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Heavy button mashing games tend to wreck the tendon sheaths through friction. The lubricant that lets tendons glide free gets all sticky if you overdo your mashing, this gets worse with age. It is why breaks are very important.

I destroyed my left hand playing Terraria on a mouse and keyboard, using space bar to jump.. You jump a lot in that game, and I literally wrecked my left hand. RSI is no joke, it ends you. Button mashy games aren't for people above the age of 30. The risk of lasting injury grows with each year.

Once your hands go, so too does your life. Be careful..

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My hopes of Jumping Flash VR as a PSVR2 launch title, DASHED... Dashed I say...

RIP Japan Studio.

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@gabe_b: Valheim is pretty sometimes and ugly others. You could watch a stream of Valheim and not see much to write home about. Particularly some of the buildings just look like up rezzed models used in an RTS. There's just no detail and it looks so out of place.

Overall though, nature wise, I like that game's look. Reminds me a bit of Guild Wars 2's lusher areas. Seems like a fun game, glad to see it succeed.

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VR Dump, feel free to move on :)

The new PS5 camera doesn't work the same as the PS4 camera in a number of ways. There's different FOV on that thing, so just using it as a ps4 camera would mean the tracking would be off as all hell, cause the devs do customize the tracking sometimes. Let's say the camera for the PS5 is like 15% wider, that would mean that you're going to get tracked fairly well in the center, but as you move to the side you're essentially moving at a faster/slower pace however that works out. Say you lean, the first 5 inches are reasonable, then you start getting more or less "acceleration" on your head movement as you get further and further into the edges. Moving your head in game at like a 1:1.2 ratio or whatever is a pukefest. Shit must always be 1:1.

That, coupled with the fact that the PS5 is getting either NO VR at all, or they're getting VR that doesn't use that fucking camera EVER AGAIN. Adding support for the new camera would just be a waste of time. I'm not even sure Sony actually wants people to buy more PSVRs to be honest. There are serious limits to what PSVR devs are allowed to do on the PS5. They can add dynamic resolution cause that benefits the pro, and the PS5 is a hella-pro, so the dynamic resolution helps way more on the PS5. That is all they can do according to sony's rules. No Man's Sky got such an update recently, and the game looks way the fuck better on a PSVR on PS5 now. Like night and day. Same with Dreams which already had dynamic resolution. On a PS5 it just looks sharp as fuck.

But yeah, no PS5 PSVR games are going to be made as things stand now. All devs have packed up their shit and moved on to Quest which is just absolutely fucking dominating right now. There are so many people playing multiplayer games right now, it's finally actually possible to play video games when I wanna play video games and not have to wait until primetime so I can find like 7 other idiots online... The past 3-4 months have been amazing for multiplayer VR, there are like 4 FPS games that always have players online now, and it's just the best. Contractor$ all day long baby! It's a shame Sony just ditched the whole thing like a hot turd just as it's actually kicking off..

The PSVR is a PS4 device, and that's the end of the story as far as Sony is concerned. Consider the dongle their only effort to apease the PSVR crowd. You can't use the dual sense controller in VR either for the same reason, devs would have to recode a lot of shit.. Not to mention the fact that the Dual Sense can't be tracked the way the DS4 was.

The next VR headset from Sony will likely be standalone maybe with the possibility of wirelessly connecting to the PS5 (And maybe PC even). Standalone is the future, so Sony might as well make a PSPVR to knock out Facebook instead of making a straight up console-requiring PSVR2 that won't hold a candle to the universal cross platform headset that the Quest 2 is.

I loved my PSVR, haven't touched it since I got my quest. Fuck cables and all that shit. Fuck PC's and the god damned jank they bring. Standalone is 100% where it's at. I'm in VR in 5 seconds, PSVR took me a solid 1-2 minutes every time I wanted to do jack shit. And that was the days where the sun didn't light up the back wall to the point where my tracking was 100% unusable.. Plus like 30 sec to a minute of loading.. SSD in the Quest and the small texture sizes means levels load in like 10 sec. I'm playing probably 5-10 times more VR today than when I only had the PSVR.

Anyways, Sony doesn't care about VR right now, that's why they didn't give a shit about supporting any of the new PS5 hardware. It's not even a consideration.

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@julmajuuhan: Flat bottom woks exist because a large swath of the world has no gas stoves. They hardly even exist where I live (scandinavia). For a wok to work on a normal electric stove top it needs to be flat bottomed. The point of the wok is the inside shape, not the outside. The outside just needs to be flat to get any heat transfer at all from a hot plate. A round bottom wok would touch like a 5x5mm surface and would never get hot. If you're an asian person who lives in scandinavia, chances are you own a flat bottom wok cause there's no other option.

Anyone with an electric stove who wants to wok stuff will need a flat bottom wok or light up a bunsen burner.

In addition to any Wok talk, I just want the crew to know that I laughed so hard during this whole hitman thing. The VR works a lot better than I feared, but it's still perfectly janky for comedy.

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Wish I had a PC that could run Medal of Honor. Looks like a really polished VR FPS. I love pavlov and Contractors and stuff, but MoH graphics are 10 times better.

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So nice to see a VR game on a goty list for a change. The rest of the list was great as well.

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Drats.. Good luck on your next venture, Ben.

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Heheeey! Huge crew! Loving it.

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Yay, Samantha is back :) Miss seeing her on here.