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Every game i've ever owned

This is a list of all the games i've ever owned.  I've played more, but these are the ones that I owned.  I ordered them twice: First by when I got the console they came out on and then by when I got the game.

List items

  • The first game I remember playing. I preferred Duck Hunt since you can use the gun.

  • Alot of people hate on this game, but I thought it was alot of fun.

  • I played the hell out of this game.

  • My mom got pissed off when my dad got me this one. I played the hell out of this one as well. One of my favorite games of all time.

  • I think is the first game that I actually paid for with money that I had earned. Well worth it imo.

  • For a while, the Sonic series got markedly better each time out. This one makes the first game almost unplayable. It takes everything about the previous one and greatly improves on it. The last 3 stages are the best endings of any Sonic game I've ever played.

  • I don't see what's so awesome about this one. It's good, but I like 3 and 1 more. It's like Sonic 2, people call it the best but I think most of them just never played the game that came next.

  • This is the ultimate Sonic game. People say 2 is the best, but I think those people never played 3. In all honesty I never played Sonic CD, which is something I still regret to this day, but for me, this is the best. The levels are great. The shields were a perfect addition. They went all out and put in multiple type of bonus stages. They threw in mini bosses. The 3D globe thing was great as well.

  • I totally sucked at this game, but I remember really enjoying the stories about every fighter. That made me want to play it more, but man, I really sucked at this game. Those stories were really interesting and always ended in some sort of tragedy that didn't come of as corny... for an 11 year old at least. I don't think I ever won a single match on the normal difficulty setting.

  • Like Sonic 3, this is the best one despite what anyone says. This is like the most advanced brawler game I've ever played. I love this game. The only negative thing about it is that it's obnoxiously difficult. You can't goof around or you'll find yourself having to continue in level 1. I read that the US version shifted all the difficulty levels up (ie JPN hard = US normal) and it shows. But this game is kick ass. I love it.

  • This was the beginning of the end. The first Sonic game that was noticeably worst than the game before it. They say that this and Sonic 3 were supposed to be one huge game. I think this game is made of reject levels that didn't make the cut for Sonic 3. The only positive things I can say are:

    1) This Sonic 3 is the closest Sega fans got to a massive mascot game like Super Mario World

    2) This Sonic 1 gave me a crapload of those 3D globe levels that I loved.

  • I had this one for the Genesis. It was too complex for the 10 year old me. I couldn't figure it out nor did I really want to. I think that if I played it now, i'd enjoy it alot more.

  • I think everyone with a fat Gameboy had this one. Great game.

  • Pretty good game. I enjoyed it.

  • I got this game while going to my grandmother's house one summer. I really enjoyed this game but eventually I had to quit it. There is no map and everything looks the same. At a certain point I got loss and couldn't progress. I have the morphball, rockets and the ice gun but I don't have a clue where I'm supposed to go.

  • I actually had this one on the Gameboy. It was a pretty good port. I played the hell out of it.

  • I remember playing this one as a kid and being like, "Whoa!!!! it like it's really me!!!!" All the blood made it pretty bad ass as well.

  • I was a bit of a PC gamer for a while.

  • Man, this game is bad ass. This is my favorite FPS. It's the last one that did anything different than the others... even to this day. They need to bring this series back.

  • I could only play this once it was old. It wouldn't run on the PC I had when it first came out. I used to install this and mods on the PCs at school and me and like 6 people would be playing deathmatch during our typing class.

  • I had been waiting like 5 years for this game. I think it's pretty decent, I just wish there was automatic spore collection. If they had that, i'd actually spend the time to take over every Galaxy. Something about the space stage is soothing to me. But collecting all that spice is just annoying.

    Notice the massive gap between this and the prior PC game though.

  • Great game. Great great game.

  • Oh man, this is a game I can still go back to and play. Perfect game. No flaws except it eventually ends.

  • The best standard style FPS I've ever played. I really like the story in this one. The single player is really worth it. It's also the last real deal advance in the genre. Everything today is just Goldeneye except a crappy single player mode and better camera controls.

  • I love this game. I think it's way better than the first one.

  • Man... they need to go back to making wrestling games like this. This game and the other one were great.

  • I think I played this at an EB Games and bought it once it was like $30. I had alot of fun with it.

  • My favorite Rare game. This is one of their worst rated games on metacritic but this game is pure gold imo. They need to bring this XBLA or make a sequel to it.

  • Imagine Goldeneye with better guns, a terrible story and better multiplayer. That is Perfect Dark: the last FPS I ever purchased and enjoyed.

  • This game is really good. The graphics were amazing, especially if you have the ram chip. This is about as much customization as I want in a racing game. I loved this game.

  • Yep, my N64 was just a Rare player. This was the last N64 game I ever purchased and it's one of my favorite games. Everything about this game is pure awesome. The Matrix level is the funnest shooting I ever remember being in a video game.

  • I never had a SNES but I used to play the crap out of this game at my cousin's house. The 3 of us would stay up until like 3am playing this back and forth with each other. A great game. It's a shame that Sonic never got his Super Sonic World

  • Mario Tennis is really good. No matter what system it's on, they get fun tennis right.

  • My cousin Regina had this game for her SNES and I used to play it all the time. When they put it out on GBA I picked it up day one. This game is a gem. Really, every Mario platformer is a gem. The cool thing about this one is how different it is from every other Mario game, but it still feels like a Mario game.

  • I think this was the first JRPG that I played to completion. A really great game. The summons in this game look so epic. Graphically it doesn't really compare to what a console could do, but something about the zooms and pans and the planet get destroyed in a summon attack is undeniably fun.

  • This is one of those weird things where I loved the prior game, bought this one and played it for like 30 minutes. It's probably really good but for some reason I slept on it. I still have it some maybe i'll finish it up one day.

  • Yeah, I played this and realized that I was bored at one point. This was the first Sonic game that was boring. The old ones were always doing something and it was impossible for them to be boring by default. I put the controller down and haven't purchased a Sonic game since.

  • Man... what a good game. I wish you could have controlled the tricks you did, but that's my only complaint. I really loved this game. The graphic style was super unique at the time.

  • Great fighting game but...

  • ... this one is the BEST.FIGHTING.GAME.EVER. You'll never be able to convince me otherwise. I actually purchased this game on XBLA, but I can't add it twice.

  • This is a pretty good fighting game as well. Capcom was really kicking ass and taking names for a while. They could make something super serious like SF3 then crank out some awesomely goofball fighter starring a soccer player, a nurse, the school principal, a violinist and the tennis team. They need to bring this one on XBLA and PSN.

  • A really good game. I wouldn't describe it as "fun" because alot of it isn't fun, but it is entertaining to play. I desperately wanted to play the sequel...

  • ... which I just couldn't get into. Then I let someone borrow it and totally forgot about it. At least Shenmue started off with that bad ass movie so you knew that things would pick up eventually. Shenmue 2 really shoulda got right into being interesting but after a few hours I was scratching my head like, "why did I want this?"

    If I hadn't lost my disc i'd probably pop it in and give it another 5 hours to see if it grabbed me.

  • Imagine Jet Grind Radio, but better in every way possible.

  • I loved this game. I had it on the xbox. I loved the ending. It reminded me of Conker. You expect one thing but then the game ends on this somber depressing note that throws you for a loop.

  • I think this game has the best sword fighting in the game. Ninja Gaiden and soul calibur are good, but the combat in this game really feels like sword fighting. There are no combos, it's just sword strokes and you have to use them effectively.

  • This game was awesome. It starts off slow but it builds up to being amazing. This game is easily in my Top 3 games of all time. This quality of the characters and storytelling in this game really drove me away from genres that don't can't deliver that.

  • I had this on the Xbox. I don't usually play sports games, but this was only $20 and I really got into it. I've played this for hours and hours on end. This game is great. This is the game that makes me want to play the other 2K sports games.

  • I like the story of this game but it feels really disconnected from the gameplay. But who cares? This game is fun as hell if you have a roommate or someone to play it with online. This is like a card game turned into a 3rd person shooter with JRPG style attacks. You can shoot 8 laser from your hands, rain fire on your enemy, teleport and do all types of wild attacks that you usually only see in JRPGs, but the battles are all real time and fun. I don't know why someone doesn't make a JRPG where the combat is like this. Just flat out copy it. This is how you should do a real time jrpg. The action rivals and exceeds your typical action game.

  • I was expecting too much. They described it like Ninja Gaiden RPG but the combat was garbage compared to an action game. The story was good though. Once I got over the combat, that was enough for me. I still don't get it: how come RPGS

  • This game was buggy, but it's got the best story and characters I've ever seen in a video game. Hands down. I love this game. The one thing I love about this, is how gray all of the characters are. Star Wars is usually staunch black and white, with clear cut good and evil. This is the only game where they make a Sith Lord seem like a reasonable person and the Sith just seem like normal people who are sometimes led by wild fanatics and other times are led by a more moderate person who really doesn't come off as being "evil" or bad at all. In this game, the Jedi are the ones who some off as the crazy lunatics with little ethics. But enough of that. This game is good. I'll be buying Alpha Protocol on day one solely because the same people making that made this game.

  • Everything about this game is good except for the controls. The controls are game breaking though. I cannot navigate my character at all. It's like the looked at the control convention of every 3D game ever made and totally ignored them and chose some goofball thing that constantly scrambles your directions everytime the camera changes... which is like every 5ft in this game.

  • I always like these racing games until I find myself spending like 40 minutes tweaking specs and it feel like school work. Then I just grab a benz and drive on the Nürburgring Nordschleife track listening to music for like 40 minutes. After a week of that I never play them again.

  • I love stuff like Final Fight and Streets of Rage so technically I should like this game... but I don't.

  • The single player kinda sucks, but I'm a sucker for Naruto and this is the only one with online fighting. The lack of air blocks means that getting hit with a move that knocks you in the air (which is a normal attack for some characters) put you at risk for losing like 80% of your health on one attack... but other than that the combat is fun.

  • I got this game for $20 and think it's amazing for that price. I don't play shooters that much but I enjoyed this one.

  • My favorite game this gen.

  • I bought this for $9 solely because of the N64 game. I don't feel ripped off, but I don't really like this one.

  • This game is ok-ish. I only paid $15 so I don't feel ripped off, but yeah. It's not for me.

  • One day I'm going to put it into my 360 and see what it's like... but i've been saying that for almost a year now.

  • I feel like i'd like this game if I made myself play it for at least 3 hours, but I never pop it in.

  • This and PDZ were my attempts at giving FPS another shot... and they cemented it as a genre that I don't like.

  • Meh... I'd say this game is crap. That's how I feel about it. But I invested like 50 hours into and played it to completion. The graphics are really good and some of the characters do some cute stuff that makes me smile. It also helped that I usually played this game while high.

  • This is a game right up my alley. The opening theme alone is worth the price alone.

  • This game gets alot of hate for some bizarre reason, but it's one of the best JRPGs I've ever played. The dreams are probably the best writing in any game released in the US and you can tweak your characters to fit any play style that you want. The story is pretty solid as well.

  • Decent game. I got it for like $12 so I don't feel ripped off.

  • I feel like reviewers lied to me. I love watching the cutscenes, but actually playing this game just isn't enjoyable for me. I'd rather play Vice City any day of the week.

  • They fixed the air blocking but made it near impossible to substitute and didn't do any balancing in the least bit. You can get caught in loops of stun and the timing to get out of some basic combos that you can do by button mashing requires is ridiculous. They added a bunch of stuff that made the fighting better but broke some of the basic combat elements. Plus they the single player game longer, but it's garbage and you have to beat it to unlock all the characters for the fighting mode.

  • Pretty decent. I like it when I play it, but I haven't felt compelled to finish it. I should have waited till it was like $30 or $40.

  • I bought this on a sale for $20 last November. I keep saying i'm going to give a a serious 4 hours but I never pop it in the system.

  • See Mirror's Edge

  • The story is kinda crummy, but I like the silly tone of the game. Because I play alot of JRPGs, I don't really grasp the concept of the level cap though. I don't understand the benefit of not letting your character progress.

  • Pretty fun, but I find that I played it like I play Forza... after about 3 weeks I do the same event over and over before retiring the game forever.

  • This game is awesome. It pretty much gave me back my Genesis and every game that I had.

  • Pretty decent. I got it for $30. Played it for a good 20 hours but then I just stopped. I was enjoying it but then I just stopped playing it for some reason.

  • My sister had this for the Wii and I played it and fell it love with it. I bought it for 360 that same day.

  • Great game. Reminds me of Metroid 2 except there's a map and it's nowhere near as easy to get totally lost due to variety in the environment.

  • It's kinda like Fallout 3... except better and worse at the same time. I stopped after about 20 hours though. It's not for me.

  • Great game. I invested close to 100 hours on my first play through and started up a new game immediately. Bio-Ware always comes through.

  • Good game. I rented it months ago and finally bought it. Me and my friends play this one for hours one end. It's got it's issues but the fun factor is most high.

  • I'm still a little disappointed that they removed every RPG element except dialog trees but this is hands down my favorite 360 game and I enjoy it way more than the first one, which is one of my favorite games ever.

  • I've never gotten into stuff like Devil May Cry or God of War, but I played the demo for this and enjoyed the goofiness and the feeling that the people made it set out to make a game and didn't have any shame about making a gamey game. There's no rhyme or reason to anything outside of, "would this make the game more enjoyable?"

  • Interesting way to tell a story. I'd like to see more stuff like this.

  • Nice add-on, although it's insanely easy compared to the original game.

  • I blow at this game but it's fun to play.

  • Buggy but fun.

  • Every ragged on this but I've been enjoying it a lot.