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A few of my favorite things

My Top 10
  1. Final Fantasy Tactics
  2. Fire Emblem (Blazing Sword, Sacred Stones, Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn)
  3. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
  4. Medal of Honor: Allied Assault
  5. Mega Man (2, 3, 6, 9, 10, X, IV, V, Legends)
  6. Sonic the Hedgehog (1-3, S&K)
  7. Shadow of the Colossus
  8. Okami
  9. Mass Effect (1, 2)
  10. Portal (1, 2)

Full List in Chronological Order:

List items

  • <b>1985</b>


    Huntin' ducks practically since the day I was born.

  • <b>1989</b>


    Devious level design, pixel-perfect platforming, superb was the standard of gaming back in the day. It also sported one of the sickest soundtracks in the medium. Seriously, there must be at least a billion Wily Stage 1 covers on youtube by now.

  • <b>1990</b>


    Fond memories of staying up late with my older siblings trying to beat the game. Loved all the ridiculous suits.

  • <b>1990</b>


    Shadow Man and Gemini Man had some really memorable stages, and this was also the first appearance of Proto Man and the badass slide. It did a lot of amazing things in terms of music and pushing the NES to its limit, but it also suffered from excruciating slowdown and a pretty lame idea to bring back MM2 bosses later in the game.

  • <b>1991</b>


    The Sonic phenomena took me by storm as a kid. Loved its attitude, the blazing speed gameplay, and just the general look of it all. It was a spicy change of pace that strangled away my attention from Mario. The soundtrack is still one of my favorites to this day.

  • <b>1991</b>


    Fuckin' up my favorite cartoon villains with my favorite cartoon heroes. Good times.

  • <b>1992</b>


    Super Mario World might've been the game de jour back then, but I personally found the Game Boy series much more addictive.

  • <b>1992</b>


    Ah, delicious trash can apples and turkey dinners. Does the body good.

  • <b>1993</b>


    Badass moves, badass levels, badass music. This game was fucking badass. Don't actually remember if it really was all that good or not, but screw the details...I loved the X-Men and this game did amazing work with the characters.

  • <b>1993</b>


    I may prefer the 8-bit series over its 16-bit successors as a whole, but X might just be my favorite of the entire franchise. Gorgeous sprite work that still looks great to this day, an entirely 90's vibe with the rock music and futuristic setting, and sublime levels and boss fights.

  • <b>1994</b>


    My favorite Sonic game and probably the first game I remember being absolutely obsessed with (the true start of the addiction, if you will). I loved how the end of levels transitioned into the next stage, even if it didn't always make a whole bunch of sense.

  • <b>1994</b>


    Wario, that wily, grinning, money-grabbing bastard with the wicked lightning bolt 'stache...what's not to love? He's endearingly inept at villainy, and all he really wants is money, women, and a giant fucking castle to call his own. What red-blooded American can't say the same? This is actually my favorite game of the entire Mario franchise.

  • <b>1994</b>


    Not the most challenging Mega Man, but definitely one of the funnest...and oddly enough, it's actually pretty relaxing. Must be the's totally zen. Anyway, loved the whole gladiator theme (cultural stereotypes ftw, Capcom), and the campy tournament idea felt like shades of DBZ.

  • <b>1994</b>


    There were some surprisingly good Mega Man entries on the Game Boy, and this was the epitome of it. The bosses are some of the funnest to fight in the entire series.

  • <b>1994</b>


    Slap on Sonic 3 and it's one of the most epic 2D games ever made. Sky Sanctuary Zone is AMAZING.

  • <b>1996</b>


    Hitler and helicopters!

  • <b>1997</b>


    I miss Bandicoot games. Truly a pioneer of 3D platforming back in the day.

  • <b>1997</b>


    Okay, so the polygon boobs haven't aged well at all, but back then, they were pretty serviceable eye-candy as you jump around tigers and harpoon sharks.

  • <b>1998</b>


    My favorite game ever made. The long-reigning champion of over a decade.

  • <b>1998</b>


    Keiji Inafune completely re-imagined the Blue Bomber and brought him into the 3D open-world style of Zelda adventuring, and the results were glorious. Kattlelox Island is brimming with life, and so are the wacky cast of characters.

  • <b>1998</b>


    Ah, fond childhood memories of rolling into some random town and beating the crap out of their revered pets. It's been long fucking while since I played it, but I'm pretty sure my final crew looked something like this: Blastoise, Charizard, Venusaur, Raichu, Gengar, Articuno, Mewtwo, and Mew.

  • <b>1998</b>


    Fuck you, Psycho Mantis. Thought I had to perform a goddamn exorcism on my Playstation. MGS is one of the earliest games I can remember that jumped out at me with its heavy cinematic presentation.

  • <b>1998</b>


    I have some great memories with this game, and for awhile, it was tied right up there with FFT as my favorite ever at that time. Up until that point, I've never experienced such level of freedom in a game before, and the dungeons still hold up to this day. 1998 was a helluva year, indeed.

  • <b>1999</b>


    My first true online multiplayer experience. Its co-op feature still remains my favorite of its kind to this day. Nothing more satisfying than my teammates dying all within in the first few minutes, then clearing the rest of the map solo while they all bear witness to my awesomeness.

  • <b>2000</b>


    Greatest RPG combat system of all time. Plus, no random encounters! You actually SEE the enemies on the map and decide whether to engage them or not! F'in mind blowing, man. Of course, the battles were so fun that I found myself intentionally running into those bastards anyway.

  • <b>2000</b>


    My Boo is the Roger Federer of Mario Tennis.

  • <b>2000</b>


    A male lead protagonist that doesn't happen to be a candy-ass whiner? Dialogue that isn't absolutely cringe-worthy? Can this really be a FF game? I loved everything about it, except for that one part in the middle where your crew is forcibly split up, and all the people who I haven't been leveling up happened to fall on the same goddamn team. Walk two steps, save, get raped, restart, walk two more steps, save, repeat...

  • <b>2001</b>


    Help Meg Ryan get the girl and save the world! I actually formed a strong emotional attachment with all the characters (probably more so than any other game I've played), which made me feel like total crap when I got the sad end.

  • <b>2002</b>


    There has yet to be another online first-person shooter that has suited my personal tastes as much as MOHAA (the 5 years I played this nearly non-stop is a testament to that). The handling, the damage points, the's all perfect.

  • <b>2002</b>


    I'll probably never play another Madden game again (I'm over it), but damn I gave the franchise work back in the day. '03 was probably when I was at my most hardcore, and the introduction of online play blew my mind. Went 35-5 before calling it quits.

  • <b>2005</b>


    A bit of an underrated gem among the Zelda franchise, but an endearing entry nevertheless. It had a colorful world, neat weapons like the air jar and mole claws, and the shrinking mechanic put a clever twist in the gameplay.

  • <b>2005</b>


    The legend of PoonTheTangy will live on forever! Had great fun fucking up loot runs for other people, dancing with my flamboyant elemental as I brought down the fire from the sky, working the economy, and other bullshit antics people do in MMORPGs.

  • <b>2005</b>


    The game that introduced me to the <b>Fire Emblem</b> series, which ultimately went on to become my favorite gaming franchise ever. For that, it'll always hold a special place in my heart...not to mention it's a kickass game in its own right.

  • <b>2005</b>


    I balked at the idea of taking <b>Fire Emblem</b> to the 3D plane for the longest time, but after I broke down and finally checked it out for myself, I quickly saw the error of my ways. Granted, the polygonal battle animations look like shit and I still GREATLY prefer the 2D sprite look, but fuck it...this game rocks even without 'em.

  • <b>2005</b>


    The game with a conscience! I pretty much went from "Another dead colossus! I'm a fucking badass!" to "Another dead colossus...I'm a fucking jackass" by the end.

  • <b>2006</b>


    Here's to you, of the finest final boss fights ever. I loved the campiness of it all, too...right down to the badass, Bond-esque "Snake Eater" intro.

  • <b>2006</b>


    It pretty much out-Zeldas Zelda games in a lot of respects. Videogames can't be art? Fuck you, Ebert.

  • <b>2007</b>


    Never has a game presented more mind-warpingly fun puzzles...or stranger feelings for an inanimate cube. Uh, yeah.

  • <b>2007</b>


    A kickass remake of the best game ever fuckin' made, which I suppose makes this the best game ever fuckin' made.

  • <b>2007</b>


    One of the most ridiculously epic games I've ever laid hands on. It caught some

    flak for being pretty brutal and unforgiving, mainly because Micaiah's team consists of a bunch of under-powered chumps, but that's exactly what made it so memorable for me. Because you're dealt a weak deck to start with, you really have to be extra scrappy and strategic to just survive the battles. It's a fun juxtaposition to the chapters where you steamroll with Ike's godly band of mercs.

  • <b>2007</b>


    Creepy island filled with pirates, nazi zombies, and's a start of a beautiful franchise.

  • <b>2007</b>


    I'm a motherfuckin' female-reporter-punching, racist-porking, government-destroying, genocidal space marine. The sequel might be better gameplay and graphic-wise, but the first holds a special place in my heart for being just so damn novel at the time. Plus, I got to give an entire race of sentient bugs an acid bath.

  • <b>2008</b>


    The revival of 8-bit Mega Man and spiritual successor to MM2 at long last...and it outdoes its predecessors in every way.

  • <b>2009</b>


    Defy God and his bastardly rules. It's platforming genius.

  • <b>2009</b>


    Where else can I pull out a disco ball that makes all on-screen enemies boogie like it's 1979, then summon a tentacle monster to drag 'em away to some other horrible dimension? Loved everything the game had to offer...Ratchet's high-octane action sequences, Clank's temporal mind-benders, and just its overall quirky personality.

  • <b>2009</b>


    Trains! Helicopters! Armed yetis! Oh my!

  • <b>2010</b>


    The interrupt trigger is just about the most ingenious bit of game design ever.

  • <b>2011</b>


    This is such a weird puzzle game, and I mean that in the best, most-charming way possible. Funky dances, talking pets, and slick-haired ghost detectives...this game is really that awesome.

  • <b>2011</b>


    Alice is clearly fruit-loops, and I love her for it. There's card castles in the sky, underwater theaters, samurai insects, and some of the creepiest dollhouses you'll see.