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#1  Edited By HaroldoNVU

I voted for pokemon, awesome names for both versions.

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#2  Edited By HaroldoNVU
@Kill:  You probably know this by now, but in case you don't: all three games are available at for 6 bucks each since earlier this year. I bought Sins of the Fathers to start (I'm kind of new to adventure games)
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#3  Edited By HaroldoNVU

oh, so that's what the colors stand for. I was wondering that too.

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#4  Edited By HaroldoNVU
@MiamiRedHawks:  or maybe they don't. Many people who claim to have lives spend that amount of time doing boring and unproductive things.
I can't play that much, even if I had the time, but I understand some people do. As long as they lead a healthy life, good for them.
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#5  Edited By HaroldoNVU
What scarycrayons said.
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#6  Edited By HaroldoNVU

Top of my head: Galerians; Resident Evil 1-3; Parasite Eve 1-2; Silent Hill; Dino Crisis 1-2; Clock Tower 1-2 and Strugle Within; Overblood; Alone in the Dark 2.

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#7  Edited By HaroldoNVU

This looks interesting, but what I really wanted is a modern Rock 'n Roll Racing.

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#8  Edited By HaroldoNVU
@HitmanAgent47 said:

Most of the time we don't doubt other girls because they have their own picture in their picture gallery, we know they are actually female. You keep telling everyone your suppose to be female, we are doubting you because your desperately trying to convince others.

@Origina1Penguin said:
" Usually imitators are just the ones that are vocal about being a girl. There are plenty of female users on this site. You just don't hear about them because they don't advertise it. I assume you're being accused for your generic user name stating "girl" in it and a personality adjective to boot. I don't really care if you are or not, to be honest. I just need to know who would rather be referred to as "she" if I post about them. "
nothing more to add.
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#9  Edited By HaroldoNVU

Not really interested but it seems nice.

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#10  Edited By HaroldoNVU

The year was 1987... no no, it was 1989. Wait, It was definitely 88! I mean forget it. I don't quite recall how old was I, except that was about 5 and counting the passage of time did not matter so much then. At least not as much as expanding my Lego city. But I digress.
When I was five-ish year old, some time in the late eighties, my family when out on a trip to Manaus, which is the biggest city in the Western Amazon region. Oh yeah, I neglected to mention I live in northern Brazil. Anyway, during this trip we did a lot of shopping and my favorite among  what we got was my first video game system: the Atari 2600.

 Oh, good times. Kinda.
 Oh, good times. Kinda.
I think it was an Atari 2600 at least, I don't remember exactly which model was it. We just called it Atari. It's not like my parents were geeks or something and I was barely old enough to realize Santa wasn't real (though I never bought the whole Easter Bunny thing). I mean, 2600, 5400, etc. Those sound like something you add to the name of a crappy product you're planning to sell on a infomercial. "Buy now your AB-surd 7200 exercise station and get in shape TODAY!"  
So as I was saying, my parents got me an Atari 2600(?) and a few games. I remember Enduro, Pac-Man and Space Invaders among them. Enduro was definitely my favorite as it was probably the most simple to handle with the crappy controller and my yet underdeveloped hand-eye coordination. Turn left, turn right, try not to crash into one of the other cars for Pete's sake. I could do that. Pac-man was my second best game. I suck at it, but who cared. I was so young at the time that dying after 10 seconds of gameplay still seemed fun. I mean, "wow, did you see that? 8 full seconds. I could win a rodeo with these skillz."
I don't know much about the other games I had because at the time my parents were always arranging play dates for me, and we always borrowed and lent games from other kids. And we were always playing together anyway. Which were mine, which where theirs, I don't know. I remember those two brothers I used to play with that had Frogger and Pitfall!, among a hundred other games.  But I only cared about those two. I never finished a level of frogger but I still liked a lot.
  "The victory cry of the bull ape!"
Pitfall! was even greater, the first platformer I remember playing it. I actually called it "Tarzan", because of the vines and alligators. We rarely referred to games by their proper name at the time. Foreign language, little illiterate kids... do the math. I wish I could say we made some cool names for all those games, but even if those translated well to English (and they don't), most of them were silly like "Airshippy", "Balls", "Race".
The best part of playing over my friend's houses was that games ran in color. I think my console was a PAL European import because my games were always in black in white in my TV. I did not matter for most games, but as far as graphics went back then the number of colors was the impressive figure, as frame-rate and resolution are today. To this day whenever someone mentions a Atari 2600 game, I always picture a monochromatic screen. I only learned in high school that the motion pattern of the ghosts in Pac-Man was dictated by the ghost's color. Well, I guess I would never noticed that playing the flickering Atari port, but still.
I don't remember exactly how many years I spent with that Atari console. I guess two or three. At the time I had a console but didn't really care so much about games. They were cool but I had a bunch of cool toys and I loved TV. So my gaming memories from that time aren't very clear and well... memorable. I only know that some time between 1990 and 1991, my parents got me another console. But that's the subject of my next blog post.