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Just watched Inception...WOW!

 I went today to the theater to watch Inception, honestly i did not have that much of high hopes but after watching it from start to finish today all i can say is WOW over and over again, looks like we found the BladeRunner of our generations boys!  There were some points in the movie where i went "yes" at the great music and it's great timing with awesome scenes.  it's like someone took James Bond mixed it with Dark City and a perfect baby came out. really can't wait to get it on Blu-Ray! easily my favorite movie of the year and it will be one of those movies i will watch over and over again without getting bored. if you haven't seen the film you owe it to yourself to see this film in Theaters or iMax.
This film has a good chance of turning into a series in the far future. it just felt like a TV show at times than a movie.



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Edited By lavaman77

 I went today to the theater to watch Inception, honestly i did not have that much of high hopes but after watching it from start to finish today all i can say is WOW over and over again, looks like we found the BladeRunner of our generations boys!  There were some points in the movie where i went "yes" at the great music and it's great timing with awesome scenes.  it's like someone took James Bond mixed it with Dark City and a perfect baby came out. really can't wait to get it on Blu-Ray! easily my favorite movie of the year and it will be one of those movies i will watch over and over again without getting bored. if you haven't seen the film you owe it to yourself to see this film in Theaters or iMax.
This film has a good chance of turning into a series in the far future. it just felt like a TV show at times than a movie.

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Edited By bravetoaster

It was pretty good. Definitely one of the top movies of this year. (as well as last year)

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Edited By Funzzo

It was a great movie, one I plan to see more then once in theaters.
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Edited By Video_Game_King

Damn it, I thought I was original with that Blade Runner crap :(.

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Edited By LiquidPrince

Yeah I loved it.

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Edited By zombie2011

I didn't think it was a great as everyone is making it out to be.  
I thought it was an amazing movie but i liked The Dark Knight more. Best movie this year i think, but then i haven't seen Cats & Dogs: Revenge of Kitty Galore yet.

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Edited By Emilio

There are certain times where I thought Leo could pull some new kind of Deckard Blade Runner. 
And then I remember hearing of him being in Akira. 
And I just think "Please, Lord Cthulhu, make it so that such a film arrives and is not destroyed by Hollywood."

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Edited By actionTACO

so its like the matrix then?

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Edited By HitmanAgent47

Slightly overated because it's so different. I found it difficult to by into the inception breifcase machine where all their dreams are linked together in a dream. Also the dream world is too logical and normal, I expected it to be more trippy. Then again that's me, I could be wrong, I thought the maxtrix was better.

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Edited By gingertastic_10

It's dope.

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Edited By citizenkane

Yeah, it was amazing.  I'm going to see it again this week.

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Edited By citizenkane
@HitmanAgent47 said:
"Slightly overated because it's so different. I found it difficult to by into the inception breifcase machine where all their dreams are linked together in a dream. Also the dream world is too logical and normal, I expected it to be more trippy. Then again that's me, I could be wrong, I thought the maxtrix was better."
A vast majority of our dreams are based on our reality, which is one of the things the movie wanted to get across: that our dreams can easily be so confused with reality that we can get lost in them if we are not careful.  Also, the initial dream layer for Cilian Murphy had to bee logical and normal so they can get him to believe that it was actually real when they got into the second level.
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Edited By HitmanAgent47
@CitizenKane: Maybe, but a briefcase makes you dream? and everyone is part of the same dream?
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Edited By landon

Its #7 on my top movies of all time.

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Edited By lavaman77
@HitmanAgent47 said:

Slightly overated because it's so different. I found it difficult to by into the inception breifcase machine where all their dreams are linked together in a dream. Also the dream world is too logical and normal, I expected it to be more trippy. Then again that's me, I could be wrong, I thought the maxtrix was better.

I really hate it when people compare it to The Matrix, it's not related to the matrix what so ever. the film is far more closer to Dark city than anything else.
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Edited By HitmanAgent47
@lavaman77: Well christopher nolan mentioned the matrix, many times as inspiration, also dark city. Don't know why you say there is no similarities, everyone connects to the matrix in the same way. There was an architect, neo is one too. It's not reality either, matrix did it better imo.  
Then again I usually don't like christopher nolan's movies until a few viewing, then I think they are great. Maybe I need to watch it again for a third time. I'm not saying the movie isn't good, it is, however I didn't buy into the concept because I expected more from how you get into the dream, rather than saying okay here is a breifcase and here is how you dream, in levels. I expected the last level to be alot more trippy.  

   Mr. Nolan took encouragement from the tradition of hit fantasy movies, from “Star Wars” to the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy, that hinted at vaster realities than the films could fully detail. In particular, he said, the 1999 mind bender “The Matrix” showed how a mass audience could embrace “a massively complex philosophical concept in some sense.”     

“I think ours is of an older school, ours is more of The Matrix variety and the concepts of different levels of reality,” Nolan said. “The whole concept of avatars and living life as someone else, there’s a relationship to what we’re doing, but I think when I first started trying to make this film happen it was very much pulled from that era of movies where you had The Matrix, you had Dark City, you hadThe Thirteenth Floor and, to a certain extent, you had ‘Memento’ too. They were based in the principles that the world around you might not be real.”    

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Edited By lavaman77
@HitmanAgent47 said:
" @lavaman77: Well christopher nolan mentioned the matrix, many times as inspiration, also dark city. Don't know why you say there is no similarities, everyone connects to the matrix in the same way. There was an architect, neo is one too. It's not reality either, matrix did it better imo.  
Then again I usually don't like christopher nolan's movies until a few viewing, then I think they are great. Maybe I need to watch it again for a third time. I'm not saying the movie isn't good, it is, however I didn't buy into the concept because I expected more from how you get into the dream, rather than saying okay here is a breifcase and here is how you dream, in levels. I expected the last level to be alot more trippy.  

   Mr. Nolan took encouragement from the tradition of hit fantasy movies, from “Star Wars” to the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy, that hinted at vaster realities than the films could fully detail. In particular, he said, the 1999 mind bender “The Matrix” showed how a mass audience could embrace “a massively complex philosophical concept in some sense.”     

“I think ours is of an older school, ours is more of The Matrix variety and the concepts of different levels of reality,” Nolan said. “The whole concept of avatars and living life as someone else, there’s a relationship to what we’re doing, but I think when I first started trying to make this film happen it was very much pulled from that era of movies where you had The Matrix, you had Dark City, you hadThe Thirteenth Floor and, to a certain extent, you had ‘Memento’ too. They were based in the principles that the world around you might not be real.”    

Well i haven't watched the matrix in years so my memory of it's story is very fuzzy, i didn't know that Nolan took inspiration from The Matrix.
But still Matrix and Inception is like night and day, one is about Computers and one is about dreams.
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Edited By gamb1t
@HitmanAgent47:  well since we can intake dreams (dmt) . you can theoretically assume that the machine is using that and everyone is connected somehow. more realistic to me rather then the "matrix".
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Edited By HitmanAgent47
@lavaman77: Ppl dream in the matrix even if their dream is in a program. The ppl inside the pods are still dreaming in the machine that aren't free yet, their bodies aren't moving yet they are dreaming in a program.  Besides, I wouldn't say dark city is a dream either, however most of these movies has similaries, the type of movies christopher nolan was trying to make a psychological multilayered movie. Also they use a machine, that briefcase to connect them to a dream. Still if they are in a dream world, how is a drug going to make everyone dream the samething? Maybe someone will have a very bad trip, that isn't really well explained. Maybe I just need more claification on the concept because in the matrix when they connect to their dream program, it has a better explaination. Besides, I belive they are equal in quality as a psychological movie with similar concepts. They both got 86% on rotton tomatoes. The action sequences are better in the matrix, inception has a bunch of dull action sequences except the anti gravity stuff. Then again i'm not telling anyone else what to think, if they liked it better, then that's their preference.

Morpheus (pronounced /ˈmɔrfiəs/ or /ˈmɔrfjuːs/; Greek: Μορφεύς, Morpheus, or Μορφέας, Morpheas, "shaper [of dreams]") in Greek mythology as the god of dreams

Morpheus: Have you ever had a dream, Neo, that you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from that dream? How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world?  
Morpheus: I see it in your eyes. You have the look of a man who accepts what he sees because he is expecting to wake up. Ironically, that's not far from the truth.        
Morpheus: You've been living in a dream world, Neo.

Agent Smith
   But I believe that, as a species, human beings define their reality through suffering and misery. The perfect world was a dream that your primitive cerebrum kept trying to wake up from. Which is why the Matrix was redesigned to this: the peak of your civilization.

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I loved it. One of my top of all time :) I like the dreams being realistic. My dreams are certainly realistic. Especially him seeing his kids randomly, that kind of thing happens to me. Besides that my dreams tend not to be too trippy. Also the fact that the scenes cut from one location to another, this was how the dream was and how dreams are. maybe some people didn't pick up on that since movies cut from scenes to scenes so often its normal for us. But thats not reality, and it happened in dreams. either way, i loved that movie to death

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Edited By doublezeroduck
@arab_prince said:

" I loved it. One of my top of all time :) I like the dreams being realistic. My dreams are certainly realistic. Especially him seeing his kids randomly, that kind of thing happens to me. Besides that my dreams tend not to be too trippy. Also the fact that the scenes cut from one location to another, this was how the dream was and how dreams are. maybe some people didn't pick up on that since movies cut from scenes to scenes so often its normal for us. But thats not reality, and it happened in dreams. either way, i loved that movie to death "

It was alright but not in top films of all time category, for me at least. 
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Edited By FireBurger

I thought it was very good, but not amazing. Maybe I just didn't catch a few things, but there seemed to be some inconsistencies. Just a couple of things off the top of my head:

Definitely something I want to see more than once to really understand and appreciate it.
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Edited By delta_ass
@HitmanAgent47 said:
" @CitizenKane: Maybe, but a briefcase makes you dream? and everyone is part of the same dream? "
Maybe you just aren't into sci-fi.
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Edited By HitmanAgent47
@Delta_Ass: Maybe I just would like it better explained for the brief case, they don't explain how you dream with it, or how everyone is connected to it they just say accept it, here is a dream and it's in layers. How do you know I don't like sci-fi? I am quoting the matrix in the entire thread as an example of a sci fi action movie. Maybe they just need to explain things better for inception. Why does the breifcase has a button, a timer? how does it make you snap out of a dream? How does it make you dream, how is everyone having the same dream when it's connected to your wrist? How did they make that breifcase? Who invented it cobb? How did he invent it if he did? Those are unexplained anwswers and I don't feel as immersed. I didn't buy into it because they didn't explain it and told me here is a dream.
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Edited By ArchScabby

I don't know why, but I kinda got obsessed with it.  I saw it three times within a week.  Don't worry though, I think I'm better now.

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Edited By FireBurger
@HitmanAgent47: Yeah, about the only explanation they give is that the military first started researching "dream sharing" as a training device. Personally, this didn't bother me because I think the movie is more about the story and the concept of dream sharing rather than the technology behind it. I think you can understand and accept the concept without knowing the exact tech behind it.
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Edited By delta_ass
@HitmanAgent47 said:
" @Delta_Ass: Maybe I just would like it better explained for the brief case, they don't explain how you dream with it, or how everyone is connected to it they just say accept it, here is a dream and it's in layers. How do you know I don't like sci-fi? I am quoting the matrix in the entire thread as an example of a sci fi action movie. Maybe they just need to explain things better for inception. Why does the breifcase has a button, a timer? how does it make you snap out of a dream? How does it make you dream, how is everyone having the same dream when it's connected to your wrist? How did they make that breifcase? Who invented it cobb? How did he invent it if he did? Those are unexplained anwswers and I don't feel as immersed. I didn't buy into it because they didn't explain it and told me here is a dream. "
That's just how it works, man. It's not at all important to the story that Nolan was trying to tell.
It's like in a Star Trek movie, they don't explain in detail to the audience how the transporter works. It just does.
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Edited By Mercator

I was under the impression that the device administered the sedative, and the sedative had effects that would shape the parameters of the dream world insomuch as intensity and duration. The sedative could also link the members of the shared dream but I think the machine did that as well. The timer was probably to stop the drip of sedative or a set "kick" to wake them. I guess I didnt need an explanation beyond that.

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Edited By HitmanAgent47
@Delta_Ass: I only watched star trek 2009, however they do explain who created it, how it was created by an equation of this guy called scotty and it shows him doing all sorts of different ways to beam multiply ppl. I think they did try to explain it, the matrix explains it, even dark city explains how to use your thoughts to control the world. Knowing a bit of psychology, our dreams aren't mult layered either, it's just one later. We get there when our brain gets into REM mode, rapid eye movement. Controlling a dream is difficult, however no one shares the same dream. Within a different univese of sci fi movies, we accept it easier because it's part of a different universe, inception is part of ours.
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Edited By Mercator

The dreams became multilayed as they had dreams within their dreams. They would leave one person behind to act as the "kicker." How can you enjoy Sci-Fi at all? Explanation is never part of the genre.

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Edited By delta_ass
@HitmanAgent47 said:
" @Delta_Ass: I only watched star trek 2009, however they do explain who created it, how it was created by an equation of this guy called scotty and it shows him doing all sorts of different ways to beam multiply ppl. I think they did try to explain it, the matrix explains it, even dark city explains how to use your thoughts to control the world. Knowing a bit of psychology, our dreams aren't mult layered either, it's just one later. We get there when our brain gets into REM mode, rapid eye movement. Controlling a dream is difficult, however no one shares the same dream. Within a different univese of sci fi movies, we accept it easier because it's part of a different universe, inception is part of ours. "
No, they didn't explain who created the transporter in Star Trek 2009. Scotty only came up with a certain specific mode of transportation. And that was basically just "he came up with it in the future" which isn't much of an explanation.
And Star Trek is part of our universe, just in the future.
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Edited By actionTACO

what would explaining the technology behind the dream machine achieve other than bogging down the narrative, which is already saddled with task of explaining all the rules of dream land, with another layer of nonsense technobabble?

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Edited By chmod

It was the first movie I've ever seen twice in the theatre. It was fantastic.

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Edited By HitmanAgent47
@Delta_Ass: It's more of an explaination, then dream has three layers, machine and sedative makes you dream if you push this button, you implant msgs in their safe, dream has different times in different layers and ppl shares dreams. It's more of a movie of showing you a concept, like christopher nolan is like saying, take a look, be wowed by my concept or magic trick. In star trek, they did explain it was a calculation that made warping possible and scotty discovered it. Spock inputed the code and scotty said said something about who would of thought space was the thing moving all along? So if you input the right calculation, you can beam something from one place, or planet to another. They tried to beam a dog and it didn't work right. He beamed like two ppl into a spaceship using that theory. It was well explained to a point where I could accept the fiction of it. The matrix, they had a sequence where morpheus explained everything to neo, all the rules of the matrix and how to break them. They explained the holes at the back of their head and how to connect to the matrix. Even avatar did a good job narrating the concept, you drive these remotely driven avatars with your subconcious brain, cloned from your dna mixed with the natives. For inception, all you get is we bring them to our dream and we get them to fill a safe full of secrets and we steal them. Lol wut?
Maybe i'll make another point, look at batman begins, they introduced everything. This movie is like the dark knight, you start on the sequel and you are expected to belive he's batman out of nowhere and we have to accept the logic of everything, oh here is the villian the joker. I mean the movie already starts you in a dream. That's how I felt, they should introduce the concept better than oh look your in a dream, buildings and everything is exploding, don't use real world stuff and look here is a circular stair case. If that took nolan 10 years to write, then maybe he needs to hire a better writer to it faster. Don't get me wrong, it's the most orignal movie i've seen in years, I'm just saying i've seen other stuff that explains it better and it easier to accept. I think it's good he took such a concept and explained it quite easily for a film.  
I mean some japanese guy wants to eliminate a competitor's business and couldn't he just easily assassinated him instead of doing all this inception? I don't know, it's our universe, not like star wars or something else where I can easily accept. I don't see how the dreams can be connected and I don't see how can ellen page have that much concious awareness if a dream is unconcious and she was never tried inception before. When you dream you turn off your concious left language brain, i'm suprised they can even be aware like that or control their communication. Cobb could do it because he has alot of experience, yet she's just an architect that somehow could do all this? Maybe she's talented like neo, however that's too talented. Honestly maybe I am having a hard time buying into it or the logic of inception. I think it's cool, yet it's too unbeliveable to me.
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Edited By one_2nd
@Delta_Ass: It's just because this is a very big film, so people who don't watch much scifi and watch more realistic movies question it a lot. 
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Edited By delta_ass
@one_2nd said:
" @Delta_Ass: It's just because this is a very big film, so people who don't watch much scifi and watch more realistic movies question it a lot.  "
Yea, I think you're right.
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Edited By Mercator
@HitmanAgent47:  It is interesting to me that you find Star Trek more believable than this. I feel you are having an issue with Inception because visually the world is more similar to ours. Cobb isnt seen making out with She-Hulk so the world must be defined by natural law. As several have said, this is not the story about "shared dreaming". it is the story of Cobb, and how he attempts to atone for his past.
As for Ellen Page and her ability, it is established that she is very clever, both by Micheal Caine and Leo being impressed with her maze making ability. She also is one of the only ones that took an interest in Cobb and his past. Joseph Gordon-Levitt was a good friend but was a male, and probably didnt want to get involved in the personal issues of Cobb. Bros will be bros. Ellen Page's character takes interest in him, and finds his weakness and chooses to help him instead of ignore it. 
As far as the whole crux of the story being a bit far fetched...sure I'll give you that. Bringing down a company is hard buisness though. Taking out the leader just means the number 2 steps up and changing the foundation of the company is probably further away. Changing the direction and thought process of the owner makes sense but he would likely be met with shareholders and other people stepping up to stop it. So ya...its all a bit far fetched but its a Sci-Fi tale, and one that IMO is expertly crafted beautifully acted, and great to look at. I honestly couldnt ask for more from a film. 
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Edited By emkeighcameron
@HitmanAgent47 said:
" @Delta_Ass: Maybe I just would like it better explained for the brief case, they don't explain how you dream with it, or how everyone is connected to it they just say accept it, here is a dream and it's in layers. How do you know I don't like sci-fi? I am quoting the matrix in the entire thread as an example of a sci fi action movie. Maybe they just need to explain things better for inception. Why does the breifcase has a button, a timer? how does it make you snap out of a dream? How does it make you dream, how is everyone having the same dream when it's connected to your wrist? How did they make that breifcase? Who invented it cobb? How did he invent it if he did? Those are unexplained anwswers and I don't feel as immersed. I didn't buy into it because they didn't explain it and told me here is a dream. "
I agree, I like the movie a lot, but the entire briefcase thing was rather sloppily ignored. I get that it's supposed to be a MacGuffin of sorts, but it still felt kind of "oh-shit-don't-look-at-this-plot-hole". Especially because everything else was so well "explained" and obeyed a pretty solid set of rules established within the movie.
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Edited By delta_ass

A briefcase dream machine that isn't explained in minute detail is not a plot hole. That is not what a plot hole is.

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Edited By MetalGearSunny

I really liked it. Great film!

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Edited By actionTACO

"wow this forest is amazing... except for this tree. THIS. ONE. FUCKING. TREE. ARHGGHGH."
nerds are the worst. goddamn. 

@emkeighcameron: thats not what a macguffin is

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Edited By emkeighcameron
@actionTACO said:
" "wow this forest is amazing... except for this tree. THIS. ONE. FUCKING. TREE. ARHGGHGH."
nerds are the worst. goddamn. 

@emkeighcameron: thats not what a macguffin is "
I know, I just couldn't come up with a better word for it. I guess "enigma" or something would've been more fitting. Some random plot-driving element that is never adequately explained.
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Edited By lavaman77

 This film has a good chance of turning into a series in the far future. it just felt like a TV show at times than a movie.

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Edited By HypoXenophobia

I enjoyed it at the theater. But the more I thought about it, the less I enjoyed it. The characters seemed pretty much one dimensional outside of Leo. JGL pretty much seemed to exist to explain the rules and pretty much that. The amount of action in that movie seemed unnecessary as none of it was really that memorable, just filler between areas. The fight in the hallway floating, sure, kinda cool. The shootout while skiing rather forgettable. The movie while visually interesting really lacked any substantial depth, imo. In the end, this is just my thoughts, and your free to enjoy it if you did. But, it just seemed shallow to me.

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Edited By dillonwerner


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I really liked it. Left an incredible first impression. Comparisons to The Matrix are more than apt, since a lot of the philosophical devices and themes are similar. I think Inception's characters wanted to be more vibrant, where The Matrix's characters really were vibrant. Conversely, I think Inception's plot was a little tighter. But it's too early for me, having had only one viewing of Inception, to objectively say whether it's a "better" film or not.  
It's one of those films you ought to see, even if you come away hating it. 

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Edited By Roger778

I loved Inception.  It was a complex movie, but I felt like I had gotten the basics of the plot down: That people can infiltrate people's dream and steal their thoughts.  In a way, the movie was like an original take on heist movies, only this time, the brain was the main source of the heist. 
The 148 minutes of the film just seemed to fly by.  Granted, I did run to the bathroom at one point to pea, but fortunately, it didn't look like I missed much.  I plan to go see it again, sometime soon, but as of right now, it's my pick for best film of the year so far.  As usual, Leonardo DiCaprio did an excellent performance as the lead character.