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Playin Dark Souls 2 on PC, will be uploading video. I will monologue. You are warned.

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#1  Edited By Karkarov

To the 1-5 of you who actually have a legitimate reason for being mad about the issue such as the region restrictions feel free to talk about how effected you are more. Since you actually are effected after all.

For the rest (as in 95%) of you, no you don't have a "right" to complain. The game is being made despite the fact that there was never a plan to make it, and you can play it on GFWL which works perfectly fine. If GFWL is all it takes for you to not buy the game then odds are all your BS was just hot air from the get go and you never really wanted to play it anyway. If you really were excited to play the game and wanted to see it on PC for real then you would be annoyed but tolerable of GFWL. Just like I was annoyed by but tolerated having to use steam to play Skyrim on PC.

For some final social commentary do you want to know what my top beef with the average American is? It is that they actually believe people who contribute nothing have the "right" to demand something from the people who do. Like all you whiny pc elitists who "demand" a port of Dark Souls but then insult the companies involved for doing it because you didn't get the port on your specific terms. God forbid they use GWFL because it makes the port easier and less costly / time consuming. Or reuse the existing textures since creating a new higher res set would not only irritate the buyers of the original release but also add on more cost to the port. So on so forth.

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#2  Edited By Karkarov

@McGhee said:

J.K. Rowling, a terrible writer? Has it become fashionable to say this now? Like those that say The Beatles suck because they think it makes them look cool?

I could go into all the reasons why that isn't true, but I'm tired and Stephen King said it better than I ever could.,,20050689_3,00.html

Nice link by the way, great read, King knows how to tell it like it is, in a really fancy round about sort of way .... The books were fine reads and they definitely went past being simple "children's" books nearer the end and the success of the movies wasn't from teenagers alone. Will I buy this book.... maybe maybe not, but I don't follow authors I follow stories. *shrug*

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#3  Edited By Karkarov

@kashif1 said:

While where on the subject does anyone see an inherent problem with the term "teenage man"?

Yeap I do. I also find associating the word "man" with anyone who likes that show or refers to themselves as a "brony" to have an inherent problem as well. In reality this is nothing but the 2010's version of the powderpuff girls. The same retarded crap happened with that show and this one will be equally dead and not cared about in 5-10 years.

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#4  Edited By Karkarov

@wmaustin55 said:

@Pinworm45 You still sound like a whiny baby. You guys wanted a port, you got a fuckin' port.

Stop bothering, they didn't want a port they wanted a special little cupcake with their name on it and sugar sprinkles. Porting the game without making it the "superior version of the game" was never going to be good enough, and in truth the whiny self entitled losers who think of themselves as "pc elitists" were never going to be satisfied anyway. Which is why I never signed the original petition and said it was a bad idea from day one.

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#5  Edited By Karkarov

@artgarcrunkle said:

@mordukai: If you don't want people to pirate your game just to "See how it runs on their machine" release a demo.

The problem is that people who pirate for that reason are really just feeding you a line of BS and were going to pirate it anyway.

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#6  Edited By Karkarov

@DeF said:

Your No. 1 problem is your attitude. It's clear that you've merely glazed over the text since you're trying to put words in my mouth and don't seem to understand at all what I was trying to say.

One thing though, If I wanna play with a friend who has a lower level character and happens to have business in other areas, it's VERY useful to be able to travel to other cities. Just saying...

Now please check your attitude at the door next time you wanna tell me to grow up for no reason.

Or you start a new character and level with your friend which is actually alot more fun for both of you. Also the game gives you every pre 80 flight path and a mount that can actually fly as fast or faster from point to point for free. You remember vanilla/bc wow incorrectly. I can fly from the northernmost point of Kalimdor to it's southernmost point faster in cataclysm on my own mount than I could take a wyvern from ogrimmar to tanaris in burning crusade.

The biggest mistake you made when I think about it (other than accepting the scroll in the first place) was starting at 80. When you leave any mmo for years regardless of how much it has changed the best way to learn the game and find out if you like it / how you want to play it is always just to start fresh.

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#7  Edited By Karkarov

Don't listen to the haters. Even if you end up hating the ending it only represents 5-10 minutes of a playtime that should run you 30+ hours. Those 30+ hours (minus the 5-10) will also be some of the best 30+ hours of gaming you will do in 2012, trust me.

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#8  Edited By Karkarov

Uh your problem number one is you need to learn to do something insane like... look at the map? Crazy complex stuff there I know. Number 2, you decided to fly around to a bunch of retarded random places you didn't actually need to visit and then complained that it was boring killing all the mobs you massively out leveled and travelling there was not fun. Uh grow up? You went out of your way to do something you blatantly didn't need to do, why did you think it was going to be exciting, fast, and dangerous? You also had a horrible run back because you didn't bother landing before you one shot the annoying guy on the mountain, try that next time. Meanwhile WoW is not a single player game, comparing it to one is such a waste of time it isn't even worth responding to.

Despite the fact that all your complaints are basically your own fault and or totally illegitimate.... yes you are right! WoW has aged badly and is incredibly boring. However it is retarded easy mode and way too convenient. For example, I can go from the only area I raid, to the daily quest areas, to the central cities with all the "stuff" you need, and back to the only area I raid in less than ..... 5-6 minutes.... maybe. You call that inconvenient?

Oh an PS: There is no damn reason to travel to the "other major cities". Everything is either in Stormwind, Orgrimmar, or in the case of a Dragon Soul port Dalaran, which conveniently has ports to Orgrammar and Stormwind to. In other words you hearth in Dalaran and port to wherever you need to be and then you are done. There is no reason to ever visit any other cities in the game outside of the leveling process, which at 80 revolves around Orgrimmar and Stormwind...

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#9  Edited By Karkarov

Maybe you guys don't understand the word "port". Meaning they are taking a pre existing game and making it playable on PC. The game was made with a max resolution of 720p from day one, it never supported a higher resolution, so why would a "port" of that game do so? Oh because the dev's decided it was worth it? Oh wait.... the dev's of the game (From Software) don't make PC games and aren't doing the port either it is some third party company? Then I guess you can forget about seeing things like exclusive content, better textures, etc etc. This was always how it was going to be.

Now frame locking it at 30 fps... that is maybe silly.

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#10  Edited By Karkarov

Here is the problem with threads like these, they are silly. Let's face it the only correct answer is all of the above. You would be a little dumb to not want both after all.