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I was fixing to get myself a digital edition of the PS5. The one with the disc looks hideous in comparison, and I live in a country with internet and no bandwidth caps, so the choice was pretty simple.

Then the Oculus Quest 2 thing happened.. And I ended up with one of those. Getting a PS5 down the line though. Maybe I'll just wait until there's more known about what path Sony is taking with VR going forward. Also, 10 bucks more pr game doesn't sound great. That probably means 70 for the game and then 50-70 more for the season pass... Not gonna be doing that.

Exciting but ridiculous time right now.

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@bsmittel said:

Please stop with this false "Grandma is going to get so confused" thing with the Xbox name Alex and Jeff. There is a $200 price difference. The DS line from Nintendo just got discontinued the other day. Look at the list of names for that, how many Christmas's were ruined?

That argument only really makes sense if you have proof that no or next to no christmases were ruined by wrongly purchased DSes. Do you have that data, or do you assume that no christmases were ruined by granny buying a 2ds? What about when granny got to the store and realized she had no idea which of the DSes to choose so she got a gift card instead, leaving the young kid with a voucher for fun that can only be cashed in two days later.....

There are some holes in your reasoning. Also, Alex and Jeff are right. Granny is gonna be confused. You shold think less of grandmothers.

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Good on Abby for talking about last week right off the bat. You're a good one, Abby. The haters can suck an egg.

I also speak to myself when I'm on that WEEEEED. I talk to myself a LOT. I wonder if it's just about not caring that much about things that don't actually matter... I'm more comfortable performing music when I'm not sober as well. If I was a more calm fella when sober I think I probably would just babble and hum to myself all day long like the manic little rapscallion that I am.

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thunderkat1 brings wisdom, I agree with it.

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Absolutely love the look of this. It has that WoW colour palette and the texture style is very similar. Also, it's a lot like WoW pvp in a way. At least it shares a lot of similarities in that you're in a tactical fight more so than a shooty pew pew fight. Love that stuff.

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Here's my impression of the people in here who actively don't want this to be a thing but who lack an argument for making it be not a thing:

Person one "Google is hard, I can't find anything with a cursory glance, i.e. nothing has happened and this is all nothing."

Person two "Biphobia? So what? Abusive towards fellow workers? Who isn't!"


Person four "Can't we all just get along?"

PeRsOn FiVe "CaNcEl CuLtUrE!"

Gentleman Number VI "Quancèl Coulturè!"

This kind of ignorance-rooted soft serve whiteknighting is truly a thing to behold. "I couldn't find much to be angry about, so yall are wrong!" Such a bad way to go about things. "Behold as I invalidate your opinion by stating my ignorance of the topic. There ya go. Now what?" So bad. Sooo bad. If this is you, you're essentially running interference with seemingly no purpose. If maintaining the peace is your primary drive in life, utilize that wonderful potential where it's useful, don't just go "eeeeasy does it, no need to be angry at bad folks!" and pat yourself on the back. Literally doing everyone a disservice by halting discussion.

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@lskaze: "Maybe you all should learn how to hold someone accountable for a mistake without tearing them down."

Hey, please teach me how to hold them accountable without taking any action what so ever, AND without coming across as self-righteous. In what way do we keep people accountable if we're not using our voice to make our disapproval heard? Am I going to have to take her to court? Do I need to write something on paper? Do I try to set up a citizen's tribunal? Could you lay out a framework for how we can make it clear to someone that their behavior is fucked up without saying anything? Or did you just mean to say "stfu"?

If you read about the allegations, which seem credible, then you wouldn't go "There are some overly self-righteous people in here." You don't have to be self-righteous to judge obviously shitty behavior. All that's needed is empathy and a disgust with exploiters and scumbags. She didn't cut the line at the gas station.. She didn't steal a DVD.. If you feel like you have to be a self-righteous ass to call her out on her shit, that just speaks to how high the bar is for you specifically in terms of calling people out.

Still a total shitbag move to tell people, who voice their objection to her being on the podcast, that they are "self-righteous" though. Nothing self-righteous about it at all. Sometimes people are shitty, if you don't call them out, fair enough. No need to throw shade at those who do. Just silently side with those who don't.

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Damn vinny, that one game was really exciting. Well played.

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If Epic can set up shop on the app store, does that mean that Coke can set up beverage kiosks inside privately owned supermarkets and mom and pop shops and then sell soda cheaper? Cause that's how this works if taken into the non-digital realm... I still have no idea what Epic thinks they're doing here.. Are they really so oblivious as to think that the phones aren't just displays for the store? Like... sony and nintendo etc don't make a lot of money off of the devices, it's all about the store.. If you bypass their cut, guess what? Sony doesn't make any money... If you bypass Apple's cut, guess what? Apple doesn't make the money they need to fill up their money vault, err, I mean do R&D for the next phones. Apple makes about 5-6 new CPUs within the lifespan of a console generation... It's not like they're not spending money on the platform.

I lost so much respect for Epic and Sweeney after this. His idiot tactic is a longshot that, if it goes through, will mean we're likely done with high-end consoles after this generation. Maybe even mid generation as Sony and co can no longer keep doing this for free.
So ridiculously dumb. I agree that Apple's(and others) cut is way too high, but this is just super stupid. Money got to the dude's head. He'll write about this in his memoirs "After a celebratory two year coke binge my brain was pretty much done. My ego was bloated and amplified my delusions, in the end I thought I could set up shop in another shop and have justice on my side. Maybe the lowest point in my profesional life and ultimately a much needed wakeup call."

This shit just makes me angry. Idiocy mixed with greed AND awkward theatrics is just too much.