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Top ten games of 2013

My top ten games of the year, before that heres the ones that i played but didn't make it.

The Cave:

It's an okay, 2D puzzle game. Picking from the three characters is interesting enough and the different ways they play are neat, but it's not got a lot else going for it. Decidedly middle of the road.

Final Fantasy: All The Bravest

Fuck this Game and Fuck square for making it. If you're looking for a game were the object is to swipe the side of your screen for 2 mintues while your characters "attack" then go for it, otherwise stay far away from this mess.

Strike Suit Zero:

Not really touched this, it's alright from what i've played so far. Better than i thought it would be, will play more soon.

Don't Starve

: Another one i've not got a lot of time with. It's interesting so far, but i'm not sure if it will keep my interest without some more narative hooks. Just my own problem, not the games fault.

Dungeon Hunter 4:

Nice diablo style game on your phone. Not bad but they are a little pushy with the mircotransactions. To be fair from what i played you don't need to pay for anything to progress.


Only played this for a few hours, It seems like a pretty cool mmo. I haven't watched the show yet so i don't know how it interacts with it. Seems alright.

Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel:

Ugh, just...Ugh.

The Wolf Among Us:

Only played the demo, will wait for more to come out before i decided on it. Waiting to see if any of your "choices" matter like they didn't in the walking dead.

FIFA 14:

More FIFA goodness, although the pc version getting shafted is a major bummer and why i probably haven't bought it yet.

MechWarrior Online:

A not bad online shooter for free. Mirco transactions are a little iffy at times but the game overall is good fun. There aren't enough mech games anyway.

Papers, Please:

Interesting game, would love to play more of it at some point but other stuff has taken priority over it so far. Will come back to this int he new year.

Neverwinter:A fun mmo to play through, I've only really messed with it for a while and i wouldn't mind playing some more. The player missions is a nice idea and i played through a few interesting ones.

Gunpoint: Another game i've bearly touched. Soon(TM)

Battle Worlds: Kronos:Just played the demo, could be interesting to try out, will wait for a price drop then see how it turned out.

Dust 514: A fun online shooter, It is nice to be back int he EvE world again.

Path of Exile: I haven't had the chance to really sink my teeth into this but i really do like what i've played, I might have complained about the other games here on mircotransactions but this is perfectly fine with them, infact it might be a little too nice with them, not that i'm complaining. Hope i get more of a chance to play this and hopefully it can grab me like torchlight did last year.

Payday 2: I was very surpised how much i liked this. It has a nice progression curve to it and the heists all seem fun and well made. Just a good fun game.

The Stanley Parable: I thought this was okay. I liked the humour, and the gameplay was interesting, but not great. I liked the way ti plays with tropes of video games and the narrator is an enjoyable experiance (see, i told you we'd see them more after bastion!) But it is a little flat. It's a game with a nice series of endings but isn't as strong as Gone Home which had it's one far stronger story.

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance: I wanted to like this more, but it's not bad as is. It's not really a metal gear game in any sense but i really did enjoy my time with it. There is somethign really fun about just hammering your analogue stick and watching someone get diced into tiny pieces.

Rogue Legacy:This is just going to miss out, a real shame because it was a really good game that i enjoyed just mindlessly playing through. You can just pick it up and play through it, you don't even really get mad when you die because your still moving on. Good stuff alround i would say.

List items

  • It's just a great game. I love the world of columbia. I think the game looks amazing, it's nice to see a game with all the colours that this one does after so many go for dark and gritty. Of course the story and the violence in this are very dark which gives a nice stark contrast between the two. It helps bring you into the world as the world looks pretty but there is an uglyness both hidden and in plain sight aswell (the order of the Ravena good example). Booker and Elizabeth have a great chemistry and the game really sells us on them struggling just to escape this crazy city and how impossible it seems for them to do this. I won't talk about the ending but the video on here of the guys discussing it is really all you need to know, It's crazy, but in a good way.

  • This game for me had the most amount of win moments of a game this year. The amount of times it puts you in a really shitty place and you have to slowly crawl and force your way through the obsticals they put in from of you before finally reaching the top and just being able to breath again. The radio tower inparticular was one of my favortite moments of the year. This game kept giving untilt he very end and was very fun to play while taking me on an adventure.

  • I don't like the ending to this, But i think it fits the story and the world. The game though is extremely enjoyable to play which was shocking as i never really clicked with uncharted the way others seemed to. I think this is a great system and gives the play a lot of power while still having them be venerable (FUCK CLICKERS). I think this might have the best charactsation of a game this year. The two main protaganists grow over the course of the game and you slowly learn more and more about them and how they're past has shaped them. I also hope this is the last we see of them, I don't think we need to go back to this world as they're isn't anything to go back to.

  • (just want to make a note here for the top 4 games, i really think that they have some of the best writing i've seen in games maybe ever. And the best thign about them is that they each tell a unquie story and do so very well. Gone Home tells a very realistic and sweet story, The last of us tells a depressing and humanising story of hope in hopelessness, Tomb Raider is a personal story about overcoming the odds and surving at any cost and bioshock: infinite tells a twisting mystery that slowly revels itself through the two main characters).

    Happyness, thats what this game is at it's core. In a sea of Grim/Dark games and tales of epic praporstions, it';s nice to see such a well writen game that still keeps what makes games great close to it. The story could only be told this way in a game and it makes it all the better for it. It's also a portal back to the 90's and a remindor of what that was like. I'm VERY glad they didn't go the way i thought they were going to and just wrote a natural and realistic story. Very happy i played this espically after i had just finished the last of us.

  • Silly. A silly, silly game and i love it for it. It's just madness and mayhem all the way through it. great stuff and if this is the end of the series then it's ending on a high.

  • Ahh, this game. It's miles better than the disapointing GTA IV. It tells it's story in a cool way with having three protaganists in it and i didn't mind the story to be honest. they brought back the fun of the old games and just let you go about doing waht you want to do and giving you as many systems as possible to do them in reather than limit you like it felt IV tried to do. Plus the online is differnet and can find yourself lost in a playlist.

  • This year was kind of lacking in rpg's i has to be said, this was easily the best one to come out (in my veiw). It gives a unique world to be a part of and just lose yourself in. The world setting is both familiar and unique for rpgs. i has a nice blend of influences. From dues ex, to xcom to general cyberpunk and a nicely rounded out story that starts as a mystery and continues from their into something bigger. Really well done and gives me hope that the other kickstarter games will turn out alright. The save system is kinda bad though so watch out for that. A part from that though.

  • I'm still a league of Legends guy at heart, but in the past year dota has done a lot to win me over. I really like it as a change from league. It's systems are very well put together, The characters are different from and do different tasks, and there is a greater focus on items and tgiving them unquie abilties over having them give you stats and passive bonus's. Just a fun game to play with Friends.

  • I can't really help liking these games. Even if i do feel the shine coming off of it in this game i still enjoy playing them. The story is really good aswell. It has a nice mystery going on around it until the half way point and then has batman be Batman and save the day. I realise it's just a filler right now until rocksteady are ready to go forward with their game but i liked it non the less.

  • So i'm not a basketball fan by any means. I stopped watching once Jordon retired and even then i was only kinda following it. I don't have a team and bearly know what's going on at more than a base level. But i love playing this game. It's made me more interested in the sport as a whole. I'm playing through the career mode and just having a blast with it. if you like sports games then honestly give this a try.