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#1  Edited By Patchinko
insanejedi said:
"Patchinko said:
"Destroyeron said:
"I guess I'll be pirating this then."

I would have bought it, too. I buy games that I feel deserve it. But unfortunately I will not support SecuROM. Forcing malware on people is needless because it doesn't work anyway.

I argue that there are more people like me--who'll go out and pay for a game we really like because we support those developers--than people pirating games they would otherwise buy. I argue that those people wouldn't buy it anyway even if they couldn't pirate it, therefore it isn't a loss to the company at all.

But, this DRM crap causes a lot of people like me to pirate it instead, and I won't pay a dime to have malware force-installed on my system.

Hell, there's enough good games coming out this month that I may just skip RA3 all together. I was really looking forward to it, but SecuROM pisses me off that much."
Are you guys seriously trying to help getting people like Greg Kasavin and Amer Ajami laid off because you people just can't deal with DRM?

Think about who you are stealing from.

You should get off our collective nuts. I didn't force them to package useless malware in with their games. I used to work for EA. I'm very precisely aware of what I'm doing, and negative feedback about their DRM decisions combined with evidence that it doesn't combat piracy in the least or result in increased sales will change their minds on it.

I also somehow doubt Greg Kasavin and Amer Ajami are getting laid off because of it, so stop being a drama llama.

Oh, and stop blindly supporting pointless enforced malware.
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#2  Edited By Patchinko
GenericMetaphor said:
"I'm going to come across very harsh when it comest to WAR. But, the fact is, it's just nothing special. Sure it's a playable game that some people will find appealing for a month or two. I don't see it as even coming close to the power house WOW is. It's not the same quality.  THE MMORPG Genre right now is only relying on the addictive factor of gathering and repetitive tasks to build your character. It's getting old. Some people still get into it. I say something different needs to be done.

I'm never playing an MMORPG again untill they stop living in the past. WAR has nothing new to offer."
MMORPGs being glorified progress quests with no ends isn't exactly an obscure fact.
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#3  Edited By Patchinko
TomA said:

Cartamn you said WAR is better than wow how so,the only good part of WAR is pvp and the UI sucks so much its hard to even play the damn thing

The WoW vanilla UI sucks horribly as well. At least the WAR one is fully customizable out of the box, not to mention having the exact same add-on capabilities of WoW.
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#4  Edited By Patchinko

Probably the most valid complaint I've seen about this game is that there isn't enough documentation.

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#6  Edited By Patchinko

Anyone had any problems with Mastery Tactics? I put three points into Alchemy on my Zealot but I can't find the tactic "Chaotic Force" anywhere for my use. Any ideas?

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#7  Edited By Patchinko

I agree with the people who say it should have a report post button instead. And instead of hiding down-rated posts, it should just auto-report a post that gets -8 rating or something. And instead of auto-hiding something, just give us the ability to hide whoever's posts we want for ourselves.

I've thought it was a pretty lame system since seeing Sentry's post get group-trolled by haters. Even his informative, relevant posts would get 5 or 6 minus ratings until they were hidden just because one or two people had a vendetta of some sort against him.

It isn't conducive to promoting discussion. Give us an option to hide posts on our end (an ignore button), but don't have this abusive system in place.

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#8  Edited By Patchinko

AOC had a lot of potenetial but fell woefully short.

WAR had a lot of potential and has, to this point, met initial expectations. Time will tell if they fix the problems that do exist in the game. I imagine they will. While it's not as polished as WOW at this point, it's certainly a progression of the MMORPG genre, which is something I can't say about AOC.

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#9  Edited By Patchinko
Destroyeron said:
"I guess I'll be pirating this then."

I would have bought it, too. I buy games that I feel deserve it. But unfortunately I will not support SecuROM. Forcing malware on people is needless because it doesn't work anyway.

I argue that there are more people like me--who'll go out and pay for a game we really like because we support those developers--than people pirating games they would otherwise buy. I argue that those people wouldn't buy it anyway even if they couldn't pirate it, therefore it isn't a loss to the company at all.

But, this DRM crap causes a lot of people like me to pirate it instead, and I won't pay a dime to have malware force-installed on my system.

Hell, there's enough good games coming out this month that I may just skip RA3 all together. I was really looking forward to it, but SecuROM pisses me off that much.
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