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Mothership Zeta Ends Fallout 3 DLC With a Bang

Simply Put: The Best of the Bunch 

by Randy Marr
   For starters, I know there are quite a few people out there who have been down on the downloadable content for Fallout 3. If you haven't been at all impressed thus far, I'm not sure you should even be reading this. I can tell you it's a great change of scenery, but in the end, it's still Fallout 3. I don't understand how that could be, in any way, a bad thing.
   Your intrepid explorer is abducted by some aliens and has to fight his way to get off. This certainly isn't one of the more sociable downloadable packs, but then again, how much negotiating can you really do with something that doesn't even speak English? That's not to say you're alone, there's a few other abductees you'll run into, but there's not a whole lot of opportunity for speech-checks in this content. It is a combat focused bit, but unlike Point Lookout, I found it to be very easy. There's healing archways scattered quite forgivingly throughout the ship, as well as any healing supplies you happen to bring aboard. In the end I found it to be a nice romp through the park with some fancy new alien weaponry. All and all I went from about halfway into level 27 up to 30 in the 8 or so hours I played, so it's not bad if you're trying to scrape to the top.
   What really pulls the content together for me is the sort of mysteries laid out. It's the background of the setting, as well as the setting itself, that really makes Mothership Zeta come to life. The chilling audio logs of other prisoners, the retro future-tech of the spacecraft and the horrible truths you find out all make for an exemplary time spent. And it all culminates to a very clever "boss" scenario that probably trumps any previous attempts in the Wastelands.
   I don't want to be too specific, not that I ever do, because this is some great content best discovered by the player. It's only ten pre-war dollars, which if my broke ass can scrounge up, I can't see any reason why you shouldn't. Also, surprisingly, bug free. That's a first for me and the Fallout DLC and should be enough reason for you to go pick it up. Oh also, it's really good.
On the bus, to the plane, 
to the UFO into outer space.

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