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sashimi_biscut's forum posts

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#1  Edited By sashimi_biscut

How do I obtain the girls? I keep trying to catch them but they scream "FRIENDZONE" at me and this weird force field comes up and I can't touch them. I don't get it.... I'm such a nice guy.

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#2  Edited By sashimi_biscut

I liked sonic unleashed. Come at me.

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#3  Edited By sashimi_biscut

@DarthOrange said:

@TwoLines said:

Used the word, meaningless, thought of the first taboo word because of frustration, used it to release tension, no appologies necessary. Interestingly, "faggot" has been used throught the ages to describe many social groups.

Anyhow, I don't think we should add such a weight to a word, it only does bad things. It's like Louis C.K. said, just take the word, and take all its power away. In the same skit (I think) he aslo said that saying the "N" word is such a stupid thing to do. If your putting that word into somebody's head, what's the freaking point of not saying it? You don't want to be held responsible because you've said only the first letter? What a bunch of bullshit.

So please, don't say "the other F word", it's such a sham. I'd like to think we're past shit like that.

That Louis CK is a genius. He also had a skit on his show where he and his friends discuss if the word faggot offends.

It always bothers me how people will cite George Carlin and Lewis CK as sources for why it is okay to say derogitory language. Both these people are very successful white cis men. There is nothign wrong with that, but for them to say it is okay for people to say words that they don't understand is very frustrating. They are more than capable of talking on subjects of the struggle of men, relationships, difficulties with money as they made it in the business, and so on. However they have no idea what it means to be called the N-word, C****, F******, or any other word that was not made specifically to hurt them. Why would you listen to a person who doesn't know the pain of that word, and say they are correct while the people who are hurt by them are unreasonable?

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#4  Edited By sashimi_biscut

@Davin said:

I'm not discussing Ryan's apology directly, if he feels the need to apologize that is all fine and well. Speaking about the broader subject, anyone who is offended by a freaking word needs to grow thicker skin. There are far worse things in the world to fret over then a few letters. If anyone is so emotionally fragile as to burst into tears when they see or hear a "bad" word is going to have a rough time in life. Be a stronger human being then that. Worry about real problems. Don't get all hurt over something, in the end, is meaningless. If you don't like something, brush it off, consider whoever it was a dick and move on with your life.

Hello what is privilege and bigotry? Please help!

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#5  Edited By sashimi_biscut

I appreciate the apology for saying that word, but I wonder why this word is especially bad as apposed to others. There are many times when I listen to the podcast where I head ableist and semi misogynistic remarks that bother me, but I say nothing because I don't have the emotional energy to fight an uphill battle on forums. Don't get me wrong, the word Ryan said is very heinous, I just don't see why this word is apologized for while other degrading remarks on other types of people are okay. The word he used does warrant an apology that is for sure, I'm just saying why this word and not others?

The staff at Giant Bomb say bigoted things all the time, even going so far as to defend the misogynistic comment scandal around the fighting games community a while back. Why is this so different it warranted an apology? And by defend i don't mean all of them, just some of them.

I'm sorry if I broke any rules unintentionally with this post. I am still kind of new.

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#6  Edited By sashimi_biscut

Well first of all, don't do all this stuff for her do it for you. If you do all this for her and she turns you down, you are just going to be bitter and maybe even go back to the way you were. You need to love yourself before you can love someone else.

As for losing weight, it defends on your current activity level and diet. If you are 60lb overweight you might be dependent of food for comfort. Cut back on junk food and sugary things, but don't cut them out completely at first. This will just lead to a binge and with binges come guilt. You can do exercise by walking long distances a day, but a lot of people get good results from the "couch to 5k" program. it is really quite easy if you have a treadmill.

For a job i suggest asking your parents and relatives for help finding one. FInding a job is hard these days and maybe they can help you out with some sort of connection.

-A woman.

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#7  Edited By sashimi_biscut

I think ugly people are public property as well.

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#9  Edited By sashimi_biscut

Ginger spice always gave me confusing feelings with her voluptuous frame when I was 9. I like posh spice because of her fashion but her clear eating disorder is a major turn off for me. The rest of them are very attractive both then and now.

Edit: I just noticed you can see baby spices happy spot in the "then" photo. Nice.

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#10  Edited By sashimi_biscut

I don't think the giantbomb podcast has to worry about alienating female listeners because they already do that a lot. But that video was hilarious even though I hate that word. Props.