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#1  Edited By DevilishSix
Sarnecki said:

She was a launch day 360...  We mocked fate for so many years, laughing at all the others who fell to the horrible fate...  

So...  What do I do?  I'm guessing Microsoft is planning to fuck me on repair costs.  Fuckers.


Yeah I had a launch day Pro 360 that lasted until the Elite launched.  I got an Elite gave the Pro to my son and it died in a day.  I have been an 360 supporter since launch but this year has really turned me off from the Xbox brand.  I have had my Elite break twice and my sons Pro once in 18 months (that is BS almost 4 years into the platform)  Microsoft has been closing great first party studios like Ensemble,  Bungie wanted their indenpence, they want to nickel and dime last years games with exclusive dlc and their first party lineup is and will be weak.....yeah I have and will be spending most of my time with my PS3.
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#2  Edited By DevilishSix

I have been following Prototype for years and now that its less than a month out, I am not seeing much discussion thrown its way.  So I thought it would be nice to direct a few fellow gamers to some video they may or may not have seen.  Lets start with a video that shows some of Prototypes badassery.

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#3  Edited By DevilishSix

Sweet....enjoy it, I throughly enjoyed Crackdown, which was my favorite game in 2007.  I got the Infamous demo early by preorder last week and I got to say Infamous is a MUST buy, it feels so good to play and its a fun playground to run and jump around in much like crackdown was. 

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#4  Edited By DevilishSix

Been following Brad and Jeff's work since 2003 on Gamespot....I always felt that Brad had the kind of voice that could have made him Very successful in radio or talk radio or some such.

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#5  Edited By DevilishSix

For me, its Capcom without a doubt.  So far, they have released great franchise titles and developed some new IP's that have turned out pretty good.  It's a pretty good list when you look at it.

Dead Rising
Lost Planet
Devil May Cry 4
Street Fighter 4
Resident Evil 5

These are still to release:

Bionic Commando
Dead Rising 2
Dark Void
Lost Planet 2

I realize some of those are being primarily developed by smaller houses but I am sure Capcom is having a heavy hand in supporting the development.  Plus Capcom has released many XBLA & PSN titles and it has been said they are to announce two new games at E3.  So in my opinion Capcom has been doing the best job so far this generation.  Anybody else have an arguement for another developer?

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#6  Edited By DevilishSix

For 3 years it was 360 but since the beginning of the year I have been impressed with Sony's first party developers and the exclusives it has and has coming.  Microsoft has alienated or eliminated all their best first party developers (Ensemble, FASA, Bungie are all gone)  so their first party development is a joke and with the recent announcement of Ninja Gaiden 2 coming to PS3 I have learned that no third party game is really exclusive to 360 except Gears and Crackdown.

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#7  Edited By DevilishSix

P.N. 03 was such a cool game to me, sure it could have been more, but they got the main character right and she was pretty sexy for a game character.

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#8  Edited By DevilishSix
SmugDarkLoser said:
"It sounds like your only looking into the future.  What have we learned from the past?  Sony = over promise, under deliver, opposite for MSWhat if Bungie were to announce their next game, rare showed it's 4 games on the table, lionhead as well, turn 10, etc.--->  it's what sony is doing.  They just do it too damn early. Do you notice that the Ps3 has only put out 1 game this year that's really good?  On the other side, while the 360 didn't get a AAA title, it's had some rather solid games already.   Dunno about you, but I live in the present.  Tell em about the future, that's fine, but I realize that a curtain is in front of the majority of itThe poster above me said that exclusives keep on piling up on the ps3.  I completely disagree.  They really haven't.  Only if you go ahead of yourself and count future titles.  Then, well, why not do the smae with other consoles?\Don'y worry about it, MS is going to have a fucking epic E3. You'll see."

I wish I could share your optimism but yesterday Don MAttrick came out and said that after MS E3 conference "it will change our view about home entertainment forever".  Well you know I don't give two craps about changing my view of home entertainment.  I want to hear "We have some kick ass games coming".   Software is king in my eyes.
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#9  Edited By DevilishSix

I have supported Microsoft since the original Xbox launched.  Maybe I always look to the underdog to support.  It felt right arguing with all the Sony fanboy and PS2 supporters back in the day on System Wars (you veterans know what I am talking about).   Bring down the big bad Playstation giant seemed to be the motto...after all Sony had won the prior generation and PS2 was kicking butt.  The Xbox had the best graphics (on console) and the Live service was expanding, I was getting into Halo and Ninja Gaiden was one of my favorites.  Microsoft was really trying to win me over as a gamer.

I preordered a 360 in June 2005 and was one of only 10 people in my area to have it on launch day. Gears comes out within a year, Crackdown and Halo 3 are released, then Gears 2 and Fable 2 as well as NXE update and all seems right.

However, since the beginning of the year, me and a few of my friends have been evaluating things a bit:
First, 3 Elites and my son's Pro has broken down on me in the last 18 months (3 RROD and 1 E74 error).  That is a pain in the ass even having a warranty, its inconvient to keep calling for a service request and sending in my consoles.

Second, my friends and I have noticed that all these "SUPPOSED" 360 exclusives do not in fact exist because they go to PS3 later and sometimes are even the better version (ala Bioshock) there is list of games touted as 360 exclusive that can be had on PS3 now.   I think the last straw was Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 now for PS3 with 30% more content, better graphics, co-op, etc.  Screw these supposed third party exclusives.

Third, Microsoft is in terrible shape (in my eyes) as a first party just a few short years they have shut down Digital Anvil, FASA, and Ensemble Studios, plus Bungie wanted out.

I look at exclusives and first party support to keep me coming back to a specific platform and I am not feeling it from Microsoft anymore.  Look at the only game announced at this point Halo: ODST, which to me seems like a rental at best since I have the multiplayer one my Halo 3 disc and the single player to be 6 - 8 hour is not purchase worthy.  Look if your going to offer a gaming platform you better damn well have a first party development house to support it.

So, I have been thinking even with E3, what does Microsoft have or what could they have?  Did they shot their load the last two years?  At this point, unless they WOW me at E3, that answer is not much.  I see Forza 3 and maybe a Perfect Dark or Killer Instinct.  Maybe just maybe a Crackdown 2 announcement....other than that I don't think Microsoft has anything left and are sitting on their laurels and have peed away all their developers....shame on you Microsoft and I will speak with my game dollars elsewhere.

I bought my PS3 in 2007 and really had not played it since Uncharted launched, but started getting back into it the beginning of the this year.  Killzone 2 is great, Infamous is around the corner, Uncharted 2, MAG, Ratchet & Clank, GOW 3, and Heavy Rain are coming.  Plus Sony seems to have some big plans this E3 and I just don't see Microsoft even keeping up. 

Imagine with all thats upcoming for PS3 and if Kojima announces a Metal Gear Solid 5 and  Team Ico shows their game it will steal the show.
So I am really looking forward to my PS3 lineup and am extremely disappointed and underwhelmed with what the 360 scene has currently going on.  Microsoft better give me some must have moments or it will be PS3 only for me and I will let me XBL subscription expire in August (I will not pay $50 a year just for crossgame voice chat) unless they give me something worth keeping for.

Anyone else that was a big Xbox supporter finding yourself attracted to the PS3 and whats coming up.

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#10  Edited By DevilishSix

Underwhelming......still hoping its good, but if the horrible save system from the first is not fixed....i am not even interested at all.