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#1  Edited By TruthTellah

@Morrow: From the developer:

"Rainbow Moon's battles last longer than your average encounter in Final Fantasy XIII but are shorter than let's say battles in Disgaea. The length of battles varies, but in most cases they will be something between thirty seconds to three minutes."

Thus, you'll never really have to just section off a hour or more of solid playing like you might with a game like Disgaea. Boss battles might take 15 minutes, but you can save before and after any battle. Saving is at any time in between battles. A lot of battling is optional, as well. So, you will not have too heavy of a load if you just want to take it casually a little bit at a time.

Hope that helps! :)

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#2  Edited By TruthTellah

@Bourbon_Warrior: Oh, and you should probably edit your original post to mention that story on how you kind of get it now. That way, you won't just get a torrent of people saying that you just don't understand, as many people won't read through all the previous comments to see your later reply.

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#3  Edited By TruthTellah

@Bourbon_Warrior said:

OK i take everything back just started another game and someone picked me up in their car, he gave me weapons and took me to his helicopter. We flew round for awhile trying to find survivors they told the pilot they needed blood so he got out and shot them I scrambled to the cockpit getting shot and successfully took off and crashed into a tree 100 ft from where they were I ejected from helicopter and broke my legs they came over tea baged me and shot me in the head.

Now -this- is Day Z.

Liked a real zombie apocalypse, without some guidance, it sucks and you die pretty quick. With some guidance and another person who semi knows what they're doing, it can actually be pretty awesome and crazy. Just try to either find a friend to play with, watch some videos to make things work yourself until you get your footing, or seek out other fans and see if they'll give you a friendly guide through. It definitely takes a lot of getting used to.

Glad you had some fun with it already. :)

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#4  Edited By TruthTellah

Wait, "allowed"? In this scenario, who is stopping them?

I mean, if it's just the consumers pressuring them into not doing Online Passes, then "No", we should make a concerted effort to make it unpopular to do. But if we're talking about a government saying it's somehow illegal and not allowed, then "Yes", as I would not want a government meddling in that.

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#5  Edited By TruthTellah

@Seppli said:

@TruthTellah said:

@Seppli said:

@forkboy said:

@Seppli said:

@Clairabel said:

@Seppli said:

@Clairabel said:

@Seppli: I'm not going to argue with you. Why? Because you clearly have no perception of mental illness. Do you think I'd be on medication if a daily run cured my crippling depression?

Additionally - after years of recreational drug abuse,

Well, there's my answer.

Drugs are good for you... or why else would you medicate your depression? On that I agree of course. We should every now and then tamper with our biochemistry for extraordinary life experiences. Psycodelic drugs can offer invaluable trips away from what might seem set in stone without - lessons which will change your life to the better forever. To be constantly drugged however, masking the symptoms - that seems dreadfully wrong to me.

Ask yourself what a depressed Dr. Doom would do. Exactly! He'd say to himself: 'Doom is depressed. Doom feels like killing himself.' Then he would laugh, because he isn't just Doom - he transcends Doom - and gives fuck all about how Doom feels. Just another fucking tool Doom is. Just remove yourself a couple of degrees of your own self, if you are capable of such. It grants perspective and room to breathe and think.

I once crashed a car (under the influence of course) into a forest. Positively flipped it into a tree. Whilst I was unhurt (because the tree crushed the backseat area, and a hazelnut bush caught me and the car thereafter), I was trapped in an upside down and twisted and crumpled car, in winter, alone in the forest, away from civilization and traffic. Did I panic? Yes. How did I work past it? By removing myself from the situation. Took me all of about 15 seconds to gather myself. Another 10 seconds to come up with a plan. A minute later I was breathing a cold winter night's fresh air - feeling better than ever before.

Not saying you should chance crashing a car into the woods, just saying you aren't confined to being just yourself, helpless and alone. Somewhere beyond you, farther away and much removed, there's another you, and that you can be in control. God helps those who help themselves. Find your inner Commander Sheperd (maybe a bad example, now that we know how that did end), and save your fucking galaxy.

This is pitiably narcissistic. Firstly, only a complete prick gets behind the wheel of a car when intoxicated. You acted like a cunt. I say that with no reservations.

Secondly, how do you know that whatever drug Clairabel is taking is merely "masking the symptoms"? You don't. You're clearly no medical professional, you sound like some sort of parody of Timothy Leary. It'd be funny if you weren't belittling peoples problems. Yeah, I realise that it's the internet & that's what people do, but it's fucking bullshit. And "ask what Dr Doom would do"? Jesus Christ on a bike, you must be some sort of absurd gimmick poster I'm just not familiar with.

There is plenty of things people can do to help deal with depression. The limited studies that governments have allowed to be done into the subject have shown that things like the psilocybin in magic mushrooms is of a benefit to people with severe depression. I believe similar has been found with LSD. There are things like CBT, & other forms of talking therapy. There are legal pharmaceuticals manufactured by huge corporations in the form of fluoxetine, citalopram, paroxetine & the like. There is things like exercise which undeniably leaves you feeling better about yourself, after a particularly dark moment last year I found myself quite literally in the middle of nowhere, on the southern tip of the Isle of Skye with no money & ended up walking the 15 miles from there to Kyle of Lochalsh before blagging my way onto a train as I clearly looked in some state. And despite having just experienced a real low, that 15 mile walk in the middle of the night through a stretch of land that can't have more than 100 people on it was wonderful, even if it was pitch black most of the time, & my feet had massive blisters on them. But despite that knowledge I would not just walk for 15 miles tomorrow, it came about because of the circumstances.

Ultimately some things work for some people, others don't. Medical opinion tends to suggest that SSRI drugs are really only much use in severe cases for example. But don't shit on things that work for other people. Even if it is just masking symptoms, even if it is merely psychosomatic, so fucking what? Whatever helps them get over a seriously debilitating condition.

Of course it's a narcissistic train of thought, because that's who I am - a self-centered prick with a fuck you attitude. Pitiful to you, but fine by me. Better that, than being suicidal and down, or just bitter and worked up like so many functional folks are.

Drugs, legal or illegal, tamper with your biochemistry. Hell - eating a piece of cake does so too. There's nothing inherently wrong with tampering with your biochemistry - is what I'm saying. Eating healthy and working out is the perfect example of that. I assume pretty much all prescription anti-depressants are mood stabilizers, and hence are simply masking the symptoms of the so-called illness. Don't get me wrong, I do get how one can be drawn to one's own death, like a bug to a lamp - and how that's terrifying. I do get how you simply can't get up in the morning and do what should be done. Been there, and been way worse. I just believe you got to learn to cope with such thoughts and emotions, and the gravitas of death, by your own means. How does chronic use of mood stabilizers help, unless you commit to taking them all your life (which is fine by me, if that's what you want)?

Be debilitated. You deserve to own it. What has been built, it's not worth keeping as it is - so why even pretend to bother? Be debilitated, and learn to live without purpose, simply because living on is sane. Get better at living. Work out. Cook your own meals. Eat healthy. Go and roam the great outdoors. Try and better yourself, find out what activities give you positive energy in return, and make them your religion. And if you must sin, then sin with no regrets. Fuck whores 'til your dick's sore. Drink yourself into oblivion. Do recreational drugs. Break something. Be loud. Be an asshole. Be irresponsible. Sleep all day. Stay up all night. Be who you are. It's not a mental illness, it's who you are. If you are deathly unhappy, so be it. Let it do to you, what it does - just don't let it kill you. How can who you are, and how you feel, be an illness? It's not. It being an illness is a cheap excuse. You are at odds with the facts of life, and the world of man - there's no hope of changing either. Maybe a war, one day - and that's all the hope you'll ever get, and pay for it with your humanity.

I am sorry if I offend you or anyone else, but there's no need for me to be politically correct. We are who we are, and if that doesn't do, then we'll reap what's coming to us. To be deathly unhappy is not an illness, it's who somebody is. Deal with it (like by seeing a therapist and using perscription meds, like Clairabel - and that's fine by me I guess). Myself - I'd simply never call myself ill. I'll never admit to being that helpless. I'd rather die in defiance.

In case you are wondering if I'm still driving under the influence. Yes I would, if I was still driving cars - but I don't. I haven't driven a car in a decade, because I'm a good guy that way. I'm not willing to be held responsible if I'd fuck up somebody else's life. I've also not had any recreational drugs in years. Nor do I drink. Or smoke. At least not anywhere near regularly. Whores are the only vice worth keeping, I say.

To be frank, you sound like one of the sickest people here.

Having faults and needing help sometimes is part of who you are as a human being, and it's good that many have really seen themselves and sought out some help for things they need help with. Life isn't just about us. There are other people here, as well, and they are here for a reason. We need each other. We are a part of this world. And it's okay to accept that.

In having this epiphany of yours, you unfortunately seem to have lost track of a big part of who you are. And that's in the people all around you.

I'm not making a case for 'not seeking help'. I'm making a case against labeling oneself ill. I wot 'mental illness' is a symptom of circumstance - so it's not us that's ill, but our surroundings that are sickening. That's the epiphany. To render oneself ill, is to reject responsibility for what's amiss all around you. And don't fool yourself about this, Humanity has not found its way yet, and in most cases, that's where the roots of mental illness are truely to be found.

Living a good life at any cost, even if it means to ignore the roots of the problem? How's that not extremely selfish? From my point of view, it's certainly wrong.

One says they are ill so that they can get the help they need to become well. Of course the world is ill in a broader sense, but the fact that everything is messed up doesn't preclude you from being messed up, too. Humanity is messed up in many ways, and you are a part of humanity. Human beings have issues, and you have issues. Saying you may have an illness isn't just saying you're hopelessly defective; it's acknowledging that you may need help to get better or improve. And fortunately, there are others around who can help and support us when we need, just as we can be there for them.

And once again, that's a significant aspect of the human experience. Our personal imperfection demands community. And community gives opportunity for connecting with others. In your statement on living life however the heck you want, there was no mention of other people outside of an offhanded mention of some women(whores) to use and toss aside as you like. Other people matter, and we don't just act like self-centered assholes with no care in the world because other people are worth being with and getting to know. Making meaningful connections with others and influencing their lives. How we interact and care for others is part of who we are. People are worth your time. We aren't just given strength to run ourselves into the ground. We aren't just given minds to waste them on empty thoughts to ourselves. Our strength can lift up and supporting others when they need strength. Our minds can share with others and make connections we could have never done alone. Life affords us the chance to be with others and contribute to the world in whatever little way we can. Interacting and making meaningful connections with others is a major part of being who you are as a human being, and to ignore or devalue that is to ignore and devalue a major part of who you are.

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#6  Edited By TruthTellah

But this was the last shot of him alive, wasn't it? :(

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#7  Edited By TruthTellah

@The_Nubster said:

@TruthTellah said:

@5socks5 said:

It's on YouTube somewhere. Hold on.

I am still holding on. ;_;

Maybe it's time to let go. . .

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#8  Edited By TruthTellah

@Seppli said:

@forkboy said:

@Seppli said:

@Clairabel said:

@Seppli said:

@Clairabel said:

@Seppli: I'm not going to argue with you. Why? Because you clearly have no perception of mental illness. Do you think I'd be on medication if a daily run cured my crippling depression?

Additionally - after years of recreational drug abuse,

Well, there's my answer.

Drugs are good for you... or why else would you medicate your depression? On that I agree of course. We should every now and then tamper with our biochemistry for extraordinary life experiences. Psycodelic drugs can offer invaluable trips away from what might seem set in stone without - lessons which will change your life to the better forever. To be constantly drugged however, masking the symptoms - that seems dreadfully wrong to me.

Ask yourself what a depressed Dr. Doom would do. Exactly! He'd say to himself: 'Doom is depressed. Doom feels like killing himself.' Then he would laugh, because he isn't just Doom - he transcends Doom - and gives fuck all about how Doom feels. Just another fucking tool Doom is. Just remove yourself a couple of degrees of your own self, if you are capable of such. It grants perspective and room to breathe and think.

I once crashed a car (under the influence of course) into a forest. Positively flipped it into a tree. Whilst I was unhurt (because the tree crushed the backseat area, and a hazelnut bush caught me and the car thereafter), I was trapped in an upside down and twisted and crumpled car, in winter, alone in the forest, away from civilization and traffic. Did I panic? Yes. How did I work past it? By removing myself from the situation. Took me all of about 15 seconds to gather myself. Another 10 seconds to come up with a plan. A minute later I was breathing a cold winter night's fresh air - feeling better than ever before.

Not saying you should chance crashing a car into the woods, just saying you aren't confined to being just yourself, helpless and alone. Somewhere beyond you, farther away and much removed, there's another you, and that you can be in control. God helps those who help themselves. Find your inner Commander Sheperd (maybe a bad example, now that we know how that did end), and save your fucking galaxy.

This is pitiably narcissistic. Firstly, only a complete prick gets behind the wheel of a car when intoxicated. You acted like a cunt. I say that with no reservations.

Secondly, how do you know that whatever drug Clairabel is taking is merely "masking the symptoms"? You don't. You're clearly no medical professional, you sound like some sort of parody of Timothy Leary. It'd be funny if you weren't belittling peoples problems. Yeah, I realise that it's the internet & that's what people do, but it's fucking bullshit. And "ask what Dr Doom would do"? Jesus Christ on a bike, you must be some sort of absurd gimmick poster I'm just not familiar with.

There is plenty of things people can do to help deal with depression. The limited studies that governments have allowed to be done into the subject have shown that things like the psilocybin in magic mushrooms is of a benefit to people with severe depression. I believe similar has been found with LSD. There are things like CBT, & other forms of talking therapy. There are legal pharmaceuticals manufactured by huge corporations in the form of fluoxetine, citalopram, paroxetine & the like. There is things like exercise which undeniably leaves you feeling better about yourself, after a particularly dark moment last year I found myself quite literally in the middle of nowhere, on the southern tip of the Isle of Skye with no money & ended up walking the 15 miles from there to Kyle of Lochalsh before blagging my way onto a train as I clearly looked in some state. And despite having just experienced a real low, that 15 mile walk in the middle of the night through a stretch of land that can't have more than 100 people on it was wonderful, even if it was pitch black most of the time, & my feet had massive blisters on them. But despite that knowledge I would not just walk for 15 miles tomorrow, it came about because of the circumstances.

Ultimately some things work for some people, others don't. Medical opinion tends to suggest that SSRI drugs are really only much use in severe cases for example. But don't shit on things that work for other people. Even if it is just masking symptoms, even if it is merely psychosomatic, so fucking what? Whatever helps them get over a seriously debilitating condition.

Of course it's a narcissistic train of thought, because that's who I am - a self-centered prick with a fuck you attitude. Pitiful to you, but fine by me. Better that, than being suicidal and down, or just bitter and worked up like so many functional folks are.

Drugs, legal or illegal, tamper with your biochemistry. Hell - eating a piece of cake does so too. There's nothing inherently wrong with tampering with your biochemistry - is what I'm saying. Eating healthy and working out is the perfect example of that. I assume pretty much all prescription anti-depressants are mood stabilizers, and hence are simply masking the symptoms of the so-called illness. Don't get me wrong, I do get how one can be drawn to one's own death, like a bug to a lamp - and how that's terrifying. I do get how you simply can't get up in the morning and do what should be done. Been there, and been way worse. I just believe you got to learn to cope with such thoughts and emotions, and the gravitas of death, by your own means. How does chronic use of mood stabilizers help, unless you commit to taking them all your life (which is fine by me, if that's what you want)?

Be debilitated. You deserve to own it. What has been built, it's not worth keeping as it is - so why even pretend to bother? Be debilitated, and learn to live without purpose, simply because living on is sane. Get better at living. Work out. Cook your own meals. Eat healthy. Go and roam the great outdoors. Try and better yourself, find out what activities give you positive energy in return, and make them your religion. And if you must sin, then sin with no regrets. Fuck whores 'til your dick's sore. Drink yourself into oblivion. Do recreational drugs. Break something. Be loud. Be an asshole. Be irresponsible. Sleep all day. Stay up all night. Be who you are. It's not a mental illness, it's who you are. If you are deathly unhappy, so be it. Let it do to you, what it does - just don't let it kill you. How can who you are, and how you feel, be an illness? It's not. It being an illness is a cheap excuse. You are at odds with the facts of life, and the world of man - there's no hope of changing either. Maybe a war, one day - and that's all the hope you'll ever get, and pay for it with your humanity.

I am sorry if I offend you or anyone else, but there's no need for me to be politically correct. We are who we are, and if that doesn't do, then we'll reap what's coming to us. To be deathly unhappy is not an illness, it's who somebody is. Deal with it (like by seeing a therapist and using perscription meds, like Clairabel - and that's fine by me I guess). Myself - I'd simply never call myself ill. I'll never admit to being that helpless. I'd rather die in defiance.

In case you are wondering if I'm still driving under the influence. Yes I would, if I was still driving cars - but I don't. I haven't driven a car in a decade, because I'm a good guy that way. I'm not willing to be held responsible if I'd fuck up somebody else's life. I've also not had any recreational drugs in years. Nor do I drink. Or smoke. At least not anywhere near regularly. Whores are the only vice worth keeping, I say.

To be frank, you sound like one of the sickest people here.

Having faults and needing help sometimes is part of who you are as a human being, and it's good that many have really seen themselves and sought out some help for things they need help with. Life isn't just about us. There are other people here, as well, and they are here for a reason. We need each other. We are a part of this world. And it's okay to accept that.

In having this epiphany of yours, you unfortunately seem to have lost track of a big part of who you are. And that's in the people all around you.

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#9  Edited By TruthTellah

@5socks5 said:

It's on YouTube somewhere. Hold on.

I am still holding on. ;_;

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#10  Edited By TruthTellah

Thanks for the thoughtful post. I respect your personal stance on this and appreciate your commitment to your local community businesses, but uh...

*kicks local business*