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#1  Edited By DevilishSix

Although I never got to play the sequel Uprising 2, I do have fond memories of Uprising, which was released in 1997.  I specifically purchased a 3dfx Voodoo graphics card to play it at the time. 

For those unfamiliar, Uprising was a combo between 3rd person/1st person shooting action with RTS elements.  You moved around the worlds in the Wraith Super Tank (you could switch between 3rd/1st person view) and you goal was to eliminate the Imperials.  You accomplished ths by building and taking over Citadels (bases).  Like a RTS you would construct a supply building to mine resources, then build structures to produce troops, tanks, and air units.  Once you built out enough and had enough resources you could construct your satellite com-link (super weapon) then you could get in your tank go to an enemy base and act as an observation point to anniliate an enemy with the satellite laser.

One of the coolest things about the game( and those that are into tower defense take note) was not only could you build turrents of the Anti Air and Anti Troop variety, but each citadel had a main Laser Pulse Cannon turrent that you could take control of in 1st person and get right into battles defending your bases.  You could also switch between your multiple bases by switching between main  turrents and engage in multiple battles at once or you could just leave your turrents for the AI to control and you could battle with your Wraith tank.

I was thinking about Uprising this morning and remembering how great I thought it was....are there any games made now adays where you construct your base like an rts, but can actually get into your turrents and control them?

Anyone else remember Uprising or have fond memories.  I wish they would pick it up and release it on PSN or XBLA with updated graphics.

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#2  Edited By DevilishSix

If they make it less bloody, I will be disappointed, but not as much so if they take out dismemberment, because dismemberment plays a major role in the gameplay....that removing that will completely break the game for me.

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#3  Edited By DevilishSix
Rinkalicous said:
"Wait, there's hard mode?

Does it jsut loop back into that after the ending video? I always quitted to dashboard during that.

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#4  Edited By DevilishSix
demonbear said:
"Well, here I go again.

For my close friends, this is an awesome joke, probably the funniest thing I did this year. Why? Because I talked s**t about the xbox 360 for a solid year and a half now on all sorts of occasions.

Story goes like this : Near the ES4 : Oblivion launch back a couple of years ago, i thought that spending all that tax return money on a next gen console ( the only one on the market back then ) was a great idea. And it was for the first few months. Played Oblivion, condemned 1, Marvel UA, NHL 2k7, Dead Rising. Life was good. Then Mass Effect came out. It was a big deal for me because it was THE game I was waiting for. Played the hell out of that game, passed it, and the very first game I tried to play after that, NHL 2k7, i got the Red Ring of Death.This was in November, just a few weeks before Christmas. I called Xbox support, they sent a box, you know the drill. Xbox comes back JUST in time for Christmas, December 20th of something like that, and i got a refurbished console of course. Played for about a week then, after a whole series of unreadable disk errors, my xbox thought that it could go another mile by scratching my game dvds completely. Mass Effect and NHL 2k7 were totally raped by my console, and of course, unreadable.So at that point, I just had it with my Xbox, payed for Xbox live, paid for that stupid wireless network adaptor, recharge battery kit, and THEN some, and that thing blows up in my face ans scratches my CDs.So I sold the whole thing and turned to my PC for my gaming needs. I eventually went on to PS3 and was very happy with it for a while.But thing is, when you're a PS3 owner, you have a great console in your hands but oh so few games to play. Especially if you like RPGS. PS3 right now is full of shooters of all sorts but if you strip it down of all the games consisting of you, in a first person view, poiting a gun at someone's head and repeating the process over and over again, you'd be left with a couple of multiplatformers without much interest and Valkyria Chronicles.... but wait, thats pointing a gun at someone's head too!!! damn!So my friend bought an XBOX 260 recently and he's full of good rpgs to play like Fable 2, Tales of Vesperia, Star Ocean 4 and whatnot and I can't play one of those.And yet again this year, i get a big tax return. Plus I sold my PSP very recently. You all know what that means don'tcha?So here I am, with a Red xbox 360 at home with a copy of Resident Evil 5 in it. Played it the whole week end, had a blast with it, im happy. But I'm also scared. See i'm like a rape victim : I've been hurt once, and I know it could happen again....Wish me luck!"

if it had been me and the refurbed 360 scratched my games, I would have called Microsoft and told them that the console they sent your scratched your games and you want replacements, if they did not want to replace and send a console that didn't scratch disks, you would file a complaint with the better business bureau and/or have your story published on a game site for the whole world to read what happened.  Cautionary tales can scare tactic them to do they should.
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#5  Edited By DevilishSix
Rinkalicous said:
"Actually, there's a 10 minute time limit on it =P I guess you factored in replayability?

And yeah this game seems fun. Never had such a good time with a hammer.

I think what he was getting at was once you beat the demo it can be played on hard immediately after, which is 2 run throughs for 20 min.
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#6  Edited By DevilishSix
MattyFTM said:
"Who's developing this? Because Ensemble closed down. Unless they continued running for a while after it went gold to develop some DLC"

Two studios have been formed with former Ensemble employees.  One of them, Robot Entertainment has contracted with Microsoft to support Halo Wars and provide content.
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#7  Edited By DevilishSix
get2sammyb said:
"I like pop music and disco. I've said it before, I'll reiterate it a 1000 times - screw your heavy metal or pretense, no music snobbery in here. We all know that's for cunts.

SO - let's talk pop music. Lady Gaga is pretty crazy, right? What does everyone feel about the album, which I presume is number one pretty much everywhere in the world right now. I caved into buying the album about a week ago after I spent the entire day humming Just Dance. Too much hype to pass up on the record so I've been giving it a few spins.

I'm not sure what I think of it so far. It's obvious the strongest songs on the record are the two singles (Pokerface and Just Dance). I'm not really a fan of her voice either: Brown Eyes and Eh Eh show a distinct lack of range.

I think it's the image that has got me hooked. She seems like a real character, she's been over in the UK doing a lot of  chat shows and stuff, and she's just absolutely mental. She really rubs against the grain of recent breakthrough US pop artists -- Katy Perry springs to mind who attempted a "bad-girl" image but you could just tell she was squeaky clean. Gaga actually seems like she doesn't give a fuck what people think.

She was on a Paul O Grady (a teatime chat show, big kids focus) dressed like she was going to a funeral. She was also psycho in her performance. Although she was even crazier on Wossy - she just started screaming randomly.I think the only thing that will hold her back is her voice. I'm not a fan. The record is a bit drab but has enough stomping electro pop to make it exciting in places.What're your thoughts?"

wow, you say heavy metal or pretense is for cunts and you want to share Lady haha with a forum community.....thats kinda fagish.
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#9  Edited By DevilishSix
Tylea002 said:
"It still looks exactly the same as Hulk: UD, but BETTER. And that makes me happy."

Me to, HUD was a great game and Prototype looks to expand that gameplay.  Day One Purchase.
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#10  Edited By DevilishSix

Although I felt RE4 was one of the greatest games last gen and its the only gamecube title I have left, it still had its problems.  The two el gigante battle in the cave was kinda stupid and the final boss fight was a bit of a let down for me after the krauser battle.  Ashley was to whiney and many times was a burden.

You also seem to not be giving RE5 its props.  The Sheva AI character is one of the best/ if not best companion AI that I can recall......that right there says alot.   I do agree RE5 creatures rely a little to much on the insectoid variety but keep in mind we are dealing with the Progeniter strain of virus versus the Los Plagos from RE4 that had different effects.

Yes that damn Regenitor (spikey thing you had to shoot it out of the cadavers using the heat vision) scared the crap.  However, RE5 has its share of moments.....those Reapers (giant cockroach like creatures that spewed that green crap) scared me almost as much, they  keep impaling me until I finally figured out how to kill them,  the Executioner and Chain Saw mini boss were pretty tense at first, before you get more power weapons.  The U-8 (spider like) boss was pretty cool, the Irving boss (he was on the tip of the creatures cool was that) and the Excella boss at the end of ship deck were tight.

Wether these will be memorable in 4 years like you remember RE4 is really dependent on the player.

Yeah in the end, I think both games are great and I am so happy that RE5 did not turn out crap.