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Exclusives suck . . . aka why I will probably buy a Wii.

So Tales of Graces is coming exclusively for the Wii this year and for the first time in ages, I'm actually considering buying the Wii so I can play this game. Before this, I've had little to no desires to purchase a Wii other than for purely malevolent purposes. But I absolutely loved Tales of the Abyss and Tales of Vesperia and from the looks of Graces, I will most likely love this game as well. And since most games these days are timed exclusives, it's likely that Graces will come to the 360 and PS3 one of these days (but also most likely quite a while after the Wii release). Unfortunately I'm not a man of patience so there's a 50-75% chance I will  end up buying a Wii so I can play this game ASAP.

And then after finishing the game I'll basically be left with a $250 paper weight. I love you Nintendo.



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Edited By AgentJ
@spazmaster666 said:
" @AgentJ said:
" @spazmaster666 said:

Well its a good thing that Symphonia isnt a PS2 game then : ) Its a gamecube game. It was released on the PS2 in japan only. 
Well I never owned a Gamecube, so there's pretty much no chance I'll be playing that game . . . :P

@Godwin:I never said ports were common as usually only high-profile games get ported over to other systems. I'm merely pointing out that since Graces seems to be a important game for Namco, it would make sense for them to release it on as many consoles as possible. Obviously you don't port throwaway titles to other systems (which probably explain why so few Wii games get ported). "
the nice thing about the wii is that it is fully backwards compatable with the gamecube, so if you get a wii for graces there should be no reason that you dont get symphonia. 
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Edited By lordofultima

Tales of the Abyss was garbage, just sayin'.

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Edited By oldschool
@AgentJ said:
" @systech said:
" Never buy a system for one game. Ever. "
Exactly. He should buy it for a bunch of games, like Graces, Symphonia, Okami, Brawl, Fire Emblem, Madworld, No More Heroes, and more!
No-one buys a system for just one game.  They buy the system because of that one game and then buy others, because you can.  I am still waiting for that one game that will get me to buy a PS3.  When that happens, I will also buy quite a few older games that are now cheaper, but not great enough to get me to buy the PS3 in the first place.  I bought the 360 for Eternal Sonata and now have 17 games, becuse I could.

I bought a Wii not for any one game, but for what I expected would entertain me over the long haul.  60+ games later and not a single ounce of disappointment.
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Edited By DuhQbnSiLo

Exclusives are just promotion tools

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Edited By LiquidPrince
@Hamst3r said:
" System exclusives: One of the worst ideas ever conceived. "
I disagree.
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Edited By Al3xand3r
@spazmaster666 said:
" So Tales of Graces is coming exclusively for the Wii this year and for the first time in ages, I'm actually considering buying the Wii so I can play this game. Before this, I've had little to no desires to purchase a Wii other than for purely malevolent purposes. But I absolutely loved Tales of the Abyss and Tales of Vesperia and from the looks of Graces, I will most likely love this game as well. And since most games these days are timed exclusives, it's likely that Graces will come to the 360 and PS3 one of these days (but also most likely quite a while after the Wii release). Unfortunately I'm not a man of patience so there's a 50-75% chance I will  end up buying a Wii so I can play this game ASAP.And then after finishing the game I'll basically be left with a $250 paper weight. I love you Nintendo. "
How about enjoying Wii exclusives without going all "omg, I have a Wii, I'm turning into a casual" or whatever scares you? Plenty more Wii titles aren't coming to other systems and are just as worthy as a flagship Tales title. I mean, you like Tales, so you'll probably enjoy Arc Rise Fantasia even though it's a different sort of JRPG, there's Dragon Quest X to look forward to, The Crystal Bearers is a promising action RPG by Square, then Muramasa, No More Heroes 2, the new Silent Hill, Tatsunoko vs Capcom and tons more titles that will not find their way on other systems, as well as a sizable backlog you've missed (look into Rune Factory Frontier for example, it has similarly action based battles). Most of the good Wii titles are and will be exclusive. Discover them, let the angst go, have fun playing without hateful, ignorant brick and dust comments >_>

The reply isn't just for you, even though most of it is, that's just the vibe I get from this whole thread. Tons of unwarranted hate. Play. Enjoy.
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Edited By spazmaster666
@Al3xand3r said:
" @spazmaster666 said:

How about enjoying Wii exclusives without going all "omg I have a Wii I'm turning into a casual" or whatever scares you? Plenty more Wii titles aren't coming to other systems and are just as worthy as a flagship Tales title. I mean, you like Tales, so you'll probably enjoy Arc Rise Fantasia even though it's a different sort of JRPG, then there's Dragon Quest X to look forward to, The Crystal Bearers is another action RPG by Square-Enix, there's Muramasa, the new Silent Hill, and tons more promising titles that will not find their way on other systems, as well as a backlog you've missed, considering most good Wii titles are exclusive. Discover them, let the angst go, have fun playing without silly brick/dust comments >_> "
Yup that sounds just like me. Also it's not just about my dislike for the Wii (I have no qualms about voicing my dislike for the system). It's also about the fact that I would much rather play this game on a 360 or PS3.
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Edited By Hamst3r
@LiquidPrince said:
" @Hamst3r said:
" System exclusives: One of the worst ideas ever conceived. "
I disagree. "
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Edited By brydello

Tales will be worth it.
Almost every Tales has been great.

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Edited By Godwind
@spazmaster666 said:
" @Godwind said:
" @spazmaster666 said:

Traditionally most gamers are not interested in an enhanced port of a video game.  There just happens to be no interest for it.  Okami is one of those rare exceptions where the port to the Wii from the PS2 outsells a port. "
If so, why is Namco releasing Vesperia for PS3? Also even if, say, Vesperia PS3 version only manages to sell half as much as the 360 version, that's still better than not selling any units at all.


I didn't own a PS2 until relatively late in its lifespan (I was previously primarily a PC gamer) so I never got around to playing some of the older PS2 games. Plus I finished Vesperia (I had no prior experience with Tales games before Vesperia) before playing Abyss (I mainly got interested in Vesperia because of the Tales of the Abyss anime). I may give Symphonia a try but I don't really have much desire to play older PS2 games these days.
No, they need to sell enough units to make a profit.  Lets assume the cost for developing Vesperia for the Xbox360/PS3 game is $20 million dollars.  Each game bought is a profit of $30.  That means they need to sell 670,000 copies to break even.  As it stands, they only have been able to sell half that quota.  If they were to port the game from the Wii to the Xbox360/PS3, it would still take some costs to make an enhanced port.

@AgentJ said:
" @spazmaster666 said:
" @Godwind said:
" @spazmaster666 said:

Traditionally most gamers are not interested in an enhanced port of a video game.  There just happens to be no interest for it.  Okami is one of those rare exceptions where the port to the Wii from the PS2 outsells a port. "
If so, why is Namco releasing Vesperia for PS3? Also even if, say, Vesperia PS3 version only manages to sell half as much as the 360 version, that's still better than not selling any units at all.


I didn't own a PS2 until relatively late in its lifespan (I was previously primarily a PC gamer) so I never got around to playing some of the older PS2 games. Plus I finished Vesperia (I had no prior experience with Tales games before Vesperia) before playing Abyss (I mainly got interested in Vesperia because of the Tales of the Abyss anime). I may give Symphonia a try but I don't really have much desire to play older PS2 games these days.
Well its a good thing that Symphonia isnt a PS2 game then : ) Its a gamecube game. It was released on the PS2 in japan only. 
Again, look at the number of times games do get ported.
32 tales games total
23 unique Tales games
9 games represent remakes/ports of the same game
5 of games were ported or remade onto other consoles
There is a 21% chance of Tales of Grace being ported

Here are the list of games that did get ports/remakes or getting them soon
Tales of Phantasia
Tales of Vesperia
Tales of Symphonia
Tales Destiny 1
Tales of Destiny 2
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Edited By Meowayne
@spazmaster666 said:
The majority of games on the Wii don't have high production values
The majority of games on any platform that has every existed and will ever exist don't have high production values. Especially on popular systems like the SNES or PS2.
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Edited By spazmaster666
@Godwind said:
" @spazmaster666 said

No, they need to sell enough units to make a profit.  Lets assume the cost for developing Vesperia for the Xbox360/PS3 game is $20 million dollars.  Each game bought is a profit of $30.  That means they need to sell 670,000 copies to break even.  As it stands, they only have been able to sell half that quota.  If they were to port the game from the Wii to the Xbox360/PS3, it would still take some costs to make an enhanced port.
So you're saying that Namco only started developing the PS3 version AFTER they realized the 360 version underperformed? It's much more likely that they always had plans to release a PS3 version because A.) they predicted that to make a decent profit, they would need to release it on multiple consoles and B.) Microsoft gave them subsidies. Obviously ports costs money, but compared to developing an entirely new game, the costs of developing a port is much less, hence a much lower risk.
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Edited By MrGetBonus

I don't really know what's goin on in this thread but every time I skimmed the forums I thought your thread title said EXPLOSIVES suck...I was like wtf, he wants a Wii cuz he doesn't like explosives? WHO DOESNT LIKE EXPLOSIVES!? THEY MAKE EXPLOSIONS! Anyway, continue your debate...I'll be going now....

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Edited By Jambones
@Cerza said:
" No one game is EVER worth buying a system for. It's like you said in your opening. When you are done with that game there is nothing left but a very expensive paper weight. "

Perhaps slightly off-topic, but I don't actually mind console exclusive games as much as I mind having console exclusive DLC, or DLC for cross platform games that are not released simultaneously..
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Edited By jj984jj
@spazmaster666 said:
"Well it goes to logic that publishers would make more money if they released games on multiple consoles. Especially with a "core" game like Graces that probably won't appeal to the majority of the Wii install base (which are probably "casual" gamers) "
You do realize that Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New world is the best selling Tales of game worldwide this generation, right?
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Edited By Meowayne
@jj984jj said:
" @spazmaster666 said:
"Well it goes to logic that publishers would make more money if they released games on multiple consoles. Especially with a "core" game like Graces that probably won't appeal to the majority of the Wii install base (which are probably "casual" gamers) "
You do realize that Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New world is the best selling Tales of game worldwide this generation, right? "
Also, you do realize that World At War sold a crapton of copies on the Wii, right?
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Edited By spazmaster666
@jj984jj said:
" @spazmaster666 said:

You do realize that Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New world is the best selling Tales of game worldwide this generation, right? "
Well the 360 isn't exactly a huge hit in Japan so they were appealing to a limited install base with Vesperia (hence the PS3 version). The fact that that Vesperia sold as well over there as it did was pretty surprising.
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Edited By jj984jj
@spazmaster666 said:
" Well the 360 isn't exactly a huge hit in Japan so they were appealing to a limited install base with Vesperia (hence the PS3 version). The fact that that Vesperia sold as well over there as it did was pretty surprising. "
I agree, but it outsold Vesperia in the US too. There's definitely a fanbase for the series on Wii as well.

@Meowayne said:
" Also, you do realize that World At War sold a crapton of copies on the Wii, right? "
*tries to find the connection* I do, but...

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Edited By spazmaster666
@jj984jj said:
" @spazmaster666 said:
" Well the 360 isn't exactly a huge hit in Japan so they were appealing to a limited install base with Vesperia (hence the PS3 version). The fact that that Vesperia sold as well over there as it did was pretty surprising. "
I agree, but it outsold Vesperia in the US too. There's definitely a fanbase for the series on Wii as well.
Well the fact that Wii had double the install base here in the US probably helped. But US sales of JRPGs are never going to constitute the majority of the game sales overall.
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Edited By iam3green

i don't think u should just get the game and thats it. u will just spend $300 + for the game and wii. it would just sit there and u will never play with it again.i don't think $300 would be worth that. my friend had a wii, he bought a couple of games for it. after he beat them it would just glow blue. finally he unplugged it. now it just sits at a uncles house because he sold it to him.

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Edited By jj984jj
@spazmaster666 said:
" Well the fact that Wii had double the install base here in the US probably helped. But US sales of JRPGs are never going to constitute the majority of the game sales overall. "
Considering how they've been selling in Japan lately I'd say US sales definitely do factor in, it doesn't really help Namco much when the Japanese home console market for core games this generation is still pretty insignificant.
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Edited By Benjaminvdv
@Meowayne said:
" @spazmaster666 said:
The majority of games on the Wii don't have high production values
The majority of games on any platform that has every existed and will ever exist don't have high production values. Especially on popular systems like the SNES or PS2. "
Well while I won't be calculating averages, I can check the rating of the middle game on the list on metacritic, for the 360 number 338 has a 7.0 (with a totall of 347/677 games with a 7 or higher), for the Wii number 225 has a 6.5 (with 163/451 games with a 7 or higher) and for the PS3 number 182 has a 7.2 (224/375 games above a 7.0)

I would compare these to the Snes and PSX numbers, but they are hardly close to reality (metacritic has 252 PSX games listed and the Snes isn't even in the list).

Anyway even though these numbers do not give a exact average, it's obvious that the 360 and PS3 has a higher quality game, and if half the titles of these consoles is rated over a 7, then in all honesty it really ain't that bad, and if I look at around sevens in that list then there are still quite a few sweet titles, there are even titles of 6.5 and below that I've enjoyed like Star Trek Legacy, Spiderman 3, Too Human, Ninety-Nine Nights and they are part of the low part of the list.
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Edited By spazmaster666
@iam3green said:
" i don't think u should just get the game and thats it. u will just spend $300 + for the game and wii. it would just sit there and u will never play with it again.i don't think $300 would be worth that. my friend had a wii, he bought a couple of games for it. after he beat them it would just glow blue. finally he unplugged it. now it just sits at a uncles house because he sold it to him. "
Well I could always give it to my parents as a Christmas gift or something. :P But yeah in all seriousness, when I posted that blog, it was mainly a spur of the moment/venting thing. Never realized there would be such a large response.
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Edited By ryno9881
@turbomonkey138: I know right. I consider my money well spent because I was able to play Mario Galaxy and Fire emblem
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Edited By turbomonkey138

Why can't abyss be released in Europe . I hate region exclusives the most me thinks

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Edited By beargirl1

first off, love your pic ^^  
and at some points i actually thought of buying a wii for the exclusives.  
i really want to play Murmasa and No More Heroes, but that's probably all that i would buy. 

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Edited By turbomonkey138
@AjayRaz: Is your avatar off the beck anime ?
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Edited By TheGreatGuero

It won't be worth it for one game, and there's really not much worth playing on the Wii anyway. If you ask me, pretty much all of the Nintendo sequels on the Wii have been disappointing, and dare I say worse than their Gamecube predecessors.

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Edited By Hailinel
@TheGreatGuero said:
" It won't be worth it for one game, and there's really not much worth playing on the Wii anyway. If you ask me, pretty much all of the Nintendo sequels on the Wii have been disappointing, and dare I say worse than their Gamecube predecessors. "
Good thing Nintendo isn't the only company making Wii games, then.
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Edited By AgentJ
@turbomonkey138 said:
" @AjayRaz: Is your avatar off the beck anime ? "
I'm pretty sure that avatar is from the K-On! anime. Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad is my absolute favorite though
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Edited By beargirl1
@AgentJ said:
" @turbomonkey138 said:
" @AjayRaz: Is your avatar off the beck anime ? "
I'm pretty sure that avatar is from the K-On! anime. Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad is my absolute favorite though "
yup, it's off K-ON.