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2015 Top 10 +

"You know this year is better then the last when any game from the top 5 could be last year's GOTY

2015 was a a year filled with both great games and masterpieces. Titles that will be remembered and played for years to come."

List items

  • (Game of The Year 2015)

    This is one of the most fun and well designed multiplayer game of this generation so far.

    I like the tension when playing as the defending side, waiting for the walls to come down around you and you have to make sense of the chaos and protect your objective and your life. And as the attacking side I like bringing the chaos to the enemy team and make them fear where we might be hitting from.

    The game has received amazing support over the years and has grown even better.

    Highlights: Unique, Endlessly repayable, Great Support

    Peak Moment: The moment of silence as a defender when you are listening and waiting for the attackers move.

  • The main story and characters you meet along the way had me hooked from beginning to end, the world is gorgeous and filled with worthwhile side quests and random adventures to be had. This is one of the best RPG games so far, having all the great elements that makes a memorable RPG. Only thing I wished is that the game ran and played better, it constantly dips under 30 fps and the combat isn't to engaging either. Still, it stands tall as one of the best experiences of the year and well worth picking up.

    Highlights: Great Story and Characters, Beautiful World, Great Side quests

    Peak Moment: Reaching a new location and realizing that it's not over and that there is much more to do and see.

  • This game is hard, punishing and intimidating for new players, and I wouldn't want it any other way ! This is a true gamer's game, a game that tests your patience and your will to continue and overcome obstacles, and it does this in a way that doesn't feel cheap or badly designed. In fact this is one of the best designed games on the PS4 right now, everything from the level design, enemy encounters, bosses and lore is carefully woven into place making for a great experience. This is a title where real life experience is more important then the ingame one.

    Highlights: Great world and enemies, Challenging and Rewarding

    Peak Moment: Having a tense fight against a dangerous nightmarish beast and slaying it after many attempts.

  • While the game has some questionable design decisions and the writing and storytelling aren't quite as strong as one would expect, there is no denying however that this is the most accessible and fun game in the series when it comes to pure gameplay. The game looks gorgeous and runs perfectly, it has plenty of content and a great attention to detail, it's also filled to the brim with easter eggs and small nods to series fans.

    Highlights: Fun Combat and Stealth options, Plenty of optional gadgets and weapons

    Peak Moment: Using your buddy, stealth tactics and various weapons and gadgets to neutralize an enemy base while your helicopter is offering covering fire and blasting Billy Idol.

  • Great atmosphere, masterful world building that makes it a joy to just go out exploring. Fallout 4 was a big surprise, I originally thought that it looks to much like Fallout 3 and that it didn't evolve much, and while that is true to a certain extend, Fallout 4 stand on it's own 2 legs and can look quite awe inspiring at times.

    The sound is just as great,counting everything from the OST to the licensed tracks for the radio.

    The story is alright and while there were some choices that gave me a hard time, overall it's not as good as something as The Witcher 3 in that regard. Also the dialogue options feel neutered.

    The shooting mechanics are quite competent, but the RPG elements have been diminished.

    Highlights: Dense world with good atmosphere, lots of content

    Peak Moment: Listening to old 30's songs on the radio while traversing the wasteland and being surprised by a radioactive storm.

  • Stunning graphics, surprisingly interesting story and a great cast of characters, Gotham City fully explorable and nicely detailed , being able to drive the Batmobile at high speeds around the city only to catapult yourself into the air and glide above the rooftops taking in the amazing scenery, this is the game where you become Batman. As negatives I would say that the game focuses a bit to much on the Batmobile vs. Drone battles and the Boss fights were't the series highlights either.

    Highlights: Gotham looks great, moody atmosphere, pretty good story

    Peak Moment: The creative appearances of an old friend.

  • Probably the best zombie game out there right now, Dying Light mixes great movement across the environment with solid melee combat.

    Story was weak but I enjoyed the world, the atmosphere and how fun it was. Nigh time was especially tense and scary to survive.

    Game also got better with time thanks to great support from Techland in the form of The Following expansion and more free substantial updates.

  • A powerful, thought provoking and amazingly atmospheric Sci-Fi horror tittle. This is an experience that will stay with you long after finishing it and that's why it's so high on the list. It's fresh, it's well made but clearly on a budget, yet much was accomplished working within this small budget.

  • Not quite as good as the last entry (opinion) or at least at the moment, but with the extra DLC I can see this being a very special entry in the series and in fighting games in general (Alien vs Predator, anyone?)

    It's a solid game, but could have been better in some ways.

    All the new characters have been pretty cool, and the game is now about on par with the previous one. It's a very good game and one of the best casual friendly fighting games out there.

    Highlights: The Gore, Cool overall presentation, Couch Co-Op

    Peak Moment: Wrecking your friend in a 1 on 1 and admiring the end fatality.

    (My) Best Characters: Bo Rai Cho, Takeda, Tanya, Kung Jin, Tremor

  • This is a monster of a game: It has not 1, not 2 but 4 game modes (Campaign, Multiplayer, Zombies and Nightmare). It's also one of the most couch co-op friendly games out there with all of it's modes playable in split screen or with friends online.

    Even as someone that isn't particularly fond of the series, this is a really good package, one that is worth the 60$ price tag.

    I wished they sticked with a more traditional campaign however, similar to Advanced Warfare, as this one is a bit weak overall.

    Aside from that, Black Ops 3 is pretty much all I could want from a Call of Duty game.

  • A huge improvement over last year's entry (Unity), but it feels like it's to little to late at this stage. This is how Unity should have been last year, and this year's entry should have been even better then what we got in Syndicate; in a perfect world.

    Still, this is a worthwhile game in the series and deserves some attention. The combat is the most brutal and fun in the series thus far and the story and characters were alright.

  • Very much a retread of the previous game, just with extra mechanics, new setting and better visuals.

    The story was mediocre at best but the gameplay was pretty solid overall. The tombs were my favorite part of the experience along with some of the interesting use of some of the mechanics.

    Good game, but needed more to truly stand out.

  • A great rental title. Good characters, good story (for what it is), great graphics, and actual meaningful choices that made me regret decisions I have made.

    Overall, a big surprise but I didn't really feel the need to replay it anytime soon.

  • A beautiful experience with absolutely amazing music. Light in actual interaction but makes up for it with lovely atmosphere.

  • Incredible audio visual experience. Sadly it's very thin on content.

  • I was never a huge fan of CRPG's but always admired them, this is one of the few that I sticked with and finished.

  • Very fun co-op experience !

    Recommend it.

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  • "Short and sweet. Lovely art-style, music and sense of scale. A small game that does a lot with very little."

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