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I've been playing video games since I was a small boy, so this list is by no means complete. I started off on the computer with some educational games, before moving onto the Playstation, Playstation 2, Xbox and now finally, Xbox 360. So if you see Freddi Fish or Putt Putt in there, I most likely played it when I was 5 - although I'd probably still enjoy it now...

As I've gone through this list I've found that my gaming really does split into two distinct categories. The first is the one where I simply played the game on my own, an innocent age, the age of computers, playstations and the original xbox. This is the age when I didn't always choose the game, but when I found something I enjoyed in it, no matter how bad. I was small and impressionable. Now is a different time. Now I play for achievements, for multiplayer, and I expect the best stories and graphics and features. If I don't, I return it. There's plenty to choose from and I'm not forced to find the joy in games I'm not 100% happy with. As such, I'm a little bit more impersonal with my games and don't have the nostalgic feelings I had with my earlier games. It's a double-edged sword - more variety and better games, but less enjoyment and less time taken to find the good qualities in everything.

In this list you'll find a brief description of my time with it. I'll try to get everything in alphabetical order, but man, there's tonnes of games here!

Notable exclusions: Game demos, any I cannot remember or don't know the names of, games which are only vaguely considered games, and of course most non-console or computer-related game.

List items

  • Oh the countless hours I've spent playing you Theme Park World. I loved nothing more than creating the perfect roller-coaster utopia, with endless pathways, winding attractions, and loads of those little engineer and entertainer guys being paid minimum wage. And nothing was more satisfying than the hearty chucking sound of a young kid after setting my ride speeds to 100%. Just kidding... I was a good owner! I swear!

  • I'm an ace at this at the arcade. Probably the best game to wipe out your entire game token collection, even if you don't make it to the end. And even though its been around forever, it never seems to get old.

  • Argh! So annoying how you're into a game and then you get stuck. And not at the end, but like is the very beginning! This is usually my experience with Tom Clancy games and it's a shame, because this had such good promise.

  • Won this at a traveling Comicon-like event/fair by entering my name into the competition. Was pretty stoked. Wasn't a huge skater, and even though I hated the hard-as single player modes, the skatepark builder feature was awesome and literally kept me building forever. And I got like a 720 degree spin, so I was the man amongst my friends. I mean, friend.

  • My version of the compulsory tennis game every child MUST play in their upbringing. It was annoying though as you couldn't get anywhere in career with a strength character. Get to Martina and you're smoke without accuracy! Grrr!

  • My experience with TotemBall goes like this: Yay! Free game?! AWESOME! Loading, loading, cool cool cool! Needs. Camera? Sigh.

  • I think this was about the time when I really turned into a massive rager when playing games. I never could beat that stupid car or jump to that ledge or collect that thingy. As a result I'd swear and yell and my mum would tell me off. And yes, this was Toy Story.

  • Addictive and bad for my health describe Trials HD for me. The moments of complete bliss when you finally finish a level, are completely eclipsed by the countless, countless hours of trying to complete a track, ANY track faultlessly, or even SUCCESSFULLY! It's a great pick up and play game for the whole family, but seriously, the developers are satanist sadists embodied.

  • Viva Pinata! Filled with fun, filled with FUN! Viva Pinata! Filled with fun, filled with FUN! Dear God, I was singing this tune for a week after playing this game. It was soo addictive I was dreaming about my garden and having little pinatas coming to stay. Seriously, I'd been trying to find this game for YEARS and one day I finally found it!! So glad I did, because it is one awesome game for the whole family. Or one man-child who likes cute little animals...

  • I remember playing this AGES ago on the PlayStation after renting it out. I remember it being kinda cool, but I never figured it would lead to the World of Warcraft phenomenon later. All I remember is controlling a few orcs on a bluish landscape and that is pretty much all.

  • Won this for free online - surprisingly very good! Great pick up and play game if you're bored with a mate and really easy to play. For a free game, it certainly WAS great value! Hahaha!

  • Must have been quite entertaining and/or frustrating watching me play this since I played this at an age when I had absolutely no idea about world history or geography. I never remember seeing her once, but always getting those cleaners. Or the dog. But never Carmen. B*tch.

  • The board was faulty, so we upgraded to Wii Fit Plus without playing it too much.

  • "You are thiiis much fatter". Handy motivation. Single-handedly responsible for giving me a complex in my late teens haha.

  • Or Wipeout 2903 as it was known over here. One of the first games I ever played on the PlayStation. It was pretty cool and definitely something me and my dad could play. The amount of weapons was definitely an added bonus. Funnily I remember my friend showing me his "cheats" and I got bronze medals on levels I couldn't reach and my mum actually made me delete my games because it was "wrong". Hahahaha! Now it's widely accepted. Ah, those days when "gaming" was not known in my household.

  • Not the best rendition of Worms I've ever played, but if you like simple and old-school worms-stylez, this is for you. Definitely more chess-like than other editions of the game because you KNOW the opposition is holding back his airstrike, or that the crate he got probably holds one. Instead of a friggin' concrete donkey!

  • Not as tactical as the original Worms 360 game, but definitely one of the top renditions of the Worms franchise to date. Doesn't quite have the charm of my personal favourite Worms World Party, but all the new bells and whistles make up for that loss in part. The fire mechanics alone are worth it!

  • A fairly disappointing installment of the hallowed Worms franchise, with pretty terrible graphics, horrible gameplay and little of the enjoyable and humorous loveliness of the first games. Played it at youth group, bought it later, played it longer this time, hated it, returned it. The three-dimensional gimmick just doesn't work with a game such as Worms.

  • Played this a couple of times after renting it out for the PlayStation. JUST less awesome than Worms World Party, but still a really great game. Ah, I can still remember all the burning worms and craziness like it was yesterday. *Tear*

  • My favourite Worms game hands down. The mix of weapons, features and randomness is just too great to not earn the crown of Worms franchise king. I think I spent well over a month total time playing this game, and although now it is obsolete in a way with the advent of the 360 Worms games, it will forever hold a special place in my heart. Holy hand grenade FTW.

  • Hated this game. Not just because I hate the idea of rally cars (BOOOOOORINGGGGGGGGGG!) let alone a championship (SNOOOOOOORE!!!!) but because I really wanted to get Jak 2, but my dad said he might want to try it out. In my mum's prophetic words "Well he really wants to get Jak 2, so don't buy it if you're not going to play it." My dad responded with the ol' "Yeah, yeah, I will." Suffice to say, I never played Jak 2 and I ended up playing the game twice. One more time than my dad ever played it.

  • Bought this thinking it was a game I'd played at a party (the game was actually GTA III) because you could also run people and terrain over in this game too. Didn't enjoy the game as much as I'd hoped, but I will always cherish the memories of hearing Asian people screaming as I slowly ran them down on the footpath. Never finished the game - the open-world driving was a joke.

  • Remember making a huuuge zoo, making all the cages uniform and perfect and having staff named after my family. I'd always place my uncle waaay down one end of the zoo and have him walk back. Prick. And then when I got bored, time to unleash the lions! Graaaaa!

  • Hey bedubbah dubba ZUMA! Or whatever... Annoyingly frustrating without the colour-blind assists, but otherwise a good game. If not hard. Very hard.


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Edited By Wuddel

Hell, of a list. I applaud you!

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Edited By SpawnMan

Wow, who the hell wouldn't recommend this list? Some asshole that's who. : (

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Edited By mr_me

Nice list. Played most of the more recent games myself... good choices.

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How did you manage to only play Sonic throughout the Genesis age?