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Happy New Years: What's Your Gaming-Related Resolution?

Should All Acquaintance Be Forgot?

   Well it's a brand new year, and things are already starting to get better. We just had a Sonic open up down the road and it is delicious, which is a good way to kick-start this fresh batch of 365 days. I thought it only right to wish you the best this year. Times have been rough for most folk, and considering gamers tend to have a hefty spending habit, it was probably tough for some to have to choose through the unreasonably awesome wave of titles. I have a best-of last year list in the final stages of preparation, it will be released starting next Monday, and throughout the week. Right when school's starting, that shouldn't be complicated at all.

   In any case! I thought this would make a nice time to announce some game-related resolutions, and then ask if you have any yourselves? If you're struggling, allow me to help with some ideas:
  • Maybe stop using the words Faggot and Gay online? You only make yourself look like the ignorant hick in that situation.
  • Work on that Fanboyism thing: maybe take a step back, a few deep breaths, and really, critically analyze the situations. And don't use Zero Punctuation to "prove your point." Dude's just trying to be a character. If he really hates every game that comes out THAT much, than frankly he just needs to stop bloody playing them.

   That was just a little something in case you're still wondering what to work on, but for me? I've got a hell of a list for myself. Feel free to pick one up yourself if you think it could apply to you as well, take a look:
  • Post more regularly. I need to be on this thing with a greater frequence, if nothing else than to piss more people off with my objective viewpoints. Also, on a similar note, i need to work on Giant Bomb's wikis more often.
  • Wii Fit: Get on da board. Let's face it, I'm not in the best health, and that thing actually works. It's not hard, and it doesn't take long, and it's even kind of fun. In the summer, I prefer to go for a walk most days, and that's a cool alternative. But on these harsh cold days, there is no reason my tubby butt ain't shakin' those Hula Hoops.
  • Catch The Fuck Up: I've got games that are over two years old that I still haven't even cracked, like Contact and Lunar Knights. Not to mention a hefty back-log of the entire Metal Gear Solid franchise, as well as Persona's 3 and 4. Lost Odessey ... Lost Planet... Geh, Okami!? I'm so backlogged! Well no more, this year, they're all going down! And hopefully I'll avoid adding more to the list.
  • Try more games. I have a nasty habit of completely avoiding games that don't immediately appeal to me, and I should learn that if the mass group of critics agree on something, it has to be worth at least a look. For as much as I bitch that not enough people are playing Professor Layton or Banjo and Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts, who am I to just outright dismiss Gears of War 2 when so many people like it. I should at least try it, before I knock it, as my grandmother would say.

   Please feel free to post your own recomendations on how to improve myself (seriously), and what steps you are going to take in order to be a better gamer and/or person all around. Maybe I have some sick obssession with prying into other people's lives, but I really want to know what's going through your head. You took the time to read this, the least I could do is see what you have to offer.

   Programming note: I'll hopefully hammer out a review or two tomorrow, I'm a little backlogged on those. Perhaps a Castlevania Two-fer with Judgement and Order of Ecclesia. Next week, as I mentioned, will be my little reflection series on 2008 now that it is officially over. (I hate how so many of those lists come out before the year is even done.) Included in this will be the "Top 10 Non-2008 Games I Discovered in 2008," The "Top 10 Original Sound Tracks of 2008," as welll as the "Thirty Best Games of 2008." And spliced at the end of each of these will be a few random awards I wanted to hand out anyhow. Please stay tuned, I think you'll enjoy!

"Make it a good one!"
Randy "Dr. Randle" Marr