing all my progress in one fell swoop because I had the temerity to rest when the game told me to.)

I'd absolutely do a competing FFT playthrough if that sucker ever showed up on PC and let me speed up animations. Although, at one point ZP was talking about doing competing Grandia II playthroughs and that didn't sound half-bad either.

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@mento said:

If Square Enix ever stops kicking their best studios to the curb long enough to put Final Fantasy Tactics out on Steam, you and ZombiePie should figure out how to do competing playthrough blogs on it. I'd be curious to see if you give up on the same fight.

(And I realize I'm one to talk after Jagged Alliance 2. The final straw was losing all my progress in one fell swoop because I had the temerity to rest when the game told me to.)

I'd absolutely do a competing FFT playthrough if that sucker ever showed up on PC and let me speed up animations. Although, at one point ZP was talking about doing competing Grandia II playthroughs and that didn't sound half-bad either.

Wait... weren't we at some point meant to do competing blogs for Grandia II? Am I crazy for thinking this?

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Fair warning - Silent Storm is buggy as a motherfucker. Look up how to do the console codes because as cool as that game is, it's very, very broken in its vanilla release.

That said, it's the best squad tactics game released between Jagged Alliance 2 and XCOM: Enemy Unknown. That's not saying much, and I will fully admit that Silent Storm has its issues, but I still think it's an overlooked gem.

And Jagged Alliance 2 should probably be played with console codes on if you've never played it before. Or play Wildfire - I want to say that one fixed a lot of issues, but I could be mistaken. I get all the post JA2 releases mixed up. Just don't play any modern JA. They're all hot fucking garbage.

Disgaea 5 is a better game on a technical level than almost every game of its type out there, including the FFT games. Doesn't have the heart or charm of the FF series, but from a pure gameplay perspective, it's digital crack. At least to me, anyways. I know the numbers intimidate people but they really shouldn't. It's possible to play through the main story of that game with no hassle whatsoever and the post-game stuff is real easy to take in bits and pieces, much more so than its predecessors. Disgaea 4 is still the best game in the series but far less accessible to new players. My advice for 5 is to just play it straight through the first time - except when you want to level your weapons a bit, ignore the Item World. After that, maybe start tinkering little by little with the Chara and Item Worlds, then learn more through a FAQ.

Never heard of Tear Ring Saga but now I want to play it.

X-Com Apocalypse is a game that deserves a reboot, at least spiritually. The idea of an XCOM game with corporations instead of nations is still a good one. It was perfectly all right, but it just wasn't X-Com or Terror from the Deep.

I think I have Eisenwald and Warhammer from Steam monthly bundle things. I should play those sometime.

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@zombiepie: You are not. That was something we discussed, but my computer was having problems so you decided to embark on another Final Fantasy misery tour instead, iirc.

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This may sound unbelievable, but I found the iPad version of Final Fantasy Tactics to be the best one.

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@arbitrarywater: so I met the creator of Legends of Eisenwald at PAX two years ago. seemed like a super nice guy, also justifiably worried about how his game would do . I was the only guy at his booth at the time for a good ten minutes. It got a little uncomfortable.

Unfortunately the game didn't impress me much, seemed like a classic case of not having enough money to make the game the way he probably intended to. Like a lot of kickstarter games.

But I ended up buying because I felt bad for him and also felt given the resources he could make something really good

fwiw just play the PS1 version of FFT. That's what I played back in the day at release and it was amazing then. Personally I found the translation plenty goo enough to catch what's going on. That's the game that made me a fan of the whole genre

Speaking as someone who wrestles a lot with this very issue,Don't overthink it. While there may be no optimal version of the game, it's a great game no matter how you play it. You can always look up a better translation for dodgy parts of the text so go with runs best imo. The worst thing to do is let this issue box you into a mental corner where you never play one of the all time greats.

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Edited By ArbitraryWater

@slag: Admittedly, my caveat on the fifth bullet point basically exists to address the fact that I'm well aware some of these games might have some interesting ideas that don't quite pan out in execution. Like 1/5th of this list is comprised of games developed by Nival Interactive, and it's not because of their sterling track record of classic hits (well, they did make the last good Heroes game before Ubisoft cocked it up, so they have that.) Eisenwald definitely falls into that category too, unless it ends up being another Eador: Genesis and consuming my life for a couple of weeks.

As for FFT, should I decide to give that game another shot at some point, I'm considering engaging in dark witchcraft to play a better version of the game than the devs intended. It's not just the part where the PSP version had agonizing slowdown (or that I found myself more attracted to Tactics Ogre, despite some of that game's systems feeling counter-intuitive) it's that even when that game is running smoothly it still takes like 30 minutes to go through a minor battle, and FFT is very much the kind of game that expects the player to grind things out (at least until you break everything and steamroll it all.) Playing through the newer Fire Emblems and being able to mash Start to skip the entire enemy phase if I want doesn't really help either.